{{/* Copyright VMware, Inc. SPDX-License-Identifier: APACHE-2.0 */}} {{/* vim: set filetype=mustache: */}} {{/* Expand the name of the chart. */}} {{- define "airflow.name" -}} {{- default .Chart.Name .Values.nameOverride | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Create chart name and version as used by the chart label. */}} {{- define "airflow.chart" -}} {{- printf "%s-%s" .Chart.Name .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Full path to CA Cert file */}} {{- define "airflow.ldapCAFilename" }} {{- printf "%s/%s" .Values.ldap.tls.certificatesMountPath (coalesce .Values.ldap.tls.CAcertificateFilename .Values.ldap.tls.CAFilename ) }} {{- end -}} {{/* Fully qualified app name for LDAP */}} {{- define "airflow.ldap" -}} {{- printf "%s-ldap" (include "common.names.fullname" .) -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Return the LDAP credentials secret. */}} {{- define "airflow.ldapSecretName" -}} {{/* Helm 2.11 supports the assignment of a value to a variable defined in a different scope, but Helm 2.9 and 2.10 doesn't support it, so we need to implement this if-else logic. Also, we can't use a single if because lazy evaluation is not an option */}} {{- if .Values.global }} {{- if .Values.global.ldap }} {{- if .Values.global.ldap.existingSecret }} {{- printf "%s" .Values.global.ldap.existingSecret -}} {{- else if .Values.ldap.existingSecret -}} {{- printf "%s" .Values.ldap.existingSecret -}} {{- else -}} {{- printf "%s" (include "airflow.ldap" .) -}} {{- end -}} {{- else if .Values.ldap.existingSecret -}} {{- printf "%s" .Values.ldap.existingSecret -}} {{- else -}} {{- printf "%s" (include "airflow.ldap" .) -}} {{- end -}} {{- else -}} {{- if .Values.ldap.existingSecret -}} {{- printf "%s" .Values.ldap.existingSecret -}} {{- else -}} {{- printf "%s" (include "airflow.ldap" .) -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Return the proper Airflow image name */}} {{- define "airflow.image" -}} {{- include "common.images.image" (dict "imageRoot" .Values.web.image "global" .Values.global) -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Return the proper Airflow Scheduler image name */}} {{- define "airflow.schedulerImage" -}} {{- include "common.images.image" (dict "imageRoot" .Values.scheduler.image "global" .Values.global) -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Return the proper Airflow Worker image name */}} {{- define "airflow.workerImage" -}} {{- include "common.images.image" (dict "imageRoot" .Values.worker.image "global" .Values.global) -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Return the proper git image name */}} {{- define "git.image" -}} {{- include "common.images.image" (dict "imageRoot" .Values.git.image "global" .Values.global) -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Return the proper Airflow Metrics image name */}} {{- define "airflow.metrics.image" -}} {{- include "common.images.image" (dict "imageRoot" .Values.metrics.image "global" .Values.global) -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Return the proper load Airflow DAGs image name */}} {{- define "airflow.dags.image" -}} {{- include "common.images.image" (dict "imageRoot" .Values.dags.image "global" .Values.global) -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Return the proper Docker Image Registry Secret Names */}} {{- define "airflow.imagePullSecrets" -}} {{- include "common.images.pullSecrets" (dict "images" (list .Values.web.image .Values.scheduler.image .Values.worker.image .Values.git .Values.metrics.image) "global" .Values.global) -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Create a default fully qualified postgresql name. We truncate at 63 chars because some Kubernetes name fields are limited to this (by the DNS naming spec). */}} {{- define "airflow.postgresql.fullname" -}} {{- include "common.names.dependency.fullname" (dict "chartName" "postgresql" "chartValues" .Values.postgresql "context" $) -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Create a default fully qualified redis name. We truncate at 63 chars because some Kubernetes name fields are limited to this (by the DNS naming spec). */}} {{- define "airflow.redis.fullname" -}} {{- include "common.names.dependency.fullname" (dict "chartName" "redis-master" "chartValues" .Values.redis "context" $) -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Get the Redis® credentials secret. */}} {{- define "airflow.redis.secretName" -}} {{- if and (.Values.redis.enabled) (not .Values.redis.auth.existingSecret) -}} {{/* Create a include for the redis secret We truncate at 63 chars because some Kubernetes name fields are limited to this (by the DNS naming spec). */}} {{- $name := default "redis" .Values.redis.nameOverride -}} {{- printf "%s-%s" .Release.Name $name | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}} {{- else if and (.Values.redis.enabled) ( .Values.redis.auth.existingSecret) -}} {{- printf "%s" .Values.redis.auth.existingSecret -}} {{- else }} {{- if .Values.externalRedis.existingSecret -}} {{- printf "%s" .Values.externalRedis.existingSecret -}} {{- else -}} {{ printf "%s-%s" .Release.Name "externalredis" }} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Get the Postgresql credentials secret. */}} {{- define "airflow.postgresql.secretName" -}} {{- if .Values.postgresql.enabled }} {{- if .Values.global.postgresql }} {{- if .Values.global.postgresql.auth }} {{- if .Values.global.postgresql.auth.existingSecret }} {{- tpl .Values.global.postgresql.auth.existingSecret $ -}} {{- end -}} {{- else -}} {{- if and ( .Values.postgresql.auth.existingSecret ) ( .Values.postgresql.auth.enablePostgresUser ) }} {{- default (include "airflow.postgresql.fullname" .) (tpl .Values.postgresql.auth.existingSecret $) -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- else -}} {{- default (include "airflow.postgresql.fullname" .) (tpl .Values.postgresql.auth.existingSecret $) -}} {{- end -}} {{- else -}} {{- default (printf "%s-externaldb" .Release.Name) (tpl .Values.externalDatabase.existingSecret $) -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Get the secret name */}} {{- define "airflow.secretName" -}} {{- if .Values.auth.existingSecret -}} {{- printf "%s" .Values.auth.existingSecret -}} {{- else -}} {{- printf "%s" (include "common.names.fullname" .) -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Get the configmap name */}} {{- define "airflow.configMapName" -}} {{- if .Values.existingConfigmap -}} {{- printf "%s" (tpl .Values.existingConfigmap $) -}} {{- else -}} {{- printf "%s-configuration" (include "common.names.fullname" .) -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Load DAGs init-container */}} {{- define "airflow.loadDAGsInitContainer" -}} {{- $compDefinition := (get .context.Values .component) -}} - name: load-dags image: {{ include "airflow.dags.image" .context }} imagePullPolicy: {{ .context.Values.dags.image.pullPolicy }} {{- if $compDefinition.containerSecurityContext.enabled }} securityContext: {{- omit $compDefinition.containerSecurityContext "enabled" | toYaml | nindent 4 }} {{- end }} command: - /bin/bash args: - -ec - | cp /configmap/* /dags volumeMounts: - name: load-external-dag-files mountPath: /configmap - name: external-dag-files mountPath: /dags {{- end -}} {{/* Create the name of the service account to use */}} {{- define "airflow.serviceAccountName" -}} {{- if .Values.serviceAccount.create -}} {{ default (include "common.names.fullname" .) .Values.serviceAccount.name }} {{- else -}} {{ default "default" .Values.serviceAccount.name }} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Add environment variables to configure database values */}} {{- define "airflow.database.host" -}} {{- ternary (include "airflow.postgresql.fullname" .) .Values.externalDatabase.host .Values.postgresql.enabled | quote -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Add environment variables to configure database values */}} {{- define "airflow.database.user" -}} {{- if .Values.postgresql.enabled }} {{- if .Values.global.postgresql }} {{- if .Values.global.postgresql.auth }} {{- coalesce .Values.global.postgresql.auth.username .Values.postgresql.auth.username | quote -}} {{- else -}} {{- .Values.postgresql.auth.username | quote -}} {{- end -}} {{- else -}} {{- .Values.postgresql.auth.username | quote -}} {{- end -}} {{- else -}} {{- .Values.externalDatabase.user | quote -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Add environment variables to configure database values */}} {{- define "airflow.database.name" -}} {{- if .Values.postgresql.enabled }} {{- if .Values.global.postgresql }} {{- if .Values.global.postgresql.auth }} {{- coalesce .Values.global.postgresql.auth.database .Values.postgresql.auth.database | quote -}} {{- else -}} {{- .Values.postgresql.auth.database | quote -}} {{- end -}} {{- else -}} {{- .Values.postgresql.auth.database | quote -}} {{- end -}} {{- else -}} {{- .Values.externalDatabase.database | quote -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Add environment variables to configure database values */}} {{- define "airflow.database.existingsecret.key" -}} {{- if .Values.postgresql.enabled -}} {{- printf "%s" "password" -}} {{- else -}} {{- if .Values.externalDatabase.existingSecret -}} {{- if .Values.externalDatabase.existingSecretPasswordKey -}} {{- printf "%s" .Values.externalDatabase.existingSecretPasswordKey -}} {{- else -}} {{- printf "%s" "password" -}} {{- end -}} {{- else -}} {{- printf "%s" "password" -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Add environment variables to configure database values */}} {{- define "airflow.database.port" -}} {{- ternary "5432" .Values.externalDatabase.port .Values.postgresql.enabled | quote -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Add environment variables to configure database values */}} {{- define "airflow.redis.existingsecret.key" -}} {{- if .Values.redis.enabled -}} {{- printf "%s" "redis-password" -}} {{- else -}} {{- if .Values.externalRedis.existingSecret -}} {{- if .Values.externalRedis.existingSecretPasswordKey -}} {{- printf "%s" .Values.externalRedis.existingSecretPasswordKey -}} {{- else -}} {{- printf "%s" "redis-password" -}} {{- end -}} {{- else -}} {{- printf "%s" "redis-password" -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Add environment variables to configure database values */}} {{- define "airflow.configure.database" -}} - name: AIRFLOW_DATABASE_NAME value: {{ include "airflow.database.name" . }} - name: AIRFLOW_DATABASE_USERNAME value: {{ include "airflow.database.user" . }} {{- if or (not .Values.postgresql.enabled) .Values.postgresql.auth.enablePostgresUser }} - name: AIRFLOW_DATABASE_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: {{ include "airflow.postgresql.secretName" . }} key: {{ include "airflow.database.existingsecret.key" . }} {{- else }} - name: ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD value: "true" {{- end }} - name: AIRFLOW_DATABASE_HOST value: {{ include "airflow.database.host" . }} - name: AIRFLOW_DATABASE_PORT_NUMBER value: {{ include "airflow.database.port" . }} {{- end -}} {{/* Add environment variables to configure redis values */}} {{- define "airflow.configure.redis" -}} {{- if (not (or (eq .Values.executor "KubernetesExecutor" ) (eq .Values.executor "LocalKubernetesExecutor" ))) }} - name: REDIS_HOST value: {{ ternary (include "airflow.redis.fullname" .) .Values.externalRedis.host .Values.redis.enabled | quote }} - name: REDIS_PORT_NUMBER value: {{ ternary "6379" .Values.externalRedis.port .Values.redis.enabled | quote }} {{- if and (not .Values.redis.enabled) .Values.externalRedis.username }} - name: REDIS_USER value: {{ .Values.externalRedis.username | quote }} {{- end }} - name: REDIS_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: {{ include "airflow.redis.secretName" . }} key: redis-password {{- end }} {{- end -}} {{/* Add environment variables to configure airflow common values */}} {{- define "airflow.configure.airflow.common" -}} - name: AIRFLOW_FERNET_KEY valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: {{ include "airflow.secretName" . }} key: airflow-fernet-key - name: AIRFLOW_SECRET_KEY valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: {{ include "airflow.secretName" . }} key: airflow-secret-key - name: AIRFLOW_LOAD_EXAMPLES value: {{ ternary "yes" "no" .Values.loadExamples | quote }} {{- if .Values.web.image.debug }} - name: BASH_DEBUG value: "1" - name: BITNAMI_DEBUG value: "true" {{- end }} {{- end -}} {{/* Add environment variables to configure airflow kubernetes executor */}} {{- define "airflow.configure.airflow.kubernetesExecutor" -}} {{- if (contains "KubernetesExecutor" .Values.executor) }} - name: AIRFLOW__KUBERNETES__NAMESPACE value: {{ .Release.Namespace }} - name: AIRFLOW__KUBERNETES__WORKER_CONTAINER_REPOSITORY value: {{ printf "%s/%s" .Values.worker.image.registry .Values.worker.image.repository }} - name: AIRFLOW__KUBERNETES__WORKER_CONTAINER_TAG value: {{ .Values.worker.image.tag }} - name: AIRFLOW__KUBERNETES__IMAGE_PULL_POLICY value: {{ .Values.worker.image.pullPolicy }} - name: AIRFLOW__KUBERNETES__DAGS_IN_IMAGE value: "True" - name: AIRFLOW__KUBERNETES__DELETE_WORKER_PODS value: "True" - name: AIRFLOW__KUBERNETES__DELETE_WORKER_PODS_ON_FAILURE value: "False" - name: AIRFLOW__KUBERNETES__WORKER_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME value: {{ include "airflow.serviceAccountName" . }} - name: AIRFLOW__KUBERNETES__POD_TEMPLATE_FILE value: "/opt/bitnami/airflow/pod_template.yaml" {{- end }} {{- end -}} {{/* Get the user defined LoadBalancerIP for this release. Note, returns if using ClusterIP. */}} {{- define "airflow.serviceIP" -}} {{- if eq .Values.service.type "ClusterIP" -}} {{- else -}} {{- .Values.service.loadBalancerIP | default "" -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Gets the host to be used for this application. If not using ClusterIP, or if a host or LoadBalancerIP is not defined, the value will be empty. */}} {{- define "airflow.baseUrl" -}} {{- $host := "" -}} {{- $port := "" -}} {{- $servicePortString := printf "%v" .Values.service.ports.http -}} {{- if and (not (eq $servicePortString "80")) (not (eq $servicePortString "443")) -}} {{- $port = printf ":%s" $servicePortString -}} {{- end -}} {{- if .Values.ingress.enabled }} {{- $host = .Values.ingress.hostname | default "" -}} {{- else -}} {{- $host = .Values.web.baseUrl | default "" -}} {{- end }} {{- $host = default (include "airflow.serviceIP" .) $host -}} {{- if $host -}} {{- printf "http://%s%s" $host $port -}} {{- else -}} {{- default "" .Values.web.baseUrl -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Compile all warnings into a single message, and call fail. */}} {{- define "airflow.validateValues" -}} {{- $messages := list -}} {{- $messages := append $messages (include "airflow.validateValues.dags.repositories" .) -}} {{- $messages := append $messages (include "airflow.validateValues.dags.repository_details" .) -}} {{- $messages := append $messages (include "airflow.validateValues.plugins.repositories" .) -}} {{- $messages := append $messages (include "airflow.validateValues.plugins.repository_details" .) -}} {{- $messages := without $messages "" -}} {{- $message := join "\n" $messages -}} {{- if $message -}} {{- printf "\nVALUES VALIDATION:\n%s" $message | fail -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Validate values of Airflow - At least one repository details must be provided when "git.dags.enabled" is "true" */}} {{- define "airflow.validateValues.dags.repositories" -}} {{- if and .Values.git.dags.enabled (empty .Values.git.dags.repositories) -}} airflow: git.dags.repositories At least one repository must be provided when enabling downloading DAG files from git repository (--set git.dags.repositories[0].repository="xxx" --set git.dags.repositories[0].name="xxx" --set git.dags.repositories[0].branch="name") {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Validate values of Airflow - "git.dags.repositories.repository", "git.dags.repositories.name", "git.dags.repositories.branch" must be provided when "git.dags.enabled" is "true" */}} {{- define "airflow.validateValues.dags.repository_details" -}} {{- if .Values.git.dags.enabled -}} {{- range $index, $repository_detail := .Values.git.dags.repositories }} {{- if empty $repository_detail.repository -}} airflow: git.dags.repositories[$index].repository The repository must be provided when enabling downloading DAG files from git repository (--set git.dags.repositories[$index].repository="xxx") {{- end -}} {{- if empty $repository_detail.branch -}} airflow: git.dags.repositories[$index].branch The branch must be provided when enabling downloading DAG files from git repository (--set git.dags.repositories[$index].branch="xxx") {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Validate values of Airflow - "git.plugins.repositories" must be provided when "git.plugins.enabled" is "true" */}} {{- define "airflow.validateValues.plugins.repositories" -}} {{- if and .Values.git.plugins.enabled (empty .Values.git.plugins.repositories) -}} airflow: git.plugins.repositories At least one repository must be provided when enabling downloading DAG files from git repository (--set git.plugins.repositories[0].repository="xxx" --set git.plugins.repositories[0].name="xxx" --set git.plugins.repositories[0].branch="name") {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Validate values of Airflow - "git.plugins.repositories.repository", "git.plugins.repositories.name", "git.plugins.repositories.branch" must be provided when "git.plugins.enabled" is "true" */}} {{- define "airflow.validateValues.plugins.repository_details" -}} {{- if .Values.git.plugins.enabled -}} {{- range $index, $repository_detail := .Values.git.plugins.repositories }} {{- if empty $repository_detail.repository -}} airflow: git.plugins.repositories[$index].repository The repository must be provided when enabling downloading DAG files from git repository (--set git.plugins.repositories[$index].repository="xxx") {{- end -}} {{- if empty $repository_detail.branch -}} airflow: git.plugins.repositories[$index].branch The branch must be provided when enabling downloading DAG files from git repository (--set git.plugins.repositories[$index].branch="xxx") {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Check if there are rolling tags in the images */}} {{- define "airflow.checkRollingTags" -}} {{- include "common.warnings.rollingTag" .Values.web.image }} {{- include "common.warnings.rollingTag" .Values.scheduler.image }} {{- include "common.warnings.rollingTag" .Values.worker.image }} {{- include "common.warnings.rollingTag" .Values.git.image }} {{- include "common.warnings.rollingTag" .Values.metrics.image }} {{- end -}} {{/* In Airflow version 2.1.0, the CeleryKubernetesExecutor requires setting workers with CeleryExecutor in order to work properly. This is a workaround and is subject to Airflow official resolution. Ref: https://github.com/bitnami/charts/pull/6096#issuecomment-856499047 */}} {{- define "airflow.worker.executor" -}} {{- if eq .Values.executor "CeleryKubernetesExecutor" -}} {{- printf "CeleryExecutor" -}} {{- else -}} {{- .Values.executor -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}}