{{- /* This template is not needed and is not supported. It is here for backwards compatibility. Kubecost exposes grafana by default with the top level ingress template under /grafana/ */ -}} {{- if (eq (include "cost-analyzer.grafanaEnabled" .) "true") }} {{- if .Values.grafana.ingress.enabled -}} {{- $fullName := include "grafana.fullname" . -}} {{- $servicePort := .Values.service.port -}} {{- $ingressPath := .Values.ingress.path -}} apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: {{ $fullName }} namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} labels: app: {{ template "grafana.name" . }} release: {{ .Release.Name }} heritage: {{ .Release.Service }} {{- if .Values.grafana.ingress.labels }} {{ toYaml .Values.grafana.ingress.labels | indent 4 }} {{- end }} {{- with .Values.grafana.ingress.annotations }} annotations: {{ toYaml . | indent 4 }} {{- end }} spec: {{- if .Values.grafana.ingress.tls }} tls: {{- range .Values.grafana.ingress.tls }} - hosts: {{- range .hosts }} - {{ . | quote }} {{- end }} secretName: {{ .secretName }} {{- end }} {{- end }} rules: {{- range .Values.grafana.ingress.hosts }} - host: {{ . }} http: paths: - path: {{ $ingressPath }} pathType: {{ $.Values.grafana.ingress.pathType }} backend: service: name: {{ $fullName }} port: number: {{ $servicePort }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{ end }}