# Default values for yugaware. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. fullnameOverride: "" nameOverride: "" # Cloud team will retain nginx for sometime # until they start creating a separate pool useNginxProxy: false image: commonRegistry: "" # Setting commonRegistry to say, quay.io overrides the registry settings for all images # including the yugaware image repository: quay.io/yugabyte/yugaware tag: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent pullSecret: yugabyte-k8s-pull-secret ## Docker config JSON File name ## If set, this file content will be used to automatically create secret named as above pullSecretFile: "" postgres: registry: "" tag: '14.9' name: postgres postgres-upgrade: registry: "" tag: "11-to-14" name: tianon/postgres-upgrade prometheus: registry: "" tag: v2.47.1 name: prom/prometheus nginx: registry: "" tag: 1.25.1 name: nginxinc/nginx-unprivileged yugaware: replicas: 1 storage: 100Gi storageClass: "" storageAnnotations: {} multiTenant: false ## Name of existing ServiceAccount. When provided, the chart won't create a ServiceAccount. ## It will attach the required RBAC roles to it. ## Helpful in Yugabyte Platform GKE App. serviceAccount: '' serviceMonitor: enabled: false annotations: {} serviceAccountAnnotations: {} service: annotations: {} clusterIP: "" enabled: true ip: "" type: "LoadBalancer" ## whitelist source CIDRs #loadBalancerSourceRanges: #- #- pod: annotations: {} labels: {} health: username: "" password: "" email: "" resources: requests: cpu: "2" memory: 4Gi enableProxyMetricsAuth: true ## List of additional alowed CORS origins in case of complex rev-proxy additionAllowedCorsOrigins: [] proxyEndpointTimeoutMs: 3 minute ## Enables features specific for cloud deployments cloud: enabled: false requestIdHeader: "X-REQUEST-ID" podDisruptionBudget: # See https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/run-application/configure-pdb/ # Note that the default of 0 doesn't really make sense since a StatefulSet isn't allowed to schedule extra replicas. However it is maintained as the default while we do additional testing. This value will likely change in the future. maxUnavailable: 0 universe_boot_script: "" extraEnv: [] # In case client wants to enable the additional headers to the YBA's http response # Previously, it was possible via nginx, but given that we no longer have it, we can # expose the same as application config/runtime config. # Example: ["X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff", "Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=1000"] custom_headers: [] ## Configure PostgreSQL part of the application postgres: # DO NOT CHANGE if using OCP Certified helm chart user: postgres dbname: yugaware service: ## Expose internal Postgres as a Service enabled: false ## Additional Service annotations annotations: {} ## Service type type: "ClusterIP" ## IP address for the LoadBalancer, works only if supported by the cloud provider ip: "" resources: requests: cpu: "0.5" memory: 1Gi # If external.host is set then we will connect to an external postgres database server instead of starting our own. external: host: "" port: 5432 pass: "" dbname: postgres user: postgres ## JDBC connection parameters including the leading `?`. jdbcParams: "" ## Extra volumes ## extraVolumesMounts are mandatory for each extraVolumes. ## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.22/#volume-v1-core ## Example: # extraVolumes: # - name: custom-nfs-vol # persistentVolumeClaim: # claimName: some-nfs-claim extraVolumes: [] ## Extra volume mounts ## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.22/#volumemount-v1-core ## Example: # extraVolumeMounts: # - name: custom-nfs-vol # mountPath: /home/yugabyte/nfs-backup extraVolumeMounts: [] tls: enabled: false hostname: "localhost" ## Expects base 64 encoded values for certificate and key. certificate: "" key: "" sslProtocols: "" # if set, override default Nginx SSL protocols setting ## cert-manager values ## If cert-manager is enabled: ## If genSelfsigned: true: ## Create a self-signed issuer/clusterIssuer ## Generate a rootCA using the above issuer. ## Generate a tls certificate with secret name as: {{ .Release.Name }}-yugaware-tls-cert ## Else if genSelfsigned: false: ## Expect a clusterIssuer/issuer to be provided by user ## Generate a tls cert based on above issuer with secret name as: {{ .Release.Name }}-yugaware-tls-cert certManager: enabled: false genSelfsigned: true useClusterIssuer: false clusterIssuer: cluster-ca issuer: yugaware-ca ## Configuration for the TLS certificate requested from Issuer/ClusterIssuer configuration: duration: 8760h # 90d renewBefore: 240h # 15d algorithm: RSA # ECDSA or RSA # Can be 2048, 4096 or 8192 for RSA # Or 256, 384 or 521 for ECDSA keySize: 2048 ## yugaware pod Security Context ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/ securityContext: enabled: true ## fsGroup related values are set at the pod level. fsGroup: 10001 fsGroupChangePolicy: "OnRootMismatch" ## Expected to have runAsUser values != 0 when ## runAsNonRoot is set to true, otherwise container creation fails. runAsUser: 10001 runAsGroup: 10001 runAsNonRoot: true helm: timeout: 900 packagePath: "/opt/yugabyte/helm" domainName: "cluster.local" helm2Legacy: false ip_version_support: "v4_only" # v4_only, v6_only are the only supported values at the moment nginx: workerConnections: 1024 db_node_proxy_enabled: false # max size of file upload allowed by YB platform upload_size: 10G resources: requests: cpu: "0.25" memory: 300Mi proxyReadTimeoutSec: 600 rbac: ## Set this to false if you don't have enough permissions to create ## ClusterRole and Binding, for example an OpenShift cluster. When ## set to false, some of the graphs from Container section of the ## Metrics UI don't work. create: true ## In order to deploy on OpenShift Container Platform, set this to ## true. ocpCompatibility: enabled: false # Extra containers to add to the pod. sidecars: [] ## Following two controls for placement of pod - nodeSelector and AZ affinity. ## Note: Remember to also provide a yugaware.StorageClass that has a olumeBindingMode of ## WaitForFirstConsumer so that the PVC is created in the right topology visible to this pod. ## See https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector ## eg. ## nodeSelector: ## topology.kubernetes.io/region: us-west1 nodeSelector: {} ## Affinity to a particular zone for the pod. ## See https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#node-affinity ## eg. ## nodeAffinity: ## requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: ## nodeSelectorTerms: ## - matchExpressions: ## - key: failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/zone ## operator: In ## values: ## - us-west1-a ## - us-west1-b zoneAffinity: {} ## The tolerations that the pod should have. ## See https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/taint-and-toleration/ tolerations: [] ## @param dnsPolicy DNS Policy for pod ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/dns-pod-service/ ## E.g. ## dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst dnsPolicy: "" ## @param dnsConfig DNS Configuration pod ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/dns-pod-service/ ## E.g. ## dnsConfig: ## options: ## - name: ndots ## value: "4" dnsConfig: {} ## Don't want prometheus to scrape nodes and evaluate alert rules in some cases (for example - cloud). prometheus: scrapeNodes: true evaluateAlertRules: true retentionTime: 15d queryConcurrency: 20 queryMaxSamples: 5000000 queryTimeout: 30s resources: requests: cpu: "2" memory: 4Gi ## Prometheus remote write config, as described here: ## https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/configuration/#remote_write ## If tls configuration is needed, set prometheus.remoteWrite.tls.enabled = true and provide ## necessary certificates/keys in base64 format as prometheus.remoteWrite.tls.[caCert|cert|key]. ## Remote write config should expect certs/keys in ## /opt/remote_write/certs/[ca.crt|client.crt|client.key] respectively. remoteWrite: config: [] tls: enabled: false ## base64 encoded certificates and key expected caCert: "" clientCert: "" clientKey: "" # Arbitrary key=value config entries for application.docker.conf additionalAppConf: stringConf: {} nonStringConf: {} jdbcParams: "" ## Override the APIVersion used by policy group for ## PodDisruptionBudget resources. The chart selects the correct ## APIVersion based on the target Kubernetes cluster. You don't need ## to modify this unless you are using helm template command i.e. GKE ## app's deployer image against a Kubernetes cluster >= 1.21. # pdbPolicyVersionOverride: "v1beta1" pdbPolicyVersionOverride: "" initContainers: prometheusConfiguration: resources: ## https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers/#resource-requests-and-limits-of-pod-and-container ## Use the above link to learn more about Kubernetes resources configuration. requests: cpu: "0.25" memory: 500Mi postgresUpgrade: resources: requests: cpu: "0.5" memory: 500Mi postgresInit: resources: requests: cpu: "0.25" memory: 500Mi