# global values are in generated_values.yaml # run `codefresh runner init --generate-helm-values-file` first global: namespace: "" codefreshHost: "" agentToken: "" # Existing secret (name-of-existing-secret) with API token from Codefresh (supersedes value for global.agentToken; secret must contain `codefresh.token` key) existingAgentToken: "" agentId: "" agentName: "" accountId: "" runtimeName: "" # Existing secret (name has to be `codefresh-certs-server`) (supersedes value for global.keys; secret must contain `server-cert.pem` `server-key.pem` and `ca.pem`` keys) existingDindCertsSecret: "" keys: key: "" csr: "" ca: "" serverCert: "" dockerRegistry: "quay.io" # Registry prefix for the runtime images (default quay.io) ## e.g: # dockerRegistry: "docker.io" newRelicLicense: "" # NEWRELIC_LICENSE_KEY (for app-proxy and runner deployments) runner: # Runner Deployment image: "codefresh/venona:1.9.7" env: {} ## e.g: # env: # HTTP_PROXY: # HTTPS_PROXY: # NO_PROXY: 10.20.0.* resources: {} ## e.g: # resources: # limits: # cpu: 400m # memory: 1200Mi # requests: # cpu: 200m # memory: 500Mi nodeSelector: {} ## e.g: # nodeSelector: # foo: bar tolerations: [] ## e.g: # tolerations: # - key: codefresh # operator: Equal # value: dind # effect: NoSchedule volumeProvisioner: # Volume-Provisioner Deployment image: "codefresh/dind-volume-provisioner:1.31.9" serviceAccount: {} # annotate volume-provisioner service account ## e.g: # serviceAccount: # annotations: # eks.amazonaws.com/role-arn: "arn:aws:iam::<ACCOUNT_ID>:role/<IAM_ROLE_NAME>" nodeSelector: {} resources: {} tolerations: [] # Running as non root user is supported since version 1.32.0 securityContext: enabled: true env: {} ## e.g: # env: # PRIVILEGED_CONTAINER: true ### https://codefresh.io/docs/docs/administration/codefresh-runner/#installing-on-aks # mountAzureJson: true annotations: {} # annotate volume-provisioner pod storage: # Storage parameters for Volume-Provisioner backend: local # volume type: local(default), ebs, gcedisk or azuredisk fsType: "ext4" # filesystem type: ext4(default) or xfs # Storage example for local volumes on the K8S nodes filesystem # https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/#local local: volumeParentDir: /var/lib/codefresh/dind-volumes localVolumeMonitor: # lv-monitor DaemonSet (only for `storage.backend: local`) nodeSelector: {} resources: {} tolerations: [] env: {} # Storage example for aws ebs disks # https://aws.amazon.com/ebs/ # https://codefresh.io/docs/docs/administration/codefresh-runner/#installing-on-aws ebs: volumeType: "" # gp2(default), gp3 or io1 availabilityZone: "" # valid aws zone encrypted: "" # encrypt volume (false by default) kmsKeyId: "" # (Optional) KMS Key ID accessKeyId: "" # (Optional) AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID secretAccessKey: "" # (Optional) AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY ## e.g: # ebs: # volumeType: gp3 # availabilityZone: us-east-1c # encrypted: false # iops: "5000" # # I/O operations per second. Only effetive when gp3 volume type is specified. # # Default value - 3000. # # Max - 16,000 # throughput: "500" # # Throughput in MiB/s. Only effective when gp3 volume type is specified. # # Default value - 125. # # Max - 1000. # ebs: # volumeType: gp2 # availabilityZone: us-east-1c # encrypted: true # kmsKeyId: "1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab" # accessKeyId: "AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE" # secretAccessKey: "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY" # Storage example for gce disks # https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks#pdspecs # https://codefresh.io/docs/docs/administration/codefresh-runner/#installing-on-google-kubernetes-engine gcedisk: volumeType: "" # pd-ssd(default) or pd-standard availabilityZone: "" # valid gcp zone serviceAccountJson: "" # (Optional) Google SA JSON key ## e.g: # gcedisk: # volumeType: pd-ssd # availabilityZone: us-central1-c # serviceAccountJson: |- # { # "type": "service_account", # "project_id": "...", # "private_key_id": "...", # "private_key": "...", # "client_email": "...", # "client_id": "...", # "auth_uri": "...", # "token_uri": "...", # "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "...", # "client_x509_cert_url": "..." # } # Storage example for Azure Disks # https://codefresh.io/docs/docs/administration/codefresh-runner/#installing-on-aks azuredisk: skuName: Premium_LRS #default cachingMode: None # location: westcentralus # resourceGroup: # DiskIOPSReadWrite: 500 # DiskMBpsReadWrite: 100 re: # Optionally add an AWS IAM role to your pipelines # More info: https://codefresh.io/docs/docs/administration/codefresh-runner/#injecting-aws-arn-roles-into-the-cluster ## e.g: # re: # serviceAccount: # annotations: # will be set on codefresh-engine service account # eks.amazonaws.com/role-arn: "arn:aws:iam::<ACCOUNT_ID>:role/<IAM_ROLE_NAME>" dindDaemon: # dind daemon config hosts: - unix:///var/run/docker.sock - tcp:// storage-driver: overlay2 tlsverify: true tls: true tlscacert: /etc/ssl/cf-client/ca.pem tlscert: /etc/ssl/cf/server-cert.pem tlskey: /etc/ssl/cf/server-key.pem insecure-registries: - metrics-addr: experimental: true appProxy: # App-Proxy Deployment enabled: false image: "codefresh/cf-app-proxy:latest" env: {} ## e.g: # env: # LOG_LEVEL: debug ingress: pathPrefix: "" # Specify path prefix for ingress (default is '/') class: "" # Specify ingress class host: "" # Specify DNS hostname the ingress will use tlsSecret: "" # Specify k8s tls secret for the ingress object annotations: {} # Specify extra annotations for ingress object ## e.g: # ingress: # pathPrefix: "/app-proxy" # class: "nginx" # host: "mydomain.com" # tlsSecret: "tls-cert-app-proxy" # annotations: # nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/whitelist-source-range: resources: {} serviceAccount: annotations: {} monitor: # Monitor Deployment enabled: false image: "codefresh/agent:stable" helm3: true useNamespaceWideRole: false # Use ClusterRole(false) or Role(true) clusterId: "" # Cluster name as it registered in account token: "" # API token from Codefresh existingMonitorToken: "" # Existing secret (name-of-existing-secret) with API token from Codefresh (supersedes value of monitor.token; secret must contain `codefresh.token` key) env: {} resources: {} serviceAccount: annotations: {}