# Default values for pxc-cluster. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. finalizers: - delete-pxc-pods-in-order ## Set this if you want to delete proxysql persistent volumes on cluster deletion - delete-proxysql-pvc ## Set this if you want to delete database persistent volumes on cluster deletion - delete-pxc-pvc ## Set this if you want to delete cert manager certificates on cluster deletion # - delete-ssl nameOverride: "" fullnameOverride: "" operatorImageRepository: percona/percona-xtradb-cluster-operator crVersion: 1.12.0 ignoreAnnotations: [] # - iam.amazonaws.com/role ignoreLabels: [] # - rack pause: false initImage: "" allowUnsafeConfigurations: false updateStrategy: SmartUpdate upgradeOptions: versionServiceEndpoint: https://check.percona.com apply: disabled schedule: "0 4 * * *" enableCRValidationWebhook: false tls: {} # SANs: # - pxc-1.example.com # - pxc-2.example.com # - pxc-3.example.com # issuerConf: # name: special-selfsigned-issuer # kind: ClusterIssuer # group: cert-manager.io pxc: size: 3 image: repository: percona/percona-xtradb-cluster tag: 8.0.29-21.1 # imagePullPolicy: Always autoRecovery: true # expose: # enabled: true # type: LoadBalancer # trafficPolicy: Local # loadBalancerSourceRanges: # - # annotations: # networking.gke.io/load-balancer-type: "Internal" # replicationChannels: # - name: pxc1_to_pxc2 # isSource: true # - name: pxc2_to_pxc1 # isSource: false # configuration: # sourceRetryCount: 3 # sourceConnectRetry: 60 # ssl: false # sslSkipVerify: true # ca: '/etc/mysql/ssl/ca.crt' # sourcesList: # - host: # port: 3306 # weight: 100 # schedulerName: mycustom-scheduler imagePullSecrets: [] # - name: private-registry-credentials annotations: {} # iam.amazonaws.com/role: role-arn labels: {} # rack: rack-22 # priorityClassName: high-priority readinessDelaySec: 15 livenessDelaySec: 300 ## Uncomment to pass in a mysql config file # configuration: | # [mysqld] # wsrep_debug=ON # wsrep_provider_options="gcache.size=1G; gcache.recover=yes" # envVarsSecret: my-env-var-secrets resources: requests: memory: 1G cpu: 600m limits: {} # memory: 1G # cpu: 600m # runtimeClassName: image-rc sidecars: [] sidecarVolumes: [] sidecarPVCs: [] sidecarResources: requests: {} limits: {} nodeSelector: {} # disktype: ssd affinity: antiAffinityTopologyKey: "kubernetes.io/hostname" # advanced: # nodeAffinity: # requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: # nodeSelectorTerms: # - matchExpressions: # - key: kubernetes.io/e2e-az-name # operator: In # values: # - e2e-az1 # - e2e-az2 tolerations: [] # - key: "node.alpha.kubernetes.io/unreachable" # operator: "Exists" # effect: "NoExecute" # tolerationSeconds: 6000 gracePeriod: 600 podDisruptionBudget: # only one of maxUnavailable or minAvaliable can be set maxUnavailable: 1 # minAvailable: 0 persistence: enabled: false # if persistence is enabled, you can specify a hostPath (not recommended) # hostPath: /data/mysql # otherwise you can specify values for a storage claim (default) ## percona data Persistent Volume Storage Class ## If defined, storageClassName: <storageClass> ## If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning ## If undefined (the default) or set to null, no storageClassName spec is ## set, choosing the default provisioner. (gp2 on AWS, standard on ## GKE, AWS & OpenStack) ## # storageClass: "-" accessMode: ReadWriteOnce size: 8Gi # If you set this to true the cluster will be created without TLS disableTLS: false # disable Helm creating TLS certificates if you want to let the operator # request certificates from cert-manager certManager: false # If this is set will not create secrets from values and will instead try to use # a pre-existing secret of the same name. # clusterSecretName: readinessProbes: initialDelaySeconds: 15 timeoutSeconds: 15 periodSeconds: 30 successThreshold: 1 failureThreshold: 5 livenessProbes: initialDelaySeconds: 300 timeoutSeconds: 5 periodSeconds: 10 successThreshold: 1 failureThreshold: 3 # A custom Kubernetes Security Context for a Container to be used instead of the default one # containerSecurityContext: # privileged: false # A custom Kubernetes Security Context for a Pod to be used instead of the default one # podSecurityContext: # fsGroup: 1001 # supplementalGroups: # - 1001 # serviceAccountName: percona-xtradb-cluster-operator-workload haproxy: enabled: true size: 3 image: "" # imagePullPolicy: Always imagePullSecrets: [] # - name: private-registry-credentials # configuration: | # # the actual default configuration file can be found here https://github.com/percona/percona-docker/blob/main/haproxy/dockerdir/etc/haproxy/haproxy-global.cfg # # global # maxconn 2048 # external-check # insecure-fork-wanted # stats socket /etc/haproxy/pxc/haproxy.sock mode 600 expose-fd listeners level admin # # defaults # default-server init-addr last,libc,none # log global # mode tcp # retries 10 # timeout client 28800s # timeout connect 100500 # timeout server 28800s # # frontend galera-in # bind *:3309 accept-proxy # bind *:3306 # mode tcp # option clitcpka # default_backend galera-nodes # # frontend galera-admin-in # bind *:33062 # mode tcp # option clitcpka # default_backend galera-admin-nodes # # frontend galera-replica-in # bind *:3307 # mode tcp # option clitcpka # default_backend galera-replica-nodes # # frontend galera-mysqlx-in # bind *:33060 # mode tcp # option clitcpka # default_backend galera-mysqlx-nodes # # frontend stats # bind *:8404 # mode http # option http-use-htx # http-request use-service prometheus-exporter if { path /metrics } annotations: {} # iam.amazonaws.com/role: role-arn labels: {} # rack: rack-22 # serviceType: ClusterIP # externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster # runtimeClassName: image-rc # loadBalancerSourceRanges: # - # loadBalancerIP: # serviceAnnotations: # service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-backend-protocol: http # serviceLabels: # rack: rack-23 replicasServiceEnabled: true # replicasLoadBalancerSourceRanges: # - # replicasLoadBalancerIP: # replicasServiceType: ClusterIP # replicasExternalTrafficPolicy: Cluster # replicasServiceAnnotations: # service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-backend-protocol: http # replicasServiceLabels: # rack: rack-23 # priorityClassName: high-priority # schedulerName: mycustom-scheduler readinessDelaySec: 15 livenessDelaySec: 300 # envVarsSecret: my-env-var-secrets resources: requests: memory: 1G cpu: 600m limits: {} # memory: 1G # cpu: 600m sidecars: [] sidecarVolumes: [] sidecarPVCs: [] sidecarResources: requests: {} limits: {} nodeSelector: {} # disktype: ssd # serviceAccountName: percona-xtradb-cluster-operator-workload affinity: antiAffinityTopologyKey: "kubernetes.io/hostname" # advanced: # nodeAffinity: # requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: # nodeSelectorTerms: # - matchExpressions: # - key: kubernetes.io/e2e-az-name # operator: In # values: # - e2e-az1 # - e2e-az2 tolerations: [] # - key: "node.alpha.kubernetes.io/unreachable" # operator: "Exists" # effect: "NoExecute" # tolerationSeconds: 6000 gracePeriod: 30 # only one of `maxUnavailable` or `minAvailable` can be set. podDisruptionBudget: maxUnavailable: 1 # minAvailable: 0 readinessProbes: initialDelaySeconds: 15 timeoutSeconds: 1 periodSeconds: 5 successThreshold: 1 failureThreshold: 3 livenessProbes: initialDelaySeconds: 60 timeoutSeconds: 5 periodSeconds: 30 successThreshold: 1 failureThreshold: 4 # A custom Kubernetes Security Context for a Container to be used instead of the default one # containerSecurityContext: # privileged: false # A custom Kubernetes Security Context for a Pod to be used instead of the default one # podSecurityContext: # fsGroup: 1001 # supplementalGroups: # - 1001 proxysql: enabled: false size: 3 image: "" # imagePullPolicy: Always imagePullSecrets: [] # configuration: | # datadir="/var/lib/proxysql" # # admin_variables = # { # admin_credentials="proxyadmin:admin_password" # mysql_ifaces="" # refresh_interval=2000 # # cluster_username="proxyadmin" # cluster_password="admin_password" # checksum_admin_variables=false # checksum_ldap_variables=false # checksum_mysql_variables=false # cluster_check_interval_ms=200 # cluster_check_status_frequency=100 # cluster_mysql_query_rules_save_to_disk=true # cluster_mysql_servers_save_to_disk=true # cluster_mysql_users_save_to_disk=true # cluster_proxysql_servers_save_to_disk=true # cluster_mysql_query_rules_diffs_before_sync=1 # cluster_mysql_servers_diffs_before_sync=1 # cluster_mysql_users_diffs_before_sync=1 # cluster_proxysql_servers_diffs_before_sync=1 # } # # mysql_variables= # { # monitor_password="monitor" # monitor_galera_healthcheck_interval=1000 # threads=2 # max_connections=2048 # default_query_delay=0 # default_query_timeout=10000 # poll_timeout=2000 # interfaces="" # default_schema="information_schema" # stacksize=1048576 # connect_timeout_server=10000 # monitor_history=60000 # monitor_connect_interval=20000 # monitor_ping_interval=10000 # ping_timeout_server=200 # commands_stats=true # sessions_sort=true # have_ssl=true # ssl_p2s_ca="/etc/proxysql/ssl-internal/ca.crt" # ssl_p2s_cert="/etc/proxysql/ssl-internal/tls.crt" # ssl_p2s_key="/etc/proxysql/ssl-internal/tls.key" # ssl_p2s_cipher="ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256" # } # - name: private-registry-credentials annotations: {} # iam.amazonaws.com/role: role-arn labels: {} # rack: rack-22 # serviceType: ClusterIP # externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster # runtimeClassName: image-rc # loadBalancerSourceRanges: # - # loadBalancerIP: # serviceAnnotations: # service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-backend-protocol: http # serviceLabels: # rack: rack-23 # priorityClassName: high-priority # schedulerName: mycustom-scheduler readinessDelaySec: 15 livenessDelaySec: 300 # envVarsSecret: my-env-var-secrets resources: requests: memory: 1G cpu: 600m limits: {} # memory: 1G # cpu: 600m sidecars: [] sidecarVolumes: [] sidecarPVCs: [] sidecarResources: requests: {} limits: {} nodeSelector: {} # disktype: ssd # serviceAccountName: percona-xtradb-cluster-operator-workload affinity: antiAffinityTopologyKey: "kubernetes.io/hostname" # advanced: # nodeAffinity: # requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: # nodeSelectorTerms: # - matchExpressions: # - key: kubernetes.io/e2e-az-name # operator: In # values: # - e2e-az1 # - e2e-az2 tolerations: [] # - key: "node.alpha.kubernetes.io/unreachable" # operator: "Exists" # effect: "NoExecute" # tolerationSeconds: 6000 gracePeriod: 30 # only one of `maxUnavailable` or `minAvailable` can be set. podDisruptionBudget: maxUnavailable: 1 # minAvailable: 0 persistence: enabled: true # if persistence is enabled, you can specify a hostPath (not recommended) # hostPath: /data/mysql # otherwise you can specify values for a storage claim (default) ## percona data Persistent Volume Storage Class ## If defined, storageClassName: <storageClass> ## If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning ## If undefined (the default) or set to null, no storageClassName spec is ## set, choosing the default provisioner. (gp2 on AWS, standard on ## GKE, AWS & OpenStack) ## # storageClass: "-" accessMode: ReadWriteOnce size: 8Gi # A custom Kubernetes Security Context for a Container to be used instead of the default one # containerSecurityContext: # privileged: false # A custom Kubernetes Security Context for a Pod to be used instead of the default one # podSecurityContext: # fsGroup: 1001 # supplementalGroups: # - 1001 logcollector: enabled: true image: "" # imagePullPolicy: Always imagePullSecrets: [] # configuration: | # [OUTPUT] # Name es # Match * # Host # Port 9200 # Index my_index # Type my_type resources: requests: memory: 100M cpu: 200m limits: {} pmm: enabled: false image: repository: percona/pmm-client tag: 2.32.0 # imagePullPolicy: Always imagePullSecrets: [] serverHost: monitoring-service serverUser: admin resources: requests: memory: 150M cpu: 300m limits: {} backup: enabled: true image: "" # serviceAccountName: percona-xtradb-cluster-operator # imagePullPolicy: Always imagePullSecrets: [] # - name: private-registry-credentials pitr: enabled: false storageName: s3-us-west-binlogs timeBetweenUploads: 60 resources: requests: {} limits: {} storages: fs-pvc: type: filesystem volume: persistentVolumeClaim: # storageClassName: standard accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"] resources: requests: storage: 6Gi # s3-us-west: # type: s3 # verifyTLS: true # nodeSelector: # storage: tape # backupWorker: 'True' # resources: # requests: # memory: 1G # cpu: 600m # affinity: # nodeAffinity: # requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: # nodeSelectorTerms: # - matchExpressions: # - key: backupWorker # operator: In # values: # - 'True' # tolerations: # - key: "backupWorker" # operator: "Equal" # value: "True" # effect: "NoSchedule" # annotations: # testName: scheduled-backup # labels: # backupWorker: 'True' # schedulerName: 'default-scheduler' # priorityClassName: 'high-priority' # containerSecurityContext: # privileged: true # podSecurityContext: # fsGroup: 1001 # supplementalGroups: [1001, 1002, 1003] # s3: # bucket: S3-BACKUP-BUCKET-NAME-HERE # # Use credentialsSecret OR credentialsAccessKey/credentialsSecretKey # credentialsSecret: my-cluster-name-backup-s3 # #credentialsAccessKey: REPLACE-WITH-AWS-ACCESS-KEY # #credentialsSecretKey: REPLACE-WITH-AWS-SECRET-KEY # region: us-west-2 # endpointUrl: https://sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com # s3-us-west-binlogs: # type: s3 # s3: # bucket: S3-BACKUP-BUCKET-NAME-HERE/DIRECTORY # credentialsSecret: my-cluster-name-backup-s3 # region: us-west-2 # endpointUrl: https://sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com # azure-blob: # type: azure # azure: # credentialsSecret: azure-secret # container: test # endpointUrl: https://accountName.blob.core.windows.net # storageClass: Hot schedule: - name: "daily-backup" schedule: "0 0 * * *" keep: 5 storageName: fs-pvc # - name: "sat-night-backup" # schedule: "0 0 * * 6" # keep: 3 # storageName: s3-us-west secrets: ## You should be overriding these with your own or specify name for clusterSecretName. passwords: root: insecure-root-password xtrabackup: insecure-xtrabackup-password monitor: insecure-monitor-password clustercheck: insecure-clustercheck-password proxyadmin: insecure-proxyadmin-password pmmserver: insecure-pmmserver-password # If pmmserverkey is set in that case pmmserver pass will not be included # pmmserverkey: set-pmmserver-api-key operator: insecure-operator-password replication: insecure-replication-password ## If you are using `cert-manager` you can skip this next section. tls: {} # This should be the name of a secret that contains certificates. # it should have the following keys: `ca.crt`, `tls.crt`, `tls.key` # If not set the Helm chart will attempt to create certificates # for you [not recommended for prod]: # cluster: # This should be the name of a secret that contains certificates. # it should have the following keys: `ca.crt`, `tls.crt`, `tls.key` # If not set the Helm chart will attempt to create certificates # for you [not recommended for prod]: # internal: # logCollector: cluster1-log-collector-secrets # vault: keyring-secret-vault