{{/* vim: set filetype=mustache: */}}

Expand the name of the chart.
{{- define "kafka.name" -}}
{{- default .Chart.Name .Values.nameOverride | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}}
{{- end -}}

Create a default fully qualified zookeeper name.
We truncate at 63 chars because some Kubernetes name fields are limited to this (by the DNS naming spec).
{{- define "kafka.zookeeper.fullname" -}}
{{- if .Values.zookeeper.fullnameOverride -}}
{{- .Values.zookeeper.fullnameOverride | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $name := default "zookeeper" .Values.zookeeper.nameOverride -}}
{{- printf "%s-%s" .Release.Name $name | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

 Create the name of the service account to use
{{- define "kafka.serviceAccountName" -}}
{{- if .Values.serviceAccount.create -}}
    {{ default (include "common.names.fullname" .) .Values.serviceAccount.name }}
{{- else -}}
    {{ default "default" .Values.serviceAccount.name }}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

Return the proper Kafka image name
{{- define "kafka.image" -}}
{{ include "common.images.image" (dict "imageRoot" .Values.image "global" .Values.global) }}
{{- end -}}

Return the proper image name (for the init container auto-discovery image)
{{- define "kafka.externalAccess.autoDiscovery.image" -}}
{{ include "common.images.image" (dict "imageRoot" .Values.externalAccess.autoDiscovery.image "global" .Values.global) }}
{{- end -}}

Return the proper image name (for the init container volume-permissions image)
{{- define "kafka.volumePermissions.image" -}}
{{ include "common.images.image" (dict "imageRoot" .Values.volumePermissions.image "global" .Values.global) }}
{{- end -}}

Create a default fully qualified Kafka exporter name.
We truncate at 63 chars because some Kubernetes name fields are limited to this (by the DNS naming spec).
{{- define "kafka.metrics.kafka.fullname" -}}
  {{- printf "%s-exporter" (include "common.names.fullname" .) | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" }}
{{- end -}}

 Create the name of the service account to use for Kafka exporter pods
{{- define "kafka.metrics.kafka.serviceAccountName" -}}
{{- if .Values.metrics.kafka.serviceAccount.create -}}
    {{ default (include "kafka.metrics.kafka.fullname" .) .Values.metrics.kafka.serviceAccount.name }}
{{- else -}}
    {{ default "default" .Values.metrics.kafka.serviceAccount.name }}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

Return the proper Kafka exporter image name
{{- define "kafka.metrics.kafka.image" -}}
{{ include "common.images.image" (dict "imageRoot" .Values.metrics.kafka.image "global" .Values.global) }}
{{- end -}}

Return the proper JMX exporter image name
{{- define "kafka.metrics.jmx.image" -}}
{{ include "common.images.image" (dict "imageRoot" .Values.metrics.jmx.image "global" .Values.global) }}
{{- end -}}

Return the proper Docker Image Registry Secret Names
{{- define "kafka.imagePullSecrets" -}}
{{ include "common.images.pullSecrets" (dict "images" (list .Values.image .Values.externalAccess.autoDiscovery.image .Values.volumePermissions.image .Values.metrics.kafka.image .Values.metrics.jmx.image) "global" .Values.global) }}
{{- end -}}

Return the proper Storage Class
{{- define "kafka.storageClass" -}}
Helm 2.11 supports the assignment of a value to a variable defined in a different scope,
but Helm 2.9 and 2.10 does not support it, so we need to implement this if-else logic.
{{- if .Values.global -}}
    {{- if .Values.global.storageClass -}}
        {{- if (eq "-" .Values.global.storageClass) -}}
            {{- printf "storageClassName: \"\"" -}}
        {{- else }}
            {{- printf "storageClassName: %s" .Values.global.storageClass -}}
        {{- end -}}
    {{- else -}}
        {{- if .Values.persistence.storageClass -}}
              {{- if (eq "-" .Values.persistence.storageClass) -}}
                  {{- printf "storageClassName: \"\"" -}}
              {{- else }}
                  {{- printf "storageClassName: %s" .Values.persistence.storageClass -}}
              {{- end -}}
        {{- end -}}
    {{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
    {{- if .Values.persistence.storageClass -}}
        {{- if (eq "-" .Values.persistence.storageClass) -}}
            {{- printf "storageClassName: \"\"" -}}
        {{- else }}
            {{- printf "storageClassName: %s" .Values.persistence.storageClass -}}
        {{- end -}}
    {{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

Return true if authentication via SASL should be configured for client communications
{{- define "kafka.client.saslAuthentication" -}}
{{- $saslProtocols := list "sasl" "sasl_tls" -}}
{{- if has .Values.auth.clientProtocol $saslProtocols -}}
    {{- true -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

Return true if authentication via SASL should be configured for inter-broker communications
{{- define "kafka.interBroker.saslAuthentication" -}}
{{- $saslProtocols := list "sasl" "sasl_tls" -}}
{{- if has .Values.auth.interBrokerProtocol $saslProtocols -}}
    {{- true -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

Return true if encryption via TLS for client connections should be configured
{{- define "kafka.client.tlsEncryption" -}}
{{- $tlsProtocols := list "tls" "mtls" "sasl_tls" -}}
{{- if (has .Values.auth.clientProtocol $tlsProtocols) -}}
    {{- true -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

Return the configured value for the external client protocol, defaults to the same value as clientProtocol
{{- define "kafka.externalClientProtocol" -}}
    {{- coalesce .Values.auth.externalClientProtocol .Values.auth.clientProtocol -}}
{{- end -}}

Return true if encryption via TLS for external client connections should be configured
{{- define "kafka.externalClient.tlsEncryption" -}}
{{- $tlsProtocols := list "tls" "mtls" "sasl_tls" -}}
{{- if (has (include "kafka.externalClientProtocol" . ) $tlsProtocols) -}}
    {{- true -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

Return true if encryption via TLS for inter broker communication connections should be configured
{{- define "kafka.interBroker.tlsEncryption" -}}
{{- $tlsProtocols := list "tls" "mtls" "sasl_tls" -}}
{{- if (has .Values.auth.interBrokerProtocol $tlsProtocols) -}}
    {{- true -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

Return true if encryption via TLS should be configured
{{- define "kafka.tlsEncryption" -}}
{{- if or (include "kafka.client.tlsEncryption" .) (include "kafka.interBroker.tlsEncryption" .) (include "kafka.externalClient.tlsEncryption" .) -}}
    {{- true -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

Return the type of listener
{{ include "kafka.listenerType" ( dict "protocol" .Values.path.to.the.Value ) }}
{{- define "kafka.listenerType" -}}
{{- if eq .protocol "plaintext" -}}
{{- else if or (eq .protocol "tls") (eq .protocol "mtls") -}}
{{- else if eq .protocol "sasl_tls" -}}
{{- else if eq .protocol "sasl" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

Return the protocol used with zookeeper
{{- define "kafka.zookeeper.protocol" -}}
{{- if and .Values.auth.zookeeper.tls.enabled .Values.zookeeper.auth.client.enabled .Values.auth.sasl.jaas.zookeeperUser -}}
{{- else if and .Values.auth.zookeeper.tls.enabled -}}
{{- else if and .Values.zookeeper.auth.client.enabled .Values.auth.sasl.jaas.zookeeperUser -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

Return the Kafka JAAS credentials secret
{{- define "kafka.jaasSecretName" -}}
{{- $secretName := .Values.auth.sasl.jaas.existingSecret -}}
{{- if $secretName -}}
    {{- printf "%s" (tpl $secretName $) -}}
{{- else -}}
    {{- printf "%s-jaas" (include "common.names.fullname" .) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

Return true if a JAAS credentials secret object should be created
{{- define "kafka.createJaasSecret" -}}
{{- $secretName := .Values.auth.sasl.jaas.existingSecret -}}
{{- if and (or (include "kafka.client.saslAuthentication" .) (include "kafka.interBroker.saslAuthentication" .) (and .Values.zookeeper.auth.client.enabled .Values.auth.sasl.jaas.zookeeperUser)) (empty $secretName) -}}
    {{- true -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

Return true if a TLS credentials secret object should be created
{{- define "kafka.createTlsSecret" -}}
{{- if and (include "kafka.tlsEncryption" .) (empty .Values.auth.tls.existingSecrets) (eq .Values.auth.tls.type "pem") .Values.auth.tls.autoGenerated }}
    {{- true -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

Return the Kafka configuration configmap
{{- define "kafka.configmapName" -}}
{{- if .Values.existingConfigmap -}}
    {{- printf "%s" (tpl .Values.existingConfigmap $) -}}
{{- else -}}
    {{- printf "%s-configuration" (include "common.names.fullname" .) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

Returns the secret name for the Kafka Provisioning client
{{- define "kafka.client.passwordsSecretName" -}}
{{- if .Values.provisioning.auth.tls.passwordsSecret -}}
    {{- printf "%s" (tpl .Values.provisioning.auth.tls.passwordsSecret $) -}}
{{- else -}}
    {{- printf "%s-client-secret" (include "common.names.fullname" .) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

Create the name of the service account to use for the Kafka Provisioning client
{{- define "kafka.provisioning.serviceAccountName" -}}
{{- if .Values.provisioning.serviceAccount.create -}}
    {{ default (include "common.names.fullname" .) .Values.provisioning.serviceAccount.name }}
{{- else -}}
    {{ default "default" .Values.provisioning.serviceAccount.name }}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

Return true if a configmap object should be created
{{- define "kafka.createConfigmap" -}}
{{- if and .Values.config (not .Values.existingConfigmap) }}
    {{- true -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

Return the Kafka log4j ConfigMap name.
{{- define "kafka.log4j.configMapName" -}}
{{- if .Values.existingLog4jConfigMap -}}
    {{- printf "%s" (tpl .Values.existingLog4jConfigMap $) -}}
{{- else -}}
    {{- printf "%s-log4j-configuration" (include "common.names.fullname" .) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

Return true if a log4j ConfigMap object should be created.
{{- define "kafka.log4j.createConfigMap" -}}
{{- if and .Values.log4j (not .Values.existingLog4jConfigMap) }}
    {{- true -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

Return the SASL mechanism to use for the Kafka exporter to access Kafka
The exporter uses a different nomenclature so we need to do this hack
{{- define "kafka.metrics.kafka.saslMechanism" -}}
{{- $saslMechanisms := .Values.auth.sasl.mechanisms }}
{{- if contains "scram-sha-512" $saslMechanisms }}
    {{- print "scram-sha512" -}}
{{- else if contains "scram-sha-256" $saslMechanisms }}
    {{- print "scram-sha256" -}}
{{- else -}}
    {{- print "plain" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

Return the Kafka configuration configmap
{{- define "kafka.metrics.jmx.configmapName" -}}
{{- if .Values.metrics.jmx.existingConfigmap -}}
    {{- printf "%s" (tpl .Values.metrics.jmx.existingConfigmap $) -}}
{{- else -}}
    {{- printf "%s-jmx-configuration" (include "common.names.fullname" .) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

Return true if a configmap object should be created
{{- define "kafka.metrics.jmx.createConfigmap" -}}
{{- if and .Values.metrics.jmx.enabled .Values.metrics.jmx.config (not .Values.metrics.jmx.existingConfigmap) }}
    {{- true -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

Check if there are rolling tags in the images
{{- define "kafka.checkRollingTags" -}}
{{- include "common.warnings.rollingTag" .Values.image }}
{{- include "common.warnings.rollingTag" .Values.externalAccess.autoDiscovery.image }}
{{- include "common.warnings.rollingTag" .Values.metrics.kafka.image }}
{{- include "common.warnings.rollingTag" .Values.metrics.jmx.image }}
{{- include "common.warnings.rollingTag" .Values.volumePermissions.image }}
{{- end -}}

Compile all warnings into a single message, and call fail.
{{- define "kafka.validateValues" -}}
{{- $messages := list -}}
{{- $messages := append $messages (include "kafka.validateValues.authProtocols" .) -}}
{{- $messages := append $messages (include "kafka.validateValues.nodePortListLength" .) -}}
{{- $messages := append $messages (include "kafka.validateValues.externalIPListLength" .) -}}
{{- $messages := append $messages (include "kafka.validateValues.domainSpecified" .) -}}
{{- $messages := append $messages (include "kafka.validateValues.externalAccessServiceType" .) -}}
{{- $messages := append $messages (include "kafka.validateValues.externalAccessAutoDiscoveryRBAC" .) -}}
{{- $messages := append $messages (include "kafka.validateValues.externalAccessAutoDiscoveryIPsOrNames" .) -}}
{{- $messages := append $messages (include "kafka.validateValues.externalAccessServiceList" (dict "element" "loadBalancerIPs" "context" .)) -}}
{{- $messages := append $messages (include "kafka.validateValues.externalAccessServiceList" (dict "element" "loadBalancerNames" "context" .)) -}}
{{- $messages := append $messages (include "kafka.validateValues.externalAccessServiceList" (dict "element" "loadBalancerAnnotations" "context" . )) -}}
{{- $messages := append $messages (include "kafka.validateValues.saslMechanisms" .) -}}
{{- $messages := append $messages (include "kafka.validateValues.tlsSecrets" .) -}}
{{- $messages := append $messages (include "kafka.validateValues.tlsSecrets.length" .) -}}
{{- $messages := append $messages (include "kafka.validateValues.tlsPasswords" .) -}}
{{- $messages := append $messages (include "kafka.validateValues.kraftMode" .) -}}
{{- $messages := append $messages (include "kafka.validateValues.ClusterIdDefinedIfKraft" .) -}}
{{- $messages := append $messages (include "kafka.validateValues.controllerQuorumVotersDefinedIfKraft" .) -}}
{{- $messages := without $messages "" -}}
{{- $message := join "\n" $messages -}}

{{- if $message -}}
{{-   printf "\nVALUES VALIDATION:\n%s" $message | fail -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

{{/* Validate values of Kafka - Authentication protocols for Kafka */}}
{{- define "kafka.validateValues.authProtocols" -}}
{{- $authProtocols := list "plaintext" "tls" "mtls" "sasl" "sasl_tls" -}}
{{- if or (not (has .Values.auth.clientProtocol $authProtocols)) (not (has .Values.auth.interBrokerProtocol $authProtocols)) (not (has (include "kafka.externalClientProtocol" . ) $authProtocols)) -}}
kafka: auth.clientProtocol auth.externalClientProtocol auth.interBrokerProtocol
    Available authentication protocols are "plaintext", "tls", "mtls", "sasl" and "sasl_tls"
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

{{/* Validate values of Kafka - number of replicas must be the same as NodePort list */}}
{{- define "kafka.validateValues.nodePortListLength" -}}
{{- $replicaCount := int .Values.replicaCount -}}
{{- $nodePortListLength := len .Values.externalAccess.service.nodePorts -}}
{{- $nodePortListIsEmpty := empty .Values.externalAccess.service.nodePorts -}}
{{- $nodePortListLengthEqualsReplicaCount := eq $nodePortListLength $replicaCount -}}
{{- $externalIPListIsEmpty := empty .Values.externalAccess.service.externalIPs -}}
{{- if and .Values.externalAccess.enabled (not .Values.externalAccess.autoDiscovery.enabled) (eq .Values.externalAccess.service.type "NodePort") (or (and (not $nodePortListIsEmpty) (not $nodePortListLengthEqualsReplicaCount)) (and $nodePortListIsEmpty $externalIPListIsEmpty)) -}}
kafka: .Values.externalAccess.service.nodePorts
    Number of replicas and nodePort array length must be the same. Currently: replicaCount = {{ $replicaCount }} and length nodePorts = {{ $nodePortListLength }} - {{ $externalIPListIsEmpty }}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

{{/* Validate values of Kafka - number of replicas must be the same as externalIPs list */}}
{{- define "kafka.validateValues.externalIPListLength" -}}
{{- $replicaCount := int .Values.replicaCount -}}
{{- $externalIPListLength := len .Values.externalAccess.service.externalIPs -}}
{{- $externalIPListIsEmpty := empty .Values.externalAccess.service.externalIPs -}}
{{- $externalIPListEqualsReplicaCount := eq $externalIPListLength $replicaCount -}}
{{- $nodePortListIsEmpty := empty .Values.externalAccess.service.nodePorts -}}
{{- if and .Values.externalAccess.enabled (not .Values.externalAccess.autoDiscovery.enabled) (eq .Values.externalAccess.service.type "NodePort") (or (and (not $externalIPListIsEmpty) (not $externalIPListEqualsReplicaCount)) (and $externalIPListIsEmpty $nodePortListIsEmpty)) -}}
kafka: .Values.externalAccess.service.externalIPs
    Number of replicas and externalIPs array length must be the same. Currently: replicaCount = {{ $replicaCount }} and length externalIPs = {{ $externalIPListLength }}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

{{/* Validate values of Kafka - domain must be defined if external service type ClusterIP */}}
{{- define "kafka.validateValues.domainSpecified" -}}
{{- if and (eq .Values.externalAccess.service.type "ClusterIP") (eq .Values.externalAccess.service.domain "") -}}
kafka: .Values.externalAccess.service.domain
    Domain must be specified if service type ClusterIP is set for external service
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

{{/* Validate values of Kafka - service type for external access */}}
{{- define "kafka.validateValues.externalAccessServiceType" -}}
{{- if and (not (eq .Values.externalAccess.service.type "NodePort")) (not (eq .Values.externalAccess.service.type "LoadBalancer")) (not (eq .Values.externalAccess.service.type "ClusterIP")) -}}
kafka: externalAccess.service.type
    Available service type for external access are NodePort, LoadBalancer or ClusterIP.
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

{{/* Validate values of Kafka - RBAC should be enabled when autoDiscovery is enabled */}}
{{- define "kafka.validateValues.externalAccessAutoDiscoveryRBAC" -}}
{{- if and .Values.externalAccess.enabled .Values.externalAccess.autoDiscovery.enabled (not .Values.rbac.create ) }}
kafka: rbac.create
    By specifying "externalAccess.enabled=true" and "externalAccess.autoDiscovery.enabled=true"
    an initContainer will be used to auto-detect the external IPs/ports by querying the
    K8s API. Please note this initContainer requires specific RBAC resources. You can create them
    by specifying "--set rbac.create=true".
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

{{/* Validate values of Kafka - LoadBalancerIPs or LoadBalancerNames should be set when autoDiscovery is disabled */}}
{{- define "kafka.validateValues.externalAccessAutoDiscoveryIPsOrNames" -}}
{{- $loadBalancerNameListLength := len .Values.externalAccess.service.loadBalancerNames -}}
{{- $loadBalancerIPListLength := len .Values.externalAccess.service.loadBalancerIPs -}}
{{- if and .Values.externalAccess.enabled (eq .Values.externalAccess.service.type "LoadBalancer") (not .Values.externalAccess.autoDiscovery.enabled) (eq $loadBalancerNameListLength 0) (eq $loadBalancerIPListLength 0) }}
kafka: externalAccess.service.loadBalancerNames or externalAccess.service.loadBalancerIPs
    By specifying "externalAccess.enabled=true", "externalAccess.autoDiscovery.enabled=false" and
    "externalAccess.service.type=LoadBalancer" at least one of externalAccess.service.loadBalancerNames
    or externalAccess.service.loadBalancerIPs  must be set and the length of those arrays must be equal
    to the number of replicas.
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

{{/* Validate values of Kafka - number of replicas must be the same as loadBalancerIPs list */}}
{{- define "kafka.validateValues.externalAccessServiceList" -}}
{{- $replicaCount := int .context.Values.replicaCount }}
{{- $listLength := len (get .context.Values.externalAccess.service .element) -}}
{{- if and .context.Values.externalAccess.enabled (not .context.Values.externalAccess.autoDiscovery.enabled) (eq .context.Values.externalAccess.service.type "LoadBalancer") (gt $listLength 0) (not (eq $replicaCount $listLength)) }}
kafka: externalAccess.service.{{ .element }}
    Number of replicas and {{ .element }} array length must be the same. Currently: replicaCount = {{ $replicaCount }} and {{ .element }} = {{ $listLength }}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

{{/* Validate values of Kafka - SASL mechanisms must be provided when using SASL */}}
{{- define "kafka.validateValues.saslMechanisms" -}}
{{- if and (or (.Values.auth.clientProtocol | regexFind "sasl") (.Values.auth.interBrokerProtocol | regexFind "sasl") (and .Values.zookeeper.auth.client.enabled .Values.auth.sasl.jaas.zookeeperUser)) (not .Values.auth.sasl.mechanisms) }}
kafka: auth.sasl.mechanisms
    The SASL mechanisms are required when either auth.clientProtocol or auth.interBrokerProtocol use SASL or Zookeeper user is provided.
{{- end }}
{{- if not (contains .Values.auth.sasl.interBrokerMechanism .Values.auth.sasl.mechanisms) }}
kafka: auth.sasl.mechanisms
    auth.sasl.interBrokerMechanism must be provided and it should be one of the specified mechanisms at auth.saslMechanisms
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

{{/* Validate values of Kafka - Secrets containing TLS certs must be provided when TLS authentication is enabled */}}
{{- define "kafka.validateValues.tlsSecrets" -}}
{{- if and (include "kafka.tlsEncryption" .) (eq .Values.auth.tls.type "jks") (empty .Values.auth.tls.existingSecrets) }}
kafka: auth.tls.existingSecrets
    A secret containing the Kafka JKS keystores and truststore is required
    when TLS encryption in enabled and TLS format is "JKS"
{{- else if and (include "kafka.tlsEncryption" .) (eq .Values.auth.tls.type "pem") (empty .Values.auth.tls.existingSecrets) (not .Values.auth.tls.autoGenerated) }}
kafka: auth.tls.existingSecrets
    A secret containing the Kafka TLS certificates and keys is required
    when TLS encryption in enabled and TLS format is "PEM"
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

{{/* Validate values of Kafka - The number of secrets containing TLS certs should be equal to the number of replicas */}}
{{- define "kafka.validateValues.tlsSecrets.length" -}}
{{- $replicaCount := int .Values.replicaCount }}
{{- if and (include "kafka.tlsEncryption" .) (not (empty .Values.auth.tls.existingSecrets)) }}
{{- $existingSecretsLength := len .Values.auth.tls.existingSecrets }}
{{- if ne $replicaCount $existingSecretsLength }}
kafka: .Values.auth.tls.existingSecrets
    Number of replicas and existingSecrets array length must be the same. Currently: replicaCount = {{ $replicaCount }} and existingSecrets = {{ $existingSecretsLength }}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

{{/* Validate values of Kafka provisioning - keyPasswordSecretKey, keystorePasswordSecretKey or truststorePasswordSecretKey must not be used without passwordsSecret */}}
{{- define "kafka.validateValues.tlsPasswords" -}}
{{- if and (include "kafka.client.tlsEncryption" .) (not .Values.auth.tls.passwordsSecret) }}
{{- if or .Values.auth.tls.keyPasswordSecretKey .Values.auth.tls.keystorePasswordSecretKey .Values.auth.tls.truststorePasswordSecretKey }}
kafka: auth.tls.keyPasswordSecretKey,auth.tls.keystorePasswordSecretKey,auth.tls.truststorePasswordSecretKey
    must not be used without passwordsSecret setted.
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

{{/* Validate values of Kafka Kraft mode. It cannot be used with zookeeper  */}}
{{- define "kafka.validateValues.kraftMode" -}}
{{- $externalZKlen := len .Values.externalZookeeper.servers}}
{{- if and .Values.kraft.enabled (or .Values.zookeeper.enabled (gt $externalZKlen 0))  }}
kafka: Kraft mode
    You cannot use Kraft mode and Zookeeper at the same time. They are mutually exclusive. Disable zookeeper in '.Values.zookeeper.enabled'  and delete values from '.Values.externalZookeeper.servers' if you want to use Kraft mode
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

{{/* Validate ClusterId value. It must be defined if Kraft mode is used.  */}}
{{- define "kafka.validateValues.ClusterIdDefinedIfKraft" -}}
{{- if and .Values.kraft.enabled (not .Values.kraft.clusterId) (gt (int .Values.replicaCount) 1) }}
kafka: Kraft mode
    .Values.kraft.clusterId must not be empty if .Values.kraft.enabled set to true and .Values.replicaCount > 1.
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

{{/* Validate controllerQuorumVoters value. It must be defined if it is broker-only deployment.  */}}
{{- define "kafka.validateValues.controllerQuorumVotersDefinedIfKraft" -}}
{{- if and .Values.kraft.enabled (not .Values.kraft.controllerQuorumVoters) (not (contains "controller" .Values.kraft.processRoles)) }}
kafka: Kraft mode
    .Values.kraft.controllerQuorumVoters must not be empty if .Values.kraft.enabled set to true and .Values.kraft.processRoles does not contain "controller".
    If you deploy brokers without controllers you have to define external controllers with .Values.kraft.controllerQuorumVoters
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}