# Default values for citrix-cpx-with-ingress-controller. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. # cpximage contains information needed to fetch CPX image image: quay.io/citrix/citrix-k8s-cpx-ingress:13.0-58.30 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent # cicimage contains information needed to fetch CIC image cic: image: quay.io/citrix/citrix-k8s-ingress-controller:1.8.28 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent required: true mgmtHttpPort: 9080 mgmtHttpsPort: 9443 # openshift is set to true if charts are being deployed in OpenShift environment. openshift: false # nsNamespace is the prefix for the resources on the Citrix ADC nsNamespace: # license is used accept the terms of the Citrix license license: accept: no # ingressClass is the name of the Ingress Class ingressClass: # logLevel is to set level of CIC Logs logLevel: DEBUG # Default SSL certificate defaultSSLCert: # Elasticsearch or Kafka or Zipkin endpoint for Citrix observability exporter logProxy: # Set to ON to enables HTTP2 for Citrix ADC service group configurations http2ServerSide: "OFF" nodeSelector: key: value: ADMSettings: licenseServerIP: licenseServerPort: 27000 ADMIP: ADMFingerPrint: loginSecret: bandWidthLicense: false bandWidth: vCPULicense: false cpxCores: # exporter conatins information of prometheus-exporter exporter: required: false image: quay.io/citrix/citrix-adc-metrics-exporter:1.4.4 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent ports: containerPort: 8888 coeConfig: required: false distributedTracing: enable: false samplingrate: 100 endpoint: server: timeseries: port: 5563 metrics: enable: false mode: 'avro' auditlogs: enable: false events: enable: false transactions: enable: false port: 5557 crds: # If false, CustomResourceDefinitions will not be installed. install: true # if set to true, then CustomResourceDefinitions will not be deleted during helm delete. This way, CustomResourceObjects will not be deleted from the database. retainOnDelete: false