# Default values for datadog-operator. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. # replicaCount -- Number of instances of Datadog Operator replicaCount: 1 # apiKey -- Your Datadog API key apiKey: # # apiKeyExistingSecret -- Use existing Secret which stores API key instead of creating a new one ## If set, this parameter takes precedence over "apiKey". apiKeyExistingSecret: # # appKey -- Your Datadog APP key appKey: # # site -- The site of the Datadog intake to send data to (documentation: https://docs.datadoghq.com/getting_started/site/) ## Set to 'datadoghq.com' to send data to the US1 site (default). ## Set to 'datadoghq.eu' to send data to the EU site. ## Set to 'us3.datadoghq.com' to send data to the US3 site. ## Set to 'us5.datadoghq.com' to send data to the US5 site. ## Set to 'ddog-gov.com' to send data to the US1-FED site. ## Set to 'ap1.datadoghq.com' to send data to the AP1 site. site: # datadoghq.com # dd_url -- The host of the Datadog intake server to send Agent data to, only set this option if you need the Agent to send data to a custom URL ## Overrides the site setting defined in "site". dd_url: # # env -- Define any environment variables to be passed to the operator. env: [] # appKeyExistingSecret -- Use existing Secret which stores APP key instead of creating a new one ## If set, this parameter takes precedence over "appKey". appKeyExistingSecret: # image: # image.repository -- Repository to use for Datadog Operator image repository: gcr.io/datadoghq/operator # image.tag -- Define the Datadog Operator version to use tag: 1.1.0 # image.pullPolicy -- Define the pullPolicy for Datadog Operator image pullPolicy: IfNotPresent # imagePullSecrets -- Datadog Operator repository pullSecret (ex: specify docker registry credentials) imagePullSecrets: [] # nameOverride -- Override name of app nameOverride: "" # fullNameOverride -- Override the full qualified app name fullnameOverride: "" # logLevel -- Set Datadog Operator log level (debug, info, error, panic, fatal) logLevel: "info" # maximumGoroutines -- Override default gouroutines threshold for the health check failure. maximumGoroutines: # supportExtendedDaemonset -- If true, supports using ExtendedDaemonSet CRD supportExtendedDaemonset: "false" # metricsPort -- Port used for OpenMetrics endpoint metricsPort: 8383 secretBackend: # secretBackend.command -- Specifies the path to the command that implements the secret backend api command: "" # secretBackend.arguments -- Specifies the space-separated arguments passed to the command that implements the secret backend api arguments: "" datadogAgent: # datadogAgent.enabled -- Enables Datadog Agent controller enabled: true datadogMonitor: # datadogMonitor.enabled -- Enables the Datadog Monitor controller enabled: false rbac: # rbac.create -- Specifies whether the RBAC resources should be created create: true serviceAccount: # serviceAccount.create -- Specifies whether a service account should be created create: true # serviceAccount.name -- The name of the service account to use. If not set name is generated using the fullname template name: # serviceAccount.annotations -- Allows setting additional annotations for service account annotations: {} # resources -- Set resources requests/limits for Datadog Operator PODs resources: {} # We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious # choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little # resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following # lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. # limits: # cpu: 100m # memory: 128Mi # requests: # cpu: 100m # memory: 128Mi # nodeSelector -- Allows to schedule Datadog Operator on specific nodes nodeSelector: {} # tolerations -- Allows to schedule Datadog Operator on tainted nodes tolerations: [] # affinity -- Allows to specify affinity for Datadog Operator PODs affinity: {} # installCRDs -- Set to true to deploy the Datadog's CRDs installCRDs: true datadogCRDs: crds: # datadog-crds.crds.datadogAgents -- Set to true to deploy the DatadogAgents CRD datadogAgents: true # datadog-crds.crds.datadogMetrics -- Set to true to deploy the DatadogMetrics CRD datadogMetrics: true # datadog-crds.crds.datadogMonitors -- Set to true to deploy the DatadogMonitors CRD datadogMonitors: true migration: datadogAgents: conversionWebhook: enabled: false name: datadog-operator-webhook-service namespace: default useCertManager: false version: "v2alpha1" # podAnnotations -- Allows setting additional annotations for Datadog Operator PODs podAnnotations: {} # podLabels -- Allows setting additional labels for for Datadog Operator PODs podLabels: {} # collectOperatorMetrics -- Configures an openmetrics check to collect operator metrics collectOperatorMetrics: true # watchNamespaces -- Restricts the Operator to watch its managed resources on specific namespaces watchNamespaces: [] # example: watch only two namespaces: # watchNamespaces: # - "default" # - "datadog" # # to watch all namespaces # watchNamespaces: # - "" # containerSecurityContext -- A security context defines privileges and access control settings for a container. containerSecurityContext: {}