## Codefresh Runner ![Version: 1.0.6](https://img.shields.io/badge/Version-1.0.6-informational?style=flat-square) ## Prerequisites - Kubernetes 1.19+ - Helm 3.8.0+ ## Get Repo Info ```console helm repo add cf-runtime http://chartmuseum.codefresh.io/cf-runtime helm repo update ``` ## Install Chart **Important:** only helm3 is supported 1. Download the Codefresh CLI and authenticate it with your Codefresh account. Click [here](https://codefresh-io.github.io/cli/getting-started/) for more detailed instructions. 2. Run the following command to create mandatory values for Codefresh Runner: ```console codefresh runner init --generate-helm-values-file ``` * This will not install anything on your cluster, except for running cluster acceptance tests, which may be skipped using the `--skip-cluster-test` option. * This command will also generate a `generated_values.yaml` file in your current directory, which you will need to provide to the `helm install` command later. 3. Now run the following to complete the installation: ```console helm repo add cf-runtime https://chartmuseum.codefresh.io/cf-runtime helm upgrade --install cf-runtime cf-runtime/cf-runtime -f ./generated_values.yaml --create-namespace --namespace codefresh ``` 4. At this point you should have a working Codefresh Runner. You can verify the installation by running: ```console codefresh runner execute-test-pipeline --runtime-name ``` ## Requirements Kubernetes: `>=1.19.0-0` ## Values | Key | Type | Default | Description | |-----|------|---------|-------------| | appProxy.enabled | bool | `false` | Enable app-proxy | | appProxy.env | object | `{}` | | | appProxy.image | string | `"codefresh/cf-app-proxy:latest"` | Set app-proxy image | | appProxy.ingress.annotations | object | `{}` | Set extra annotations for ingress object | | appProxy.ingress.class | string | `""` | Set ingress class | | appProxy.ingress.host | string | `""` | Set DNS hostname the ingress will use | | appProxy.ingress.pathPrefix | string | `"/"` | Set path prefix for ingress | | appProxy.ingress.tlsSecret | string | `""` | Set k8s tls secret for the ingress object | | appProxy.resources | object | `{}` | | | appProxy.serviceAccount.annotations | object | `{}` | | | dockerRegistry | string | `"quay.io"` | Set docker registry prefix for the runtime images | | global.accountId | string | `""` | | | global.agentId | string | `""` | | | global.agentName | string | `""` | | | global.agentToken | string | `""` | | | global.codefreshHost | string | `""` | | | global.existingAgentToken | string | `""` | Existing secret (name-of-existing-secret) with API token from Codefresh (supersedes value for global.agentToken; secret must contain `codefresh.token` key) | | global.existingDindCertsSecret | string | `""` | Existing secret (name has to be `codefresh-certs-server`) (supersedes value for global.keys; secret must contain `server-cert.pem` `server-key.pem` and `ca.pem`` keys) | | global.keys.ca | string | `""` | | | global.keys.key | string | `""` | | | global.keys.serverCert | string | `""` | | | global.namespace | string | `"codefresh"` | | | global.runtimeName | string | `""` | | | monitor.clusterId | string | `""` | Cluster name as it registered in account | | monitor.enabled | bool | `false` | Enable monitor Ref: https://codefresh.io/docs/docs/installation/codefresh-runner/#install-monitoring-component | | monitor.env | object | `{}` | | | monitor.existingMonitorToken | string | `""` | Set Existing secret (name-of-existing-secret) with API token from Codefresh (supersedes value of monitor.token; secret must contain `codefresh.token` key) | | monitor.helm3 | bool | `true` | keep true as default! | | monitor.image | string | `"codefresh/agent:stable"` | Set monitor image | | monitor.resources | object | `{}` | | | monitor.serviceAccount.annotations | object | `{}` | | | monitor.token | string | `""` | API token from Codefresh | | monitor.useNamespaceWideRole | bool | `false` | Use ClusterRole (`false`) or Role (`true`) RBAC | | re.dindDaemon.experimental | bool | `true` | | | re.dindDaemon.hosts[0] | string | `"unix:///var/run/docker.sock"` | | | re.dindDaemon.hosts[1] | string | `"tcp://"` | | | re.dindDaemon.insecure-registries[0] | string | `""` | | | re.dindDaemon.metrics-addr | string | `""` | | | re.dindDaemon.tls | bool | `true` | | | re.dindDaemon.tlscacert | string | `"/etc/ssl/cf-client/ca.pem"` | | | re.dindDaemon.tlscert | string | `"/etc/ssl/cf/server-cert.pem"` | | | re.dindDaemon.tlskey | string | `"/etc/ssl/cf/server-key.pem"` | | | re.dindDaemon.tlsverify | bool | `true` | | | re.serviceAccount | object | `{"annotations":{}}` | Set annotation on engine Service Account Ref: https://codefresh.io/docs/docs/administration/codefresh-runner/#injecting-aws-arn-roles-into-the-cluster | | runner.env | object | `{}` | Add additional env vars | | runner.image | string | `"codefresh/venona:1.9.15"` | Set runner image | | runner.nodeSelector | object | `{}` | Set runner node selector | | runner.resources | object | `{}` | Set runner requests and limits | | runner.tolerations | list | `[]` | Set runner tolerations | | storage.azuredisk.cachingMode | string | `"None"` | | | storage.azuredisk.skuName | string | `"Premium_LRS"` | Set storage type (`Premium_LRS`) | | storage.backend | string | `"local"` | Set backend volume type (`local`/`ebs`/`ebs-csi`/`gcedisk`/`azuredisk`) | | storage.ebs.accessKeyId | string | `""` | Set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID for volume-provisioner (optional) Ref: https://codefresh.io/docs/docs/installation/codefresh-runner/#dind-volume-provisioner-permissions | | storage.ebs.availabilityZone | string | `"us-east-1a"` | Set EBS volumes availability zone (required) | | storage.ebs.encrypted | string | `"false"` | Enable encryption (optional) | | storage.ebs.kmsKeyId | string | `""` | Set KMS encryption key ID (optional) | | storage.ebs.secretAccessKey | string | `""` | Set AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY for volume-provisioner (optional) Ref: https://codefresh.io/docs/docs/installation/codefresh-runner/#dind-volume-provisioner-permissions | | storage.ebs.volumeType | string | `"gp2"` | Set EBS volume type (`gp2`/`gp3`/`io1`) (required) | | storage.fsType | string | `"ext4"` | Set filesystem type (`ext4`/`xfs`) | | storage.gcedisk.availabilityZone | string | `"us-west1-a"` | Set GCP volume availability zone | | storage.gcedisk.serviceAccountJson | string | `""` | Set Google SA JSON key for volume-provisioner (optional) | | storage.gcedisk.volumeType | string | `"pd-ssd"` | Set GCP volume backend type (`pd-ssd`/`pd-standard`) | | storage.local.volumeParentDir | string | `"/var/lib/codefresh/dind-volumes"` | Set volume path on the host filesystem | | storage.localVolumeMonitor.env | object | `{}` | | | storage.localVolumeMonitor.image | string | `"codefresh/dind-volume-utils:1.29.3"` | Set `dind-lv-monitor` image | | storage.localVolumeMonitor.initContainer.image | string | `"alpine"` | | | storage.localVolumeMonitor.nodeSelector | object | `{}` | | | storage.localVolumeMonitor.resources | object | `{}` | | | storage.localVolumeMonitor.tolerations | list | `[]` | | | volumeProvisioner.annotations | object | `{}` | | | volumeProvisioner.env | object | `{}` | Add additional env vars | | volumeProvisioner.image | string | `"codefresh/dind-volume-provisioner:1.33.3"` | Set volume-provisioner image | | volumeProvisioner.nodeSelector | object | `{}` | Set volume-provisioner node selector | | volumeProvisioner.resources | object | `{}` | Set volume-provisioner requests and limits | | volumeProvisioner.securityContext | object | `{"enabled":true}` | Enable volume-provisioner pod's security context (running as non root user) | | volumeProvisioner.serviceAccount | object | `{}` | Set annotation on volume-provisioner Service Account | | volumeProvisioner.tolerations | list | `[]` | Set volume-provisioner tolerations | | volumeProvisioner.volume-cleanup.image | string | `"codefresh/dind-volume-cleanup:1.2.0"` | Set `dind-volume-cleanup` image |