questions: - variable: replicas label: "Replicas" type: int description: "The quantity of replicas (pods) to create. Note that setting the replica quantity to a value less than 3 does not meet Microsoft's quorum requirements for HA. Only set this value below 3 if you intend to add these replicas to an existing AG." default: 3 required: true group: General - variable: secretKeys label: "Kubernetes Secret" type: secret description: "The name of the Kubernetes Secret to use for the MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD, DX_PASSKEY, and (optionally) DX_OTPK." required: true group: General - variable: enableLoadBalancers label: "Enable External Load Balancers" type: string description: "Enable or disable automatic provisioning of an external load balancer for each replica in the StatefulSet." required: true group: General - variable: DX_LICENSE label: "License Key" type: string description: "The license key for DxEnterprise." required: true group: "DxEnterprise" - variable: DX_ACCEPT_EULA label: "Accept EULA" type: enum default: "N" description: "Accept the terms of the DxEnterprise license agreement. For more information, visit" required: true group: "DxEnterprise" options: - "Y" - "N" - variable: DX_VHOST_NAME label: "Vhost Name" type: string description: "The name of the Vhost that the availability group will be created under." default: "VHOST1" group: "DxEnterprise" - variable: DX_AG_NAME label: "Availability Group Name" type: string description: "The name that will be given to the availability group." default: "AG1" group: "DxEnterprise" - variable: DX_AG_OPTIONS label: "Availability Group Options" type: string description: "Additional availability group options to apply during AG creation." group: "DxEnterprise" - variable: DX_NEW_CLUSTER label: "Create a New Cluster" type: string description: "Whether or not to create a new DxEnterprise cluster, or join an existing one using the provided One-Time Passkey." default: "true" group: "DxEnterprise" - variable: dxeImage.repository label: "Repository" type: string description: "The repository to pull the DxEnterprise image from." default: "dh2i/dxe" group: "DxEnterprise" subquestions: - variable: dxeImage.pullPolicy label: "Pull Policy" type: string description: "The pull policy for the DxEnterprise image." default: "Always" group: "DxEnterprise" - variable: dxeImage.tag label: "Image Tag" type: string description: "The tag to use for the DxEnterprise image." default: "latest" group: "DxEnterprise" - variable: MSSQL_PID label: Edition type: string description: "The SQL Server edition (PID)." required: true default: Developer group: "SQL Server" - variable: ACCEPT_EULA label: "Accept EULA" type: enum default: "N" description: "Accept the terms of the SQL Server EULA." required: true group: "SQL Server" options: - "Y" - "N" - variable: sqlImage.repository label: "Repository" type: string description: "The repository to pull the SQL Server image from." default: "" group: "SQL Server" subquestions: - variable: sqlImage.pullPolicy label: "Pull Policy" type: string description: "The pull policy for the SQL Server image." default: "Always" group: "SQL Server" - variable: sqlImage.tag label: "Image Tag" type: string description: "The tag to use for the SQL Server image." default: "2022-latest" group: "SQL Server"