#!/bin/bash # Flags FLAG_Y="y" FLAG_N="n" FLAGS_Y_N="$FLAG_Y $FLAG_N" FLAG_NOT_APPLICABLE="_NA_" CURRENT_VERSION=$1 WRAPPER_SCRIPT_TYPE_RPMDEB="RPMDEB" WRAPPER_SCRIPT_TYPE_DOCKER_COMPOSE="DOCKERCOMPOSE" SENSITIVE_KEY_VALUE="__sensitive_key_hidden___" # Shared system keys SYS_KEY_SHARED_JFROGURL="shared.jfrogUrl" SYS_KEY_SHARED_SECURITY_JOINKEY="shared.security.joinKey" SYS_KEY_SHARED_SECURITY_MASTERKEY="shared.security.masterKey" SYS_KEY_SHARED_NODE_ID="shared.node.id" SYS_KEY_SHARED_JAVAHOME="shared.javaHome" SYS_KEY_SHARED_DATABASE_TYPE="shared.database.type" SYS_KEY_SHARED_DATABASE_TYPE_VALUE_POSTGRES="postgresql" SYS_KEY_SHARED_DATABASE_DRIVER="shared.database.driver" SYS_KEY_SHARED_DATABASE_URL="shared.database.url" SYS_KEY_SHARED_DATABASE_USERNAME="shared.database.username" SYS_KEY_SHARED_DATABASE_PASSWORD="shared.database.password" SYS_KEY_SHARED_ELASTICSEARCH_URL="shared.elasticsearch.url" SYS_KEY_SHARED_ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME="shared.elasticsearch.username" SYS_KEY_SHARED_ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD="shared.elasticsearch.password" SYS_KEY_SHARED_ELASTICSEARCH_CLUSTERSETUP="shared.elasticsearch.clusterSetup" SYS_KEY_SHARED_ELASTICSEARCH_UNICASTFILE="shared.elasticsearch.unicastFile" SYS_KEY_SHARED_ELASTICSEARCH_CLUSTERSETUP_VALUE="YES" # Define this in product specific script. Should contain the path to unitcast file # File used by insight server to write cluster active nodes info. This will be read by elasticsearch #SYS_KEY_SHARED_ELASTICSEARCH_UNICASTFILE_VALUE="" SYS_KEY_RABBITMQ_ACTIVE_NODE_NAME="shared.rabbitMq.active.node.name" SYS_KEY_RABBITMQ_ACTIVE_NODE_IP="shared.rabbitMq.active.node.ip" # Filenames FILE_NAME_SYSTEM_YAML="system.yaml" FILE_NAME_JOIN_KEY="join.key" FILE_NAME_MASTER_KEY="master.key" FILE_NAME_INSTALLER_YAML="installer.yaml" # Global constants used in business logic NODE_TYPE_STANDALONE="standalone" NODE_TYPE_CLUSTER_NODE="node" NODE_TYPE_DATABASE="database" # External(isable) databases DATABASE_POSTGRES="POSTGRES" DATABASE_ELASTICSEARCH="ELASTICSEARCH" DATABASE_RABBITMQ="RABBITMQ" POSTGRES_LABEL="PostgreSQL" ELASTICSEARCH_LABEL="Elasticsearch" RABBITMQ_LABEL="Rabbitmq" ARTIFACTORY_LABEL="Artifactory" JFMC_LABEL="Mission Control" DISTRIBUTION_LABEL="Distribution" XRAY_LABEL="Xray" POSTGRES_CONTAINER="postgres" ELASTICSEARCH_CONTAINER="elasticsearch" RABBITMQ_CONTAINER="rabbitmq" REDIS_CONTAINER="redis" #Adding a small timeout before a read ensures it is positioned correctly in the screen read_timeout=0.5 # Options related to data directory location PROMPT_DATA_DIR_LOCATION="Installation Directory" KEY_DATA_DIR_LOCATION="installer.data_dir" SYS_KEY_SHARED_NODE_HAENABLED="shared.node.haEnabled" PROMPT_ADD_TO_CLUSTER="Are you adding an additional node to an existing product cluster?" KEY_ADD_TO_CLUSTER="installer.ha" VALID_VALUES_ADD_TO_CLUSTER="$FLAGS_Y_N" MESSAGE_POSTGRES_INSTALL="The installer can install a $POSTGRES_LABEL database, or you can connect to an existing compatible $POSTGRES_LABEL database\n(compatible databases: https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/JFROG/System+Requirements#SystemRequirements-RequirementsMatrix)" PROMPT_POSTGRES_INSTALL="Do you want to install $POSTGRES_LABEL?" KEY_POSTGRES_INSTALL="installer.install_postgresql" VALID_VALUES_POSTGRES_INSTALL="$FLAGS_Y_N" # Postgres connection details RPM_DEB_POSTGRES_HOME_DEFAULT="/var/opt/jfrog/postgres" RPM_DEB_MESSAGE_STANDALONE_POSTGRES_DATA="$POSTGRES_LABEL home will have data and its configuration" RPM_DEB_PROMPT_STANDALONE_POSTGRES_DATA="Type desired $POSTGRES_LABEL home location" RPM_DEB_KEY_STANDALONE_POSTGRES_DATA="installer.postgresql.home" MESSAGE_DATABASE_URL="Provide the database connection details" PROMPT_DATABASE_URL(){ local databaseURlExample= case "$PRODUCT_NAME" in $ARTIFACTORY_LABEL) databaseURlExample="jdbc:postgresql://:/artifactory" ;; $JFMC_LABEL) databaseURlExample="postgresql://:/mission_control?sslmode=disable" ;; $DISTRIBUTION_LABEL) databaseURlExample="jdbc:postgresql://:/distribution?sslmode=disable" ;; $XRAY_LABEL) databaseURlExample="postgres://:/xraydb?sslmode=disable" ;; esac if [ -z "$databaseURlExample" ]; then echo -n "$POSTGRES_LABEL URL" # For consistency with username and password return fi echo -n "$POSTGRES_LABEL url. Example: [$databaseURlExample]" } REGEX_DATABASE_URL(){ local databaseURlExample= case "$PRODUCT_NAME" in $ARTIFACTORY_LABEL) databaseURlExample="jdbc:postgresql://.*/artifactory.*" ;; $JFMC_LABEL) databaseURlExample="postgresql://.*/mission_control.*" ;; $DISTRIBUTION_LABEL) databaseURlExample="jdbc:postgresql://.*/distribution.*" ;; $XRAY_LABEL) databaseURlExample="postgres://.*/xraydb.*" ;; esac echo -n "^$databaseURlExample\$" } ERROR_MESSAGE_DATABASE_URL="Invalid $POSTGRES_LABEL URL" KEY_DATABASE_URL="$SYS_KEY_SHARED_DATABASE_URL" #NOTE: It is important to display the label. Since the message may be hidden if URL is known PROMPT_DATABASE_USERNAME="$POSTGRES_LABEL username" KEY_DATABASE_USERNAME="$SYS_KEY_SHARED_DATABASE_USERNAME" #NOTE: It is important to display the label. Since the message may be hidden if URL is known PROMPT_DATABASE_PASSWORD="$POSTGRES_LABEL password" KEY_DATABASE_PASSWORD="$SYS_KEY_SHARED_DATABASE_PASSWORD" IS_SENSITIVE_DATABASE_PASSWORD="$FLAG_Y" MESSAGE_STANDALONE_ELASTICSEARCH_INSTALL="The installer can install a $ELASTICSEARCH_LABEL database or you can connect to an existing compatible $ELASTICSEARCH_LABEL database" PROMPT_STANDALONE_ELASTICSEARCH_INSTALL="Do you want to install $ELASTICSEARCH_LABEL?" KEY_STANDALONE_ELASTICSEARCH_INSTALL="installer.install_elasticsearch" VALID_VALUES_STANDALONE_ELASTICSEARCH_INSTALL="$FLAGS_Y_N" # Elasticsearch connection details MESSAGE_ELASTICSEARCH_DETAILS="Provide the $ELASTICSEARCH_LABEL connection details" PROMPT_ELASTICSEARCH_URL="$ELASTICSEARCH_LABEL URL" KEY_ELASTICSEARCH_URL="$SYS_KEY_SHARED_ELASTICSEARCH_URL" PROMPT_ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME="$ELASTICSEARCH_LABEL username" KEY_ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME="$SYS_KEY_SHARED_ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME" PROMPT_ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD="$ELASTICSEARCH_LABEL password" KEY_ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD="$SYS_KEY_SHARED_ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD" IS_SENSITIVE_ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD="$FLAG_Y" # Cluster related questions MESSAGE_CLUSTER_MASTER_KEY="Provide the cluster's master key. It can be found in the data directory of the first node under /etc/security/master.key" PROMPT_CLUSTER_MASTER_KEY="Master Key" KEY_CLUSTER_MASTER_KEY="$SYS_KEY_SHARED_SECURITY_MASTERKEY" IS_SENSITIVE_CLUSTER_MASTER_KEY="$FLAG_Y" MESSAGE_JOIN_KEY="The Join key is the secret key used to establish trust between services in the JFrog Platform.\n(You can copy the Join Key from Admin > Security > Settings)" PROMPT_JOIN_KEY="Join Key" KEY_JOIN_KEY="$SYS_KEY_SHARED_SECURITY_JOINKEY" IS_SENSITIVE_JOIN_KEY="$FLAG_Y" REGEX_JOIN_KEY="^[a-zA-Z0-9]{16,}\$" ERROR_MESSAGE_JOIN_KEY="Invalid Join Key" # Rabbitmq related cluster information MESSAGE_RABBITMQ_ACTIVE_NODE_NAME="Provide an active ${RABBITMQ_LABEL} node name. Run the command [ hostname -s ] on any of the existing nodes in the product cluster to get this" PROMPT_RABBITMQ_ACTIVE_NODE_NAME="${RABBITMQ_LABEL} active node name" KEY_RABBITMQ_ACTIVE_NODE_NAME="$SYS_KEY_RABBITMQ_ACTIVE_NODE_NAME" # Rabbitmq related cluster information (necessary only for docker-compose) PROMPT_RABBITMQ_ACTIVE_NODE_IP="${RABBITMQ_LABEL} active node ip" KEY_RABBITMQ_ACTIVE_NODE_IP="$SYS_KEY_RABBITMQ_ACTIVE_NODE_IP" MESSAGE_JFROGURL(){ echo -e "The JFrog URL allows ${PRODUCT_NAME} to connect to a JFrog Platform Instance.\n(You can copy the JFrog URL from Admin > Security > Settings)" } PROMPT_JFROGURL="JFrog URL" KEY_JFROGURL="$SYS_KEY_SHARED_JFROGURL" REGEX_JFROGURL="^https?://.*:{0,}[0-9]{0,4}\$" ERROR_MESSAGE_JFROGURL="Invalid JFrog URL" # Set this to FLAG_Y on upgrade IS_UPGRADE="${FLAG_N}" # This belongs in JFMC but is the ONLY one that needs it so keeping it here for now. Can be made into a method and overridden if necessary MESSAGE_MULTIPLE_PG_SCHEME="Please setup $POSTGRES_LABEL with schema as described in https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/JFROG/Installing+Mission+Control" _getMethodOutputOrVariableValue() { unset EFFECTIVE_MESSAGE local keyToSearch=$1 local effectiveMessage= local result="0" # logSilly "Searching for method: [$keyToSearch]" LC_ALL=C type "$keyToSearch" > /dev/null 2>&1 || result="$?" if [[ "$result" == "0" ]]; then # logSilly "Found method for [$keyToSearch]" EFFECTIVE_MESSAGE="$($keyToSearch)" return fi eval EFFECTIVE_MESSAGE=\${$keyToSearch} if [ ! -z "$EFFECTIVE_MESSAGE" ]; then return fi # logSilly "Didn't find method or variable for [$keyToSearch]" } # REF https://misc.flogisoft.com/bash/tip_colors_and_formatting cClear="\e[0m" cBlue="\e[38;5;69m" cRedDull="\e[1;31m" cYellow="\e[1;33m" cRedBright="\e[38;5;197m" cBold="\e[1m" _loggerGetModeRaw() { local MODE="$1" case $MODE in INFO) printf "" ;; DEBUG) printf "%s" "[${MODE}] " ;; WARN) printf "${cRedDull}%s%s${cClear}" "[" "${MODE}" "] " ;; ERROR) printf "${cRedBright}%s%s${cClear}" "[" "${MODE}" "] " ;; esac } _loggerGetMode() { local MODE="$1" case $MODE in INFO) printf "${cBlue}%s%-5s%s${cClear}" "[" "${MODE}" "]" ;; DEBUG) printf "%-7s" "[${MODE}]" ;; WARN) printf "${cRedDull}%s%-5s%s${cClear}" "[" "${MODE}" "]" ;; ERROR) printf "${cRedBright}%s%-5s%s${cClear}" "[" "${MODE}" "]" ;; esac } # Capitalises the first letter of the message _loggerGetMessage() { local originalMessage="$*" local firstChar=$(echo "${originalMessage:0:1}" | awk '{ print toupper($0) }') local resetOfMessage="${originalMessage:1}" echo "$firstChar$resetOfMessage" } # The spec also says content should be left-trimmed but this is not necessary in our case. We don't reach the limit. _loggerGetStackTrace() { printf "%s%-30s%s" "[" "$1:$2" "]" } _loggerGetThread() { printf "%s" "[main]" } _loggerGetServiceType() { printf "%s%-5s%s" "[" "shell" "]" } #Trace ID is not applicable to scripts _loggerGetTraceID() { printf "%s" "[]" } logRaw() { echo "" printf "$1" echo "" } logBold(){ echo "" printf "${cBold}$1${cClear}" echo "" } # The date binary works differently based on whether it is GNU/BSD is_date_supported=0 date --version > /dev/null 2>&1 || is_date_supported=1 IS_GNU=$(echo $is_date_supported) _loggerGetTimestamp() { if [ "${IS_GNU}" == "0" ]; then echo -n $(date -u +%FT%T.%3NZ) else echo -n $(date -u +%FT%T.000Z) fi } # https://www.shellscript.sh/tips/spinner/ _spin() { spinner="/|\\-/|\\-" while : do for i in `seq 0 7` do echo -n "${spinner:$i:1}" echo -en "\010" sleep 1 done done } showSpinner() { # Start the Spinner: _spin & # Make a note of its Process ID (PID): SPIN_PID=$! # Kill the spinner on any signal, including our own exit. trap "kill -9 $SPIN_PID" `seq 0 15` &> /dev/null || return 0 } stopSpinner() { local occurrences=$(ps -ef | grep -wc "${SPIN_PID}") let "occurrences+=0" # validate that it is present (2 since this search itself will show up in the results) if [ $occurrences -gt 1 ]; then kill -9 $SPIN_PID &>/dev/null || return 0 wait $SPIN_ID &>/dev/null fi } _getEffectiveMessage(){ local MESSAGE="$1" local MODE=${2-"INFO"} if [ -z "$CONTEXT" ]; then CONTEXT=$(caller) fi _EFFECTIVE_MESSAGE= if [ -z "$LOG_BEHAVIOR_ADD_META" ]; then _EFFECTIVE_MESSAGE="$(_loggerGetModeRaw $MODE)$(_loggerGetMessage $MESSAGE)" else local SERVICE_TYPE="script" local TRACE_ID="" local THREAD="main" local CONTEXT_LINE=$(echo "$CONTEXT" | awk '{print $1}') local CONTEXT_FILE=$(echo "$CONTEXT" | awk -F"/" '{print $NF}') _EFFECTIVE_MESSAGE="$(_loggerGetTimestamp) $(_loggerGetServiceType) $(_loggerGetMode $MODE) $(_loggerGetTraceID) $(_loggerGetStackTrace $CONTEXT_FILE $CONTEXT_LINE) $(_loggerGetThread) - $(_loggerGetMessage $MESSAGE)" fi CONTEXT= } # Important - don't call any log method from this method. Will become an infinite loop. Use echo to debug _logToFile() { local MODE=${1-"INFO"} local targetFile="$LOG_BEHAVIOR_ADD_REDIRECTION" # IF the file isn't passed, abort if [ -z "$targetFile" ]; then return fi # IF this is not being run in verbose mode and mode is debug or lower, abort if [ "${VERBOSE_MODE}" != "$FLAG_Y" ] && [ "${VERBOSE_MODE}" != "true" ] && [ "${VERBOSE_MODE}" != "debug" ]; then if [ "$MODE" == "DEBUG" ] || [ "$MODE" == "SILLY" ]; then return fi fi # Create the file if it doesn't exist if [ ! -f "${targetFile}" ]; then return # touch $targetFile > /dev/null 2>&1 || true fi # # Make it readable # chmod 640 $targetFile > /dev/null 2>&1 || true # Log contents printf "%s\n" "$_EFFECTIVE_MESSAGE" >> "$targetFile" || true } logger() { if [ "$LOG_BEHAVIOR_ADD_NEW_LINE" == "$FLAG_Y" ]; then echo "" fi _getEffectiveMessage "$@" local MODE=${2-"INFO"} printf "%s\n" "$_EFFECTIVE_MESSAGE" _logToFile "$MODE" } logDebug(){ VERBOSE_MODE=${VERBOSE_MODE-"false"} CONTEXT=$(caller) if [ "${VERBOSE_MODE}" == "$FLAG_Y" ] || [ "${VERBOSE_MODE}" == "true" ] || [ "${VERBOSE_MODE}" == "debug" ];then logger "$1" "DEBUG" else logger "$1" "DEBUG" >&6 fi CONTEXT= } logSilly(){ VERBOSE_MODE=${VERBOSE_MODE-"false"} CONTEXT=$(caller) if [ "${VERBOSE_MODE}" == "silly" ];then logger "$1" "DEBUG" else logger "$1" "DEBUG" >&6 fi CONTEXT= } logError() { CONTEXT=$(caller) logger "$1" "ERROR" CONTEXT= } errorExit () { CONTEXT=$(caller) logger "$1" "ERROR" CONTEXT= exit 1 } warn () { CONTEXT=$(caller) logger "$1" "WARN" CONTEXT= } note () { CONTEXT=$(caller) logger "$1" "NOTE" CONTEXT= } bannerStart() { title=$1 echo echo -e "\033[1m${title}\033[0m" echo } bannerSection() { title=$1 echo echo -e "******************************** ${title} ********************************" echo } bannerSubSection() { title=$1 echo echo -e "************** ${title} *******************" echo } bannerMessge() { title=$1 echo echo -e "********************************" echo -e "${title}" echo -e "********************************" echo } setRed () { local input="$1" echo -e \\033[31m${input}\\033[0m } setGreen () { local input="$1" echo -e \\033[32m${input}\\033[0m } setYellow () { local input="$1" echo -e \\033[33m${input}\\033[0m } logger_addLinebreak () { echo -e "---\n" } bannerImportant() { title=$1 local bold="\033[1m" local noColour="\033[0m" echo echo -e "${bold}######################################## IMPORTANT ########################################${noColour}" echo -e "${bold}${title}${noColour}" echo -e "${bold}###########################################################################################${noColour}" echo } bannerEnd() { #TODO pass a title and calculate length dynamically so that start and end look alike echo echo "*****************************************************************************" echo } banner() { title=$1 content=$2 bannerStart "${title}" echo -e "$content" } # The logic below helps us redirect content we'd normally hide to the log file. # # We have several commands which clutter the console with output and so use # `cmd > /dev/null` - this redirects the command's output to null. # # However, the information we just hid maybe useful for support. Using the code pattern # `cmd >&6` (instead of `cmd> >/dev/null` ), the command's output is hidden from the console # but redirected to the installation log file # #Default value of 6 is just null exec 6>>/dev/null redirectLogsToFile() { echo "" # local file=$1 # [ ! -z "${file}" ] || return 0 # local logDir=$(dirname "$file") # if [ ! -f "${file}" ]; then # [ -d "${logDir}" ] || mkdir -p ${logDir} || \ # ( echo "WARNING : Could not create parent directory (${logDir}) to redirect console log : ${file}" ; return 0 ) # fi # #6 now points to the log file # exec 6>>${file} # #reference https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/145651/using-exec-and-tee-to-redirect-logs-to-stdout-and-a-log-file-in-the-same-time # exec 2>&1 > >(tee -a "${file}") } # Check if a give key contains any sensitive string as part of it # Based on the result, the caller can decide its value can be displayed or not # Sample usage : isKeySensitive "${key}" && displayValue="******" || displayValue=${value} isKeySensitive(){ local key=$1 local sensitiveKeys="password|secret|key|token" if [ -z "${key}" ]; then return 1 else local lowercaseKey=$(echo "${key}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' 2>/dev/null) [[ "${lowercaseKey}" =~ ${sensitiveKeys} ]] && return 0 || return 1 fi } getPrintableValueOfKey(){ local displayValue= local key="$1" if [ -z "$key" ]; then # This is actually an incorrect usage of this method but any logging will cause unexpected content in the caller echo -n "" return fi local value="$2" isKeySensitive "${key}" && displayValue="$SENSITIVE_KEY_VALUE" || displayValue="${value}" echo -n $displayValue } _createConsoleLog(){ if [ -z "${JF_PRODUCT_HOME}" ]; then return fi local targetFile="${JF_PRODUCT_HOME}/var/log/console.log" mkdir -p "${JF_PRODUCT_HOME}/var/log" || true if [ ! -f ${targetFile} ]; then touch $targetFile > /dev/null 2>&1 || true fi chmod 640 $targetFile > /dev/null 2>&1 || true } # Output from application's logs are piped to this method. It checks a configuration variable to determine if content should be logged to # the common console.log file redirectServiceLogsToFile() { local result="0" # check if the function getSystemValue exists LC_ALL=C type getSystemValue > /dev/null 2>&1 || result="$?" if [[ "$result" != "0" ]]; then warn "Couldn't find the systemYamlHelper. Skipping log redirection" return 0 fi getSystemValue "shared.consoleLog" "NOT_SET" if [[ "${YAML_VALUE}" == "false" ]]; then logger "Redirection is set to false. Skipping log redirection" return 0; fi if [ -z "${JF_PRODUCT_HOME}" ] || [ "${JF_PRODUCT_HOME}" == "" ]; then warn "JF_PRODUCT_HOME is unavailable. Skipping log redirection" return 0 fi local targetFile="${JF_PRODUCT_HOME}/var/log/console.log" _createConsoleLog while read -r line; do printf '%s\n' "${line}" >> $targetFile || return 0 # Don't want to log anything - might clutter the screen done } ## Display environment variables starting with JF_ along with its value ## Value of sensitive keys will be displayed as "******" ## ## Sample Display : ## ## ======================== ## JF Environment variables ## ======================== ## ## JF_SHARED_NODE_ID : locahost ## JF_SHARED_JOINKEY : ****** ## ## displayEnv() { local JFEnv=$(printenv | grep ^JF_ 2>/dev/null) local key= local value= if [ -z "${JFEnv}" ]; then return fi cat << ENV_START_MESSAGE ======================== JF Environment variables ======================== ENV_START_MESSAGE for entry in ${JFEnv}; do key=$(echo "${entry}" | awk -F'=' '{print $1}') value=$(echo "${entry}" | awk -F'=' '{print $2}') isKeySensitive "${key}" && value="******" || value=${value} printf "\n%-35s%s" "${key}" " : ${value}" done echo; } _addLogRotateConfiguration() { logDebug "Method ${FUNCNAME[0]}" # mandatory inputs local confFile="$1" local logFile="$2" # Method available in _ioOperations.sh LC_ALL=C type io_setYQPath > /dev/null 2>&1 || return 1 io_setYQPath # Method available in _systemYamlHelper.sh LC_ALL=C type getSystemValue > /dev/null 2>&1 || return 1 local frequency="daily" local archiveFolder="archived" local compressLogFiles= getSystemValue "shared.logging.rotation.compress" "true" if [[ "${YAML_VALUE}" == "true" ]]; then compressLogFiles="compress" fi getSystemValue "shared.logging.rotation.maxFiles" "10" local noOfBackupFiles="${YAML_VALUE}" getSystemValue "shared.logging.rotation.maxSizeMb" "25" local sizeOfFile="${YAML_VALUE}M" logDebug "Adding logrotate configuration for [$logFile] to [$confFile]" # Add configuration to file local confContent=$(cat << LOGROTATECONF $logFile { $frequency missingok rotate $noOfBackupFiles $compressLogFiles notifempty olddir $archiveFolder dateext extension .log dateformat -%Y-%m-%d size ${sizeOfFile} } LOGROTATECONF ) echo "${confContent}" > ${confFile} || return 1 } _operationIsBySameUser() { local targetUser="$1" local currentUserID=$(id -u) local currentUserName=$(id -un) if [ $currentUserID == $targetUser ] || [ $currentUserName == $targetUser ]; then echo -n "yes" else echo -n "no" fi } _addCronJobForLogrotate() { logDebug "Method ${FUNCNAME[0]}" # Abort if logrotate is not available [ "$(io_commandExists 'crontab')" != "yes" ] && warn "cron is not available" && return 1 # mandatory inputs local productHome="$1" local confFile="$2" local cronJobOwner="$3" # We want to use our binary if possible. It may be more recent than the one in the OS local logrotateBinary="$productHome/app/third-party/logrotate/logrotate" if [ ! -f "$logrotateBinary" ]; then logrotateBinary="logrotate" [ "$(io_commandExists 'logrotate')" != "yes" ] && warn "logrotate is not available" && return 1 fi local cmd="$logrotateBinary ${confFile} --state $productHome/var/etc/logrotate/logrotate-state" #--verbose id -u $cronJobOwner > /dev/null 2>&1 || { warn "User $cronJobOwner does not exist. Aborting logrotate configuration" && return 1; } # Remove the existing line removeLogRotation "$productHome" "$cronJobOwner" || true # Run logrotate daily at 23:55 hours local cronInterval="55 23 * * * $cmd" local standaloneMode=$(_operationIsBySameUser "$cronJobOwner") # If this is standalone mode, we cannot use -u - the user running this process may not have the necessary privileges if [ "$standaloneMode" == "no" ]; then (crontab -l -u $cronJobOwner 2>/dev/null; echo "$cronInterval") | crontab -u $cronJobOwner - else (crontab -l 2>/dev/null; echo "$cronInterval") | crontab - fi } ## Configure logrotate for a product ## Failure conditions: ## If logrotation could not be setup for some reason ## Parameters: ## $1: The product name ## $2: The product home ## Depends on global: none ## Updates global: none ## Returns: NA configureLogRotation() { logDebug "Method ${FUNCNAME[0]}" # mandatory inputs local productName="$1" if [ -z $productName ]; then warn "Incorrect usage. A product name is necessary for configuring log rotation" && return 1 fi local productHome="$2" if [ -z $productHome ]; then warn "Incorrect usage. A product home folder is necessary for configuring log rotation" && return 1 fi local logFile="${productHome}/var/log/console.log" if [[ $(uname) == "Darwin" ]]; then logger "Log rotation for [$logFile] has not been configured. Please setup manually" return 0 fi local userID="$3" if [ -z $userID ]; then warn "Incorrect usage. A userID is necessary for configuring log rotation" && return 1 fi local groupID=${4:-$userID} local logConfigOwner=${5:-$userID} logDebug "Configuring log rotation as user [$userID], group [$groupID], effective cron User [$logConfigOwner]" local errorMessage="Could not configure logrotate. Please configure log rotation of the file: [$logFile] manually" local confFile="${productHome}/var/etc/logrotate/logrotate.conf" # TODO move to recursive method createDir "${productHome}" "$userID" "$groupID" || { warn "${errorMessage}" && return 1; } createDir "${productHome}/var" "$userID" "$groupID" || { warn "${errorMessage}" && return 1; } createDir "${productHome}/var/log" "$userID" "$groupID" || { warn "${errorMessage}" && return 1; } createDir "${productHome}/var/log/archived" "$userID" "$groupID" || { warn "${errorMessage}" && return 1; } # TODO move to recursive method createDir "${productHome}/var/etc" "$userID" "$groupID" || { warn "${errorMessage}" && return 1; } createDir "${productHome}/var/etc/logrotate" "$logConfigOwner" || { warn "${errorMessage}" && return 1; } # conf file should be owned by the user running the script createFile "${confFile}" "${logConfigOwner}" || { warn "Could not create configuration file [$confFile]" return 1; } _addLogRotateConfiguration "${confFile}" "${logFile}" "$userID" "$groupID" || { warn "${errorMessage}" && return 1; } _addCronJobForLogrotate "${productHome}" "${confFile}" "${logConfigOwner}" || { warn "${errorMessage}" && return 1; } } _pauseExecution() { if [ "${VERBOSE_MODE}" == "debug" ]; then local breakPoint="$1" if [ ! -z "$breakPoint" ]; then printf "${cBlue}Breakpoint${cClear} [$breakPoint] " echo "" fi printf "${cBlue}Press enter once you are ready to continue${cClear}" read -s choice echo "" fi } # removeLogRotation "$productHome" "$cronJobOwner" || true removeLogRotation() { logDebug "Method ${FUNCNAME[0]}" if [[ $(uname) == "Darwin" ]]; then logDebug "Not implemented for Darwin." return 0 fi local productHome="$1" local cronJobOwner="$2" local standaloneMode=$(_operationIsBySameUser "$cronJobOwner") local confFile="${productHome}/var/etc/logrotate/logrotate.conf" if [ "$standaloneMode" == "no" ]; then crontab -l -u $cronJobOwner 2>/dev/null | grep -v "$confFile" | crontab -u $cronJobOwner - else crontab -l 2>/dev/null | grep -v "$confFile" | crontab - fi } # NOTE: This method does not check the configuration to see if redirection is necessary. # This is intentional. If we don't redirect, tomcat logs might get redirected to a folder/file # that does not exist, causing the service itself to not start setupTomcatRedirection() { logDebug "Method ${FUNCNAME[0]}" local consoleLog="${JF_PRODUCT_HOME}/var/log/console.log" _createConsoleLog export CATALINA_OUT="${consoleLog}" } setupScriptLogsRedirection() { logDebug "Method ${FUNCNAME[0]}" if [ -z "${JF_PRODUCT_HOME}" ]; then logDebug "No JF_PRODUCT_HOME. Returning" return fi # Create the console.log file if it is not already present # _createConsoleLog || true # # Ensure any logs (logger/logError/warn) also get redirected to the console.log # # Using installer.log as a temparory fix. Please change this to console.log once INST-291 is fixed export LOG_BEHAVIOR_ADD_REDIRECTION="${JF_PRODUCT_HOME}/var/log/console.log" export LOG_BEHAVIOR_ADD_META="$FLAG_Y" } # Returns Y if this method is run inside a container isRunningInsideAContainer() { if [ -f "/.dockerenv" ]; then echo -n "$FLAG_Y" else echo -n "$FLAG_N" fi } POSTGRES_USER=999 NGINX_USER=104 NGINX_GROUP=107 ES_USER=1000 REDIS_USER=999 MONGO_USER=999 RABBITMQ_USER=999 LOG_FILE_PERMISSION=640 PID_FILE_PERMISSION=644 # Copy file copyFile(){ local source=$1 local target=$2 local mode=${3:-overwrite} local enableVerbose=${4:-"${FLAG_N}"} local verboseFlag="" if [ ! -z "${enableVerbose}" ] && [ "${enableVerbose}" == "${FLAG_Y}" ]; then verboseFlag="-v" fi if [[ ! ( $source && $target ) ]]; then warn "Source and target is mandatory to copy file" return 1 fi if [[ -f "${target}" ]]; then [[ "$mode" = "overwrite" ]] && ( cp ${verboseFlag} -f "$source" "$target" || errorExit "Unable to copy file, command : cp -f ${source} ${target}") || true else cp ${verboseFlag} -f "$source" "$target" || errorExit "Unable to copy file, command : cp -f ${source} ${target}" fi } # Copy files recursively from given source directory to destination directory # This method wil copy but will NOT overwrite # Destination will be created if its not available copyFilesNoOverwrite(){ local src=$1 local dest=$2 local enableVerboseCopy="${3:-${FLAG_Y}}" if [[ -z "${src}" || -z "${dest}" ]]; then return fi if [ -d "${src}" ] && [ "$(ls -A ${src})" ]; then local relativeFilePath="" local targetFilePath="" for file in $(find ${src} -type f 2>/dev/null) ; do # Derive relative path and attach it to destination # Example : # src=/extra_config # dest=/var/opt/jfrog/artifactory/etc # file=/extra_config/config.xml # relativeFilePath=config.xml # targetFilePath=/var/opt/jfrog/artifactory/etc/config.xml relativeFilePath=${file/${src}/} targetFilePath=${dest}${relativeFilePath} createDir "$(dirname "$targetFilePath")" copyFile "${file}" "${targetFilePath}" "no_overwrite" "${enableVerboseCopy}" done fi } # TODO : WINDOWS ? # Check the max open files and open processes set on the system checkULimits () { local minMaxOpenFiles=${1:-32000} local minMaxOpenProcesses=${2:-1024} local setValue=${3:-true} local warningMsgForFiles=${4} local warningMsgForProcesses=${5} logger "Checking open files and processes limits" local currentMaxOpenFiles=$(ulimit -n) logger "Current max open files is $currentMaxOpenFiles" if [ ${currentMaxOpenFiles} != "unlimited" ] && [ "$currentMaxOpenFiles" -lt "$minMaxOpenFiles" ]; then if [ "${setValue}" ]; then ulimit -n "${minMaxOpenFiles}" >/dev/null 2>&1 || warn "Max number of open files $currentMaxOpenFiles is low!" [ -z "${warningMsgForFiles}" ] || warn "${warningMsgForFiles}" else errorExit "Max number of open files $currentMaxOpenFiles, is too low. Cannot run the application!" fi fi local currentMaxOpenProcesses=$(ulimit -u) logger "Current max open processes is $currentMaxOpenProcesses" if [ "$currentMaxOpenProcesses" != "unlimited" ] && [ "$currentMaxOpenProcesses" -lt "$minMaxOpenProcesses" ]; then if [ "${setValue}" ]; then ulimit -u "${minMaxOpenProcesses}" >/dev/null 2>&1 || warn "Max number of open files $currentMaxOpenFiles is low!" [ -z "${warningMsgForProcesses}" ] || warn "${warningMsgForProcesses}" else errorExit "Max number of open files $currentMaxOpenProcesses, is too low. Cannot run the application!" fi fi } createDirs() { local appDataDir=$1 local serviceName=$2 local folders="backup bootstrap data etc logs work" [ -z "${appDataDir}" ] && errorExit "An application directory is mandatory to create its data structure" || true [ -z "${serviceName}" ] && errorExit "A service name is mandatory to create service data structure" || true for folder in ${folders} do folder=${appDataDir}/${folder}/${serviceName} if [ ! -d "${folder}" ]; then logger "Creating folder : ${folder}" mkdir -p "${folder}" || errorExit "Failed to create ${folder}" fi done } testReadWritePermissions () { local dir_to_check=$1 local error=false [ -d ${dir_to_check} ] || errorExit "'${dir_to_check}' is not a directory" local test_file=${dir_to_check}/test-permissions # Write file if echo test > ${test_file} 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then # Write succeeded. Testing read... if cat ${test_file} > /dev/null; then rm -f ${test_file} else error=true fi else error=true fi if [ ${error} == true ]; then return 1 else return 0 fi } # Test directory has read/write permissions for current user testDirectoryPermissions () { local dir_to_check=$1 local error=false [ -d ${dir_to_check} ] || errorExit "'${dir_to_check}' is not a directory" local u_id=$(id -u) local id_str="id ${u_id}" logger "Testing directory ${dir_to_check} has read/write permissions for user ${id_str}" if ! testReadWritePermissions ${dir_to_check}; then error=true fi if [ "${error}" == true ]; then local stat_data=$(stat -Lc "Directory: %n, permissions: %a, owner: %U, group: %G" ${dir_to_check}) logger "###########################################################" logger "${dir_to_check} DOES NOT have proper permissions for user ${id_str}" logger "${stat_data}" logger "Mounted directory must have read/write permissions for user ${id_str}" logger "###########################################################" errorExit "Directory ${dir_to_check} has bad permissions for user ${id_str}" fi logger "Permissions for ${dir_to_check} are good" } # Utility method to create a directory path recursively with chown feature as # Failure conditions: ## Exits if unable to create a directory # Parameters: ## $1: Root directory from where the path can be created ## $2: List of recursive child directories seperated by space ## $3: user who should own the directory. Optional ## $4: group who should own the directory. Optional # Depends on global: none # Updates global: none # Returns: NA # # Usage: # createRecursiveDir "/opt/jfrog/product/var" "bootstrap tomcat lib" "user_name" "group_name" createRecursiveDir(){ local rootDir=$1 local pathDirs=$2 local user=$3 local group=${4:-${user}} local fullPath= [ ! -z "${rootDir}" ] || return 0 createDir "${rootDir}" "${user}" "${group}" [ ! -z "${pathDirs}" ] || return 0 fullPath=${rootDir} for dir in ${pathDirs}; do fullPath=${fullPath}/${dir} createDir "${fullPath}" "${user}" "${group}" done } # Utility method to create a directory # Failure conditions: ## Exits if unable to create a directory # Parameters: ## $1: directory to create ## $2: user who should own the directory. Optional ## $3: group who should own the directory. Optional # Depends on global: none # Updates global: none # Returns: NA createDir(){ local dirName="$1" local printMessage=no logSilly "Method ${FUNCNAME[0]} invoked with [$dirName]" [ -z "${dirName}" ] && return logDebug "Attempting to create ${dirName}" mkdir -p "${dirName}" || errorExit "Unable to create directory: [${dirName}]" local userID="$2" local groupID=${3:-$userID} # If UID/GID is passed, chown the folder if [ ! -z "$userID" ] && [ ! -z "$groupID" ]; then # Earlier, this line would have returned 1 if it failed. Now it just warns. # This is intentional. Earlier, this line would NOT be reached if the folder already existed. # Since it will always come to this line and the script may be running as a non-root user, this method will just warn if # setting permissions fails (so as to not affect any existing flows) io_setOwnershipNonRecursive "$dirName" "$userID" "$groupID" || warn "Could not set owner of [$dirName] to [$userID:$groupID]" fi # logging message to print created dir with user and group local logMessage=${4:-$printMessage} if [[ "${logMessage}" == "yes" ]]; then logger "Successfully created directory [${dirName}]. Owner: [${userID}:${groupID}]" fi } removeSoftLinkAndCreateDir () { local dirName="$1" local userID="$2" local groupID="$3" local logMessage="$4" removeSoftLink "${dirName}" createDir "${dirName}" "${userID}" "${groupID}" "${logMessage}" } # Utility method to remove a soft link removeSoftLink () { local dirName="$1" if [[ -L "${dirName}" ]]; then targetLink=$(readlink -f "${dirName}") logger "Removing the symlink [${dirName}] pointing to [${targetLink}]" rm -f "${dirName}" fi } # Check Directory exist in the path checkDirExists () { local directoryPath="$1" [[ -d "${directoryPath}" ]] && echo -n "true" || echo -n "false" } # Utility method to create a file # Failure conditions: # Parameters: ## $1: file to create # Depends on global: none # Updates global: none # Returns: NA createFile(){ local fileName="$1" logSilly "Method ${FUNCNAME[0]} [$fileName]" [ -f "${fileName}" ] && return 0 touch "${fileName}" || return 1 local userID="$2" local groupID=${3:-$userID} # If UID/GID is passed, chown the folder if [ ! -z "$userID" ] && [ ! -z "$groupID" ]; then io_setOwnership "$fileName" "$userID" "$groupID" || return 1 fi } # Check File exist in the filePath # IMPORTANT- DON'T ADD LOGGING to this method checkFileExists () { local filePath="$1" [[ -f "${filePath}" ]] && echo -n "true" || echo -n "false" } # Check for directories contains any (files or sub directories) # IMPORTANT- DON'T ADD LOGGING to this method checkDirContents () { local directoryPath="$1" if [[ "$(ls -1 "${directoryPath}" | wc -l)" -gt 0 ]]; then echo -n "true" else echo -n "false" fi } # Check contents exist in directory # IMPORTANT- DON'T ADD LOGGING to this method checkContentExists () { local source="$1" if [[ "$(checkDirContents "${source}")" != "true" ]]; then echo -n "false" else echo -n "true" fi } # Resolve the variable # IMPORTANT- DON'T ADD LOGGING to this method evalVariable () { local output="$1" local input="$2" eval "${output}"=\${"${input}"} eval echo \${"${output}"} } # Usage: if [ "$(io_commandExists 'curl')" == "yes" ] # IMPORTANT- DON'T ADD LOGGING to this method io_commandExists() { local commandToExecute="$1" hash "${commandToExecute}" 2>/dev/null local rt=$? if [ "$rt" == 0 ]; then echo -n "yes"; else echo -n "no"; fi } # Usage: if [ "$(io_curlExists)" != "yes" ] # IMPORTANT- DON'T ADD LOGGING to this method io_curlExists() { io_commandExists "curl" } io_hasMatch() { logSilly "Method ${FUNCNAME[0]}" local result=0 logDebug "Executing [echo \"$1\" | grep \"$2\" >/dev/null 2>&1]" echo "$1" | grep "$2" >/dev/null 2>&1 || result=1 return $result } # Utility method to check if the string passed (usually a connection url) corresponds to this machine itself # Failure conditions: None # Parameters: ## $1: string to check against # Depends on global: none # Updates global: IS_LOCALHOST with value "yes/no" # Returns: NA io_getIsLocalhost() { logSilly "Method ${FUNCNAME[0]}" IS_LOCALHOST="$FLAG_N" local inputString="$1" logDebug "Parsing [$inputString] to check if we are dealing with this machine itself" io_hasMatch "$inputString" "localhost" && { logDebug "Found localhost. Returning [$FLAG_Y]" IS_LOCALHOST="$FLAG_Y" && return; } || logDebug "Did not find match for localhost" local hostIP=$(io_getPublicHostIP) io_hasMatch "$inputString" "$hostIP" && { logDebug "Found $hostIP. Returning [$FLAG_Y]" IS_LOCALHOST="$FLAG_Y" && return; } || logDebug "Did not find match for $hostIP" local hostID=$(io_getPublicHostID) io_hasMatch "$inputString" "$hostID" && { logDebug "Found $hostID. Returning [$FLAG_Y]" IS_LOCALHOST="$FLAG_Y" && return; } || logDebug "Did not find match for $hostID" local hostName=$(io_getPublicHostName) io_hasMatch "$inputString" "$hostName" && { logDebug "Found $hostName. Returning [$FLAG_Y]" IS_LOCALHOST="$FLAG_Y" && return; } || logDebug "Did not find match for $hostName" } # Usage: if [ "$(io_tarExists)" != "yes" ] # IMPORTANT- DON'T ADD LOGGING to this method io_tarExists() { io_commandExists "tar" } # IMPORTANT- DON'T ADD LOGGING to this method io_getPublicHostIP() { local OS_TYPE=$(uname) local publicHostIP= if [ "${OS_TYPE}" == "Darwin" ]; then ipStatus=$(ifconfig en0 | grep "status" | awk '{print$2}') if [ "${ipStatus}" == "active" ]; then publicHostIP=$(ifconfig en0 | grep inet | grep -v inet6 | awk '{print $2}') else errorExit "Host IP could not be resolved!" fi elif [ "${OS_TYPE}" == "Linux" ]; then publicHostIP=$(hostname -i 2>/dev/null || echo "") fi publicHostIP=$(echo "${publicHostIP}" | awk '{print $1}') echo -n "${publicHostIP}" } # Will return the short host name (up to the first dot) # IMPORTANT- DON'T ADD LOGGING to this method io_getPublicHostName() { echo -n "$(hostname -s)" } # Will return the full host name (use this as much as possible) # IMPORTANT- DON'T ADD LOGGING to this method io_getPublicHostID() { echo -n "$(hostname)" } # Utility method to backup a file # Failure conditions: NA # Parameters: filePath # Depends on global: none, # Updates global: none # Returns: NA io_backupFile() { logSilly "Method ${FUNCNAME[0]}" fileName="$1" if [ ! -f "${filePath}" ]; then logDebug "No file: [${filePath}] to backup" return fi dateTime=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") targetFileName="${fileName}.backup.${dateTime}" yes | \cp -f "$fileName" "${targetFileName}" logger "File [${fileName}] backedup as [${targetFileName}]" } # Reference https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4023830/how-to-compare-two-strings-in-dot-separated-version-format-in-bash/4025065#4025065 is_number() { case "$BASH_VERSION" in 3.1.*) PATTERN='\^\[0-9\]+\$' ;; *) PATTERN='^[0-9]+$' ;; esac [[ "$1" =~ $PATTERN ]] } io_compareVersions() { if [[ $# != 2 ]] then echo "Usage: min_version current minimum" return fi A="${1%%.*}" B="${2%%.*}" if [[ "$A" != "$1" && "$B" != "$2" && "$A" == "$B" ]] then io_compareVersions "${1#*.}" "${2#*.}" else if is_number "$A" && is_number "$B" then if [[ "$A" -eq "$B" ]]; then echo "0" elif [[ "$A" -gt "$B" ]]; then echo "1" elif [[ "$A" -lt "$B" ]]; then echo "-1" fi fi fi } # Reference https://stackoverflow.com/questions/369758/how-to-trim-whitespace-from-a-bash-variable # Strip all leading and trailing spaces # IMPORTANT- DON'T ADD LOGGING to this method io_trim() { local var="$1" # remove leading whitespace characters var="${var#"${var%%[![:space:]]*}"}" # remove trailing whitespace characters var="${var%"${var##*[![:space:]]}"}" echo -n "$var" } # temporary function will be removing it ASAP # search for string and replace text in file replaceText_migration_hook () { local regexString="$1" local replaceText="$2" local file="$3" if [[ "$(checkFileExists "${file}")" != "true" ]]; then return fi if [[ $(uname) == "Darwin" ]]; then sed -i '' -e "s/${regexString}/${replaceText}/" "${file}" || warn "Failed to replace the text in ${file}" else sed -i -e "s/${regexString}/${replaceText}/" "${file}" || warn "Failed to replace the text in ${file}" fi } # search for string and replace text in file replaceText () { local regexString="$1" local replaceText="$2" local file="$3" if [[ "$(checkFileExists "${file}")" != "true" ]]; then return fi if [[ $(uname) == "Darwin" ]]; then sed -i '' -e "s#${regexString}#${replaceText}#" "${file}" || warn "Failed to replace the text in ${file}" else sed -i -e "s#${regexString}#${replaceText}#" "${file}" || warn "Failed to replace the text in ${file}" logDebug "Replaced [$regexString] with [$replaceText] in [$file]" fi } # search for string and prepend text in file prependText () { local regexString="$1" local text="$2" local file="$3" if [[ "$(checkFileExists "${file}")" != "true" ]]; then return fi if [[ $(uname) == "Darwin" ]]; then sed -i '' -e '/'"${regexString}"'/i\'$'\n\\'"${text}"''$'\n' "${file}" || warn "Failed to prepend the text in ${file}" else sed -i -e '/'"${regexString}"'/i\'$'\n\\'"${text}"''$'\n' "${file}" || warn "Failed to prepend the text in ${file}" fi } # add text to beginning of the file addText () { local text="$1" local file="$2" if [[ "$(checkFileExists "${file}")" != "true" ]]; then return fi if [[ $(uname) == "Darwin" ]]; then sed -i '' -e '1s/^/'"${text}"'\'$'\n/' "${file}" || warn "Failed to add the text in ${file}" else sed -i -e '1s/^/'"${text}"'\'$'\n/' "${file}" || warn "Failed to add the text in ${file}" fi } io_replaceString () { local value="$1" local firstString="$2" local secondString="$3" local separator=${4:-"/"} local updateValue= if [[ $(uname) == "Darwin" ]]; then updateValue=$(echo "${value}" | sed "s${separator}${firstString}${separator}${secondString}${separator}") else updateValue=$(echo "${value}" | sed "s${separator}${firstString}${separator}${secondString}${separator}") fi echo -n "${updateValue}" } _findYQ() { # logSilly "Method ${FUNCNAME[0]}" (Intentionally not logging. Does not add value) local parentDir="$1" if [ -z "$parentDir" ]; then return fi logDebug "Executing command [find "${parentDir}" -name third-party -type d]" local yq=$(find "${parentDir}" -name third-party -type d) if [ -d "${yq}/yq" ]; then export YQ_PATH="${yq}/yq" fi } io_setYQPath() { # logSilly "Method ${FUNCNAME[0]}" (Intentionally not logging. Does not add value) if [ "$(io_commandExists 'yq')" == "yes" ]; then return fi if [ ! -z "${JF_PRODUCT_HOME}" ] && [ -d "${JF_PRODUCT_HOME}" ]; then _findYQ "${JF_PRODUCT_HOME}" fi if [ -z "${YQ_PATH}" ] && [ ! -z "${COMPOSE_HOME}" ] && [ -d "${COMPOSE_HOME}" ]; then _findYQ "${COMPOSE_HOME}" fi # TODO We can remove this block after all the code is restructured. if [ -z "${YQ_PATH}" ] && [ ! -z "${SCRIPT_HOME}" ] && [ -d "${SCRIPT_HOME}" ]; then _findYQ "${SCRIPT_HOME}" fi } io_getLinuxDistribution() { LINUX_DISTRIBUTION= # Make sure running on Linux [ $(uname -s) != "Linux" ] && return # Find out what Linux distribution we are on cat /etc/*-release | grep -i Red >/dev/null 2>&1 && LINUX_DISTRIBUTION=RedHat || true # OS 6.x cat /etc/issue.net | grep Red >/dev/null 2>&1 && LINUX_DISTRIBUTION=RedHat || true # OS 7.x cat /etc/*-release | grep -i centos >/dev/null 2>&1 && LINUX_DISTRIBUTION=CentOS && LINUX_DISTRIBUTION_VER="7" || true # OS 8.x grep -q -i "release 8" /etc/redhat-release >/dev/null 2>&1 && LINUX_DISTRIBUTION_VER="8" || true # OS 7.x grep -q -i "release 7" /etc/redhat-release >/dev/null 2>&1 && LINUX_DISTRIBUTION_VER="7" || true # OS 6.x grep -q -i "release 6" /etc/redhat-release >/dev/null 2>&1 && LINUX_DISTRIBUTION_VER="6" || true cat /etc/*-release | grep -i Red | grep -i 'VERSION=7' >/dev/null 2>&1 && LINUX_DISTRIBUTION=RedHat && LINUX_DISTRIBUTION_VER="7" || true cat /etc/*-release | grep -i debian >/dev/null 2>&1 && LINUX_DISTRIBUTION=Debian || true cat /etc/*-release | grep -i ubuntu >/dev/null 2>&1 && LINUX_DISTRIBUTION=Ubuntu || true } ## Utility method to check ownership of folders/files ## Failure conditions: ## If invoked with incorrect inputs - FATAL ## If file is not owned by the user & group ## Parameters: ## user ## group ## folder to chown ## Globals: none ## Returns: none ## NOTE: The method does NOTHING if the OS is Mac io_checkOwner () { logSilly "Method ${FUNCNAME[0]}" local osType=$(uname) if [ "${osType}" != "Linux" ]; then logDebug "Unsupported OS. Skipping check" return 0 fi local file_to_check=$1 local user_id_to_check=$2 if [ -z "$user_id_to_check" ] || [ -z "$file_to_check" ]; then errorExit "Invalid invocation of method. Missing mandatory inputs" fi local group_id_to_check=${3:-$user_id_to_check} local check_user_name=${4:-"no"} logDebug "Checking permissions on [$file_to_check] for user [$user_id_to_check] & group [$group_id_to_check]" local stat= if [ "${check_user_name}" == "yes" ]; then stat=( $(stat -Lc "%U %G" ${file_to_check}) ) else stat=( $(stat -Lc "%u %g" ${file_to_check}) ) fi local user_id=${stat[0]} local group_id=${stat[1]} if [[ "${user_id}" != "${user_id_to_check}" ]] || [[ "${group_id}" != "${group_id_to_check}" ]] ; then logDebug "Ownership mismatch. [${file_to_check}] is not owned by [${user_id_to_check}:${group_id_to_check}]" return 1 else return 0 fi } ## Utility method to change ownership of a file/folder - NON recursive ## Failure conditions: ## If invoked with incorrect inputs - FATAL ## If chown operation fails - returns 1 ## Parameters: ## user ## group ## file to chown ## Globals: none ## Returns: none ## NOTE: The method does NOTHING if the OS is Mac io_setOwnershipNonRecursive() { local osType=$(uname) if [ "${osType}" != "Linux" ]; then return fi local targetFile=$1 local user=$2 if [ -z "$user" ] || [ -z "$targetFile" ]; then errorExit "Invalid invocation of method. Missing mandatory inputs" fi local group=${3:-$user} logDebug "Method ${FUNCNAME[0]}. Executing [chown ${user}:${group} ${targetFile}]" chown ${user}:${group} ${targetFile} || return 1 } ## Utility method to change ownership of a file. ## IMPORTANT ## If being called on a folder, should ONLY be called for fresh folders or may cause performance issues ## Failure conditions: ## If invoked with incorrect inputs - FATAL ## If chown operation fails - returns 1 ## Parameters: ## user ## group ## file to chown ## Globals: none ## Returns: none ## NOTE: The method does NOTHING if the OS is Mac io_setOwnership() { local osType=$(uname) if [ "${osType}" != "Linux" ]; then return fi local targetFile=$1 local user=$2 if [ -z "$user" ] || [ -z "$targetFile" ]; then errorExit "Invalid invocation of method. Missing mandatory inputs" fi local group=${3:-$user} logDebug "Method ${FUNCNAME[0]}. Executing [chown -R ${user}:${group} ${targetFile}]" chown -R ${user}:${group} ${targetFile} || return 1 } ## Utility method to create third party folder structure necessary for Postgres ## Failure conditions: ## If creation of directory or assigning permissions fails ## Parameters: none ## Globals: ## POSTGRESQL_DATA_ROOT ## Returns: none ## NOTE: The method does NOTHING if the folder already exists io_createPostgresDir() { logDebug "Method ${FUNCNAME[0]}" [ -z "${POSTGRESQL_DATA_ROOT}" ] && return 0 logDebug "Property [${POSTGRESQL_DATA_ROOT}] exists. Proceeding" createDir "${POSTGRESQL_DATA_ROOT}/data" io_setOwnership "${POSTGRESQL_DATA_ROOT}" "${POSTGRES_USER}" "${POSTGRES_USER}" || errorExit "Setting ownership of [${POSTGRESQL_DATA_ROOT}] to [${POSTGRES_USER}:${POSTGRES_USER}] failed" } ## Utility method to create third party folder structure necessary for Nginx ## Failure conditions: ## If creation of directory or assigning permissions fails ## Parameters: none ## Globals: ## NGINX_DATA_ROOT ## Returns: none ## NOTE: The method does NOTHING if the folder already exists io_createNginxDir() { logDebug "Method ${FUNCNAME[0]}" [ -z "${NGINX_DATA_ROOT}" ] && return 0 logDebug "Property [${NGINX_DATA_ROOT}] exists. Proceeding" createDir "${NGINX_DATA_ROOT}" io_setOwnership "${NGINX_DATA_ROOT}" "${NGINX_USER}" "${NGINX_GROUP}" || errorExit "Setting ownership of [${NGINX_DATA_ROOT}] to [${NGINX_USER}:${NGINX_GROUP}] failed" } ## Utility method to create third party folder structure necessary for ElasticSearch ## Failure conditions: ## If creation of directory or assigning permissions fails ## Parameters: none ## Globals: ## ELASTIC_DATA_ROOT ## Returns: none ## NOTE: The method does NOTHING if the folder already exists io_createElasticSearchDir() { logDebug "Method ${FUNCNAME[0]}" [ -z "${ELASTIC_DATA_ROOT}" ] && return 0 logDebug "Property [${ELASTIC_DATA_ROOT}] exists. Proceeding" createDir "${ELASTIC_DATA_ROOT}/data" io_setOwnership "${ELASTIC_DATA_ROOT}" "${ES_USER}" "${ES_USER}" || errorExit "Setting ownership of [${ELASTIC_DATA_ROOT}] to [${ES_USER}:${ES_USER}] failed" } ## Utility method to create third party folder structure necessary for Redis ## Failure conditions: ## If creation of directory or assigning permissions fails ## Parameters: none ## Globals: ## REDIS_DATA_ROOT ## Returns: none ## NOTE: The method does NOTHING if the folder already exists io_createRedisDir() { logDebug "Method ${FUNCNAME[0]}" [ -z "${REDIS_DATA_ROOT}" ] && return 0 logDebug "Property [${REDIS_DATA_ROOT}] exists. Proceeding" createDir "${REDIS_DATA_ROOT}" io_setOwnership "${REDIS_DATA_ROOT}" "${REDIS_USER}" "${REDIS_USER}" || errorExit "Setting ownership of [${REDIS_DATA_ROOT}] to [${REDIS_USER}:${REDIS_USER}] failed" } ## Utility method to create third party folder structure necessary for Mongo ## Failure conditions: ## If creation of directory or assigning permissions fails ## Parameters: none ## Globals: ## MONGODB_DATA_ROOT ## Returns: none ## NOTE: The method does NOTHING if the folder already exists io_createMongoDir() { logDebug "Method ${FUNCNAME[0]}" [ -z "${MONGODB_DATA_ROOT}" ] && return 0 logDebug "Property [${MONGODB_DATA_ROOT}] exists. Proceeding" createDir "${MONGODB_DATA_ROOT}/logs" createDir "${MONGODB_DATA_ROOT}/configdb" createDir "${MONGODB_DATA_ROOT}/db" io_setOwnership "${MONGODB_DATA_ROOT}" "${MONGO_USER}" "${MONGO_USER}" || errorExit "Setting ownership of [${MONGODB_DATA_ROOT}] to [${MONGO_USER}:${MONGO_USER}] failed" } ## Utility method to create third party folder structure necessary for RabbitMQ ## Failure conditions: ## If creation of directory or assigning permissions fails ## Parameters: none ## Globals: ## RABBITMQ_DATA_ROOT ## Returns: none ## NOTE: The method does NOTHING if the folder already exists io_createRabbitMQDir() { logDebug "Method ${FUNCNAME[0]}" [ -z "${RABBITMQ_DATA_ROOT}" ] && return 0 logDebug "Property [${RABBITMQ_DATA_ROOT}] exists. Proceeding" createDir "${RABBITMQ_DATA_ROOT}" io_setOwnership "${RABBITMQ_DATA_ROOT}" "${RABBITMQ_USER}" "${RABBITMQ_USER}" || errorExit "Setting ownership of [${RABBITMQ_DATA_ROOT}] to [${RABBITMQ_USER}:${RABBITMQ_USER}] failed" } # Add or replace a property in provided properties file addOrReplaceProperty() { local propertyName=$1 local propertyValue=$2 local propertiesPath=$3 local delimiter=${4:-"="} # Return if any of the inputs are empty [[ -z "$propertyName" || "$propertyName" == "" ]] && return [[ -z "$propertyValue" || "$propertyValue" == "" ]] && return [[ -z "$propertiesPath" || "$propertiesPath" == "" ]] && return grep "^${propertyName}\s*${delimiter}.*$" ${propertiesPath} > /dev/null 2>&1 [ $? -ne 0 ] && echo -e "\n${propertyName}${delimiter}${propertyValue}" >> ${propertiesPath} sed -i -e "s|^${propertyName}\s*${delimiter}.*$|${propertyName}${delimiter}${propertyValue}|g;" ${propertiesPath} } # Set property only if its not set io_setPropertyNoOverride(){ local propertyName=$1 local propertyValue=$2 local propertiesPath=$3 # Return if any of the inputs are empty [[ -z "$propertyName" || "$propertyName" == "" ]] && return [[ -z "$propertyValue" || "$propertyValue" == "" ]] && return [[ -z "$propertiesPath" || "$propertiesPath" == "" ]] && return grep "^${propertyName}:" ${propertiesPath} > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${propertyName}: ${propertyValue}" >> ${propertiesPath} || warn "Setting property ${propertyName}: ${propertyValue} in [ ${propertiesPath} ] failed" else logger "Skipping update of property : ${propertyName}" >&6 fi } # Add a line to a file if it doesn't already exist addLine() { local line_to_add=$1 local target_file=$2 logger "Trying to add line $1 to $2" >&6 2>&1 cat "$target_file" | grep -F "$line_to_add" -wq >&6 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ]; then logger "Line does not exist and will be added" >&6 2>&1 echo $line_to_add >> $target_file || errorExit "Could not update $target_file" fi } # Utility method to check if a value (first paramter) exists in an array (2nd parameter) # 1st parameter "value to find" # 2nd parameter "The array to search in. Please pass a string with each value separated by space" # Example: containsElement "y" "y Y n N" containsElement () { local searchElement=$1 local searchArray=($2) local found=1 for elementInIndex in "${searchArray[@]}";do if [[ $elementInIndex == $searchElement ]]; then found=0 fi done return $found } # Utility method to get user's choice # 1st parameter "what to ask the user" # 2nd parameter "what choices to accept, separated by spaces" # 3rd parameter "what is the default choice (to use if the user simply presses Enter)" # Example 'getUserChoice "Are you feeling lucky? Punk!" "y n Y N" "y"' getUserChoice(){ configureLogOutput read_timeout=${read_timeout:-0.5} local choice="na" local text_to_display=$1 local choices=$2 local default_choice=$3 users_choice= until containsElement "$choice" "$choices"; do echo "";echo ""; sleep $read_timeout #This ensures correct placement of the question. read -p "$text_to_display :" choice : ${choice:=$default_choice} done users_choice=$choice echo -e "\n$text_to_display: $users_choice" >&6 sleep $read_timeout #This ensures correct logging } setFilePermission () { local permission=$1 local file=$2 chmod "${permission}" "${file}" || warn "Setting permission ${permission} to file [ ${file} ] failed" } #setting required paths setAppDir (){ SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname $0) SCRIPT_HOME="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" APP_DIR="`cd "${SCRIPT_HOME}";pwd`" } ZIP_TYPE="zip" COMPOSE_TYPE="compose" HELM_TYPE="helm" RPM_TYPE="rpm" DEB_TYPE="debian" sourceScript () { local file="$1" [ ! -z "${file}" ] || errorExit "target file is not passed to source a file" if [ ! -f "${file}" ]; then errorExit "${file} file is not found" else source "${file}" || errorExit "Unable to source ${file}, please check if the user ${USER} has permissions to perform this action" fi } # Source required helpers initHelpers () { local systemYamlHelper="${APP_DIR}/systemYamlHelper.sh" local thirdPartyDir=$(find ${APP_DIR}/.. -name third-party -type d) export YQ_PATH="${thirdPartyDir}/yq" LIBXML2_PATH="${thirdPartyDir}/libxml2/bin/xmllint" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${thirdPartyDir}/libxml2/lib" sourceScript "${systemYamlHelper}" } # Check migration info yaml file available in the path checkMigrationInfoYaml () { if [[ -f "${APP_DIR}/migrationHelmInfo.yaml" ]]; then MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO="${APP_DIR}/migrationHelmInfo.yaml" INSTALLER="${HELM_TYPE}" elif [[ -f "${APP_DIR}/migrationZipInfo.yaml" ]]; then MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO="${APP_DIR}/migrationZipInfo.yaml" INSTALLER="${ZIP_TYPE}" elif [[ -f "${APP_DIR}/migrationRpmInfo.yaml" ]]; then MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO="${APP_DIR}/migrationRpmInfo.yaml" INSTALLER="${RPM_TYPE}" elif [[ -f "${APP_DIR}/migrationDebInfo.yaml" ]]; then MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO="${APP_DIR}/migrationDebInfo.yaml" INSTALLER="${DEB_TYPE}" elif [[ -f "${APP_DIR}/migrationComposeInfo.yaml" ]]; then MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO="${APP_DIR}/migrationComposeInfo.yaml" INSTALLER="${COMPOSE_TYPE}" else errorExit "File migration Info yaml does not exist in [${APP_DIR}]" fi } retrieveYamlValue () { local yamlPath="$1" local value="$2" local output="$3" local message="$4" [[ -z "${yamlPath}" ]] && errorExit "yamlPath is mandatory to get value from ${MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO}" getYamlValue "${yamlPath}" "${MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO}" "false" value="${YAML_VALUE}" if [[ -z "${value}" ]]; then if [[ "${output}" == "Warning" ]]; then warn "Empty value for ${yamlPath} in [${MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO}]" elif [[ "${output}" == "Skip" ]]; then return else errorExit "${message}" fi fi } checkEnv () { if [[ "${INSTALLER}" == "${ZIP_TYPE}" ]]; then # check Environment JF_PRODUCT_HOME is set before migration NEW_DATA_DIR="$(evalVariable "NEW_DATA_DIR" "JF_PRODUCT_HOME")" if [[ -z "${NEW_DATA_DIR}" ]]; then errorExit "Environment variable JF_PRODUCT_HOME is not set, this is required to perform Migration" fi # appending var directory to $JF_PRODUCT_HOME NEW_DATA_DIR="${NEW_DATA_DIR}/var" elif [[ "${INSTALLER}" == "${HELM_TYPE}" ]]; then getCustomDataDir_hook NEW_DATA_DIR="${OLD_DATA_DIR}" if [[ -z "${NEW_DATA_DIR}" ]] && [[ -z "${OLD_DATA_DIR}" ]]; then errorExit "Could not find ${PROMPT_DATA_DIR_LOCATION} to perform Migration" fi else # check Environment JF_ROOT_DATA_DIR is set before migration OLD_DATA_DIR="$(evalVariable "OLD_DATA_DIR" "JF_ROOT_DATA_DIR")" # check Environment JF_ROOT_DATA_DIR is set before migration NEW_DATA_DIR="$(evalVariable "NEW_DATA_DIR" "JF_ROOT_DATA_DIR")" if [[ -z "${NEW_DATA_DIR}" ]] && [[ -z "${OLD_DATA_DIR}" ]]; then errorExit "Could not find ${PROMPT_DATA_DIR_LOCATION} to perform Migration" fi # appending var directory to $JF_PRODUCT_HOME NEW_DATA_DIR="${NEW_DATA_DIR}/var" fi } getDataDir () { if [[ "${INSTALLER}" == "${ZIP_TYPE}" || "${INSTALLER}" == "${COMPOSE_TYPE}"|| "${INSTALLER}" == "${HELM_TYPE}" ]]; then checkEnv else getCustomDataDir_hook NEW_DATA_DIR="`cd "${APP_DIR}"/../../;pwd`" NEW_DATA_DIR="${NEW_DATA_DIR}/var" fi } # Retrieve Product name from MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO getProduct () { retrieveYamlValue "migration.product" "${YAML_VALUE}" "Fail" "Empty value under ${yamlPath} in [${MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO}]" PRODUCT="${YAML_VALUE}" PRODUCT=$(echo "${PRODUCT}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' 2>/dev/null) if [[ "${PRODUCT}" != "artifactory" && "${PRODUCT}" != "distribution" && "${PRODUCT}" != "xray" ]]; then errorExit "migration.product in [${MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO}] is not correct, please set based on product as ARTIFACTORY or DISTRIBUTION" fi if [[ "${INSTALLER}" == "${HELM_TYPE}" ]]; then JF_USER="${PRODUCT}" fi } # Compare product version with minProductVersion and maxProductVersion migrateCheckVersion () { local productVersion="$1" local minProductVersion="$2" local maxProductVersion="$3" local productVersion618="6.18.0" local unSupportedProductVersions7=("7.2.0 7.2.1") if [[ "$(io_compareVersions "${productVersion}" "${maxProductVersion}")" -eq 0 || "$(io_compareVersions "${productVersion}" "${maxProductVersion}")" -eq 1 ]]; then logger "Migration not necessary. ${PRODUCT} is already ${productVersion}" exit 11 elif [[ "$(io_compareVersions "${productVersion}" "${minProductVersion}")" -eq 0 || "$(io_compareVersions "${productVersion}" "${minProductVersion}")" -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ ("$(io_compareVersions "${productVersion}" "${productVersion618}")" -eq 0 || "$(io_compareVersions "${productVersion}" "${productVersion618}")" -eq 1) && " ${unSupportedProductVersions7[@]} " =~ " ${CURRENT_VERSION} " ]]; then touch /tmp/error; errorExit "Current ${PRODUCT} version (${productVersion}) does not support migration to ${CURRENT_VERSION}" else bannerStart "Detected ${PRODUCT} ${productVersion}, initiating migration" fi else logger "Current ${PRODUCT} ${productVersion} version is not supported for migration" exit 1 fi } getProductVersion () { local minProductVersion="$1" local maxProductVersion="$2" local newfilePath="$3" local oldfilePath="$4" local propertyInDocker="$5" local property="$6" local productVersion= local status= if [[ "$INSTALLER" == "${COMPOSE_TYPE}" ]]; then if [[ -f "${oldfilePath}" ]]; then if [[ "${PRODUCT}" == "artifactory" ]]; then productVersion="$(readKey "${property}" "${oldfilePath}")" else productVersion="$(cat "${oldfilePath}")" fi status="success" elif [[ -f "${newfilePath}" ]]; then productVersion="$(readKey "${propertyInDocker}" "${newfilePath}")" status="fail" else logger "File [${oldfilePath}] or [${newfilePath}] not found to get current version." exit 0 fi elif [[ "$INSTALLER" == "${HELM_TYPE}" ]]; then if [[ -f "${oldfilePath}" ]]; then if [[ "${PRODUCT}" == "artifactory" ]]; then productVersion="$(readKey "${property}" "${oldfilePath}")" else productVersion="$(cat "${oldfilePath}")" fi status="success" else productVersion="${CURRENT_VERSION}" [[ -z "${productVersion}" || "${productVersion}" == "" ]] && logger "${PRODUCT} CURRENT_VERSION is not set" && exit 0 fi else if [[ -f "${newfilePath}" ]]; then productVersion="$(readKey "${property}" "${newfilePath}")" status="fail" elif [[ -f "${oldfilePath}" ]]; then productVersion="$(readKey "${property}" "${oldfilePath}")" status="success" else if [[ "${INSTALLER}" == "${ZIP_TYPE}" ]]; then logger "File [${newfilePath}] not found to get current version." else logger "File [${oldfilePath}] or [${newfilePath}] not found to get current version." fi exit 0 fi fi if [[ -z "${productVersion}" || "${productVersion}" == "" ]]; then [[ "${status}" == "success" ]] && logger "No version found in file [${oldfilePath}]." [[ "${status}" == "fail" ]] && logger "No version found in file [${newfilePath}]." exit 0 fi migrateCheckVersion "${productVersion}" "${minProductVersion}" "${maxProductVersion}" } readKey () { local property="$1" local file="$2" local version= while IFS='=' read -r key value || [ -n "${key}" ]; do [[ ! "${key}" =~ \#.* && ! -z "${key}" && ! -z "${value}" ]] key="$(io_trim "${key}")" if [[ "${key}" == "${property}" ]]; then version="${value}" && check=true && break else check=false fi done < "${file}" if [[ "${check}" == "false" ]]; then return fi echo "${version}" } # create Log directory createLogDir () { if [[ "${INSTALLER}" == "${DEB_TYPE}" || "${INSTALLER}" == "${RPM_TYPE}" ]]; then getUserAndGroupFromFile removeSoftLinkAndCreateDir "${NEW_DATA_DIR}/log" "${USER_TO_CHECK}" "${GROUP_TO_CHECK}" fi } # Creating migration log file creationMigrateLog () { local LOG_FILE_NAME="migration.log" createLogDir local MIGRATION_LOG_FILE="${NEW_DATA_DIR}/log/${LOG_FILE_NAME}" if [[ "${INSTALLER}" == "${COMPOSE_TYPE}" || "${INSTALLER}" == "${HELM_TYPE}" ]]; then MIGRATION_LOG_FILE="${SCRIPT_HOME}/${LOG_FILE_NAME}" fi touch "${MIGRATION_LOG_FILE}" setFilePermission "${LOG_FILE_PERMISSION}" "${MIGRATION_LOG_FILE}" exec &> >(tee -a "${MIGRATION_LOG_FILE}") } # Set path where system.yaml should create setSystemYamlPath () { SYSTEM_YAML_PATH="${NEW_DATA_DIR}/etc/system.yaml" if [[ "${INSTALLER}" != "${HELM_TYPE}" ]]; then logger "system.yaml will be created in path [${SYSTEM_YAML_PATH}]" fi } # Create directory createDirectory () { local directory="$1" local output="$2" local check=false local message="Could not create directory ${directory}, please check if the user ${USER} has permissions to perform this action" removeSoftLink "${directory}" mkdir -p "${directory}" && check=true || check=false if [[ "${check}" == "false" ]]; then if [[ "${output}" == "Warning" ]]; then warn "${message}" else errorExit "${message}" fi fi setOwnershipBasedOnInstaller "${directory}" } setOwnershipBasedOnInstaller () { local directory="$1" if [[ "${INSTALLER}" == "${DEB_TYPE}" || "${INSTALLER}" == "${RPM_TYPE}" ]]; then getUserAndGroupFromFile chown -R ${USER_TO_CHECK}:${GROUP_TO_CHECK} "${directory}" || warn "Setting ownership on $directory failed" elif [[ "${INSTALLER}" == "${COMPOSE_TYPE}" || "${INSTALLER}" == "${HELM_TYPE}" ]]; then io_setOwnership "${directory}" "${JF_USER}" "${JF_USER}" fi } getUserAndGroup () { local file="$1" read uid gid <<<$(stat -c '%U %G' ${file}) USER_TO_CHECK="${uid}" GROUP_TO_CHECK="${gid}" } # set ownership getUserAndGroupFromFile () { case $PRODUCT in artifactory) getUserAndGroup "/etc/opt/jfrog/artifactory/artifactory.properties" ;; distribution) getUserAndGroup "${OLD_DATA_DIR}/etc/versions.properties" ;; xray) getUserAndGroup "${OLD_DATA_DIR}/security/master.key" ;; esac } # creating required directories createRequiredDirs () { bannerSubSection "CREATING REQUIRED DIRECTORIES" if [[ "${INSTALLER}" == "${COMPOSE_TYPE}" || "${INSTALLER}" == "${HELM_TYPE}" ]]; then removeSoftLinkAndCreateDir "${NEW_DATA_DIR}/etc/security" "${JF_USER}" "${JF_USER}" "yes" removeSoftLinkAndCreateDir "${NEW_DATA_DIR}/data" "${JF_USER}" "${JF_USER}" "yes" removeSoftLinkAndCreateDir "${NEW_DATA_DIR}/log/archived" "${JF_USER}" "${JF_USER}" "yes" removeSoftLinkAndCreateDir "${NEW_DATA_DIR}/work" "${JF_USER}" "${JF_USER}" "yes" removeSoftLinkAndCreateDir "${NEW_DATA_DIR}/backup" "${JF_USER}" "${JF_USER}" "yes" io_setOwnership "${NEW_DATA_DIR}" "${JF_USER}" "${JF_USER}" if [[ "${INSTALLER}" == "${COMPOSE_TYPE}" ]]; then removeSoftLinkAndCreateDir "${NEW_DATA_DIR}/data/postgres" "${POSTGRES_USER}" "${POSTGRES_USER}" "yes" fi elif [[ "${INSTALLER}" == "${DEB_TYPE}" || "${INSTALLER}" == "${RPM_TYPE}" ]]; then getUserAndGroupFromFile removeSoftLinkAndCreateDir "${NEW_DATA_DIR}/etc" "${USER_TO_CHECK}" "${GROUP_TO_CHECK}" "yes" removeSoftLinkAndCreateDir "${NEW_DATA_DIR}/etc/security" "${USER_TO_CHECK}" "${GROUP_TO_CHECK}" "yes" removeSoftLinkAndCreateDir "${NEW_DATA_DIR}/data" "${USER_TO_CHECK}" "${GROUP_TO_CHECK}" "yes" removeSoftLinkAndCreateDir "${NEW_DATA_DIR}/log/archived" "${USER_TO_CHECK}" "${GROUP_TO_CHECK}" "yes" removeSoftLinkAndCreateDir "${NEW_DATA_DIR}/work" "${USER_TO_CHECK}" "${GROUP_TO_CHECK}" "yes" removeSoftLinkAndCreateDir "${NEW_DATA_DIR}/backup" "${USER_TO_CHECK}" "${GROUP_TO_CHECK}" "yes" fi } # Check entry in map is format checkMapEntry () { local entry="$1" [[ "${entry}" != *"="* ]] && echo -n "false" || echo -n "true" } # Check value Empty and warn warnIfEmpty () { local filePath="$1" local yamlPath="$2" local check= if [[ -z "${filePath}" ]]; then warn "Empty value in yamlpath [${yamlPath} in [${MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO}]" check=false else check=true fi echo "${check}" } logCopyStatus () { local status="$1" local logMessage="$2" local warnMessage="$3" [[ "${status}" == "success" ]] && logger "${logMessage}" [[ "${status}" == "fail" ]] && warn "${warnMessage}" } # copy contents from source to destination copyCmd () { local source="$1" local target="$2" local mode="$3" local status= case $mode in unique) cp -up "${source}"/* "${target}"/ && status="success" || status="fail" logCopyStatus "${status}" "Successfully copied directory contents from [${source}] to [${target}]" "Failed to copy directory contents from [${source}] to [${target}]" ;; specific) cp -pf "${source}" "${target}"/ && status="success" || status="fail" logCopyStatus "${status}" "Successfully copied file [${source}] to [${target}]" "Failed to copy file [${source}] to [${target}]" ;; patternFiles) cp -pf "${source}"* "${target}"/ && status="success" || status="fail" logCopyStatus "${status}" "Successfully copied files matching [${source}*] to [${target}]" "Failed to copy files matching [${source}*] to [${target}]" ;; full) cp -prf "${source}"/* "${target}"/ && status="success" || status="fail" logCopyStatus "${status}" "Successfully copied directory contents from [${source}] to [${target}]" "Failed to copy directory contents from [${source}] to [${target}]" ;; esac } # Check contents exist in source before copying copyOnContentExist () { local source="$1" local target="$2" local mode="$3" if [[ "$(checkContentExists "${source}")" == "true" ]]; then copyCmd "${source}" "${target}" "${mode}" else logger "No contents to copy from [${source}]" fi } # move source to destination moveCmd () { local source="$1" local target="$2" local status= mv -f "${source}" "${target}" && status="success" || status="fail" [[ "${status}" == "success" ]] && logger "Successfully moved directory [${source}] to [${target}]" [[ "${status}" == "fail" ]] && warn "Failed to move directory [${source}] to [${target}]" } # symlink target to source symlinkCmd () { local source="$1" local target="$2" local symlinkSubDir="$3" local check=false if [[ "${symlinkSubDir}" == "subDir" ]]; then ln -sf "${source}"/* "${target}" && check=true || check=false else ln -sf "${source}" "${target}" && check=true || check=false fi [[ "${check}" == "true" ]] && logger "Successfully symlinked directory [${target}] to old [${source}]" [[ "${check}" == "false" ]] && warn "Symlink operation failed" } # Check contents exist in source before symlinking symlinkOnExist () { local source="$1" local target="$2" local symlinkSubDir="$3" if [[ "$(checkContentExists "${source}")" == "true" ]]; then if [[ "${symlinkSubDir}" == "subDir" ]]; then symlinkCmd "${source}" "${target}" "subDir" else symlinkCmd "${source}" "${target}" fi else logger "No contents to symlink from [${source}]" fi } prependDir () { local absolutePath="$1" local fullPath="$2" local sourcePath= if [[ "${absolutePath}" = \/* ]]; then sourcePath="${absolutePath}" else sourcePath="${fullPath}" fi echo "${sourcePath}" } getFirstEntry (){ local entry="$1" [[ -z "${entry}" ]] && return echo "${entry}" | awk -F"=" '{print $1}' } getSecondEntry () { local entry="$1" [[ -z "${entry}" ]] && return echo "${entry}" | awk -F"=" '{print $2}' } # To get absolutePath pathResolver () { local directoryPath="$1" local dataDir= if [[ "${INSTALLER}" == "${COMPOSE_TYPE}" || "${INSTALLER}" == "${HELM_TYPE}" ]]; then retrieveYamlValue "migration.oldDataDir" "oldDataDir" "Warning" dataDir="${YAML_VALUE}" cd "${dataDir}" else cd "${OLD_DATA_DIR}" fi absoluteDir="`cd "${directoryPath}";pwd`" echo "${absoluteDir}" } checkPathResolver () { local value="$1" if [[ "${value}" == \/* ]]; then value="${value}" else value="$(pathResolver "${value}")" fi echo "${value}" } propertyMigrate () { local entry="$1" local filePath="$2" local fileName="$3" local check=false local yamlPath="$(getFirstEntry "${entry}")" local property="$(getSecondEntry "${entry}")" if [[ -z "${property}" ]]; then warn "Property is empty in map [${entry}] in the file [${MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO}]" return fi if [[ -z "${yamlPath}" ]]; then warn "yamlPath is empty for [${property}] in [${MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO}]" return fi while IFS='=' read -r key value || [ -n "${key}" ]; do [[ ! "${key}" =~ \#.* && ! -z "${key}" && ! -z "${value}" ]] key="$(io_trim "${key}")" if [[ "${key}" == "${property}" ]]; then if [[ "${PRODUCT}" == "artifactory" ]]; then value="$(migrateResolveDerbyPath "${key}" "${value}")" value="$(migrateResolveHaDirPath "${key}" "${value}")" value="$(updatePostgresUrlString_Hook "${yamlPath}" "${value}")" fi if [[ "${key}" == "context.url" ]]; then local ip=$(echo "${value}" | awk -F/ '{print $3}' | sed 's/:.*//') setSystemValue "shared.node.ip" "${ip}" "${SYSTEM_YAML_PATH}" logger "Setting [shared.node.ip] with [${ip}] in system.yaml" fi setSystemValue "${yamlPath}" "${value}" "${SYSTEM_YAML_PATH}" && logger "Setting [${yamlPath}] with value of the property [${property}] in system.yaml" && check=true && break || check=false fi done < "${NEW_DATA_DIR}/${filePath}/${fileName}" [[ "${check}" == "false" ]] && logger "Property [${property}] not found in file [${fileName}]" } setHaEnabled_hook () { echo "" } migratePropertiesFiles () { local fileList= local filePath= local fileName= local map= retrieveYamlValue "migration.propertyFiles.files" "fileList" "Skip" fileList="${YAML_VALUE}" if [[ -z "${fileList}" ]]; then return fi bannerSection "PROCESSING MIGRATION OF PROPERTY FILES" for file in ${fileList}; do bannerSubSection "Processing Migration of $file" retrieveYamlValue "migration.propertyFiles.$file.filePath" "filePath" "Warning" filePath="${YAML_VALUE}" retrieveYamlValue "migration.propertyFiles.$file.fileName" "fileName" "Warning" fileName="${YAML_VALUE}" [[ -z "${filePath}" && -z "${fileName}" ]] && continue if [[ "$(checkFileExists "${NEW_DATA_DIR}/${filePath}/${fileName}")" == "true" ]]; then logger "File [${fileName}] found in path [${NEW_DATA_DIR}/${filePath}]" # setting haEnabled with true only if ha-node.properties is present setHaEnabled_hook "${filePath}" retrieveYamlValue "migration.propertyFiles.$file.map" "map" "Warning" map="${YAML_VALUE}" [[ -z "${map}" ]] && continue for entry in $map; do if [[ "$(checkMapEntry "${entry}")" == "true" ]]; then propertyMigrate "${entry}" "${filePath}" "${fileName}" else warn "map entry [${entry}] in [${MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO}] is not in correct format, correct format i.e yamlPath=property" fi done else logger "File [${fileName}] was not found in path [${NEW_DATA_DIR}/${filePath}] to migrate" fi done } createTargetDir () { local mountDir="$1" local target="$2" logger "Target directory not found [${mountDir}/${target}], creating it" createDirectoryRecursive "${mountDir}" "${target}" "Warning" } createDirectoryRecursive () { local mountDir="$1" local target="$2" local output="$3" local check=false local message="Could not create directory ${directory}, please check if the user ${USER} has permissions to perform this action" removeSoftLink "${mountDir}/${target}" local directory=$(echo "${target}" | tr '/' ' ' ) local targetDir="${mountDir}" for dir in ${directory}; do targetDir="${targetDir}/${dir}" mkdir -p "${targetDir}" && check=true || check=false setOwnershipBasedOnInstaller "${targetDir}" done if [[ "${check}" == "false" ]]; then if [[ "${output}" == "Warning" ]]; then warn "${message}" else errorExit "${message}" fi fi } copyOperation () { local source="$1" local target="$2" local mode="$3" local check=false local targetDataDir= local targetLink= local date= # prepend OLD_DATA_DIR only if source is relative path source="$(prependDir "${source}" "${OLD_DATA_DIR}/${source}")" if [[ "${INSTALLER}" == "${HELM_TYPE}" ]]; then targetDataDir="${NEW_DATA_DIR}" else targetDataDir="`cd "${NEW_DATA_DIR}"/../;pwd`" fi copyLogMessage "${mode}" #remove source if it is a symlink if [[ -L "${source}" ]]; then targetLink=$(readlink -f "${source}") logger "Removing the symlink [${source}] pointing to [${targetLink}]" rm -f "${source}" source=${targetLink} fi if [[ "$(checkDirExists "${source}")" != "true" ]]; then logger "Source [${source}] directory not found in path" return fi if [[ "$(checkDirContents "${source}")" != "true" ]]; then logger "No contents to copy from [${source}]" return fi if [[ "$(checkDirExists "${targetDataDir}/${target}")" != "true" ]]; then createTargetDir "${targetDataDir}" "${target}" fi copyOnContentExist "${source}" "${targetDataDir}/${target}" "${mode}" } copySpecificFiles () { local source="$1" local target="$2" local mode="$3" # prepend OLD_DATA_DIR only if source is relative path source="$(prependDir "${source}" "${OLD_DATA_DIR}/${source}")" if [[ "${INSTALLER}" == "${HELM_TYPE}" ]]; then targetDataDir="${NEW_DATA_DIR}" else targetDataDir="`cd "${NEW_DATA_DIR}"/../;pwd`" fi copyLogMessage "${mode}" if [[ "$(checkFileExists "${source}")" != "true" ]]; then logger "Source file [${source}] does not exist in path" return fi if [[ "$(checkDirExists "${targetDataDir}/${target}")" != "true" ]]; then createTargetDir "${targetDataDir}" "${target}" fi copyCmd "${source}" "${targetDataDir}/${target}" "${mode}" } copyPatternMatchingFiles () { local source="$1" local target="$2" local mode="$3" local sourcePath="${4}" # prepend OLD_DATA_DIR only if source is relative path sourcePath="$(prependDir "${sourcePath}" "${OLD_DATA_DIR}/${sourcePath}")" if [[ "${INSTALLER}" == "${HELM_TYPE}" ]]; then targetDataDir="${NEW_DATA_DIR}" else targetDataDir="`cd "${NEW_DATA_DIR}"/../;pwd`" fi copyLogMessage "${mode}" if [[ "$(checkDirExists "${sourcePath}")" != "true" ]]; then logger "Source [${sourcePath}] directory not found in path" return fi if ls "${sourcePath}/${source}"* 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then if [[ "$(checkDirExists "${targetDataDir}/${target}")" != "true" ]]; then createTargetDir "${targetDataDir}" "${target}" fi copyCmd "${sourcePath}/${source}" "${targetDataDir}/${target}" "${mode}" else logger "Source file [${sourcePath}/${source}*] does not exist in path" fi } copyLogMessage () { local mode="$1" case $mode in specific) logger "Copy file [${source}] to target [${targetDataDir}/${target}]" ;; patternFiles) logger "Copy files matching [${sourcePath}/${source}*] to target [${targetDataDir}/${target}]" ;; full) logger "Copy directory contents from source [${source}] to target [${targetDataDir}/${target}]" ;; unique) logger "Copy directory contents from source [${source}] to target [${targetDataDir}/${target}]" ;; esac } copyBannerMessages () { local mode="$1" local textMode="$2" case $mode in specific) bannerSection "COPY ${textMode} FILES" ;; patternFiles) bannerSection "COPY MATCHING ${textMode}" ;; full) bannerSection "COPY ${textMode} DIRECTORIES CONTENTS" ;; unique) bannerSection "COPY ${textMode} DIRECTORIES CONTENTS" ;; esac } invokeCopyFunctions () { local mode="$1" local source="$2" local target="$3" case $mode in specific) copySpecificFiles "${source}" "${target}" "${mode}" ;; patternFiles) retrieveYamlValue "migration.${copyFormat}.sourcePath" "map" "Warning" local sourcePath="${YAML_VALUE}" copyPatternMatchingFiles "${source}" "${target}" "${mode}" "${sourcePath}" ;; full) copyOperation "${source}" "${target}" "${mode}" ;; unique) copyOperation "${source}" "${target}" "${mode}" ;; esac } # Copies contents from source directory and target directory copyDataDirectories () { local copyFormat="$1" local mode="$2" local map= local source= local target= local textMode= local targetDataDir= local copyFormatValue= retrieveYamlValue "migration.${copyFormat}" "${copyFormat}" "Skip" copyFormatValue="${YAML_VALUE}" if [[ -z "${copyFormatValue}" ]]; then return fi textMode=$(echo "${mode}" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' 2>/dev/null) copyBannerMessages "${mode}" "${textMode}" retrieveYamlValue "migration.${copyFormat}.map" "map" "Warning" map="${YAML_VALUE}" if [[ "${INSTALLER}" == "${HELM_TYPE}" ]]; then targetDataDir="${NEW_DATA_DIR}" else targetDataDir="`cd "${NEW_DATA_DIR}"/../;pwd`" fi for entry in $map; do if [[ "$(checkMapEntry "${entry}")" == "true" ]]; then source="$(getSecondEntry "${entry}")" target="$(getFirstEntry "${entry}")" [[ -z "${source}" ]] && warn "source value is empty for [${entry}] in [${MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO}]" && continue [[ -z "${target}" ]] && warn "target value is empty for [${entry}] in [${MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO}]" && continue invokeCopyFunctions "${mode}" "${source}" "${target}" else warn "map entry [${entry}] in [${MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO}] is not in correct format, correct format i.e target=source" fi echo ""; done } invokeMoveFunctions () { local source="$1" local target="$2" local sourceDataDir= local targetBasename= # prepend OLD_DATA_DIR only if source is relative path sourceDataDir=$(prependDir "${source}" "${OLD_DATA_DIR}/${source}") targetBasename=$(dirname "${target}") logger "Moving directory source [${sourceDataDir}] to target [${NEW_DATA_DIR}/${target}]" if [[ "$(checkDirExists "${sourceDataDir}")" != "true" ]]; then logger "Directory [${sourceDataDir}] not found in path to move" return fi if [[ "$(checkDirExists "${NEW_DATA_DIR}/${targetBasename}")" != "true" ]]; then createTargetDir "${NEW_DATA_DIR}" "${targetBasename}" moveCmd "${sourceDataDir}" "${NEW_DATA_DIR}/${target}" else moveCmd "${sourceDataDir}" "${NEW_DATA_DIR}/tempDir" moveCmd "${NEW_DATA_DIR}/tempDir" "${NEW_DATA_DIR}/${target}" fi } # Move source directory and target directory moveDirectories () { local moveDataDirectories= local map= local source= local target= retrieveYamlValue "migration.moveDirectories" "moveDirectories" "Skip" moveDirectories="${YAML_VALUE}" if [[ -z "${moveDirectories}" ]]; then return fi bannerSection "MOVE DIRECTORIES" retrieveYamlValue "migration.moveDirectories.map" "map" "Warning" map="${YAML_VALUE}" for entry in $map; do if [[ "$(checkMapEntry "${entry}")" == "true" ]]; then source="$(getSecondEntry "${entry}")" target="$(getFirstEntry "${entry}")" [[ -z "${source}" ]] && warn "source value is empty for [${entry}] in [${MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO}]" && continue [[ -z "${target}" ]] && warn "target value is empty for [${entry}] in [${MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO}]" && continue invokeMoveFunctions "${source}" "${target}" else warn "map entry [${entry}] in [${MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO}] is not in correct format, correct format i.e target=source" fi echo ""; done } # Trim masterKey if its generated using hex 32 trimMasterKey () { local masterKeyDir=/opt/jfrog/artifactory/var/etc/security local oldMasterKey=$(<${masterKeyDir}/master.key) local oldMasterKey_Length=$(echo ${#oldMasterKey}) local newMasterKey= if [[ ${oldMasterKey_Length} -gt 32 ]]; then bannerSection "TRIM MASTERKEY" newMasterKey=$(echo ${oldMasterKey:0:32}) cp ${masterKeyDir}/master.key ${masterKeyDir}/backup_master.key logger "Original masterKey is backed up : ${masterKeyDir}/backup_master.key" rm -rf ${masterKeyDir}/master.key echo ${newMasterKey} > ${masterKeyDir}/master.key logger "masterKey is trimmed : ${masterKeyDir}/master.key" fi } copyDirectories () { copyDataDirectories "copyFiles" "full" copyDataDirectories "copyUniqueFiles" "unique" copyDataDirectories "copySpecificFiles" "specific" copyDataDirectories "copyPatternMatchingFiles" "patternFiles" } symlinkDir () { local source="$1" local target="$2" local targetDir= local basename= local targetParentDir= targetDir="$(dirname "${target}")" if [[ "${targetDir}" == "${source}" ]]; then # symlink the sub directories createDirectory "${NEW_DATA_DIR}/${target}" "Warning" if [[ "$(checkDirExists "${NEW_DATA_DIR}/${target}")" == "true" ]]; then symlinkOnExist "${OLD_DATA_DIR}/${source}" "${NEW_DATA_DIR}/${target}" "subDir" basename="$(basename "${target}")" cd "${NEW_DATA_DIR}/${target}" && rm -f "${basename}" fi else targetParentDir="$(dirname "${NEW_DATA_DIR}/${target}")" createDirectory "${targetParentDir}" "Warning" if [[ "$(checkDirExists "${targetParentDir}")" == "true" ]]; then symlinkOnExist "${OLD_DATA_DIR}/${source}" "${NEW_DATA_DIR}/${target}" fi fi } symlinkOperation () { local source="$1" local target="$2" local check=false local targetLink= local date= # Check if source is a link and do symlink if [[ -L "${OLD_DATA_DIR}/${source}" ]]; then targetLink=$(readlink -f "${OLD_DATA_DIR}/${source}") symlinkOnExist "${targetLink}" "${NEW_DATA_DIR}/${target}" else # check if source is directory and do symlink if [[ "$(checkDirExists "${OLD_DATA_DIR}/${source}")" != "true" ]]; then logger "Source [${source}] directory not found in path to symlink" return fi if [[ "$(checkDirContents "${OLD_DATA_DIR}/${source}")" != "true" ]]; then logger "No contents found in [${OLD_DATA_DIR}/${source}] to symlink" return fi if [[ "$(checkDirExists "${NEW_DATA_DIR}/${target}")" != "true" ]]; then logger "Target directory [${NEW_DATA_DIR}/${target}] does not exist to create symlink, creating it" symlinkDir "${source}" "${target}" else rm -rf "${NEW_DATA_DIR}/${target}" && check=true || check=false [[ "${check}" == "false" ]] && warn "Failed to remove contents in [${NEW_DATA_DIR}/${target}/]" symlinkDir "${source}" "${target}" fi fi } # Creates a symlink path - Source directory to which the symbolic link should point. symlinkDirectories () { local linkFiles= local map= local source= local target= retrieveYamlValue "migration.linkFiles" "linkFiles" "Skip" linkFiles="${YAML_VALUE}" if [[ -z "${linkFiles}" ]]; then return fi bannerSection "SYMLINK DIRECTORIES" retrieveYamlValue "migration.linkFiles.map" "map" "Warning" map="${YAML_VALUE}" for entry in $map; do if [[ "$(checkMapEntry "${entry}")" == "true" ]]; then source="$(getSecondEntry "${entry}")" target="$(getFirstEntry "${entry}")" logger "Symlink directory [${NEW_DATA_DIR}/${target}] to old [${OLD_DATA_DIR}/${source}]" [[ -z "${source}" ]] && warn "source value is empty for [${entry}] in [${MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO}]" && continue [[ -z "${target}" ]] && warn "target value is empty for [${entry}] in [${MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO}]" && continue symlinkOperation "${source}" "${target}" else warn "map entry [${entry}] in [${MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO}] is not in correct format, correct format i.e target=source" fi echo ""; done } updateConnectionString () { local yamlPath="$1" local value="$2" local mongoPath="shared.mongo.url" local rabbitmqPath="shared.rabbitMq.url" local postgresPath="shared.database.url" local redisPath="shared.redis.connectionString" local mongoConnectionString="mongo.connectionString" local sourceKey= local hostIp=$(io_getPublicHostIP) local hostKey= if [[ "${INSTALLER}" == "${COMPOSE_TYPE}" || "${INSTALLER}" == "${HELM_TYPE}" ]]; then # Replace @postgres:,@mongodb:,@rabbitmq:,@redis: to @{hostIp}: (Compose Installer) hostKey="@${hostIp}:" case $yamlPath in ${postgresPath}) sourceKey="@postgres:" value=$(io_replaceString "${value}" "${sourceKey}" "${hostKey}") ;; ${mongoPath}) sourceKey="@mongodb:" value=$(io_replaceString "${value}" "${sourceKey}" "${hostKey}") ;; ${rabbitmqPath}) sourceKey="@rabbitmq:" value=$(io_replaceString "${value}" "${sourceKey}" "${hostKey}") ;; ${redisPath}) sourceKey="@redis:" value=$(io_replaceString "${value}" "${sourceKey}" "${hostKey}") ;; ${mongoConnectionString}) sourceKey="@mongodb:" value=$(io_replaceString "${value}" "${sourceKey}" "${hostKey}") ;; esac fi echo -n "${value}" } yamlMigrate () { local entry="$1" local sourceFile="$2" local value= local yamlPath= local key= yamlPath="$(getFirstEntry "${entry}")" key="$(getSecondEntry "${entry}")" if [[ -z "${key}" ]]; then warn "key is empty in map [${entry}] in the file [${MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO}]" return fi if [[ -z "${yamlPath}" ]]; then warn "yamlPath is empty for [${key}] in [${MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO}]" return fi getYamlValue "${key}" "${sourceFile}" "false" value="${YAML_VALUE}" if [[ ! -z "${value}" ]]; then value=$(updateConnectionString "${yamlPath}" "${value}") fi if [[ "${PRODUCT}" == "artifactory" ]]; then replicatorProfiling fi if [[ -z "${value}" ]]; then logger "No value for [${key}] in [${sourceFile}]" else setSystemValue "${yamlPath}" "${value}" "${SYSTEM_YAML_PATH}" logger "Setting [${yamlPath}] with value of the key [${key}] in system.yaml" fi } migrateYamlFile () { local files= local filePath= local fileName= local sourceFile= local map= retrieveYamlValue "migration.yaml.files" "files" "Skip" files="${YAML_VALUE}" if [[ -z "${files}" ]]; then return fi bannerSection "MIGRATION OF YAML FILES" for file in $files; do bannerSubSection "Processing Migration of $file" retrieveYamlValue "migration.yaml.$file.filePath" "filePath" "Warning" filePath="${YAML_VALUE}" retrieveYamlValue "migration.yaml.$file.fileName" "fileName" "Warning" fileName="${YAML_VALUE}" [[ -z "${filePath}" && -z "${fileName}" ]] && continue sourceFile="${NEW_DATA_DIR}/${filePath}/${fileName}" if [[ "$(checkFileExists "${sourceFile}")" == "true" ]]; then logger "File [${fileName}] found in path [${NEW_DATA_DIR}/${filePath}]" retrieveYamlValue "migration.yaml.$file.map" "map" "Warning" map="${YAML_VALUE}" [[ -z "${map}" ]] && continue for entry in $map; do if [[ "$(checkMapEntry "${entry}")" == "true" ]]; then yamlMigrate "${entry}" "${sourceFile}" else warn "map entry [${entry}] in [${MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO}] is not in correct format, correct format i.e yamlPath=key" fi done else logger "File [${fileName}] is not found in path [${NEW_DATA_DIR}/${filePath}] to migrate" fi done } # updates the key and value in system.yaml updateYamlKeyValue () { local entry="$1" local value= local yamlPath= local key= yamlPath="$(getFirstEntry "${entry}")" value="$(getSecondEntry "${entry}")" if [[ -z "${value}" ]]; then warn "value is empty in map [${entry}] in the file [${MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO}]" return fi if [[ -z "${yamlPath}" ]]; then warn "yamlPath is empty for [${key}] in [${MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO}]" return fi setSystemValue "${yamlPath}" "${value}" "${SYSTEM_YAML_PATH}" logger "Setting [${yamlPath}] with value [${value}] in system.yaml" } updateSystemYamlFile () { local updateYaml= local map= retrieveYamlValue "migration.updateSystemYaml" "updateYaml" "Skip" updateSystemYaml="${YAML_VALUE}" if [[ -z "${updateSystemYaml}" ]]; then return fi bannerSection "UPDATE SYSTEM YAML FILE WITH KEY AND VALUES" retrieveYamlValue "migration.updateSystemYaml.map" "map" "Warning" map="${YAML_VALUE}" if [[ -z "${map}" ]]; then return fi for entry in $map; do if [[ "$(checkMapEntry "${entry}")" == "true" ]]; then updateYamlKeyValue "${entry}" else warn "map entry [${entry}] in [${MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO}] is not in correct format, correct format i.e yamlPath=key" fi done } backupFiles_hook () { logSilly "Method ${FUNCNAME[0]}" } backupDirectory () { local backupDir="$1" local dir="$2" local targetDir="$3" local effectiveUser= local effectiveGroup= if [[ "${dir}" = \/* ]]; then dir=$(echo "${dir/\//}") fi if [[ "${INSTALLER}" == "${COMPOSE_TYPE}" || "${INSTALLER}" == "${HELM_TYPE}" ]]; then effectiveUser="${JF_USER}" effectiveGroup="${JF_USER}" elif [[ "${INSTALLER}" == "${DEB_TYPE}" || "${INSTALLER}" == "${RPM_TYPE}" ]]; then effectiveUser="${USER_TO_CHECK}" effectiveGroup="${GROUP_TO_CHECK}" fi removeSoftLinkAndCreateDir "${backupDir}" "${effectiveUser}" "${effectiveGroup}" "yes" local backupDirectory="${backupDir}/${PRODUCT}" removeSoftLinkAndCreateDir "${backupDirectory}" "${effectiveUser}" "${effectiveGroup}" "yes" removeSoftLinkAndCreateDir "${backupDirectory}/${dir}" "${effectiveUser}" "${effectiveGroup}" "yes" local outputCheckDirExists="$(checkDirExists "${backupDirectory}/${dir}")" if [[ "${outputCheckDirExists}" == "true" ]]; then copyOnContentExist "${targetDir}" "${backupDirectory}/${dir}" "full" fi } removeOldDirectory () { local backupDir="$1" local entry="$2" local check=false # prepend OLD_DATA_DIR only if entry is relative path local targetDir="$(prependDir "${entry}" "${OLD_DATA_DIR}/${entry}")" local outputCheckDirExists="$(checkDirExists "${targetDir}")" if [[ "${outputCheckDirExists}" != "true" ]]; then logger "No [${targetDir}] directory found to delete" echo ""; return fi backupDirectory "${backupDir}" "${entry}" "${targetDir}" rm -rf "${targetDir}" && check=true || check=false [[ "${check}" == "true" ]] && logger "Successfully removed directory [${targetDir}]" [[ "${check}" == "false" ]] && warn "Failed to remove directory [${targetDir}]" echo ""; } cleanUpOldDataDirectories () { local cleanUpOldDataDir= local map= local entry= retrieveYamlValue "migration.cleanUpOldDataDir" "cleanUpOldDataDir" "Skip" cleanUpOldDataDir="${YAML_VALUE}" if [[ -z "${cleanUpOldDataDir}" ]]; then return fi bannerSection "CLEAN UP OLD DATA DIRECTORIES" retrieveYamlValue "migration.cleanUpOldDataDir.map" "map" "Warning" map="${YAML_VALUE}" [[ -z "${map}" ]] && continue date="$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M)" backupDir="${NEW_DATA_DIR}/backup/backup-${date}" bannerImportant "****** Old data configurations are backedup in [${backupDir}] directory ******" backupFiles_hook "${backupDir}/${PRODUCT}" for entry in $map; do removeOldDirectory "${backupDir}" "${entry}" done } backupFiles () { local backupDir="$1" local dir="$2" local targetDir="$3" local fileName="$4" local effectiveUser= local effectiveGroup= if [[ "${dir}" = \/* ]]; then dir=$(echo "${dir/\//}") fi if [[ "${INSTALLER}" == "${COMPOSE_TYPE}" || "${INSTALLER}" == "${HELM_TYPE}" ]]; then effectiveUser="${JF_USER}" effectiveGroup="${JF_USER}" elif [[ "${INSTALLER}" == "${DEB_TYPE}" || "${INSTALLER}" == "${RPM_TYPE}" ]]; then effectiveUser="${USER_TO_CHECK}" effectiveGroup="${GROUP_TO_CHECK}" fi removeSoftLinkAndCreateDir "${backupDir}" "${effectiveUser}" "${effectiveGroup}" "yes" local backupDirectory="${backupDir}/${PRODUCT}" removeSoftLinkAndCreateDir "${backupDirectory}" "${effectiveUser}" "${effectiveGroup}" "yes" removeSoftLinkAndCreateDir "${backupDirectory}/${dir}" "${effectiveUser}" "${effectiveGroup}" "yes" local outputCheckDirExists="$(checkDirExists "${backupDirectory}/${dir}")" if [[ "${outputCheckDirExists}" == "true" ]]; then copyCmd "${targetDir}/${fileName}" "${backupDirectory}/${dir}" "specific" fi } removeOldFiles () { local backupDir="$1" local directoryName="$2" local fileName="$3" local check=false # prepend OLD_DATA_DIR only if entry is relative path local targetDir="$(prependDir "${directoryName}" "${OLD_DATA_DIR}/${directoryName}")" local outputCheckFileExists="$(checkFileExists "${targetDir}/${fileName}")" if [[ "${outputCheckFileExists}" != "true" ]]; then logger "No [${targetDir}/${fileName}] file found to delete" return fi backupFiles "${backupDir}" "${directoryName}" "${targetDir}" "${fileName}" rm -f "${targetDir}/${fileName}" && check=true || check=false [[ "${check}" == "true" ]] && logger "Successfully removed file [${targetDir}/${fileName}]" [[ "${check}" == "false" ]] && warn "Failed to remove file [${targetDir}/${fileName}]" echo ""; } cleanUpOldFiles () { local cleanUpFiles= local map= local entry= retrieveYamlValue "migration.cleanUpOldFiles" "cleanUpOldFiles" "Skip" cleanUpOldFiles="${YAML_VALUE}" if [[ -z "${cleanUpOldFiles}" ]]; then return fi bannerSection "CLEAN UP OLD FILES" retrieveYamlValue "migration.cleanUpOldFiles.map" "map" "Warning" map="${YAML_VALUE}" [[ -z "${map}" ]] && continue date="$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M)" backupDir="${NEW_DATA_DIR}/backup/backup-${date}" bannerImportant "****** Old files are backedup in [${backupDir}] directory ******" for entry in $map; do local outputCheckMapEntry="$(checkMapEntry "${entry}")" if [[ "${outputCheckMapEntry}" != "true" ]]; then warn "map entry [${entry}] in [${MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO}] is not in correct format, correct format i.e directoryName=fileName" fi local fileName="$(getSecondEntry "${entry}")" local directoryName="$(getFirstEntry "${entry}")" [[ -z "${fileName}" ]] && warn "File name value is empty for [${entry}] in [${MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO}]" && continue [[ -z "${directoryName}" ]] && warn "Directory name value is empty for [${entry}] in [${MIGRATION_SYSTEM_YAML_INFO}]" && continue removeOldFiles "${backupDir}" "${directoryName}" "${fileName}" echo ""; done } startMigration () { bannerSection "STARTING MIGRATION" } endMigration () { bannerSection "MIGRATION COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY" } initialize () { setAppDir _pauseExecution "setAppDir" initHelpers _pauseExecution "initHelpers" checkMigrationInfoYaml _pauseExecution "checkMigrationInfoYaml" getProduct _pauseExecution "getProduct" getDataDir _pauseExecution "getDataDir" } main () { case $PRODUCT in artifactory) migrateArtifactory ;; distribution) migrateDistribution ;; xray) migrationXray ;; esac exit 0 } # Ensures meta data is logged LOG_BEHAVIOR_ADD_META="$FLAG_Y" migrateResolveDerbyPath () { local key="$1" local value="$2" if [[ "${key}" == "url" && "${value}" == *"db.home"* ]]; then if [[ "${INSTALLER}" == "${COMPOSE_TYPE}" ]]; then derbyPath="/opt/jfrog/artifactory/var/data/artifactory/derby" value=$(echo "${value}" | sed "s|{db.home}|$derbyPath|") else derbyPath="${NEW_DATA_DIR}/data/artifactory/derby" value=$(echo "${value}" | sed "s|{db.home}|$derbyPath|") fi fi echo "${value}" } migrateResolveHaDirPath () { local key="$1" local value="$2" if [[ "${INSTALLER}" == "${RPM_TYPE}" || "${INSTALLER}" == "${COMPOSE_TYPE}" || "${INSTALLER}" == "${HELM_TYPE}" || "${INSTALLER}" == "${DEB_TYPE}" ]]; then if [[ "${key}" == "artifactory.ha.data.dir" || "${key}" == "artifactory.ha.backup.dir" ]]; then value=$(checkPathResolver "${value}") fi fi echo "${value}" } updatePostgresUrlString_Hook () { local yamlPath="$1" local value="$2" local hostIp=$(io_getPublicHostIP) local sourceKey="//postgresql:" if [[ "${yamlPath}" == "shared.database.url" ]]; then value=$(io_replaceString "${value}" "${sourceKey}" "//${hostIp}:" "#") fi echo "${value}" } # Check Artifactory product version checkArtifactoryVersion () { local minProductVersion="6.0.0" local maxProductVersion="7.0.0" local propertyInDocker="ARTIFACTORY_VERSION" local property="artifactory.version" if [[ "${INSTALLER}" == "${COMPOSE_TYPE}" ]]; then local newfilePath="${APP_DIR}/../.env" local oldfilePath="${OLD_DATA_DIR}/etc/artifactory.properties" elif [[ "${INSTALLER}" == "${HELM_TYPE}" ]]; then local oldfilePath="${OLD_DATA_DIR}/etc/artifactory.properties" elif [[ "${INSTALLER}" == "${ZIP_TYPE}" ]]; then local newfilePath="${NEW_DATA_DIR}/etc/artifactory/artifactory.properties" local oldfilePath="${OLD_DATA_DIR}/etc/artifactory.properties" else local newfilePath="${NEW_DATA_DIR}/etc/artifactory/artifactory.properties" local oldfilePath="/etc/opt/jfrog/artifactory/artifactory.properties" fi getProductVersion "${minProductVersion}" "${maxProductVersion}" "${newfilePath}" "${oldfilePath}" "${propertyInDocker}" "${property}" } getCustomDataDir_hook () { retrieveYamlValue "migration.oldDataDir" "oldDataDir" "Fail" OLD_DATA_DIR="${YAML_VALUE}" } # Get protocol value of connector getXmlConnectorProtocol () { local i="$1" local filePath="$2" local fileName="$3" local protocolValue=$($LIBXML2_PATH --xpath '//Server/Service/Connector['$i']/@protocol' ${filePath}/${fileName} 2>/dev/null |awk -F"=" '{print $2}' | tr -d '"') echo -e "${protocolValue}" } # Get all attributes of connector getXmlConnectorAttributes () { local i="$1" local filePath="$2" local fileName="$3" local connectorAttributes=$($LIBXML2_PATH --xpath '//Server/Service/Connector['$i']/@*' ${filePath}/${fileName} 2>/dev/null) # strip leading and trailing spaces connectorAttributes=$(io_trim "${connectorAttributes}") echo "${connectorAttributes}" } # Get port value of connector getXmlConnectorPort () { local i="$1" local filePath="$2" local fileName="$3" local portValue=$($LIBXML2_PATH --xpath '//Server/Service/Connector['$i']/@port' ${filePath}/${fileName} 2>/dev/null | awk -F"=" '{print $2}' | tr -d '"') echo -e "${portValue}" } # Get maxThreads value of connector getXmlConnectorMaxThreads () { local i="$1" local filePath="$2" local fileName="$3" local maxThreadValue=$($LIBXML2_PATH --xpath '//Server/Service/Connector['$i']/@maxThreads' ${filePath}/${fileName} 2>/dev/null | awk -F"=" '{print $2}' | tr -d '"') echo -e "${maxThreadValue}" } # Get sendReasonPhrase value of connector getXmlConnectorSendReasonPhrase () { local i="$1" local filePath="$2" local fileName="$3" local sendReasonPhraseValue=$($LIBXML2_PATH --xpath '//Server/Service/Connector['$i']/@sendReasonPhrase' ${filePath}/${fileName} 2>/dev/null | awk -F"=" '{print $2}' | tr -d '"') echo -e "${sendReasonPhraseValue}" } # Get relaxedPathChars value of connector getXmlConnectorRelaxedPathChars () { local i="$1" local filePath="$2" local fileName="$3" local relaxedPathCharsValue=$($LIBXML2_PATH --xpath '//Server/Service/Connector['$i']/@relaxedPathChars' ${filePath}/${fileName} 2>/dev/null | awk -F"=" '{print $2}' | tr -d '"') # strip leading and trailing spaces relaxedPathCharsValue=$(io_trim "${relaxedPathCharsValue}") echo -e "${relaxedPathCharsValue}" } # Get relaxedQueryChars value of connector getXmlConnectorRelaxedQueryChars () { local i="$1" local filePath="$2" local fileName="$3" local relaxedQueryCharsValue=$($LIBXML2_PATH --xpath '//Server/Service/Connector['$i']/@relaxedQueryChars' ${filePath}/${fileName} 2>/dev/null | awk -F"=" '{print $2}' | tr -d '"') # strip leading and trailing spaces relaxedQueryCharsValue=$(io_trim "${relaxedQueryCharsValue}") echo -e "${relaxedQueryCharsValue}" } # Updating system.yaml with Connector port setConnectorPort () { local yamlPath="$1" local valuePort="$2" local portYamlPath= if [[ -z "${yamlPath}" ]]; then return fi if [[ -z "${valuePort}" ]]; then warn "port value is empty, could not migrate to system.yaml" return fi ## Getting port yaml path from migration info yaml retrieveYamlValue "${yamlPath}" portYamlPath "Warning" portYamlPath="${YAML_VALUE}" if [[ -z "${portYamlPath}" ]]; then return fi setSystemValue "${portYamlPath}" "${valuePort}" "${SYSTEM_YAML_PATH}" logger "Setting [${portYamlPath}] with value [${valuePort}] in system.yaml" } # Updating system.yaml with Connector maxThreads setConnectorMaxThread () { local yamlPath="$1" local threadValue="$2" local maxThreadYamlPath= if [[ -z "${yamlPath}" ]]; then return fi if [[ -z "${threadValue}" ]]; then return fi ## Getting max Threads yaml path from migration info yaml retrieveYamlValue "${yamlPath}" maxThreadYamlPath "Warning" maxThreadYamlPath="${YAML_VALUE}" if [[ -z "${maxThreadYamlPath}" ]]; then return fi setSystemValue "${maxThreadYamlPath}" "${threadValue}" "${SYSTEM_YAML_PATH}" logger "Setting [${maxThreadYamlPath}] with value [${threadValue}] in system.yaml" } # Updating system.yaml with Connector sendReasonPhrase setConnectorSendReasonPhrase () { local yamlPath="$1" local sendReasonPhraseValue="$2" local sendReasonPhraseYamlPath= if [[ -z "${yamlPath}" ]]; then return fi if [[ -z "${sendReasonPhraseValue}" ]]; then return fi ## Getting sendReasonPhrase yaml path from migration info yaml retrieveYamlValue "${yamlPath}" sendReasonPhraseYamlPath "Warning" sendReasonPhraseYamlPath="${YAML_VALUE}" if [[ -z "${sendReasonPhraseYamlPath}" ]]; then return fi setSystemValue "${sendReasonPhraseYamlPath}" "${sendReasonPhraseValue}" "${SYSTEM_YAML_PATH}" logger "Setting [${sendReasonPhraseYamlPath}] with value [${sendReasonPhraseValue}] in system.yaml" } # Updating system.yaml with Connector relaxedPathChars setConnectorRelaxedPathChars () { local yamlPath="$1" local relaxedPathCharsValue="$2" local relaxedPathCharsYamlPath= if [[ -z "${yamlPath}" ]]; then return fi if [[ -z "${relaxedPathCharsValue}" ]]; then return fi ## Getting relaxedPathChars yaml path from migration info yaml retrieveYamlValue "${yamlPath}" relaxedPathCharsYamlPath "Warning" relaxedPathCharsYamlPath="${YAML_VALUE}" if [[ -z "${relaxedPathCharsYamlPath}" ]]; then return fi setSystemValue "${relaxedPathCharsYamlPath}" "${relaxedPathCharsValue}" "${SYSTEM_YAML_PATH}" logger "Setting [${relaxedPathCharsYamlPath}] with value [${relaxedPathCharsValue}] in system.yaml" } # Updating system.yaml with Connector relaxedQueryChars setConnectorRelaxedQueryChars () { local yamlPath="$1" local relaxedQueryCharsValue="$2" local relaxedQueryCharsYamlPath= if [[ -z "${yamlPath}" ]]; then return fi if [[ -z "${relaxedQueryCharsValue}" ]]; then return fi ## Getting relaxedQueryChars yaml path from migration info yaml retrieveYamlValue "${yamlPath}" relaxedQueryCharsYamlPath "Warning" relaxedQueryCharsYamlPath="${YAML_VALUE}" if [[ -z "${relaxedQueryCharsYamlPath}" ]]; then return fi setSystemValue "${relaxedQueryCharsYamlPath}" "${relaxedQueryCharsValue}" "${SYSTEM_YAML_PATH}" logger "Setting [${relaxedQueryCharsYamlPath}] with value [${relaxedQueryCharsValue}] in system.yaml" } # Updating system.yaml with Connectors configurations setConnectorExtraConfig () { local yamlPath="$1" local connectorAttributes="$2" local extraConfigPath= if [[ -z "${yamlPath}" ]]; then return fi if [[ -z "${connectorAttributes}" ]]; then return fi ## Getting extraConfig yaml path from migration info yaml retrieveYamlValue "${yamlPath}" extraConfig "Warning" extraConfigPath="${YAML_VALUE}" if [[ -z "${extraConfigPath}" ]]; then return fi # strip leading and trailing spaces connectorAttributes=$(io_trim "${connectorAttributes}") setSystemValue "${extraConfigPath}" "${connectorAttributes}" "${SYSTEM_YAML_PATH}" logger "Setting [${extraConfigPath}] with connector attributes in system.yaml" } # Updating system.yaml with extra Connectors setExtraConnector () { local yamlPath="$1" local extraConnector="$2" local extraConnectorYamlPath= if [[ -z "${yamlPath}" ]]; then return fi if [[ -z "${extraConnector}" ]]; then return fi ## Getting extraConnecotr yaml path from migration info yaml retrieveYamlValue "${yamlPath}" extraConnectorYamlPath "Warning" extraConnectorYamlPath="${YAML_VALUE}" if [[ -z "${extraConnectorYamlPath}" ]]; then return fi getYamlValue "${extraConnectorYamlPath}" "${SYSTEM_YAML_PATH}" "false" local connectorExtra="${YAML_VALUE}" if [[ -z "${connectorExtra}" ]]; then setSystemValue "${extraConnectorYamlPath}" "${extraConnector}" "${SYSTEM_YAML_PATH}" logger "Setting [${extraConnectorYamlPath}] with extra connectors in system.yaml" else setSystemValue "${extraConnectorYamlPath}" "\"${connectorExtra} ${extraConnector}\"" "${SYSTEM_YAML_PATH}" logger "Setting [${extraConnectorYamlPath}] with extra connectors in system.yaml" fi } # Migrate extra connectors to system.yaml migrateExtraConnectors () { local filePath="$1" local fileName="$2" local connectorCount="$3" local excludeDefaultPort="$4" local i="$5" local extraConfig= local extraConnector= if [[ "${excludeDefaultPort}" == "yes" ]]; then for ((i = 1 ; i <= "${connectorCount}" ; i++)); do local portValue=$(getXmlConnectorPort "$i" "${filePath}" "${fileName}") [[ "${portValue}" != "${DEFAULT_ACCESS_PORT}" && "${portValue}" != "${DEFAULT_RT_PORT}" ]] || continue extraConnector=$($LIBXML2_PATH --xpath '//Server/Service/Connector['$i']' ${filePath}/${fileName} 2>/dev/null) setExtraConnector "${EXTRA_CONFIG_YAMLPATH}" "${extraConnector}" done else extraConnector=$($LIBXML2_PATH --xpath '//Server/Service/Connector['$i']' ${filePath}/${fileName} 2>/dev/null) setExtraConnector "${EXTRA_CONFIG_YAMLPATH}" "${extraConnector}" fi } # Migrate connector configurations migrateConnectorConfig () { local i="$1" local protocolType="$2" local portValue="$3" local connectorPortYamlPath="$4" local connectorMaxThreadYamlPath="$5" local connectorAttributesYamlPath="$6" local filePath="$7" local fileName="$8" local connectorSendReasonPhraseYamlPath="$9" local connectorRelaxedPathCharsYamlPath="${10}" local connectorRelaxedQueryCharsYamlPath="${11}" # migrate port setConnectorPort "${connectorPortYamlPath}" "${portValue}" # migrate maxThreads local maxThreadValue=$(getXmlConnectorMaxThreads "$i" "${filePath}" "${fileName}") setConnectorMaxThread "${connectorMaxThreadYamlPath}" "${maxThreadValue}" # migrate sendReasonPhrase local sendReasonPhraseValue=$(getXmlConnectorSendReasonPhrase "$i" "${filePath}" "${fileName}") setConnectorSendReasonPhrase "${connectorSendReasonPhraseYamlPath}" "${sendReasonPhraseValue}" # migrate relaxedPathChars local relaxedPathCharsValue=$(getXmlConnectorRelaxedPathChars "$i" "${filePath}" "${fileName}") setConnectorRelaxedPathChars "${connectorRelaxedPathCharsYamlPath}" "\"${relaxedPathCharsValue}\"" # migrate relaxedQueryChars local relaxedQueryCharsValue=$(getXmlConnectorRelaxedQueryChars "$i" "${filePath}" "${fileName}") setConnectorRelaxedQueryChars "${connectorRelaxedQueryCharsYamlPath}" "\"${relaxedQueryCharsValue}\"" # migrate all attributes to extra config except port , maxThread , sendReasonPhrase ,relaxedPathChars and relaxedQueryChars local connectorAttributes=$(getXmlConnectorAttributes "$i" "${filePath}" "${fileName}") connectorAttributes=$(echo "${connectorAttributes}" | sed 's/port="'${portValue}'"//g' | sed 's/maxThreads="'${maxThreadValue}'"//g' | sed 's/sendReasonPhrase="'${sendReasonPhraseValue}'"//g' | sed 's/relaxedPathChars="\'${relaxedPathCharsValue}'\"//g' | sed 's/relaxedQueryChars="\'${relaxedQueryCharsValue}'\"//g') # strip leading and trailing spaces connectorAttributes=$(io_trim "${connectorAttributes}") setConnectorExtraConfig "${connectorAttributesYamlPath}" "${connectorAttributes}" } # Check for default port 8040 and 8081 in connectors and migrate migrateConnectorPort () { local filePath="$1" local fileName="$2" local connectorCount="$3" local defaultPort="$4" local connectorPortYamlPath="$5" local connectorMaxThreadYamlPath="$6" local connectorAttributesYamlPath="$7" local connectorSendReasonPhraseYamlPath="$8" local connectorRelaxedPathCharsYamlPath="$9" local connectorRelaxedQueryCharsYamlPath="${10}" local portYamlPath= local maxThreadYamlPath= local status= for ((i = 1 ; i <= "${connectorCount}" ; i++)); do local portValue=$(getXmlConnectorPort "$i" "${filePath}" "${fileName}") local protocolType=$(getXmlConnectorProtocol "$i" "${filePath}" "${fileName}") [[ "${protocolType}" == *AJP* ]] && continue [[ "${portValue}" != "${defaultPort}" ]] && continue if [[ "${portValue}" == "${DEFAULT_RT_PORT}" ]]; then RT_DEFAULTPORT_STATUS=success else AC_DEFAULTPORT_STATUS=success fi migrateConnectorConfig "${i}" "${protocolType}" "${portValue}" "${connectorPortYamlPath}" "${connectorMaxThreadYamlPath}" "${connectorAttributesYamlPath}" "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${connectorSendReasonPhraseYamlPath}" "${connectorRelaxedPathCharsYamlPath}" "${connectorRelaxedQueryCharsYamlPath}" done } # migrate to extra, connector having default port and protocol is AJP migrateDefaultPortIfAjp () { local filePath="$1" local fileName="$2" local connectorCount="$3" local defaultPort="$4" for ((i = 1 ; i <= "${connectorCount}" ; i++)); do local portValue=$(getXmlConnectorPort "$i" "${filePath}" "${fileName}") local protocolType=$(getXmlConnectorProtocol "$i" "${filePath}" "${fileName}") [[ "${protocolType}" != *AJP* ]] && continue [[ "${portValue}" != "${defaultPort}" ]] && continue migrateExtraConnectors "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${connectorCount}" "no" "${i}" done } # Comparing max threads in connectors compareMaxThreads () { local firstConnectorMaxThread="$1" local firstConnectorNode="$2" local secondConnectorMaxThread="$3" local secondConnectorNode="$4" local filePath="$5" local fileName="$6" # choose higher maxThreads connector as Artifactory. if [[ "${firstConnectorMaxThread}" -gt ${secondConnectorMaxThread} || "${firstConnectorMaxThread}" -eq ${secondConnectorMaxThread} ]]; then # maxThread is higher in firstConnector, # Taking firstConnector as Artifactory and SecondConnector as Access # maxThread is equal in both connector,considering firstConnector as Artifactory and SecondConnector as Access local rtPortValue=$(getXmlConnectorPort "${firstConnectorNode}" "${filePath}" "${fileName}") migrateConnectorConfig "${firstConnectorNode}" "${protocolType}" "${rtPortValue}" "${RT_PORT_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_MAXTHREADS_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_EXTRACONFIG_YAMLPATH}" "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${RT_SENDREASONPHRASE_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_RELAXEDPATHCHARS_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_RELAXEDQUERYCHARS_YAMLPATH}" local acPortValue=$(getXmlConnectorPort "${secondConnectorNode}" "${filePath}" "${fileName}") migrateConnectorConfig "${secondConnectorNode}" "${protocolType}" "${acPortValue}" "${AC_PORT_YAMLPATH}" "${AC_MAXTHREADS_YAMLPATH}" "${AC_EXTRACONFIG_YAMLPATH}" "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${AC_SENDREASONPHRASE_YAMLPATH}" else # maxThread is higher in SecondConnector, # Taking SecondConnector as Artifactory and firstConnector as Access local rtPortValue=$(getXmlConnectorPort "${secondConnectorNode}" "${filePath}" "${fileName}") migrateConnectorConfig "${secondConnectorNode}" "${protocolType}" "${rtPortValue}" "${RT_PORT_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_MAXTHREADS_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_EXTRACONFIG_YAMLPATH}" "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${RT_SENDREASONPHRASE_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_RELAXEDPATHCHARS_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_RELAXEDQUERYCHARS_YAMLPATH}" local acPortValue=$(getXmlConnectorPort "${firstConnectorNode}" "${filePath}" "${fileName}") migrateConnectorConfig "${firstConnectorNode}" "${protocolType}" "${acPortValue}" "${AC_PORT_YAMLPATH}" "${AC_MAXTHREADS_YAMLPATH}" "${AC_EXTRACONFIG_YAMLPATH}" "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${AC_SENDREASONPHRASE_YAMLPATH}" fi } # Check max threads exist to compare maxThreadsExistToCompare () { local filePath="$1" local fileName="$2" local connectorCount="$3" local firstConnectorMaxThread= local secondConnectorMaxThread= local firstConnectorNode= local secondConnectorNode= local status=success local firstnode=fail for ((i = 1 ; i <= "${connectorCount}" ; i++)); do local protocolType=$(getXmlConnectorProtocol "$i" "${filePath}" "${fileName}") if [[ ${protocolType} == *AJP* ]]; then # Migrate Connectors migrateExtraConnectors "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${connectorCount}" "no" "${i}" continue fi # store maxthreads value of each connector if [[ ${firstnode} == "fail" ]]; then firstConnectorMaxThread=$(getXmlConnectorMaxThreads "${i}" "${filePath}" "${fileName}") firstConnectorNode="${i}" firstnode=success else secondConnectorMaxThread=$(getXmlConnectorMaxThreads "${i}" "${filePath}" "${fileName}") secondConnectorNode="${i}" fi done [[ -z "${firstConnectorMaxThread}" ]] && status=fail [[ -z "${secondConnectorMaxThread}" ]] && status=fail # maxThreads is set, now compare MaxThreads if [[ "${status}" == "success" ]]; then compareMaxThreads "${firstConnectorMaxThread}" "${firstConnectorNode}" "${secondConnectorMaxThread}" "${secondConnectorNode}" "${filePath}" "${fileName}" else # Assume first connector is RT, maxThreads is not set in both connectors local rtPortValue=$(getXmlConnectorPort "${firstConnectorNode}" "${filePath}" "${fileName}") migrateConnectorConfig "${firstConnectorNode}" "${protocolType}" "${rtPortValue}" "${RT_PORT_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_MAXTHREADS_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_EXTRACONFIG_YAMLPATH}" "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${RT_SENDREASONPHRASE_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_RELAXEDPATHCHARS_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_RELAXEDQUERYCHARS_YAMLPATH}" local acPortValue=$(getXmlConnectorPort "${secondConnectorNode}" "${filePath}" "${fileName}") migrateConnectorConfig "${secondConnectorNode}" "${protocolType}" "${acPortValue}" "${AC_PORT_YAMLPATH}" "${AC_MAXTHREADS_YAMLPATH}" "${AC_EXTRACONFIG_YAMLPATH}" "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${AC_SENDREASONPHRASE_YAMLPATH}" fi } migrateExtraBasedOnNonAjpCount () { local nonAjpCount="$1" local filePath="$2" local fileName="$3" local connectorCount="$4" local i="$5" local protocolType=$(getXmlConnectorProtocol "$i" "${filePath}" "${fileName}") if [[ "${protocolType}" == *AJP* ]]; then if [[ "${nonAjpCount}" -eq 1 ]]; then # migrateExtraConnectors migrateExtraConnectors "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${connectorCount}" "no" "${i}" continue else # migrateExtraConnectors migrateExtraConnectors "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${connectorCount}" "yes" continue fi fi } # find RT and AC Connector findRtAndAcConnector () { local filePath="$1" local fileName="$2" local connectorCount="$3" local initialAjpCount=0 local nonAjpCount=0 # get the count of non AJP for ((i = 1 ; i <= "${connectorCount}" ; i++)); do local portValue=$(getXmlConnectorPort "$i" "${filePath}" "${fileName}") local protocolType=$(getXmlConnectorProtocol "$i" "${filePath}" "${fileName}") [[ "${protocolType}" != *AJP* ]] || continue nonAjpCount=$((initialAjpCount+1)) initialAjpCount="${nonAjpCount}" done if [[ "${nonAjpCount}" -eq 1 ]]; then # Add the connector found as access and artifactory connectors # Mark port as 8040 for access for ((i = 1 ; i <= "${connectorCount}" ; i++)) do migrateExtraBasedOnNonAjpCount "${nonAjpCount}" "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${connectorCount}" "$i" local portValue=$(getXmlConnectorPort "$i" "${filePath}" "${fileName}") migrateConnectorConfig "$i" "${protocolType}" "${portValue}" "${RT_PORT_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_MAXTHREADS_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_EXTRACONFIG_YAMLPATH}" "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${RT_SENDREASONPHRASE_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_RELAXEDPATHCHARS_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_RELAXEDQUERYCHARS_YAMLPATH}" migrateConnectorConfig "$i" "${protocolType}" "${portValue}" "${AC_PORT_YAMLPATH}" "${AC_MAXTHREADS_YAMLPATH}" "${AC_EXTRACONFIG_YAMLPATH}" "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${AC_SENDREASONPHRASE_YAMLPATH}" setConnectorPort "${AC_PORT_YAMLPATH}" "${DEFAULT_ACCESS_PORT}" done elif [[ "${nonAjpCount}" -eq 2 ]]; then # compare maxThreads in both connectors maxThreadsExistToCompare "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${connectorCount}" elif [[ "${nonAjpCount}" -gt 2 ]]; then # migrateExtraConnectors migrateExtraConnectors "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${connectorCount}" "yes" elif [[ "${nonAjpCount}" -eq 0 ]]; then # setting with default port in system.yaml setConnectorPort "${RT_PORT_YAMLPATH}" "${DEFAULT_RT_PORT}" setConnectorPort "${AC_PORT_YAMLPATH}" "${DEFAULT_ACCESS_PORT}" # migrateExtraConnectors migrateExtraConnectors "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${connectorCount}" "yes" fi } # get the count of non AJP getCountOfNonAjp () { local port="$1" local connectorCount="$2" local filePath=$3 local fileName=$4 local initialNonAjpCount=0 for ((i = 1 ; i <= "${connectorCount}" ; i++)); do local portValue=$(getXmlConnectorPort "$i" "${filePath}" "${fileName}") local protocolType=$(getXmlConnectorProtocol "$i" "${filePath}" "${fileName}") [[ "${portValue}" != "${port}" ]] || continue [[ "${protocolType}" != *AJP* ]] || continue local nonAjpCount=$((initialNonAjpCount+1)) initialNonAjpCount="${nonAjpCount}" done echo -e "${nonAjpCount}" } # Find for access connector findAcConnector () { local filePath="$1" local fileName="$2" local connectorCount="$3" # get the count of non AJP local nonAjpCount=$(getCountOfNonAjp "${DEFAULT_RT_PORT}" "${connectorCount}" "${filePath}" "${fileName}") if [[ "${nonAjpCount}" -eq 1 ]]; then # Add the connector found as access connector and mark port as that of connector for ((i = 1 ; i <= "${connectorCount}" ; i++)) do migrateExtraBasedOnNonAjpCount "${nonAjpCount}" "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${connectorCount}" "$i" local portValue=$(getXmlConnectorPort "$i" "${filePath}" "${fileName}") if [[ "${portValue}" != "${DEFAULT_RT_PORT}" ]]; then migrateConnectorConfig "$i" "${protocolType}" "${portValue}" "${AC_PORT_YAMLPATH}" "${AC_MAXTHREADS_YAMLPATH}" "${AC_EXTRACONFIG_YAMLPATH}" "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${AC_SENDREASONPHRASE_YAMLPATH}" fi done elif [[ "${nonAjpCount}" -gt 1 ]]; then # Take RT properties into access with 8040 for ((i = 1 ; i <= "${connectorCount}" ; i++)) do migrateExtraBasedOnNonAjpCount "${nonAjpCount}" "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${connectorCount}" "$i" local portValue=$(getXmlConnectorPort "$i" "${filePath}" "${fileName}") if [[ "${portValue}" == "${DEFAULT_RT_PORT}" ]]; then migrateConnectorConfig "$i" "${protocolType}" "${portValue}" "${AC_PORT_YAMLPATH}" "${AC_MAXTHREADS_YAMLPATH}" "${AC_EXTRACONFIG_YAMLPATH}" "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${AC_SENDREASONPHRASE_YAMLPATH}" setConnectorPort "${AC_PORT_YAMLPATH}" "${DEFAULT_ACCESS_PORT}" fi done elif [[ "${nonAjpCount}" -eq 0 ]]; then # Add RT connector details as access connector and mark port as 8040 migrateConnectorPort "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${connectorCount}" "${DEFAULT_RT_PORT}" "${AC_PORT_YAMLPATH}" "${AC_MAXTHREADS_YAMLPATH}" "${AC_EXTRACONFIG_YAMLPATH}" "${AC_SENDREASONPHRASE_YAMLPATH}" setConnectorPort "${AC_PORT_YAMLPATH}" "${DEFAULT_ACCESS_PORT}" # migrateExtraConnectors migrateExtraConnectors "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${connectorCount}" "yes" fi } # Find for artifactory connector findRtConnector () { local filePath="$1" local fileName="$2" local connectorCount="$3" # get the count of non AJP local nonAjpCount=$(getCountOfNonAjp "${DEFAULT_ACCESS_PORT}" "${connectorCount}" "${filePath}" "${fileName}") if [[ "${nonAjpCount}" -eq 1 ]]; then # Add the connector found as RT connector for ((i = 1 ; i <= "${connectorCount}" ; i++)) do migrateExtraBasedOnNonAjpCount "${nonAjpCount}" "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${connectorCount}" "$i" local portValue=$(getXmlConnectorPort "$i" "${filePath}" "${fileName}") if [[ "${portValue}" != "${DEFAULT_ACCESS_PORT}" ]]; then migrateConnectorConfig "$i" "${protocolType}" "${portValue}" "${RT_PORT_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_MAXTHREADS_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_EXTRACONFIG_YAMLPATH}" "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${RT_SENDREASONPHRASE_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_RELAXEDPATHCHARS_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_RELAXEDQUERYCHARS_YAMLPATH}" fi done elif [[ "${nonAjpCount}" -gt 1 ]]; then # Take access properties into artifactory with 8081 for ((i = 1 ; i <= "${connectorCount}" ; i++)) do migrateExtraBasedOnNonAjpCount "${nonAjpCount}" "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${connectorCount}" "$i" local portValue=$(getXmlConnectorPort "$i" "${filePath}" "${fileName}") if [[ "${portValue}" == "${DEFAULT_ACCESS_PORT}" ]]; then migrateConnectorConfig "$i" "${protocolType}" "${portValue}" "${RT_PORT_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_MAXTHREADS_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_EXTRACONFIG_YAMLPATH}" "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${RT_SENDREASONPHRASE_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_RELAXEDPATHCHARS_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_RELAXEDQUERYCHARS_YAMLPATH}" setConnectorPort "${RT_PORT_YAMLPATH}" "${DEFAULT_RT_PORT}" fi done elif [[ "${nonAjpCount}" -eq 0 ]]; then # Add access connector details as RT connector and mark as ${DEFAULT_RT_PORT} migrateConnectorPort "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${connectorCount}" "${DEFAULT_ACCESS_PORT}" "${RT_PORT_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_MAXTHREADS_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_EXTRACONFIG_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_SENDREASONPHRASE_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_RELAXEDPATHCHARS_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_RELAXEDQUERYCHARS_YAMLPATH}" setConnectorPort "${RT_PORT_YAMLPATH}" "${DEFAULT_RT_PORT}" # migrateExtraConnectors migrateExtraConnectors "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${connectorCount}" "yes" fi } checkForTlsConnector () { local filePath="$1" local fileName="$2" local connectorCount="$3" for ((i = 1 ; i <= "${connectorCount}" ; i++)) do local sslProtocolValue=$($LIBXML2_PATH --xpath '//Server/Service/Connector['$i']/@sslProtocol' ${filePath}/${fileName} 2>/dev/null | awk -F"=" '{print $2}' | tr -d '"') if [[ "${sslProtocolValue}" == "TLS" ]]; then bannerImportant "NOTE: Ignoring TLS connector during migration, modify the system yaml to enable TLS. Original server.xml is saved in path [${filePath}/${fileName}]" TLS_CONNECTOR_EXISTS=${FLAG_Y} continue fi done } # set custom tomcat server Listeners to system.yaml setListenerConnector () { local filePath="$1" local fileName="$2" local listenerCount="$3" for ((i = 1 ; i <= "${listenerCount}" ; i++)) do local listenerConnector=$($LIBXML2_PATH --xpath '//Server/Listener['$i']' ${filePath}/${fileName} 2>/dev/null) local listenerClassName=$($LIBXML2_PATH --xpath '//Server/Listener['$i']/@className' ${filePath}/${fileName} 2>/dev/null | awk -F"=" '{print $2}' | tr -d '"') if [[ "${listenerClassName}" == *Apr* ]]; then setExtraConnector "${EXTRA_LISTENER_CONFIG_YAMLPATH}" "${listenerConnector}" fi done } # add custom tomcat server Listeners addTomcatServerListeners () { local filePath="$1" local fileName="$2" local listenerCount="$3" if [[ "${listenerCount}" == "0" ]]; then logger "No listener connectors found in the [${filePath}/${fileName}],skipping migration of listener connectors" else setListenerConnector "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${listenerCount}" setSystemValue "${RT_TOMCAT_HTTPSCONNECTOR_ENABLED}" "true" "${SYSTEM_YAML_PATH}" logger "Setting [${RT_TOMCAT_HTTPSCONNECTOR_ENABLED}] with value [true] in system.yaml" fi } # server.xml migration operations xmlMigrateOperation () { local filePath="$1" local fileName="$2" local connectorCount="$3" local listenerCount="$4" RT_DEFAULTPORT_STATUS=fail AC_DEFAULTPORT_STATUS=fail TLS_CONNECTOR_EXISTS=${FLAG_N} # Check for connector with TLS , if found ignore migrating it checkForTlsConnector "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${connectorCount}" if [[ "${TLS_CONNECTOR_EXISTS}" == "${FLAG_Y}" ]]; then return fi addTomcatServerListeners "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${listenerCount}" # Migrate RT default port from connectors migrateConnectorPort "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${connectorCount}" "${DEFAULT_RT_PORT}" "${RT_PORT_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_MAXTHREADS_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_EXTRACONFIG_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_SENDREASONPHRASE_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_RELAXEDPATHCHARS_YAMLPATH}" "${RT_RELAXEDQUERYCHARS_YAMLPATH}" # Migrate to extra if RT default ports are AJP migrateDefaultPortIfAjp "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${connectorCount}" "${DEFAULT_RT_PORT}" # Migrate AC default port from connectors migrateConnectorPort "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${connectorCount}" "${DEFAULT_ACCESS_PORT}" "${AC_PORT_YAMLPATH}" "${AC_MAXTHREADS_YAMLPATH}" "${AC_EXTRACONFIG_YAMLPATH}" "${AC_SENDREASONPHRASE_YAMLPATH}" # Migrate to extra if access default ports are AJP migrateDefaultPortIfAjp "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${connectorCount}" "${DEFAULT_ACCESS_PORT}" if [[ "${AC_DEFAULTPORT_STATUS}" == "success" && "${RT_DEFAULTPORT_STATUS}" == "success" ]]; then # RT and AC default port found logger "Artifactory 8081 and Access 8040 default port are found" migrateExtraConnectors "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${connectorCount}" "yes" elif [[ "${AC_DEFAULTPORT_STATUS}" == "success" && "${RT_DEFAULTPORT_STATUS}" == "fail" ]]; then # Only AC default port found,find RT connector logger "Found Access default 8040 port" findRtConnector "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${connectorCount}" elif [[ "${AC_DEFAULTPORT_STATUS}" == "fail" && "${RT_DEFAULTPORT_STATUS}" == "success" ]]; then # Only RT default port found,find AC connector logger "Found Artifactory default 8081 port" findAcConnector "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${connectorCount}" elif [[ "${AC_DEFAULTPORT_STATUS}" == "fail" && "${RT_DEFAULTPORT_STATUS}" == "fail" ]]; then # RT and AC default port not found, find connector logger "Artifactory 8081 and Access 8040 default port are not found" findRtAndAcConnector "${filePath}" "${fileName}" "${connectorCount}" fi } # get count of connectors getXmlConnectorCount () { local filePath="$1" local fileName="$2" local count=$($LIBXML2_PATH --xpath 'count(/Server/Service/Connector)' ${filePath}/${fileName}) echo -e "${count}" } # get count of listener connectors getTomcatServerListenersCount () { local filePath="$1" local fileName="$2" local count=$($LIBXML2_PATH --xpath 'count(/Server/Listener)' ${filePath}/${fileName}) echo -e "${count}" } # Migrate server.xml configuration to system.yaml migrateXmlFile () { local xmlFiles= local fileName= local filePath= local sourceFilePath= DEFAULT_ACCESS_PORT="8040" DEFAULT_RT_PORT="8081" AC_PORT_YAMLPATH="migration.xmlFiles.serverXml.access.port" AC_MAXTHREADS_YAMLPATH="migration.xmlFiles.serverXml.access.maxThreads" AC_SENDREASONPHRASE_YAMLPATH="migration.xmlFiles.serverXml.access.sendReasonPhrase" AC_EXTRACONFIG_YAMLPATH="migration.xmlFiles.serverXml.access.extraConfig" RT_PORT_YAMLPATH="migration.xmlFiles.serverXml.artifactory.port" RT_MAXTHREADS_YAMLPATH="migration.xmlFiles.serverXml.artifactory.maxThreads" RT_SENDREASONPHRASE_YAMLPATH='migration.xmlFiles.serverXml.artifactory.sendReasonPhrase' RT_RELAXEDPATHCHARS_YAMLPATH='migration.xmlFiles.serverXml.artifactory.relaxedPathChars' RT_RELAXEDQUERYCHARS_YAMLPATH='migration.xmlFiles.serverXml.artifactory.relaxedQueryChars' RT_EXTRACONFIG_YAMLPATH="migration.xmlFiles.serverXml.artifactory.extraConfig" ROUTER_PORT_YAMLPATH="migration.xmlFiles.serverXml.router.port" EXTRA_CONFIG_YAMLPATH="migration.xmlFiles.serverXml.extra.config" EXTRA_LISTENER_CONFIG_YAMLPATH="migration.xmlFiles.serverXml.extra.listener" RT_TOMCAT_HTTPSCONNECTOR_ENABLED="artifactory.tomcat.httpsConnector.enabled" retrieveYamlValue "migration.xmlFiles" "xmlFiles" "Skip" xmlFiles="${YAML_VALUE}" if [[ -z "${xmlFiles}" ]]; then return fi bannerSection "PROCESSING MIGRATION OF XML FILES" retrieveYamlValue "migration.xmlFiles.serverXml.fileName" "fileName" "Warning" fileName="${YAML_VALUE}" if [[ -z "${fileName}" ]]; then return fi bannerSubSection "Processing Migration of $fileName" retrieveYamlValue "migration.xmlFiles.serverXml.filePath" "filePath" "Warning" filePath="${YAML_VALUE}" if [[ -z "${filePath}" ]]; then return fi # prepend NEW_DATA_DIR only if filePath is relative path sourceFilePath=$(prependDir "${filePath}" "${NEW_DATA_DIR}/${filePath}") if [[ "$(checkFileExists "${sourceFilePath}/${fileName}")" == "true" ]]; then logger "File [${fileName}] is found in path [${sourceFilePath}]" local connectorCount=$(getXmlConnectorCount "${sourceFilePath}" "${fileName}") if [[ "${connectorCount}" == "0" ]]; then logger "No connectors found in the [${filePath}/${fileName}],skipping migration of xml configuration" return fi local listenerCount=$(getTomcatServerListenersCount "${sourceFilePath}" "${fileName}") xmlMigrateOperation "${sourceFilePath}" "${fileName}" "${connectorCount}" "${listenerCount}" else logger "File [${fileName}] is not found in path [${sourceFilePath}] to migrate" fi } compareArtifactoryUser () { local property="$1" local oldPropertyValue="$2" local newPropertyValue="$3" local yamlPath="$4" local sourceFile="$5" if [[ "${oldPropertyValue}" != "${newPropertyValue}" ]]; then setSystemValue "${yamlPath}" "${oldPropertyValue}" "${SYSTEM_YAML_PATH}" logger "Setting [${yamlPath}] with value of the property [${property}] in system.yaml" else logger "No change in property [${property}] value in [${sourceFile}] to migrate" fi } migrateReplicator () { local property="$1" local oldPropertyValue="$2" local yamlPath="$3" setSystemValue "${yamlPath}" "${oldPropertyValue}" "${SYSTEM_YAML_PATH}" logger "Setting [${yamlPath}] with value of the property [${property}] in system.yaml" } compareJavaOptions () { local property="$1" local oldPropertyValue="$2" local newPropertyValue="$3" local yamlPath="$4" local sourceFile="$5" local oldJavaOption= local newJavaOption= local extraJavaOption= local check=false local success=true local status=true oldJavaOption=$(echo "${oldPropertyValue}" | awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\""}{for(i=2;i