# Settings for the HPE Storage Array Exporter for Prometheus Helm chart # IMPORTANT: # Confirm your acceptance of the HPE End User License Agreement at # https://www.hpe.com/us/en/software/licensing.html by setting this # value to true. acceptEula: false # The name of a Secret in the same namespace as the Helm chart installation # providing storage array access information: "address" (or "backend"), # "username", and "password". arraySecret: hpe-backend image: # Container image registry registry: "quay.io" # Container image pull policy pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent" # Minimum severity of messages to output logLevel: "info" # Customization of the metrics provided. metrics: # Exclude metrics about the metrics provider itself, with prefixes # such as "promhttp", "process", and "go". disableIntrospection: false # Settings for the Service providing access to storage array metrics. service: # The type of Service to create, ClusterIP (the default) for access # solely from within the cluster or NodePort to provide access from # outside the cluster. type: "ClusterIP" # The TCP port at which to expose access to storage array metrics within # the cluster (default 9090). port: 9090 # The TCP port at which to expose access to storage array metrics # externally at each cluster node, if the Service type is NodePort and # automatic assignment is not desired. #nodePort: # Labels to add to the Service, for example to include target labels # in a ServiceMonitor scrape configuration. labels: {} # array: # Annotations to add to the Service, for example to configure it as # a scrape target when using the Prometheus Helm chart's default # configuration. annotations: {} # "prometheus.io/scrape": "true" # A Service Monitor can enable a Prometheus Operator within the cluster # to discover the HPE Storage Array Exporter for Prometheus as a scrape # target. serviceMonitor: enable: false # Corresponding labels on the Array Exporter service are added to # the scraped metrics targetLabels: []