# Default values for hpe-csi-driver Helm chart # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. # Control CSP Service and Deployments for HPE storage products disable: nimble: false primera: false alletra6000: false alletra9000: false # For controlling automatic iscsi/multipath package installation disableNodeConformance: false # For controlling automatic iscsi/multipath service configuration disableNodeConfiguration: false # imagePullPolicy applied for all hpe-csi-driver images imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent" # Cluster wide values for CHAP authentication iscsi: chapUser: "" chapPassword: "" # Log level for all hpe-csi-driver components logLevel: "info" # Registry prefix for hpe-csi-driver images registry: "quay.io" # Kubelet root directory path kubeletRootDir: "/var/lib/kubelet/" # NodeGetVolumestats will be called by default, set true to disable the call disableNodeGetVolumeStats: false controller: # These values map directly to yaml in the deployment spec, see the kubernetes docs for info labels: {} # These values map directly to yaml in the deployment spec, see the kubernetes docs for info nodeSelector: {} # These values map directly to yaml in the deployment spec, see the kubernetes docs for info tolerations: [] affinity: {} csp: # These values map directly to yaml in the deployment spec, see the kubernetes docs for info labels: {} # These values map directly to yaml in the deployment spec, see the kubernetes docs for info nodeSelector: {} # These values map directly to yaml in the deployment spec, see the kubernetes docs for info tolerations: [] affinity: {} node: # These values map directly to yaml in the deployment spec, see the kubernetes docs for info labels: {} # These values map directly to yaml in the deployment spec, see the kubernetes docs for info nodeSelector: {} # These values map directly to yaml in the deployment spec, see the kubernetes docs for info tolerations: [] affinity: {}