diff --git a/assets/bitnami/airflow-14.1.2.tgz b/assets/bitnami/airflow-14.1.2.tgz
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..179974a73
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/bitnami/airflow-14.1.2.tgz differ
diff --git a/assets/bitnami/kafka-22.0.2.tgz b/assets/bitnami/kafka-22.0.2.tgz
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..94a9e74bb
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/bitnami/kafka-22.0.2.tgz differ
diff --git a/assets/dell/csi-isilon-2.6.1.tgz b/assets/dell/csi-isilon-2.6.1.tgz
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..119def89a
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/dell/csi-isilon-2.6.1.tgz differ
diff --git a/assets/kong/kong-2.20.1.tgz b/assets/kong/kong-2.20.1.tgz
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..13644922c
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/kong/kong-2.20.1.tgz differ
diff --git a/assets/percona/psmdb-db-1.14.3.tgz b/assets/percona/psmdb-db-1.14.3.tgz
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b5dc84b1f
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/percona/psmdb-db-1.14.3.tgz differ
diff --git a/assets/percona/pxc-db-1.12.2.tgz b/assets/percona/pxc-db-1.12.2.tgz
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e32105ca7
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/percona/pxc-db-1.12.2.tgz differ
diff --git a/assets/pixie/pixie-operator-chart-0.1.1.tgz b/assets/pixie/pixie-operator-chart-0.1.1.tgz
index f9109e16f..58c3c34da 100644
Binary files a/assets/pixie/pixie-operator-chart-0.1.1.tgz and b/assets/pixie/pixie-operator-chart-0.1.1.tgz differ
diff --git a/assets/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator-3.1.0.tgz b/assets/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator-3.1.0.tgz
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f5e1d0da3
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator-3.1.0.tgz differ
diff --git a/charts/bitnami/airflow/Chart.lock b/charts/bitnami/airflow/Chart.lock
index 26d301047..0c8b95903 100644
--- a/charts/bitnami/airflow/Chart.lock
+++ b/charts/bitnami/airflow/Chart.lock
@@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ dependencies:
   version: 12.4.2
 - name: common
   repository: oci://registry-1.docker.io/bitnamicharts
-  version: 2.2.4
-digest: sha256:5f54e23119e6c659025f771732c257d59adc3332e6a2b2c52a86da5b90aed833
-generated: "2023-04-30T05:53:13.195480832Z"
+  version: 2.2.5
+digest: sha256:2e66cac7c89a1c48c71aad455cc484c37c6eb7793c03135c7f6105b0f3bf10b8
+generated: "2023-05-03T15:53:54.20666706Z"
diff --git a/charts/bitnami/airflow/Chart.yaml b/charts/bitnami/airflow/Chart.yaml
index 782ae90c1..84a3e8806 100644
--- a/charts/bitnami/airflow/Chart.yaml
+++ b/charts/bitnami/airflow/Chart.yaml
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ annotations:
   category: WorkFlow
   licenses: Apache-2.0
 apiVersion: v2
-appVersion: 2.5.3
+appVersion: 2.6.0
 - condition: redis.enabled
   name: redis
@@ -38,4 +38,4 @@ name: airflow
 - https://github.com/bitnami/containers/tree/main/bitnami/airflow
 - https://airflow.apache.org/
-version: 14.1.1
+version: 14.1.2
diff --git a/charts/bitnami/airflow/README.md b/charts/bitnami/airflow/README.md
index 8c6e0088f..fe6e3eb2a 100644
--- a/charts/bitnami/airflow/README.md
+++ b/charts/bitnami/airflow/README.md
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and
 | `dags.existingConfigmap` | Name of an existing ConfigMap with all the DAGs files you want to load in Airflow                                                                                         | `""`                    |
 | `dags.image.registry`    | Init container load-dags image registry                                                                                                                                   | `docker.io`             |
 | `dags.image.repository`  | Init container load-dags image repository                                                                                                                                 | `bitnami/bitnami-shell` |
-| `dags.image.tag`         | Init container load-dags image tag (immutable tags are recommended)                                                                                                       | `11-debian-11-r111`     |
+| `dags.image.tag`         | Init container load-dags image tag (immutable tags are recommended)                                                                                                       | `11-debian-11-r112`     |
 | `dags.image.digest`      | Init container load-dags image digest in the way sha256:aa.... Please note this parameter, if set, will override the tag                                                  | `""`                    |
 | `dags.image.pullPolicy`  | Init container load-dags image pull policy                                                                                                                                | `IfNotPresent`          |
 | `dags.image.pullSecrets` | Init container load-dags image pull secrets                                                                                                                               | `[]`                    |
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and
 | ------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------- |
 | `web.image.registry`                        | Airflow image registry                                                                                                   | `docker.io`          |
 | `web.image.repository`                      | Airflow image repository                                                                                                 | `bitnami/airflow`    |
-| `web.image.tag`                             | Airflow image tag (immutable tags are recommended)                                                                       | `2.5.3-debian-11-r9` |
+| `web.image.tag`                             | Airflow image tag (immutable tags are recommended)                                                                       | `2.6.0-debian-11-r1` |
 | `web.image.digest`                          | Airflow image digest in the way sha256:aa.... Please note this parameter, if set, will override the tag                  | `""`                 |
 | `web.image.pullPolicy`                      | Airflow image pull policy                                                                                                | `IfNotPresent`       |
 | `web.image.pullSecrets`                     | Airflow image pull secrets                                                                                               | `[]`                 |
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and
 | ------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | --------------------------- |
 | `scheduler.image.registry`                        | Airflow Scheduler image registry                                                                                         | `docker.io`                 |
 | `scheduler.image.repository`                      | Airflow Scheduler image repository                                                                                       | `bitnami/airflow-scheduler` |
-| `scheduler.image.tag`                             | Airflow Scheduler image tag (immutable tags are recommended)                                                             | `2.5.3-debian-11-r8`        |
+| `scheduler.image.tag`                             | Airflow Scheduler image tag (immutable tags are recommended)                                                             | `2.6.0-debian-11-r0`        |
 | `scheduler.image.digest`                          | Airflow Schefuler image digest in the way sha256:aa.... Please note this parameter, if set, will override the tag        | `""`                        |
 | `scheduler.image.pullPolicy`                      | Airflow Scheduler image pull policy                                                                                      | `IfNotPresent`              |
 | `scheduler.image.pullSecrets`                     | Airflow Scheduler image pull secrets                                                                                     | `[]`                        |
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and
 | ---------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------ |
 | `worker.image.registry`                        | Airflow Worker image registry                                                                                            | `docker.io`              |
 | `worker.image.repository`                      | Airflow Worker image repository                                                                                          | `bitnami/airflow-worker` |
-| `worker.image.tag`                             | Airflow Worker image tag (immutable tags are recommended)                                                                | `2.5.3-debian-11-r8`     |
+| `worker.image.tag`                             | Airflow Worker image tag (immutable tags are recommended)                                                                | `2.6.0-debian-11-r0`     |
 | `worker.image.digest`                          | Airflow Worker image digest in the way sha256:aa.... Please note this parameter, if set, will override the tag           | `""`                     |
 | `worker.image.pullPolicy`                      | Airflow Worker image pull policy                                                                                         | `IfNotPresent`           |
 | `worker.image.pullSecrets`                     | Airflow Worker image pull secrets                                                                                        | `[]`                     |
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and
 | ------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------- |
 | `git.image.registry`           | Git image registry                                                                                  | `docker.io`           |
 | `git.image.repository`         | Git image repository                                                                                | `bitnami/git`         |
-| `git.image.tag`                | Git image tag (immutable tags are recommended)                                                      | `2.40.1-debian-11-r1` |
+| `git.image.tag`                | Git image tag (immutable tags are recommended)                                                      | `2.40.1-debian-11-r2` |
 | `git.image.digest`             | Git image digest in the way sha256:aa.... Please note this parameter, if set, will override the tag | `""`                  |
 | `git.image.pullPolicy`         | Git image pull policy                                                                               | `IfNotPresent`        |
 | `git.image.pullSecrets`        | Git image pull secrets                                                                              | `[]`                  |
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and
 | `metrics.enabled`                               | Whether or not to create a standalone Airflow exporter to expose Airflow metrics                                 | `false`                       |
 | `metrics.image.registry`                        | Airflow exporter image registry                                                                                  | `docker.io`                   |
 | `metrics.image.repository`                      | Airflow exporter image repository                                                                                | `bitnami/airflow-exporter`    |
-| `metrics.image.tag`                             | Airflow exporter image tag (immutable tags are recommended)                                                      | `0.20220314.0-debian-11-r115` |
+| `metrics.image.tag`                             | Airflow exporter image tag (immutable tags are recommended)                                                      | `0.20220314.0-debian-11-r116` |
 | `metrics.image.digest`                          | Airflow exporter image digest in the way sha256:aa.... Please note this parameter, if set, will override the tag | `""`                          |
 | `metrics.image.pullPolicy`                      | Airflow exporter image pull policy                                                                               | `IfNotPresent`                |
 | `metrics.image.pullSecrets`                     | Airflow exporter image pull secrets                                                                              | `[]`                          |
diff --git a/charts/bitnami/airflow/charts/common/Chart.yaml b/charts/bitnami/airflow/charts/common/Chart.yaml
index 8583e628a..8f0fff689 100644
--- a/charts/bitnami/airflow/charts/common/Chart.yaml
+++ b/charts/bitnami/airflow/charts/common/Chart.yaml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ annotations:
   category: Infrastructure
   licenses: Apache-2.0
 apiVersion: v2
-appVersion: 2.2.4
+appVersion: 2.2.5
 description: A Library Helm Chart for grouping common logic between bitnami charts.
   This chart is not deployable by itself.
 home: https://github.com/bitnami/charts/tree/main/bitnami/common
@@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ sources:
 - https://github.com/bitnami/charts
 - https://www.bitnami.com/
 type: library
-version: 2.2.4
+version: 2.2.5
diff --git a/charts/bitnami/airflow/charts/common/README.md b/charts/bitnami/airflow/charts/common/README.md
index 825639f2a..6381c3b72 100644
--- a/charts/bitnami/airflow/charts/common/README.md
+++ b/charts/bitnami/airflow/charts/common/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # Bitnami Common Library Chart
-A [Helm Library Chart](https://helm.sh/docs/topics/library_charts/#helm) for grouping common logic between bitnami charts.
+A [Helm Library Chart](https://helm.sh/docs/topics/library_charts/#helm) for grouping common logic between Bitnami charts.
 ## TL;DR
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ A [Helm Library Chart](https://helm.sh/docs/topics/library_charts/#helm) for gro
   - name: common
     version: 1.x.x
-    repository: https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
+    repository: oci://registry-1.docker.io/bitnamicharts
diff --git a/charts/bitnami/airflow/values.yaml b/charts/bitnami/airflow/values.yaml
index 3adb40017..006efc02b 100644
--- a/charts/bitnami/airflow/values.yaml
+++ b/charts/bitnami/airflow/values.yaml
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ dags:
     registry: docker.io
     repository: bitnami/bitnami-shell
-    tag: 11-debian-11-r111
+    tag: 11-debian-11-r112
     digest: ""
     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
     ## Optionally specify an array of imagePullSecrets.
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ web:
     registry: docker.io
     repository: bitnami/airflow
-    tag: 2.5.3-debian-11-r9
+    tag: 2.6.0-debian-11-r1
     digest: ""
     ## Specify a imagePullPolicy
     ## Defaults to 'Always' if image tag is 'latest', else set to 'IfNotPresent'
@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ scheduler:
     registry: docker.io
     repository: bitnami/airflow-scheduler
-    tag: 2.5.3-debian-11-r8
+    tag: 2.6.0-debian-11-r0
     digest: ""
     ## Specify a imagePullPolicy
     ## Defaults to 'Always' if image tag is 'latest', else set to 'IfNotPresent'
@@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ worker:
     registry: docker.io
     repository: bitnami/airflow-worker
-    tag: 2.5.3-debian-11-r8
+    tag: 2.6.0-debian-11-r0
     digest: ""
     ## Specify a imagePullPolicy
     ## Defaults to 'Always' if image tag is 'latest', else set to 'IfNotPresent'
@@ -920,7 +920,7 @@ git:
     registry: docker.io
     repository: bitnami/git
-    tag: 2.40.1-debian-11-r1
+    tag: 2.40.1-debian-11-r2
     digest: ""
     ## Specify a imagePullPolicy
     ## Defaults to 'Always' if image tag is 'latest', else set to 'IfNotPresent'
@@ -1283,7 +1283,7 @@ metrics:
     registry: docker.io
     repository: bitnami/airflow-exporter
-    tag: 0.20220314.0-debian-11-r115
+    tag: 0.20220314.0-debian-11-r116
     digest: ""
     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
     ## Optionally specify an array of imagePullSecrets.
diff --git a/charts/bitnami/kafka/Chart.yaml b/charts/bitnami/kafka/Chart.yaml
index 446b59e76..30995aa86 100644
--- a/charts/bitnami/kafka/Chart.yaml
+++ b/charts/bitnami/kafka/Chart.yaml
@@ -35,4 +35,4 @@ name: kafka
 - https://github.com/bitnami/containers/tree/main/bitnami/kafka
 - https://kafka.apache.org/
-version: 22.0.1
+version: 22.0.2
diff --git a/charts/bitnami/kafka/templates/scripts-configmap.yaml b/charts/bitnami/kafka/templates/scripts-configmap.yaml
index 155914bd1..b5191ee1b 100644
--- a/charts/bitnami/kafka/templates/scripts-configmap.yaml
+++ b/charts/bitnami/kafka/templates/scripts-configmap.yaml
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ data:
-    if [[ $KAFKA_CFG_PROCESS_ROLES == *"controller"* ]]; then
+    if [[ $KAFKA_CFG_PROCESS_ROLES == *"controller"* && -z $KAFKA_CFG_CONTROLLER_QUORUM_VOTERS ]]; then
         node_id={{ .Values.minId }}
         while :
diff --git a/charts/dell/csi-isilon/Chart.yaml b/charts/dell/csi-isilon/Chart.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ebfd356e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/charts/dell/csi-isilon/Chart.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+  catalog.cattle.io/certified: partner
+  catalog.cattle.io/display-name: Dell CSI PowerScale
+  catalog.cattle.io/kube-version: '>= 1.21.0 < 1.27.0'
+  catalog.cattle.io/release-name: isilon
+apiVersion: v1
+appVersion: 2.6.1
+description: 'PowerScale CSI (Container Storage Interface) driver Kubernetes integration.
+  This chart includes everything required to provision via CSI as well as an Isilon
+  StorageClass. '
+icon: https://partner-charts.rancher.io/assets/logos/dell.png
+- csi
+- storage
+kubeVersion: '>= 1.21.0 < 1.27.0'
+- name: DellEMC
+name: csi-isilon
+- https://github.com/dell/csi-isilon
+version: 2.6.1
diff --git a/charts/dell/csi-isilon/app-readme.md b/charts/dell/csi-isilon/app-readme.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9a2d8781a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/charts/dell/csi-isilon/app-readme.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+## Prerequisites
+1. Create a namespace named isilon 
+2. Create a secret named "isilon-creds" in the namespace created above. Sample [secret.yaml](https://github.com/dell/csi-powerscale/blob/main/samples/secret/secret.yaml).
+    >Secret must be of type opaque.
+3. Create a secret named "Isilon-cert-0" in the namespace created above. Sample [empty-secret.yaml](https://github.com/dell/csi-powerscale/blob/main/samples/secret/empty-secret.yaml).
+    >Secret must be of type opaque.
+4. Create storage classes using ones from [samples](https://github.com/dell/csi-powerscale/blob/main/samples/storageclass) folder as an example.
+5. Install the chart with the name "csi-islon". 
+The table [here](https://github.com/dell/csi-powerscale/blob/main/helm/csi-isilon/values.yaml) lists the configurable parameters of the chart and their default values
diff --git a/charts/dell/csi-isilon/templates/_helpers.tpl b/charts/dell/csi-isilon/templates/_helpers.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c84203055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/charts/dell/csi-isilon/templates/_helpers.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+Return the appropriate sidecar images based on k8s version
+{{- define "csi-isilon.attacherImage" -}}
+  {{- if eq .Capabilities.KubeVersion.Major "1" }}
+    {{- if and (ge (trimSuffix "+" .Capabilities.KubeVersion.Minor) "21") (le (trimSuffix "+" .Capabilities.KubeVersion.Minor) "26") -}}
+      {{- print "k8s.gcr.io/sig-storage/csi-attacher:v4.2.0" -}}
+    {{- end -}}
+  {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+{{- define "csi-isilon.provisionerImage" -}}
+  {{- if eq .Capabilities.KubeVersion.Major "1" }}
+    {{- if and (ge (trimSuffix "+" .Capabilities.KubeVersion.Minor) "21") (le (trimSuffix "+" .Capabilities.KubeVersion.Minor) "26") -}}
+      {{- print "k8s.gcr.io/sig-storage/csi-provisioner:v3.4.0" -}}
+    {{- end -}}
+  {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+{{- define "csi-isilon.snapshotterImage" -}}
+  {{- if eq .Capabilities.KubeVersion.Major "1" }}
+    {{- if and (ge (trimSuffix "+" .Capabilities.KubeVersion.Minor) "21") (le (trimSuffix "+" .Capabilities.KubeVersion.Minor) "26") -}}
+      {{- print "k8s.gcr.io/sig-storage/csi-snapshotter:v6.2.1" -}}
+    {{- end -}}
+  {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+{{- define "csi-isilon.resizerImage" -}}
+  {{- if eq .Capabilities.KubeVersion.Major "1" }}
+    {{- if and (ge (trimSuffix "+" .Capabilities.KubeVersion.Minor) "21") (le (trimSuffix "+" .Capabilities.KubeVersion.Minor) "26") -}}
+      {{- print "k8s.gcr.io/sig-storage/csi-resizer:v1.7.0" -}}
+    {{- end -}}
+  {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+{{- define "csi-isilon.registrarImage" -}}
+  {{- if eq .Capabilities.KubeVersion.Major "1" }}
+    {{- if and (ge (trimSuffix "+" .Capabilities.KubeVersion.Minor) "21") (le (trimSuffix "+" .Capabilities.KubeVersion.Minor) "26") -}}
+      {{- print "k8s.gcr.io/sig-storage/csi-node-driver-registrar:v2.6.3" -}}
+    {{- end -}}
+  {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+{{- define "csi-isilon.healthmonitorImage" -}}
+  {{- if eq .Capabilities.KubeVersion.Major "1" }}
+    {{- if and (ge (trimSuffix "+" .Capabilities.KubeVersion.Minor) "21") (le (trimSuffix "+" .Capabilities.KubeVersion.Minor) "26") -}}
+      {{- print "gcr.io/k8s-staging-sig-storage/csi-external-health-monitor-controller:v0.8.0" -}}
+    {{- end -}}
+  {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
diff --git a/charts/dell/csi-isilon/templates/controller.yaml b/charts/dell/csi-isilon/templates/controller.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a7db9acc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/charts/dell/csi-isilon/templates/controller.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: ServiceAccount
+  name: {{ .Release.Name }}-controller
+  namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
+kind: ClusterRole
+apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
+  name: {{ .Release.Name }}-controller
+  - apiGroups: [""]
+    resources: ["events"]
+    verbs: ["list", "watch", "create", "update", "patch"]
+  - apiGroups: [""]
+    resources: ["nodes"]
+  {{- if hasKey .Values "podmon" }}
+  {{- if eq .Values.podmon.enabled true }}
+    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "patch"]
+  {{- else }}
+    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
+  {{- end }}
+  {{- end }}
+  - apiGroups: [""]
+    resources: ["persistentvolumes"]
+    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "create", "delete", "update"]
+  - apiGroups: [""]
+    resources: ["persistentvolumeclaims"]
+    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "update"]
+  - apiGroups: [""]
+    resources: ["pods"]
+  {{- if hasKey .Values "podmon" }}
+  {{- if eq .Values.podmon.enabled true }}
+    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "update", "delete"]
+  {{- else }}
+    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
+  {{- end }}
+  {{- end }}
+  - apiGroups: ["storage.k8s.io"]
+    resources: ["storageclasses"]
+    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
+  - apiGroups: ["storage.k8s.io"]
+    resources: ["volumeattachments"]
+  {{- if hasKey .Values "podmon" }}
+  {{- if eq .Values.podmon.enabled true }}
+    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "update", "patch", "delete"]
+  {{- else }}
+    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "update", "patch"]
+  {{- end }}
+  {{- end }}
+  - apiGroups: ["storage.k8s.io"]
+    resources: ["volumeattachments/status"]
+    verbs: ["patch"]
+  - apiGroups: ["csi.storage.k8s.io"]
+    resources: ["csinodeinfos"]
+    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
+  - apiGroups: ["storage.k8s.io"]
+    resources: ["csinodes"]
+    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "update"]
+# below for snapshotter
+  - apiGroups: [""]
+    resources: ["secrets"]
+    verbs: ["get", "list"]
+  - apiGroups: ["snapshot.storage.k8s.io"]
+    resources: ["volumesnapshotclasses"]
+    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
+  - apiGroups: ["snapshot.storage.k8s.io"]
+    resources: ["volumesnapshotcontents"]
+    verbs: ["create", "get", "list", "watch", "update", "delete", "patch"]
+  - apiGroups: ["snapshot.storage.k8s.io"]
+    resources: ["volumesnapshots"]
+    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "update"]
+  - apiGroups: ["snapshot.storage.k8s.io"]
+    resources: ["volumesnapshots/status"]
+    verbs: ["update"]
+  - apiGroups: ["snapshot.storage.k8s.io"]
+    resources: ["volumesnapshotcontents/status"]
+    verbs: ["update"]
+  - apiGroups: ["apiextensions.k8s.io"]
+    resources: ["customresourcedefinitions"]
+    verbs: ["create", "list", "watch", "delete"]
+ # below for resizer
+  - apiGroups: [""]
+    resources: ["persistentvolumes"]
+    verbs: ["update", "patch"]
+  - apiGroups: [""]
+    resources: ["persistentvolumeclaims/status"]
+    verbs: ["update", "patch"]
+  - apiGroups: ["coordination.k8s.io"]
+    resources: ["leases"]
+    verbs: ["get", "watch", "list", "delete", "update", "create"]
+  # below for dell-csi-replicator
+  {{- if hasKey .Values.controller "replication" }}
+  {{- if eq .Values.controller.replication.enabled true}}
+  - apiGroups: ["replication.storage.dell.com"]
+    resources: ["dellcsireplicationgroups"]
+    verbs: ["create", "delete", "get", "list", "patch", "update", "watch"]
+  - apiGroups: ["replication.storage.dell.com"]
+    resources: ["dellcsireplicationgroups/status"]
+    verbs: ["get", "patch", "update"]
+  - apiGroups: [""]
+    resources: ["configmaps"]
+    verbs: ["create", "delete", "get", "list", "watch", "update", "patch"]
+  {{- end}}
+  {{- end}}
+kind: ClusterRoleBinding
+apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
+  name: {{ .Release.Name }}-controller
+  - kind: ServiceAccount
+    name: {{ .Release.Name }}-controller
+    namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
+  kind: ClusterRole
+  name: {{ .Release.Name }}-controller
+  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
+kind: Deployment
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+  name: {{ .Release.Name }}-controller
+  namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
+  {{- if hasKey .Values "authorization" }}
+  {{- if eq .Values.authorization.enabled true }}
+  annotations:
+    com.dell.karavi-authorization-proxy: "true"
+  {{ end }}
+  {{ end }}
+  selector:
+    matchLabels:
+      app: {{ .Release.Name }}-controller
+  {{- if lt (.Values.controller.controllerCount | toString | atoi ) 1 -}}
+  {{- fail "value for .Values.controller.controllerCount should be atleast 1" }}
+  {{- else }}
+  replicas: {{ required "Must provide the number of controller instances to create." .Values.controller.controllerCount }}
+  {{- end }}
+  strategy:
+    type: RollingUpdate
+    rollingUpdate:
+      maxUnavailable: 1
+  template:
+    metadata:
+      labels:
+        app: {{ .Release.Name }}-controller
+    spec:
+      serviceAccount: {{ .Release.Name }}-controller
+      affinity:
+        podAntiAffinity:
+          requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
+          - labelSelector:
+              matchExpressions:
+                - key: app
+                  operator: In
+                  values:
+                  - {{ .Release.Name }}-controller
+            topologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname
+      {{ if .Values.controller.nodeSelector }}
+      nodeSelector:
+      {{- toYaml .Values.controller.nodeSelector | nindent 8 }}
+      {{ end }}
+      {{ if .Values.controller.tolerations }}
+      tolerations:
+      {{- toYaml .Values.controller.tolerations | nindent 8 }}
+      {{ end }}
+      containers:
+        {{- $encModes := list false }}
+        {{- if eq .Values.encryption.enabled true }}
+        {{- $encModes = list false true }}
+        {{- end }}
+{{- range $encrypted := $encModes }}
+{{- with $ }}
+        {{- $driverSock := "csi.sock" }}
+        {{- $csiSidecarSuffix := "" }}
+        {{- if $encrypted }}
+        {{- $driverSock = "csi-sec.sock" }}
+        {{- $csiSidecarSuffix = "-sec" }}
+        {{- end }}
+        {{- $driverSockPath := printf "/var/run/csi/%s" $driverSock }}
+        {{- if not $encrypted }}
+        {{- if hasKey .Values "podmon" }}
+        {{- if eq .Values.podmon.enabled true }}
+        - name: podmon
+          image: {{ required "Must provide the podmon container image." .Values.podmon.image }}
+          imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.imagePullPolicy }}
+          args:
+            {{- toYaml .Values.podmon.controller.args | nindent 12 }}
+          env:
+            - name: MY_NODE_NAME
+              valueFrom:
+                fieldRef:
+                  fieldPath: spec.nodeName
+            - name: MY_POD_NAME
+              valueFrom:
+                fieldRef:
+                  fieldPath: metadata.name
+            - name: MY_POD_NAMESPACE
+              valueFrom:
+                fieldRef:
+                  fieldPath: metadata.namespace
+          volumeMounts:
+            - name: socket-dir
+              mountPath: /var/run/csi
+            - name: csi-isilon-config-params
+              mountPath: /csi-isilon-config-params
+        {{- end }}
+        {{- end }}
+        {{- if hasKey .Values.controller "replication" }}
+        {{- if eq .Values.controller.replication.enabled true}}
+        - name: dell-csi-replicator
+          image: {{ required "Must provide the Dell CSI Replicator image." .Values.controller.replication.image}}
+          imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.imagePullPolicy }}
+          args:
+            - "--csi-address={{ $driverSockPath }}"
+            - "--leader-election=true"
+            - "--worker-threads=2"
+            - "--retry-interval-start=1s"
+            - "--retry-interval-max=300s"
+            - "--timeout=300s"
+            - "--context-prefix={{ .Values.controller.replication.replicationContextPrefix}}"
+            - "--prefix={{ .Values.controller.replication.replicationPrefix}}"
+          env:
+            - name: X_CSI_REPLICATION_CONFIG_DIR
+              value: /csi-isilon-config-params
+              value: driver-config-params.yaml
+          volumeMounts:
+            - name: socket-dir
+              mountPath: /var/run/csi
+            - name: csi-isilon-config-params
+              mountPath: /csi-isilon-config-params
+        {{- end }}
+        {{- end }}
+        {{- end }}
+        {{- if hasKey .Values.controller "resizer" }}
+        {{- if eq .Values.controller.resizer.enabled true }}
+        - name: resizer{{ $csiSidecarSuffix }}
+          image: {{ required "Must provide the CSI resizer container image." ( include "csi-isilon.resizerImage" . ) }}
+          imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.imagePullPolicy }}
+          args:
+            - "--csi-address={{ $driverSockPath }}"
+            - "--leader-election"
+            - "--timeout=120s"
+            - "--v=5"
+            {{- if hasKey .Values.controller "leaderElection" }}
+            {{- if hasKey .Values.controller.leaderElection "leaderElectionRenewDeadline" }}
+            - "--leader-election-renew-deadline={{ .Values.controller.leaderElection.leaderElectionRenewDeadline }}"
+            {{end}}
+            {{- if hasKey .Values.controller.leaderElection "leaderElectionLeaseDuration" }}
+            - "--leader-election-lease-duration={{ .Values.controller.leaderElection.leaderElectionLeaseDuration }}"
+            {{end}}
+            {{- if hasKey .Values.controller.leaderElection "leaderElectionLeaseDuration" }}
+            - "--leader-election-retry-period={{ .Values.controller.leaderElection.leaderElectionRetryPeriod }}"
+            {{end}}
+            {{end}}
+          volumeMounts:
+            - name: socket-dir
+              mountPath: /var/run/csi
+        {{ end }}
+        {{ end }}
+        - name: attacher{{ $csiSidecarSuffix }}
+          image: {{ required "Must provide the CSI attacher container image." ( include "csi-isilon.attacherImage" . ) }}
+          imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.imagePullPolicy }}
+          args:
+            - "--csi-address={{ $driverSockPath }}"
+            - "--v=5"
+            - "--leader-election"
+            - "--timeout=180s"
+            {{- if hasKey .Values.controller "leaderElection" }}
+            {{- if hasKey .Values.controller.leaderElection "leaderElectionRenewDeadline" }}
+            - "--leader-election-renew-deadline={{ .Values.controller.leaderElection.leaderElectionRenewDeadline }}"
+            {{end}}
+            {{- if hasKey .Values.controller.leaderElection "leaderElectionLeaseDuration" }}
+            - "--leader-election-lease-duration={{ .Values.controller.leaderElection.leaderElectionLeaseDuration }}"
+            {{end}}
+            {{- if hasKey .Values.controller.leaderElection "leaderElectionLeaseDuration" }}
+            - "--leader-election-retry-period={{ .Values.controller.leaderElection.leaderElectionRetryPeriod }}"
+            {{end}}
+            {{end}}
+          volumeMounts:
+            - name: socket-dir
+              mountPath: /var/run/csi
+        {{- if not $encrypted }}
+        {{- if hasKey .Values.controller "healthMonitor" }}
+        {{- if eq .Values.controller.healthMonitor.enabled true }}
+        - name: external-health-monitor-controller
+          image: {{ required "Must provide the CSI external-health-monitor-controller container image." ( include "csi-isilon.healthmonitorImage" . ) }}
+          imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.imagePullPolicy }}
+          args:
+            - "--csi-address={{ $driverSockPath }}"
+            - "--v=5"
+            - "--leader-election"
+            - "--enable-node-watcher=true"
+            - "--monitor-interval={{ .Values.controller.healthMonitor.interval | default "60s" }}"
+            - "--timeout=180s"
+            - "--http-endpoint=:8080"
+            {{- if hasKey .Values.controller "leaderElection" }}
+            {{- if hasKey .Values.controller.leaderElection "leaderElectionRenewDeadline" }}
+            - "--leader-election-renew-deadline={{ .Values.controller.leaderElection.leaderElectionRenewDeadline }}"
+            {{end}}
+            {{- if hasKey .Values.controller.leaderElection "leaderElectionLeaseDuration" }}
+            - "--leader-election-lease-duration={{ .Values.controller.leaderElection.leaderElectionLeaseDuration }}"
+            {{end}}
+            {{- if hasKey .Values.controller.leaderElection "leaderElectionLeaseDuration" }}
+            - "--leader-election-retry-period={{ .Values.controller.leaderElection.leaderElectionRetryPeriod }}"
+            {{end}}
+            {{end}}
+          volumeMounts:
+            - name: socket-dir
+              mountPath: /var/run/csi
+        {{end}}
+        {{end}}
+        {{- end }}
+        - name: provisioner{{ $csiSidecarSuffix }}
+          image: {{ required "Must provide the CSI provisioner container image." ( include "csi-isilon.provisionerImage" . ) }}
+          imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.imagePullPolicy }}
+          args:
+            - "--csi-address={{ $driverSockPath }}"
+            - "--volume-name-prefix={{ required "Must provide a value to prefix to driver created volume names" .Values.controller.volumeNamePrefix }}"
+            - "--volume-name-uuid-length=10"
+            - "--worker-threads=5"
+            - "--timeout=120s"
+            - "--v=5"
+            - "--feature-gates=Topology=true"
+            - "--leader-election"
+            - "--extra-create-metadata"
+            {{- if hasKey .Values.controller "leaderElection" }}
+            {{- if hasKey .Values.controller.leaderElection "leaderElectionRenewDeadline" }}
+            - "--leader-election-renew-deadline={{ .Values.controller.leaderElection.leaderElectionRenewDeadline }}"
+            {{end}}
+            {{- if hasKey .Values.controller.leaderElection "leaderElectionLeaseDuration" }}
+            - "--leader-election-lease-duration={{ .Values.controller.leaderElection.leaderElectionLeaseDuration }}"
+            {{end}}
+            {{- if hasKey .Values.controller.leaderElection "leaderElectionLeaseDuration" }}
+            - "--leader-election-retry-period={{ .Values.controller.leaderElection.leaderElectionRetryPeriod }}"
+            {{end}}
+            {{end}}
+          volumeMounts:
+            - name: socket-dir
+              mountPath: /var/run/csi
+        {{- if hasKey .Values.controller "snapshot" }}
+        {{- if eq .Values.controller.snapshot.enabled true }}
+        - name: snapshotter{{ $csiSidecarSuffix }}
+          #image: quay.io/k8scsi/csi-snapshotter:v1.0.0
+          image: {{ required "Must provide the CSI snapshotter container image." ( include "csi-isilon.snapshotterImage" . ) }}
+          imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.imagePullPolicy }}
+          args:
+            - "--csi-address={{ $driverSockPath }}"
+            - "--timeout=120s"
+            - "--v=5"
+            - "--snapshot-name-prefix={{ required "Must privided a Snapshot Name Prefix" .Values.controller.snapshot.snapNamePrefix }}"
+            - "--leader-election"
+            {{- if hasKey .Values.controller "leaderElection" }}
+            {{- if hasKey .Values.controller.leaderElection "leaderElectionRenewDeadline" }}
+            - "--leader-election-renew-deadline={{ .Values.controller.leaderElection.leaderElectionRenewDeadline }}"
+            {{end}}
+            {{- if hasKey .Values.controller.leaderElection "leaderElectionLeaseDuration" }}
+            - "--leader-election-lease-duration={{ .Values.controller.leaderElection.leaderElectionLeaseDuration }}"
+            {{end}}
+            {{- if hasKey .Values.controller.leaderElection "leaderElectionLeaseDuration" }}
+            - "--leader-election-retry-period={{ .Values.controller.leaderElection.leaderElectionRetryPeriod }}"
+            {{end}}
+            {{end}}
+          volumeMounts:
+            - name: socket-dir
+              mountPath: /var/run/csi
+        {{end}}
+        {{end}}
+        {{- if not $encrypted }}
+        - name: driver
+          image: {{ required "Must provide the Isilon driver image repository." .Values.images.driverRepository }}/{{ .Chart.Name }}:{{ .Values.version }}
+          imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.imagePullPolicy }}
+          command: [ "/csi-isilon" ]
+          args:
+            - "--leader-election"
+            {{- if hasKey .Values.controller "leaderElection" }}
+            {{- if hasKey .Values.controller.leaderElection "leaderElectionRenewDeadline" }}
+            - "--leader-election-renew-deadline={{ .Values.controller.leaderElection.leaderElectionRenewDeadline }}"
+            {{end}}
+            {{- if hasKey .Values.controller.leaderElection "leaderElectionLeaseDuration" }}
+            - "--leader-election-lease-duration={{ .Values.controller.leaderElection.leaderElectionLeaseDuration }}"
+            {{end}}
+            {{- if hasKey .Values.controller.leaderElection "leaderElectionLeaseDuration" }}
+            - "--leader-election-retry-period={{ .Values.controller.leaderElection.leaderElectionRetryPeriod }}"
+            {{end}}
+            {{end}}
+            - "--driver-config-params=/csi-isilon-config-params/driver-config-params.yaml"
+          env:
+            - name: CSI_ENDPOINT
+              value: "{{ $driverSockPath }}"
+            - name: X_CSI_MODE
+              value: controller
+              value: "{{ .Values.skipCertificateValidation }}"
+            - name: X_CSI_ISI_AUTH_TYPE
+              value: "{{ .Values.isiAuthType }}"
+            - name: X_CSI_VERBOSE
+              value: "{{ .Values.verbose }}"
+            - name: X_CSI_ISI_PORT
+              value: "{{ .Values.endpointPort }}"
+            - name: X_CSI_ISI_AUTOPROBE
+              value: "{{ .Values.autoProbe }}"
+            - name: X_CSI_ISI_QUOTA_ENABLED
+              value: "{{ .Values.enableQuota }}"
+            - name: X_CSI_ISI_ACCESS_ZONE
+              value: {{ .Values.isiAccessZone }}
+            - name: X_CSI_CUSTOM_TOPOLOGY_ENABLED
+              value: "{{ .Values.enableCustomTopology }}"
+            - name: X_CSI_ISI_PATH
+              value: {{ .Values.isiPath }}
+              value: "{{ .Values.isiVolumePathPermissions }}"
+              value: "{{ .Values.ignoreUnresolvableHosts }}"
+            - name: X_CSI_ISI_NO_PROBE_ON_START
+              value: "{{ .Values.noProbeOnStart }}"
+            - name: X_CSI_PODMON_ENABLED
+              value: "{{ .Values.podmon.enabled }}"
+            - name: X_CSI_PODMON_API_PORT
+              value: "{{ .Values.podmonAPIPort }}"
+            {{- if eq .Values.podmon.enabled true }}
+              {{- range $key, $value := .Values.podmon.controller.args }}
+                {{- if contains "--arrayConnectivityPollRate" $value }}
+              value: "{{ (split "=" $value)._1 }}"
+                {{ end }}
+              {{ end }}
+            {{ end }}
+            {{- if hasKey .Values.controller "replication" }}
+            {{- if eq .Values.controller.replication.enabled true}}
+              value: {{ .Values.controller.replication.replicationContextPrefix | default "powerscale"}}
+            - name: X_CSI_REPLICATION_PREFIX
+              value: {{ .Values.controller.replication.replicationPrefix | default "replication.storage.dell.com"}}
+            {{- end }}
+            {{- end }}
+            {{- if hasKey .Values.controller "healthMonitor" }}
+            {{- if eq .Values.controller.healthMonitor.enabled true }}
+            - name: X_CSI_HEALTH_MONITOR_ENABLED
+              value: "{{ .Values.controller.healthMonitor.enabled }}"
+            {{end}}
+            {{end}}
+            - name: X_CSI_NODE_NAME
+              valueFrom:
+                fieldRef:
+                  fieldPath: spec.nodeName
+            - name: SSL_CERT_DIR
+              value: /certs
+            - name: X_CSI_ISI_CONFIG_PATH
+              value: /isilon-configs/config
+            - name: X_CSI_MAX_PATH_LIMIT
+              value: "{{ .Values.maxPathLen }}"
+          volumeMounts:
+            - name: socket-dir
+              mountPath: /var/run/csi
+            - name: certs
+              mountPath: /certs
+              readOnly: true
+            - name: isilon-configs
+              mountPath: /isilon-configs
+            - name: csi-isilon-config-params
+              mountPath: /csi-isilon-config-params
+        {{- end }}
+        {{- if not $encrypted }}
+        {{- if hasKey .Values "authorization" }}
+        {{- if eq .Values.authorization.enabled true }}
+        - name: karavi-authorization-proxy
+          imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.imagePullPolicy }}
+          image: {{ required "Must provide the authorization sidecar container image." .Values.authorization.sidecarProxyImage }}
+          env:
+            - name: PROXY_HOST
+              value: "{{ .Values.authorization.proxyHost }}"
+              value: "{{ .Values.authorization.skipCertificateValidation }}"
+            - name: PLUGIN_IDENTIFIER
+              value: powerscale
+            - name: ACCESS_TOKEN
+              valueFrom:
+                secretKeyRef:
+                  name: proxy-authz-tokens
+                  key: access
+            - name: REFRESH_TOKEN
+              valueFrom:
+                secretKeyRef:
+                  name: proxy-authz-tokens
+                  key: refresh
+          volumeMounts:
+            - name: karavi-authorization-config
+              mountPath: /etc/karavi-authorization/config
+            - name: proxy-server-root-certificate
+              mountPath: /etc/karavi-authorization/root-certificates
+            - name: csi-isilon-config-params
+              mountPath: /etc/karavi-authorization
+        {{ end }}
+        {{ end }}
+        {{- end }}
+        {{- if $encrypted }}
+        - name: driver-sec
+          image: {{ .Values.encryption.image }}
+          imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.imagePullPolicy }}
+          args:
+            - --name={{ .Values.encryption.pluginName }}
+            - --nodeId=$(NODE_ID)
+            - "--endpoint=unix://var/run/csi/csi-sec.sock"
+            - "--targetEndpoint=unix://var/run/csi/csi.sock"
+            - --targetType=Isilon
+            - --controller
+            - --logLevel={{ .Values.encryption.logLevel }}
+            {{- range index .Values.encryption.extraArgs }}
+            - {{ . | quote }}
+            {{- end }}
+          env:
+            - name: NODE_ID
+              valueFrom:
+                fieldRef:
+                  fieldPath: spec.nodeName
+          volumeMounts:
+            - name: socket-dir
+              mountPath: /var/run/csi
+        {{- end }}
+{{- end }}
+{{- end }}
+      volumes:
+        - name: socket-dir
+          emptyDir:
+        - name: certs
+          projected:
+            sources:
+{{- range $i, $e := until (int .Values.certSecretCount ) }}
+              - secret:
+                  name: {{ print $.Release.Name "-certs-" $e }}
+                  items:
+                    - key: cert-{{ $e }}
+                      path: cert-{{ $e }}
+{{- end }}
+        - name: isilon-configs
+          secret:
+            secretName: {{ .Release.Name }}-creds
+        - name: csi-isilon-config-params
+          configMap:
+             name: {{ .Release.Name }}-config-params
+        {{- if hasKey .Values "authorization" }}
+        {{- if eq .Values.authorization.enabled true }}
+        - name: karavi-authorization-config
+          secret:
+            secretName: karavi-authorization-config
+        - name: proxy-server-root-certificate
+          secret:
+            secretName: proxy-server-root-certificate
+        {{ end }}
+        {{ end }}
diff --git a/charts/dell/csi-isilon/templates/csidriver.yaml b/charts/dell/csi-isilon/templates/csidriver.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf7078d1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/charts/dell/csi-isilon/templates/csidriver.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
+kind: CSIDriver
+    name: csi-isilon.dellemc.com
+    attachRequired: true
+    podInfoOnMount: true
+    fsGroupPolicy: {{ .Values.fsGroupPolicy }}
+    volumeLifecycleModes: 
+    - Persistent
+    - Ephemeral
diff --git a/charts/dell/csi-isilon/templates/driver-config-params.yaml b/charts/dell/csi-isilon/templates/driver-config-params.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..98671fefa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/charts/dell/csi-isilon/templates/driver-config-params.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: ConfigMap
+  name: {{ .Release.Name }}-config-params
+  namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
+  driver-config-params.yaml: |
+    CSI_LOG_LEVEL: "{{ .Values.logLevel }}"
+    {{ if .Values.podmon.enabled }}
+    PODMON_CONTROLLER_LOG_LEVEL: "{{ .Values.logLevel }}"
+    PODMON_CONTROLLER_LOG_FORMAT: "{{ .Values.logFormat }}"
+    PODMON_NODE_LOG_LEVEL: "{{ .Values.logLevel }}"
+    PODMON_NODE_LOG_FORMAT: "{{ .Values.logFormat }}"
+    {{ end }}
diff --git a/charts/dell/csi-isilon/templates/node.yaml b/charts/dell/csi-isilon/templates/node.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c08c2f92b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/charts/dell/csi-isilon/templates/node.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: ServiceAccount
+  name: {{ .Release.Name }}-node
+  namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
+kind: ClusterRole
+apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
+  name: {{ .Release.Name }}-node
+  - apiGroups: [""]
+    resources: ["persistentvolumes"]
+    verbs: ["create", "delete", "get", "list", "watch", "update"]
+  - apiGroups: [""]
+    resources: ["persistentvolumesclaims"]
+    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "update"]
+  - apiGroups: [""]
+    resources: ["events"]
+    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "create", "update", "patch"]
+  - apiGroups: [""]
+    resources: ["nodes"]
+    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "update", "patch"]
+  - apiGroups: ["storage.k8s.io"]
+    resources: ["volumeattachments"]
+    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "update"]
+  - apiGroups: ["storage.k8s.io"]
+    resources: ["storageclasses"]
+    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
+  - apiGroups: ["storage.k8s.io"]
+    resources: ["volumeattachments"]
+    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "update"]
+  - apiGroups: [ "security.openshift.io" ]
+    resourceNames: [ "privileged" ]
+    resources: [ "securitycontextconstraints" ]
+    verbs: [ "use" ]
+  {{- if hasKey .Values "podmon" }}
+  {{- if eq .Values.podmon.enabled true }}
+  - apiGroups: [""]
+    resources: ["pods"]
+    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "update", "delete"]
+  - apiGroups: ["coordination.k8s.io"]
+    resources: ["leases"]
+    verbs: ["get", "watch", "list", "delete", "update", "create"]
+  {{ end }}
+  {{ end }}
+kind: ClusterRoleBinding
+apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
+  name: {{ .Release.Name }}-node
+  - kind: ServiceAccount
+    name: {{ .Release.Name }}-node
+    namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
+  kind: ClusterRole
+  name: {{ .Release.Name }}-node
+  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
+kind: DaemonSet
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+  name: {{ .Release.Name }}-node
+  namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
+  {{- if hasKey .Values "authorization" }}
+  {{- if eq .Values.authorization.enabled true }}
+  annotations:
+    com.dell.karavi-authorization-proxy: "true"
+  {{ end }}
+  {{ end }}
+  selector:
+    matchLabels:
+      app: {{ .Release.Name }}-node
+  template:
+    metadata:
+      labels:
+        app: {{ .Release.Name }}-node
+{{- if .Values.podmon.enabled }}
+        driver.dellemc.com: dell-storage
+{{- end }}
+    spec:
+      serviceAccount: {{ .Release.Name }}-node
+      {{ if .Values.node.nodeSelector }}
+      nodeSelector:
+      {{- toYaml .Values.node.nodeSelector | nindent 8 }}
+      {{ end }}
+      {{ if .Values.node.tolerations }}
+      tolerations:
+      {{- toYaml .Values.node.tolerations | nindent 8 }}
+      {{ end }}
+      hostNetwork: true
+      dnsPolicy: {{ .Values.node.dnsPolicy }}
+      containers:
+        {{- $encModes := list false }}
+        {{- if eq .Values.encryption.enabled true }}
+        {{- $encModes = list false true }}
+        {{- end }}
+{{- range $encrypted := $encModes }}
+{{- with $ }}
+        {{- $driverSock := "csi_sock" }}
+        {{- $csiSidecarSuffix := "" }}
+        {{- if $encrypted }}
+        {{- $driverSock = "csi_sec_sock" }}
+        {{- $csiSidecarSuffix = "-sec" }}
+        {{- end }}
+      {{- if hasKey .Values "podmon" }}
+      {{- if eq .Values.podmon.enabled true }}
+        - name: podmon
+          securityContext:
+            privileged: true
+            capabilities:
+              add: ["SYS_ADMIN"]
+            allowPrivilegeEscalation: true
+          image: {{ required "Must provide the podmon container image." .Values.podmon.image }}
+          imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.imagePullPolicy }}
+          args:
+            {{- toYaml .Values.podmon.node.args | nindent 12 }}
+          env:
+            - name: KUBE_NODE_NAME
+              valueFrom:
+                fieldRef:
+                  apiVersion: v1
+                  fieldPath: spec.nodeName
+            - name: X_CSI_PRIVATE_MOUNT_DIR
+              value: "{{ .Values.kubeletConfigDir }}/plugins/csi-isilon/disks"
+            - name: MY_NODE_NAME
+              valueFrom:
+                fieldRef:
+                  fieldPath: spec.nodeName
+            - name: MY_POD_NAME
+              valueFrom:
+                fieldRef:
+                  fieldPath: metadata.name
+            - name: MY_POD_NAMESPACE
+              valueFrom:
+                fieldRef:
+                  fieldPath: metadata.namespace
+          volumeMounts:
+            - name: kubelet-pods
+              mountPath: {{ .Values.kubeletConfigDir }}/pods
+              mountPropagation: "Bidirectional"
+            - name: driver-path
+              mountPath: {{ .Values.kubeletConfigDir }}/plugins/csi-isilon
+              mountPropagation: "Bidirectional"
+            - name: volumedevices-path
+              mountPath: {{ .Values.kubeletConfigDir }}/plugins/kubernetes.io/csi/volumeDevices
+              mountPropagation: "Bidirectional"
+            - name: dev
+              mountPath: /dev
+            - name: usr-bin
+              mountPath: /usr-bin
+            - name: var-run
+              mountPath: /var/run
+            - name: csi-isilon-config-params
+              mountPath: /csi-isilon-config-params
+      {{- end }}
+      {{- end }}
+        {{- if not $encrypted }}
+        - name: driver
+          command: ["/csi-isilon"]
+          args:
+            - "--driver-config-params=/csi-isilon-config-params/driver-config-params.yaml"
+          securityContext:
+            privileged: true
+            capabilities:
+              add: ["SYS_ADMIN"]
+            allowPrivilegeEscalation: true
+          image: {{ required "Must provide the Isilon driver image repository." .Values.images.driverRepository }}/{{ .Chart.Name }}:{{ .Values.version }}
+          imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.imagePullPolicy }}
+          env:
+            - name: CSI_ENDPOINT
+              value: "{{ .Values.kubeletConfigDir }}/plugins/csi-isilon/{{ $driverSock }}"
+            - name: X_CSI_MODE
+              value: node
+              value: "{{ .Values.skipCertificateValidation }}"
+            - name: X_CSI_ISI_AUTH_TYPE
+              value: "{{ .Values.isiAuthType }}"
+            - name: X_CSI_ALLOWED_NETWORKS
+              value: "{{ .Values.allowedNetworks }}"
+            - name: X_CSI_VERBOSE
+              value: "{{ .Values.verbose }}"
+            - name: X_CSI_PRIVATE_MOUNT_DIR
+              value: "{{ .Values.kubeletConfigDir }}/plugins/csi-isilon/disks"
+            - name: X_CSI_ISI_PORT
+              value: "{{ .Values.endpointPort }}"
+            - name: X_CSI_ISI_PATH
+              value: {{ .Values.isiPath }}
+            - name: X_CSI_ISI_NO_PROBE_ON_START
+              value: "{{ .Values.noProbeOnStart }}"
+            - name: X_CSI_ISI_AUTOPROBE
+              value: "{{ .Values.autoProbe }}"
+            - name: X_CSI_NODE_NAME
+              valueFrom:
+                fieldRef:
+                  fieldPath: spec.nodeName
+            - name: X_CSI_NODE_IP
+              valueFrom:
+                fieldRef:
+                  fieldPath: status.hostIP
+            - name: SSL_CERT_DIR
+              value: /certs
+            - name: X_CSI_ISI_QUOTA_ENABLED
+              value: "{{ .Values.enableQuota }}"
+            - name: X_CSI_CUSTOM_TOPOLOGY_ENABLED
+              value: "{{ .Values.enableCustomTopology }}"
+            - name: X_CSI_ISI_CONFIG_PATH
+              value: /isilon-configs/config
+            - name: X_CSI_MAX_VOLUMES_PER_NODE
+              value: "{{ .Values.maxIsilonVolumesPerNode }}"
+            - name: X_CSI_HEALTH_MONITOR_ENABLED
+              value: "{{ .Values.node.healthMonitor.enabled }}"
+            - name: X_CSI_PODMON_ENABLED
+              value: "{{ .Values.podmon.enabled }}"
+            - name: X_CSI_PODMON_API_PORT
+              value: "{{ .Values.podmonAPIPort }}"
+            {{- if eq .Values.podmon.enabled true }}
+              {{- range $key, $value := .Values.podmon.node.args }}
+                {{- if contains "--arrayConnectivityPollRate" $value }}
+              value: "{{ (split "=" $value)._1 }}"
+                {{ end }}
+              {{ end }}
+            {{ end }}
+            - name: X_CSI_MAX_PATH_LIMIT
+              value: "{{ .Values.maxPathLen }}"
+          volumeMounts:
+            - name: driver-path
+              mountPath: {{ .Values.kubeletConfigDir }}/plugins/csi-isilon
+            {{- if eq .Values.encryption.enabled true }}
+            - name: staging-dir
+              mountPath: {{ .Values.kubeletConfigDir }}/plugins/kubernetes.io/csi
+              mountPropagation: Bidirectional
+            {{- else }}
+            - name: volumedevices-path
+              mountPath: {{ .Values.kubeletConfigDir }}/plugins/kubernetes.io/csi/volumeDevices
+            {{- end }}
+            - name: pods-path
+              mountPath: {{ .Values.kubeletConfigDir }}/pods
+              mountPropagation: "Bidirectional"
+            - name: dev
+              mountPath: /dev
+            - name: certs
+              mountPath: /certs
+              readOnly: true
+            - name: isilon-configs
+              mountPath: /isilon-configs
+            - name: csi-isilon-config-params
+              mountPath: /csi-isilon-config-params
+        {{- end }}
+        - name: registrar{{ $csiSidecarSuffix }}
+          image: {{ required "Must provide the CSI node registrar container image." ( include "csi-isilon.registrarImage" . ) }}
+          imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.imagePullPolicy }}
+          args:
+            - "--v=5"
+            - "--csi-address=/csi/{{ $driverSock }}"
+            - --kubelet-registration-path={{ .Values.kubeletConfigDir }}/plugins/csi-isilon/{{ $driverSock }}
+          env:
+            - name: KUBE_NODE_NAME
+              valueFrom:
+                fieldRef:
+                  apiVersion: v1
+                  fieldPath: spec.nodeName
+          volumeMounts:
+            - name: registration-dir
+              mountPath: /registration
+            - name: driver-path
+              mountPath: /csi
+        {{- if not $encrypted }}
+        {{- if hasKey .Values "authorization" }}
+        {{- if eq .Values.authorization.enabled true }}
+        - name: karavi-authorization-proxy
+          imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.imagePullPolicy }}
+          image: {{ required "Must provide the authorization sidecar container image." .Values.authorization.sidecarProxyImage }}
+          env:
+            - name: PROXY_HOST
+              value: "{{ .Values.authorization.proxyHost }}"
+              value: "{{ .Values.authorization.skipCertificateValidation }}"
+            - name: PLUGIN_IDENTIFIER
+              value: powerscale
+            - name: ACCESS_TOKEN
+              valueFrom:
+                secretKeyRef:
+                  name: proxy-authz-tokens
+                  key: access
+            - name: REFRESH_TOKEN
+              valueFrom:
+                secretKeyRef:
+                  name: proxy-authz-tokens
+                  key: refresh
+          volumeMounts:
+            - name: karavi-authorization-config
+              mountPath: /etc/karavi-authorization/config
+            - name: proxy-server-root-certificate
+              mountPath: /etc/karavi-authorization/root-certificates
+            - name: csi-isilon-config-params
+              mountPath: /etc/karavi-authorization
+        {{ end }}
+        {{ end }}
+        {{- end }}
+        {{- if $encrypted }}
+        - name: driver-sec
+          image: {{ .Values.encryption.image }}
+          imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.imagePullPolicy }}
+          securityContext:
+            privileged: true
+            allowPrivilegeEscalation: true
+            capabilities:
+              add: ["SYS_ADMIN"]
+          args:
+            - --name={{ .Values.encryption.pluginName }}
+            - --nodeId=$(NODE_ID)
+            - "--endpoint=unix://var/run/csi/csi_sec_sock"
+            - "--targetEndpoint=unix://var/run/csi/csi_sock"
+            - --targetType=Isilon
+            - --vaultClientConfig=/etc/dea/vault/client.json
+            - --logLevel={{ .Values.encryption.logLevel }}
+            - --licenseName=/etc/dea/license/license
+            {{- if .Values.encryption.livenessPort }}
+            - --livenessPort={{ .Values.encryption.livenessPort }}
+            {{- end}}
+            - --apiPort={{ .Values.encryption.apiPort }}
+            {{- range index .Values.encryption.extraArgs }}
+            - {{ . | quote }}
+            {{- end }}
+          env:
+            - name: NODE_ID
+              valueFrom:
+                fieldRef:
+                  fieldPath: spec.nodeName
+            {{- if eq .Values.encryption.ocp true }}
+            - name: CORE_ID
+              value: "{{ required "encryption.ocpCoreID not set to core user uid:gid" .Values.encryption.ocpCoreID }}"
+            {{- end }}
+          volumeMounts:
+            - name: vault-config
+              mountPath: /etc/dea/vault
+            - name: driver-path
+              mountPath: /var/run/csi
+            - name: pods-path
+              mountPath: {{ .Values.kubeletConfigDir }}/pods
+              mountPropagation: Bidirectional
+            - name: staging-dir
+              mountPath: {{ .Values.kubeletConfigDir }}/plugins/kubernetes.io/csi
+              mountPropagation: Bidirectional
+            - name: user-home
+              {{- if eq .Values.encryption.ocp true }}
+              mountPath: /corehome
+              {{- else }}
+              mountPath: /roothome
+              {{- end }}
+            - name: license-config
+              mountPath: /etc/dea/license
+          {{- if .Values.encryption.livenessPort }}
+          livenessProbe:
+            httpGet:
+              path: /liveprobe
+              port: {{ .Values.encryption.livenessPort }}
+              initialDelaySeconds: 1500
+              periodSeconds: 1000
+              timeoutSeconds: 3
+              failureThreshold: 100
+          {{- end }}
+        {{- end }}
+{{- end }}
+{{- end }}
+      volumes:
+        - name: registration-dir
+          hostPath:
+            path: {{ .Values.kubeletConfigDir }}/plugins_registry/
+            type: DirectoryOrCreate
+        - name: driver-path
+          hostPath:
+            path: {{ .Values.kubeletConfigDir }}/plugins/csi-isilon
+            type: DirectoryOrCreate
+        - name: volumedevices-path
+          hostPath:
+            path: {{ .Values.kubeletConfigDir }}/plugins/kubernetes.io/csi/volumeDevices
+            type: DirectoryOrCreate
+        - name: pods-path
+          hostPath:
+            path: {{ .Values.kubeletConfigDir }}/pods
+            type: Directory
+        - name: dev
+          hostPath:
+            path: /dev
+            type: Directory
+        - name: certs
+          projected:
+            sources:
+{{- range $i, $e := until (int .Values.certSecretCount ) }}
+              - secret:
+                  name: {{ print $.Release.Name "-certs-" $e }}
+                  items:
+                    - key: cert-{{ $e }}
+                      path: cert-{{ $e }}
+{{- end }}
+        - name: isilon-configs
+          secret:
+            secretName: {{ .Release.Name }}-creds
+        - name: csi-isilon-config-params
+          configMap:
+             name: {{ .Release.Name }}-config-params
+        {{- if hasKey .Values "authorization" }}
+        {{- if eq .Values.authorization.enabled true }}
+        - name: karavi-authorization-config
+          secret:
+            secretName: karavi-authorization-config
+        - name: proxy-server-root-certificate
+          secret:
+            secretName: proxy-server-root-certificate
+        {{ end }}
+        {{ end }}
+        {{- if hasKey .Values "podmon" }}
+        {{- if eq .Values.podmon.enabled true }}
+        - name: usr-bin
+          hostPath:
+            path: /usr/bin
+            type: Directory
+        - name: kubelet-pods
+          hostPath:
+            path: /var/lib/kubelet/pods
+            type: Directory
+        - name: var-run
+          hostPath:
+            path: /var/run
+            type: Directory
+        {{ end }}
+        {{ end }}
+        {{- if eq .Values.encryption.enabled true }}
+        - name: vault-config
+          projected:
+            sources:
+            - secret:
+                name: vault-cert
+            - secret:
+                name: vault-auth
+            - configMap:
+                name: vault-client-conf
+        - name: staging-dir
+          hostPath:
+            path: {{ .Values.kubeletConfigDir }}/plugins/kubernetes.io/csi
+            type: DirectoryOrCreate
+        - name: user-home
+          hostPath:
+            {{- if eq .Values.encryption.ocp true }}
+            path: /home/core
+            {{- else }}
+            path: /root
+            {{- end }}
+            type: Directory
+        - name: license-config
+          secret:
+            secretName: encryption-license
+        {{- end }}
diff --git a/charts/dell/csi-isilon/templates/sec-rolebinding.yaml b/charts/dell/csi-isilon/templates/sec-rolebinding.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..452ab697e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/charts/dell/csi-isilon/templates/sec-rolebinding.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+{{- if eq .Values.encryption.enabled true }}
+apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
+kind: ClusterRole
+  creationTimestamp: null
+  name: {{ .Release.Name }}-manager-role
+- apiGroups:
+  - ""
+  resources:
+  - namespaces
+  verbs:
+  - get
+  - list
+- apiGroups:
+  - ""
+  resources:
+  - secrets
+  verbs:
+  - get
+  - list
+  - watch
+apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
+kind: ClusterRoleBinding
+  name: {{ .Release.Name }}-manager-rolebinding
+  namespace: kube-system
+  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
+  kind: ClusterRole
+  name: {{ .Release.Name }}-manager-role
+- kind: ServiceAccount
+#    "system:serviceaccount:isilon:isilon-node"
+  name: {{ .Release.Name }}-node
+  namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
+- kind: ServiceAccount
+#    "system:serviceaccount:isilon:isilon-controller"
+  name: {{ .Release.Name }}-controller
+  namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
+{{ end }}
diff --git a/charts/dell/csi-isilon/templates/validation.yaml b/charts/dell/csi-isilon/templates/validation.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ddfe4f6ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/charts/dell/csi-isilon/templates/validation.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+{{- if .Values.encryption.enabled }}
+{{- if .Values.authorization.enabled }}
+{{- fail "Encryption cannot be enabled in tandem with Authorization. Please adjust your values.yaml to disable one or the other" }}
+{{- end }}
+{{- if .Values.controller.replication.enabled }}
+{{- fail "Encryption cannot be enabled in tandem with Replication. Please adjust your values.yaml to disable one or the other" }}
+{{- end }}
+{{- if .Values.controller.healthMonitor.enabled }}
+{{- fail "Encryption cannot be enabled in tandem with Health Monitor. Please adjust your values.yaml to disable one or the other" }}
+{{- end }}
+{{- if .Values.podmon.enabled }}
+{{- fail "Encryption cannot be enabled in tandem with Pods Monitor. Please adjust your values.yaml to disable one or the other" }}
+{{- end }}
+{{- if ne (.Values.controller.controllerCount | toString | atoi ) 1 }}
+{{- fail "Encryption can only be enabled with controller.controllerCount 1" }}
+{{- end }}
+{{- end }}
diff --git a/charts/dell/csi-isilon/values.yaml b/charts/dell/csi-isilon/values.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5ff0dfdb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/charts/dell/csi-isilon/values.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+# version: version of this values file
+# Note: Do not change this value
+version: "v2.6.1"
+# CSI driver log level
+# Allowed values: "error", "warn"/"warning", "info", "debug"
+# Default value: "debug"
+logLevel: "debug"
+# certSecretCount: Represents number of certificate secrets, which user is going to create for
+# ssl authentication. (isilon-cert-0..isilon-cert-n)
+# Allowed values: n, where n > 0
+# Default value: None
+certSecretCount: 1
+# allowedNetworks: Custom networks for PowerScale export
+#   Specify list of networks which can be used for NFS I/O traffic; CIDR format should be used.
+# Allowed values: list of one or more networks
+# Default value: None
+# Examples: [,]
+allowedNetworks: []
+# maxIsilonVolumesPerNode: Specify default value for maximum number of volumes that controller can publish to the node.
+# If value is zero CO SHALL decide how many volumes of this type can be published by the controller to the node.
+# This limit is applicable to all the nodes in the cluster for which node label 'max-isilon-volumes-per-node' is not set.
+# Allowed values: n, where n >= 0
+# Default value: 0
+maxIsilonVolumesPerNode: 0
+# imagePullPolicy: Policy to determine if the image should be pulled prior to starting the container.
+# Allowed values:
+#  Always: Always pull the image.
+#  IfNotPresent: Only pull the image if it does not already exist on the node.
+#  Never: Never pull the image.
+# Default value: None
+imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+# verbose: Indicates what content of the OneFS REST API message should be logged in debug level logs
+# Allowed Values:
+#   0: log full content of the HTTP request and response
+#   1: log without the HTTP response body
+#   2: log only 1st line of the HTTP request and response
+# Default value: 0
+verbose: 1
+# Specify kubelet config dir path.
+# Ensure that the config.yaml file is present at this path.
+# Default value: None
+kubeletConfigDir: /var/lib/kubelet
+# enableCustomTopology: Specify if custom topology label <provisionerName>.dellemc.com/<powerscalefqdnorip>:<provisionerName>
+# has to be used for making connection to backend PowerScale Array.
+# If enableCustomTopology is set to true, then do not specify allowedTopologies in storage class.
+# Allowed values:
+#   true : enable custom topology
+#   false: disable custom topology
+# Default value: false
+enableCustomTopology: false
+# fsGroupPolicy: Defines if the underlying volume supports changing ownership and permission of the volume before being mounted.
+# Allowed values:
+#   ReadWriteOnceWithFSType: supports volume ownership and permissions change only if the fsType is defined
+#   and the volume's accessModes contains ReadWriteOnce.
+#   File: kubernetes may use fsGroup to change permissions and ownership of the volume 
+#   to match user requested fsGroup in the pod's security policy regardless of fstype or access mode.
+#   None: volumes will be mounted with no modifications.
+# Default value: ReadWriteOnceWithFSType
+fsGroupPolicy: ReadWriteOnceWithFSType
+# podmonAPIPort: Defines the port to be used within the kubernetes cluster
+# Allowed values:
+#   Any valid and free port.
+# Default value: 8083
+podmonAPIPort: 8083
+# maxPathLen: this parameter is used for setting the maximum Path length for the given volume.
+# Default value: 192
+# Examples: 192, 256
+maxPathLen: 192
+# controller: configure controller pod specific parameters
+  # controllerCount: defines the number of csi-powerscale controller pods to deploy to
+  # the Kubernetes release.
+  # Allowed values: n, where n > 0
+  # Default value: None
+  controllerCount: 2
+  # volumeNamePrefix: Prefix of PersistentVolume names created
+  # Allowed values: string
+  # Default value: None
+  volumeNamePrefix: k8s
+  # leaderElection: configure leader election parameters
+  leaderElection:
+    # Duration, that non-leader candidates will wait to force acquire leadership
+    # Allowed values: Duration, in seconds. Must be greater than leaderElectionRenewDeadline
+    # Default value: 15s
+    leaderElectionLeaseDuration: 15s
+    # Duration, that the acting leader will retry refreshing leadership before giving up
+    # Allowed values: Duration, in seconds. Must be greater than leaderElectionRetryPeriod
+    # Default value: 10s
+    leaderElectionRenewDeadline: 10s
+    # Duration, the LeaderElector clients should wait between tries of actions.
+    # Allowed values: Duration, in seconds
+    # Default value: 5s
+    leaderElectionRetryPeriod: 5s
+  # replication: allows to configure replication
+  # Replication CRDs must be installed before installing driver
+  replication:
+    # enabled: Enable/Disable replication feature
+    # Allowed values:
+    #   true: enable replication feature(install dell-csi-replicator sidecar)
+    #   false: disable replication feature(do not install dell-csi-replicator sidecar)
+    # Default value: false
+    enabled: false
+    # image: Image to use for dell-csi-replicator. This shouldn't be changed
+    # Allowed values: string
+    # Default value: None
+    image: dellemc/dell-csi-replicator:v1.4.0
+    # replicationContextPrefix: prefix to use for naming of resources created by replication feature
+    # Allowed values: string
+    # Default value: powerstore
+    replicationContextPrefix: "powerscale"
+    # replicationPrefix: prefix to prepend to storage classes parameters
+    # Allowed values: string
+    # Default value: replication.storage.dell.com
+    replicationPrefix: "replication.storage.dell.com"
+  snapshot:
+    # enabled: Enable/Disable volume snapshot feature
+    # Allowed values:
+    #   true: enable volume snapshot feature(install snapshotter sidecar)
+    #   false: disable volume snapshot feature(do not install snapshotter sidecar)
+    # Default value: None
+    enabled: true
+    # snapNamePrefix: Prefix to apply to the names of a created snapshots
+    # Allowed values: string
+    # Default value: None
+    snapNamePrefix: snapshot
+  resizer:
+    # enabled: Enable/Disable volume expansion feature
+    # Allowed values:
+    #   true: enable volume expansion feature(install resizer sidecar)
+    #   false: disable volume snapshot feature(do not install resizer sidecar)
+    # Default value: None
+    enabled: true
+  healthMonitor:
+    # enabled: Enable/Disable health monitor of CSI volumes- volume status, volume condition
+    # Allowed values:
+    #   true: enable checking of health condition of CSI volumes
+    #   false: disable checking of health condition of CSI volumes
+    # Default value: None
+    enabled: false
+    # interval: Interval of monitoring volume health condition
+    # Allowed values: Number followed by unit of time (s,m,h)
+    # Default value: 60s
+    interval: 60s
+  # nodeSelector: Define node selection constraints for pods of controller deployment.
+  # For the pod to be eligible to run on a node, the node must have each
+  # of the indicated key-value pairs as labels.
+  # Leave as blank to consider all nodes
+  # Allowed values: map of key-value pairs
+  # Default value: None
+  nodeSelector:
+  # Uncomment if nodes you wish to use have the node-role.kubernetes.io/master taint
+  #  node-role.kubernetes.io/master: ""
+  # Uncomment if nodes you wish to use have the node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane taint
+  #  node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane: ""
+  # tolerations: Define tolerations for the controller deployment, if required.
+  # Default value: None
+  # Uncomment if nodes you wish to use have the node-role.kubernetes.io/master taint
+  tolerations:
+  # - key: "node-role.kubernetes.io/master"
+  #   operator: "Exists"
+  #   effect: "NoSchedule"
+  # Uncomment if nodes you wish to use have the node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane taint
+  # tolerations:
+  # - key: "node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane"
+  #   operator: "Exists"
+  #   effect: "NoSchedule"
+# node: configure node pod specific parameters
+  # nodeSelector: Define node selection constraints for pods of node daemonset
+  # For the pod to be eligible to run on a node, the node must have each
+  # of the indicated key-value pairs as labels.
+  # Leave as blank to consider all nodes
+  # Allowed values: map of key-value pairs
+  # Default value: None
+  nodeSelector:
+  # Uncomment if nodes you wish to use have the node-role.kubernetes.io/master taint
+  #  node-role.kubernetes.io/master: ""
+  # Uncomment if nodes you wish to use have the node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane taint
+  #  node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane: ""
+  # tolerations: Define tolerations for the node daemonset, if required.
+  # Default value: None
+  # Uncomment if nodes you wish to use have the node-role.kubernetes.io/master taint
+  tolerations:
+  #  - key: "node.kubernetes.io/memory-pressure"
+  #    operator: "Exists"
+  #    effect: "NoExecute"
+  #  - key: "node.kubernetes.io/disk-pressure"
+  #    operator: "Exists"
+  #    effect: "NoExecute"
+  #  - key: "node.kubernetes.io/network-unavailable"
+  #    operator: "Exists"
+  #    effect: "NoExecute"
+  # - key: "node-role.kubernetes.io/master"
+  #   operator: "Exists"
+  #   effect: "NoSchedule"
+  # Uncomment if nodes you wish to use have the node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane taint
+  # tolerations:
+  # - key: "node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane"
+  #   operator: "Exists"
+  #   effect: "NoSchedule"
+  # Uncomment if CSM for Resiliency and CSI Driver pods monitor are enabled
+  #tolerations:
+  #  - key: "offline.vxflexos.storage.dell.com"
+  #    operator: "Exists"
+  #    effect: "NoSchedule"
+  #  - key: "vxflexos.podmon.storage.dell.com"
+  #    operator: "Exists"
+  #    effect: "NoSchedule"
+  #  - key: "offline.unity.storage.dell.com"
+  #    operator: "Exists"
+  #    effect: "NoSchedule"
+  #  - key: "unity.podmon.storage.dell.com"
+  #    operator: "Exists"
+  #    effect: "NoSchedule"
+  #  - key: "offline.isilon.storage.dell.com"
+  #    operator: "Exists"
+  #    effect: "NoSchedule"
+  #  - key: "isilon.podmon.storage.dell.com"
+  #    operator: "Exists"
+  #    effect: "NoSchedule"
+  # dnsPolicy: Determines the DNS Policy of the Node service.
+  # Allowed values:
+  #   Default: The Pod inherits the name resolution configuration from the node that the pods run on.
+  #   ClusterFirst: Any DNS query that does not match the configured cluster domain suffix, such as "www.kubernetes.io",
+  #   is forwarded to the upstream nameserver inherited from the node.
+  #   ClusterFirstWithHostNet:  For Pods running with hostNetwork, you should explicitly set this DNS policy.
+  #   None: It allows a Pod to ignore DNS settings from the Kubernetes environment.
+  #   All DNS settings are supposed to be provided using the dnsConfig field in the Pod Spec.
+  # Default value: ClusterFirst
+  # ClusterFirstWithHostNet is the recommended DNS policy.
+  # Prior to v1.5 of the driver, the default DNS policy was ClusterFirst.
+  # In certain scenarios, users might need to change the default dnsPolicy.
+  dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet
+  healthMonitor:
+    # enabled: Enable/Disable health monitor of CSI volumes- volume usage, volume condition
+    # Allowed values:
+    #   true: enable checking of health condition of CSI volumes
+    #   false: disable checking of health condition of CSI volumes
+    # Default value: None
+    enabled: false
+# endpointPort: Specify the HTTPs port number of the PowerScale OneFS API server
+# Formerly this attribute was named as "isiPort"
+# This value acts as a default value for endpointPort, if not specified for a cluster config in secret
+# If authorization is enabled, endpointPort must match the port specified in the endpoint parameter of the karavi-authorization-config secret
+# Allowed value: valid port number
+# Default value: 8080
+endpointPort: 8080
+# skipCertificateValidation: Specify whether the PowerScale OneFS API server's certificate chain and host name should be verified.
+# Formerly this attribute was named as "isiInsecure"
+# This value acts as a default value for skipCertificateValidation, if not specified for a cluster config in secret
+# Allowed values:
+#   true: skip OneFS API server's certificate verification
+#   false: verify OneFS API server's certificates
+# Default value: false
+skipCertificateValidation: true
+# isiAuthType: Indicates whether the authentication will be session-based or basic.
+# Allowed values:
+#   0: enables basic Authentication
+#   1: enables session-based Authentication
+# Default value: 0
+isiAuthType: 0
+# isiAccessZone: The name of the access zone a volume can be created in.
+# If storageclass is missing with AccessZone parameter, then value of isiAccessZone is used for the same.
+# Default value: System
+# Examples: System, zone1
+isiAccessZone: System
+# enableQuota: Indicates whether the provisioner should attempt to set (later unset) quota
+# on a newly provisioned volume.
+# This requires SmartQuotas to be enabled on PowerScale cluster.
+# Allowed values:
+#   true: set quota for volume
+#   false: do not set quota for volume
+enableQuota: true
+# isiPath: The base path for the volumes to be created on PowerScale cluster.
+# This value acts as a default value for isiPath, if not specified for a cluster config in secret
+# Ensure that this path exists on PowerScale cluster.
+# Allowed values: unix absolute path
+# Default value: /ifs
+# Examples: /ifs/data/csi, /ifs/engineering
+isiPath: /ifs/data/csi
+# isiVolumePathPermissions: The permissions for isi volume directory path
+# This value acts as a default value for isiVolumePathPermissions, if not specified for a cluster config in secret
+# Allowed values: valid octal mode number
+# Default value: "0777"
+# Examples: "0777", "777", "0755"
+isiVolumePathPermissions: "0777"
+# ignoreUnresolvableHosts: Ignore unresolvable hosts on the OneFS
+# When set to true, OneFS allows new host to add to existing export list though any of the existing hosts from the
+# same exports are unresolvable/doesn't exist anymore.
+# Allowed values:
+#   true: ignore existing unresolvable hosts and append new host to the existing export
+#   false: exhibits OneFS default behavior i.e. if any of existing hosts are unresolvable while adding new one it fails
+# Default value: false
+ignoreUnresolvableHosts: false
+# noProbeOnStart: Indicates whether the controller/node should probe all the PowerScale clusters during driver initialization
+# When set to true, the driver will not set node labels, please manually add
+# the label <provisionerName>.dellemc.com/<powerscalefqdnorip>:<provisionerName> on the nodes for each of the clusters reachable from the node.
+# Allowed values:
+#   true : do not probe all PowerScale clusters during driver initialization
+#   false: probe all PowerScale clusters during driver initialization
+# Default value: false
+noProbeOnStart: false
+# autoProbe: automatically probe the PowerScale cluster if not done already during CSI calls.
+# Allowed values:
+#   true : enable auto probe.
+#   false: disable auto probe.
+# Default value: false
+autoProbe: true
+  enabled: false
+  # sidecarProxyImage: the container image used for the csm-authorization-sidecar.
+  # Default value: dellemc/csm-authorization-sidecar:v1.6.0
+  sidecarProxyImage: dellemc/csm-authorization-sidecar:v1.6.0
+  # proxyHost: hostname of the csm-authorization server
+  # Default value: None
+  proxyHost:
+  # skipCertificateValidation: certificate validation of the csm-authorization server
+  # Allowed Values:
+  #   "true" - TLS certificate verification will be skipped
+  #   "false" - TLS certificate will be verified 
+  # Default value: "true" 
+  skipCertificateValidation: true
+# Enable this feature only after contact support for additional information
+  enabled: false
+  image: dellemc/podmon:v1.5.0
+  #controller:
+  #  args:
+  #    - "--csisock=unix:/var/run/csi/csi.sock"
+  #    - "--labelvalue=csi-isilon"
+  #    - "--arrayConnectivityPollRate=60"
+  #    - "--driverPath=csi-isilon.dellemc.com"
+  #    - "--mode=controller"
+  #    - "--skipArrayConnectionValidation=false"
+  #    - "--driver-config-params=/csi-isilon-config-params/driver-config-params.yaml"
+  #    - "--driverPodLabelValue=dell-storage"
+  #    - "--ignoreVolumelessPods=false"
+  #node:
+  #  args:
+  #    - "--csisock=unix:/var/lib/kubelet/plugins/csi-isilon/csi_sock"
+  #    - "--labelvalue=csi-isilon"
+  #    - "--arrayConnectivityPollRate=60"
+  #    - "--driverPath=csi-isilon.dellemc.com"
+  #    - "--mode=node"
+  #    - "--leaderelection=false"
+  #    - "--driver-config-params=/csi-isilon-config-params/driver-config-params.yaml"
+  #    - "--driverPodLabelValue=dell-storage"
+  #    - "--ignoreVolumelessPods=false"
+  # enabled: Enable/disable volume encryption feature.
+  enabled: false
+  # pluginName: The name of the provisioner to use for encrypted volumes.
+  pluginName: "sec-isilon.dellemc.com"
+  # image: Encryption driver image name.
+  image: "dellemc/csm-encryption:v0.3.0"
+  # apiPort: TCP port number used by the REST API server.
+  apiPort: 3838
+  # logLevel: Log level of the encryption driver.
+  # Allowed values: "error", "warning", "info", "debug", "trace".
+  logLevel: "error"
+  # livenessPort: HTTP liveness probe port number. 
+  # Leave empty to disable the liveness probe.
+  # Example: 8080
+  livenessPort:
+  # ocp: Enable when running on OpenShift Container Platform with CoreOS worker nodes.
+  ocp: false
+  # ocpCoreID: User ID and group ID of user core on CoreOS worker nodes.
+  # Ignored when ocp is set to false.
+  ocpCoreID: "1000:1000"
+  # extraArgs: Extra command line parameters to pass to the encryption driver.
+  # Allowed values:
+  # --sharedStorage - may be required by some applications to work properly.
+  # When set, performance is reduced and hard links cannot be created.
+  # See the gocryptfs documentation for more details.
+  extraArgs: []
+  # "driver" defines the container image, used for the driver container.
+  driverRepository: dellemc
diff --git a/charts/kong/kong/CHANGELOG.md b/charts/kong/kong/CHANGELOG.md
index 242268c30..3351faf24 100644
--- a/charts/kong/kong/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/charts/kong/kong/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
 # Changelog
+## 2.20.1
+### Fixed
+* Fix correct timestamp format and remove `isCA` in certificates
+  [#791](https://github.com/Kong/charts/pull/791)
 ## 2.20.0
 ### Improvements
@@ -52,7 +59,7 @@
 * Added experimental support for the ingress controller's Konnect sync feature via `ingressController.konnect.*` values.
   This feature is only available when deploying chart with Kong Ingress Controller in version 2.9 or higher and
-  requires `ingressController.gatewayDiscovery.enabled` set to `true`. 
+  requires `ingressController.gatewayDiscovery.enabled` set to `true`.
 * Added support for annotations on the admission webhook ValidatingWebhookConfiguration.
diff --git a/charts/kong/kong/Chart.yaml b/charts/kong/kong/Chart.yaml
index 4bc011b7c..c65eeeb34 100644
--- a/charts/kong/kong/Chart.yaml
+++ b/charts/kong/kong/Chart.yaml
@@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ maintainers:
 name: kong
 - https://github.com/Kong/charts/tree/main/charts/kong
-version: 2.20.0
+version: 2.20.1
diff --git a/charts/kong/kong/templates/certificate.yaml b/charts/kong/kong/templates/certificate.yaml
index f87e9d8cd..9da641bb1 100644
--- a/charts/kong/kong/templates/certificate.yaml
+++ b/charts/kong/kong/templates/certificate.yaml
@@ -56,9 +56,8 @@ spec:
   {{- range (append .dnsNames .commonName) }}
   - {{ . | quote }}
   {{- end }}
-  renewBefore: 360h
-  duration: 2160h
-  isCA: false
+  renewBefore: 360h0m0s
+  duration: 2160h0m0s
   {{ if .subject -}}
     {{- toYaml .subject | nindent 4 }}
diff --git a/charts/percona/psmdb-db/Chart.yaml b/charts/percona/psmdb-db/Chart.yaml
index c45773427..e6d8228a0 100644
--- a/charts/percona/psmdb-db/Chart.yaml
+++ b/charts/percona/psmdb-db/Chart.yaml
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ maintainers:
 - email: tomislav.plavcic@percona.com
   name: tplavcic
 name: psmdb-db
-version: 1.14.1
+version: 1.14.3
diff --git a/charts/percona/psmdb-db/crds/crd.yaml b/charts/percona/psmdb-db/crds/crd.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index f325fbe59..000000000
--- a/charts/percona/psmdb-db/crds/crd.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16950 +0,0 @@
-apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
-kind: CustomResourceDefinition
-  annotations:
-    controller-gen.kubebuilder.io/version: v0.11.1
-  creationTimestamp: null
-  name: perconaservermongodbbackups.psmdb.percona.com
-  group: psmdb.percona.com
-  names:
-    kind: PerconaServerMongoDBBackup
-    listKind: PerconaServerMongoDBBackupList
-    plural: perconaservermongodbbackups
-    shortNames:
-    - psmdb-backup
-    singular: perconaservermongodbbackup
-  scope: Namespaced
-  versions:
-  - additionalPrinterColumns:
-    - description: Cluster name
-      jsonPath: .spec.clusterName
-      name: Cluster
-      type: string
-    - description: Storage name
-      jsonPath: .spec.storageName
-      name: Storage
-      type: string
-    - description: Backup destination
-      jsonPath: .status.destination
-      name: Destination
-      type: string
-    - description: Backup type
-      jsonPath: .status.type
-      name: Type
-      type: string
-    - description: Job status
-      jsonPath: .status.state
-      name: Status
-      type: string
-    - description: Completed time
-      jsonPath: .status.completed
-      name: Completed
-      type: date
-    - description: Created time
-      jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
-      name: Age
-      type: date
-    name: v1
-    schema:
-      openAPIV3Schema:
-        properties:
-          apiVersion:
-            type: string
-          kind:
-            type: string
-          metadata:
-            type: object
-          spec:
-            properties:
-              clusterName:
-                type: string
-              compressionLevel:
-                type: integer
-              compressionType:
-                type: string
-              psmdbCluster:
-                type: string
-              storageName:
-                type: string
-              type:
-                enum:
-                - logical
-                - physical
-                type: string
-            type: object
-          status:
-            properties:
-              azure:
-                properties:
-                  container:
-                    type: string
-                  credentialsSecret:
-                    type: string
-                  prefix:
-                    type: string
-                required:
-                - credentialsSecret
-                type: object
-              completed:
-                format: date-time
-                type: string
-              destination:
-                type: string
-              error:
-                type: string
-              lastTransition:
-                format: date-time
-                type: string
-              pbmName:
-                type: string
-              replsetNames:
-                items:
-                  type: string
-                type: array
-              s3:
-                properties:
-                  bucket:
-                    type: string
-                  credentialsSecret:
-                    type: string
-                  endpointUrl:
-                    type: string
-                  insecureSkipTLSVerify:
-                    type: boolean
-                  maxUploadParts:
-                    type: integer
-                  prefix:
-                    type: string
-                  region:
-                    type: string
-                  storageClass:
-                    type: string
-                  uploadPartSize:
-                    type: integer
-                required:
-                - bucket
-                type: object
-              start:
-                format: date-time
-                type: string
-              state:
-                type: string
-              storageName:
-                type: string
-              type:
-                type: string
-            type: object
-        type: object
-    served: true
-    storage: true
-    subresources:
-      status: {}
-apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
-kind: CustomResourceDefinition
-  annotations:
-    controller-gen.kubebuilder.io/version: v0.11.1
-  creationTimestamp: null
-  name: perconaservermongodbrestores.psmdb.percona.com
-  group: psmdb.percona.com
-  names:
-    kind: PerconaServerMongoDBRestore
-    listKind: PerconaServerMongoDBRestoreList
-    plural: perconaservermongodbrestores
-    shortNames:
-    - psmdb-restore
-    singular: perconaservermongodbrestore
-  scope: Namespaced
-  versions:
-  - additionalPrinterColumns:
-    - description: Cluster name
-      jsonPath: .spec.clusterName
-      name: Cluster
-      type: string
-    - description: Job status
-      jsonPath: .status.state
-      name: Status
-      type: string
-    - description: Created time
-      jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
-      name: Age
-      type: date
-    name: v1
-    schema:
-      openAPIV3Schema:
-        properties:
-          apiVersion:
-            type: string
-          kind:
-            type: string
-          metadata:
-            type: object
-          spec:
-            properties:
-              backupName:
-                type: string
-              backupSource:
-                properties:
-                  azure:
-                    properties:
-                      container:
-                        type: string
-                      credentialsSecret:
-                        type: string
-                      prefix:
-                        type: string
-                    required:
-                    - credentialsSecret
-                    type: object
-                  completed:
-                    format: date-time
-                    type: string
-                  destination:
-                    type: string
-                  error:
-                    type: string
-                  lastTransition:
-                    format: date-time
-                    type: string
-                  pbmName:
-                    type: string
-                  replsetNames:
-                    items:
-                      type: string
-                    type: array
-                  s3:
-                    properties:
-                      bucket:
-                        type: string
-                      credentialsSecret:
-                        type: string
-                      endpointUrl:
-                        type: string
-                      insecureSkipTLSVerify:
-                        type: boolean
-                      maxUploadParts:
-                        type: integer
-                      prefix:
-                        type: string
-                      region:
-                        type: string
-                      storageClass:
-                        type: string
-                      uploadPartSize:
-                        type: integer
-                    required:
-                    - bucket
-                    type: object
-                  start:
-                    format: date-time
-                    type: string
-                  state:
-                    type: string
-                  storageName:
-                    type: string
-                  type:
-                    type: string
-                type: object
-              clusterName:
-                type: string
-              pitr:
-                properties:
-                  date:
-                    type: string
-                  type:
-                    type: string
-                type: object
-              replset:
-                type: string
-              storageName:
-                type: string
-            type: object
-          status:
-            properties:
-              completed:
-                format: date-time
-                type: string
-              error:
-                type: string
-              lastTransition:
-                format: date-time
-                type: string
-              pbmName:
-                type: string
-              state:
-                type: string
-            type: object
-        type: object
-    served: true
-    storage: true
-    subresources:
-      status: {}
-apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
-kind: CustomResourceDefinition
-  annotations:
-    controller-gen.kubebuilder.io/version: v0.11.1
-  creationTimestamp: null
-  name: perconaservermongodbs.psmdb.percona.com
-  group: psmdb.percona.com
-  names:
-    kind: PerconaServerMongoDB
-    listKind: PerconaServerMongoDBList
-    plural: perconaservermongodbs
-    shortNames:
-    - psmdb
-    singular: perconaservermongodb
-  scope: Namespaced
-  versions:
-  - additionalPrinterColumns:
-    - jsonPath: .status.host
-      name: ENDPOINT
-      type: string
-    - jsonPath: .status.state
-      name: Status
-      type: string
-    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
-      name: Age
-      type: date
-    deprecated: true
-    deprecationWarning: psmdb.percona.com/v1-2-0 PerconaServerMongoDB is deprecated
-      and will be removed in v1.17.0; see v1.13.0 release notes for instructions to
-      migrate to psmdb.percona.com/v1
-    name: v1-2-0
-    schema:
-      openAPIV3Schema:
-        properties:
-          spec:
-            type: object
-            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-          status:
-            type: object
-            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-        type: object
-    served: false
-    storage: false
-    subresources:
-      status: {}
-  - additionalPrinterColumns:
-    - jsonPath: .status.host
-      name: ENDPOINT
-      type: string
-    - jsonPath: .status.state
-      name: Status
-      type: string
-    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
-      name: Age
-      type: date
-    deprecated: true
-    deprecationWarning: psmdb.percona.com/v1-3-0 PerconaServerMongoDB is deprecated
-      and will be removed in v1.17.0; see v1.13.0 release notes for instructions to
-      migrate to psmdb.percona.com/v1
-    name: v1-3-0
-    schema:
-      openAPIV3Schema:
-        properties:
-          spec:
-            type: object
-            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-          status:
-            type: object
-            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-        type: object
-    served: false
-    storage: false
-    subresources:
-      status: {}
-  - additionalPrinterColumns:
-    - jsonPath: .status.host
-      name: ENDPOINT
-      type: string
-    - jsonPath: .status.state
-      name: Status
-      type: string
-    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
-      name: Age
-      type: date
-    deprecated: true
-    deprecationWarning: psmdb.percona.com/v1-4-0 PerconaServerMongoDB is deprecated
-      and will be removed in v1.17.0; see v1.13.0 release notes for instructions to
-      migrate to psmdb.percona.com/v1
-    name: v1-4-0
-    schema:
-      openAPIV3Schema:
-        properties:
-          spec:
-            type: object
-            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-          status:
-            type: object
-            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-        type: object
-    served: false
-    storage: false
-    subresources:
-      status: {}
-  - additionalPrinterColumns:
-    - jsonPath: .status.host
-      name: ENDPOINT
-      type: string
-    - jsonPath: .status.state
-      name: Status
-      type: string
-    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
-      name: Age
-      type: date
-    deprecated: true
-    deprecationWarning: psmdb.percona.com/v1-5-0 PerconaServerMongoDB is deprecated
-      and will be removed in v1.17.0; see v1.13.0 release notes for instructions to
-      migrate to psmdb.percona.com/v1
-    name: v1-5-0
-    schema:
-      openAPIV3Schema:
-        properties:
-          spec:
-            type: object
-            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-          status:
-            type: object
-            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-        type: object
-    served: false
-    storage: false
-    subresources:
-      status: {}
-  - additionalPrinterColumns:
-    - jsonPath: .status.host
-      name: ENDPOINT
-      type: string
-    - jsonPath: .status.state
-      name: Status
-      type: string
-    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
-      name: Age
-      type: date
-    deprecated: true
-    deprecationWarning: psmdb.percona.com/v1-6-0 PerconaServerMongoDB is deprecated
-      and will be removed in v1.17.0; see v1.13.0 release notes for instructions to
-      migrate to psmdb.percona.com/v1
-    name: v1-6-0
-    schema:
-      openAPIV3Schema:
-        properties:
-          spec:
-            type: object
-            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-          status:
-            type: object
-            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-        type: object
-    served: false
-    storage: false
-    subresources:
-      status: {}
-  - additionalPrinterColumns:
-    - jsonPath: .status.host
-      name: ENDPOINT
-      type: string
-    - jsonPath: .status.state
-      name: Status
-      type: string
-    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
-      name: Age
-      type: date
-    deprecated: true
-    deprecationWarning: psmdb.percona.com/v1-7-0 PerconaServerMongoDB is deprecated
-      and will be removed in v1.17.0; see v1.13.0 release notes for instructions to
-      migrate to psmdb.percona.com/v1
-    name: v1-7-0
-    schema:
-      openAPIV3Schema:
-        properties:
-          spec:
-            type: object
-            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-          status:
-            type: object
-            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-        type: object
-    served: false
-    storage: false
-    subresources:
-      status: {}
-  - additionalPrinterColumns:
-    - jsonPath: .status.host
-      name: ENDPOINT
-      type: string
-    - jsonPath: .status.state
-      name: Status
-      type: string
-    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
-      name: Age
-      type: date
-    deprecated: true
-    deprecationWarning: psmdb.percona.com/v1-8-0 PerconaServerMongoDB is deprecated
-      and will be removed in v1.17.0; see v1.13.0 release notes for instructions to
-      migrate to psmdb.percona.com/v1
-    name: v1-8-0
-    schema:
-      openAPIV3Schema:
-        properties:
-          spec:
-            type: object
-            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-          status:
-            type: object
-            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-        type: object
-    served: false
-    storage: false
-    subresources:
-      status: {}
-  - additionalPrinterColumns:
-    - jsonPath: .status.host
-      name: ENDPOINT
-      type: string
-    - jsonPath: .status.state
-      name: Status
-      type: string
-    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
-      name: Age
-      type: date
-    deprecated: true
-    deprecationWarning: psmdb.percona.com/v1-9-0 PerconaServerMongoDB is deprecated
-      and will be removed in v1.17.0; see v1.13.0 release notes for instructions to
-      migrate to psmdb.percona.com/v1
-    name: v1-9-0
-    schema:
-      openAPIV3Schema:
-        properties:
-          spec:
-            type: object
-            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-          status:
-            type: object
-            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-        type: object
-    served: false
-    storage: false
-    subresources:
-      status: {}
-  - additionalPrinterColumns:
-    - jsonPath: .status.host
-      name: ENDPOINT
-      type: string
-    - jsonPath: .status.state
-      name: Status
-      type: string
-    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
-      name: Age
-      type: date
-    deprecated: true
-    deprecationWarning: psmdb.percona.com/v1-10-0 PerconaServerMongoDB is deprecated
-      and will be removed in v1.17.0; see v1.13.0 release notes for instructions to
-      migrate to psmdb.percona.com/v1
-    name: v1-10-0
-    schema:
-      openAPIV3Schema:
-        properties:
-          spec:
-            type: object
-            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-          status:
-            type: object
-            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-        type: object
-    served: true
-    storage: false
-    subresources:
-      status: {}
-  - additionalPrinterColumns:
-    - jsonPath: .status.host
-      name: ENDPOINT
-      type: string
-    - jsonPath: .status.state
-      name: Status
-      type: string
-    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
-      name: Age
-      type: date
-    deprecated: true
-    deprecationWarning: psmdb.percona.com/v1-11-0 PerconaServerMongoDB is deprecated
-      and will be removed in v1.17.0; see v1.13.0 release notes for instructions to
-      migrate to psmdb.percona.com/v1
-    name: v1-11-0
-    schema:
-      openAPIV3Schema:
-        properties:
-          spec:
-            type: object
-            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-          status:
-            type: object
-            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-        type: object
-    served: true
-    storage: false
-    subresources:
-      status: {}
-  - additionalPrinterColumns:
-    - jsonPath: .status.host
-      name: ENDPOINT
-      type: string
-    - jsonPath: .status.state
-      name: Status
-      type: string
-    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
-      name: Age
-      type: date
-    deprecated: true
-    deprecationWarning: psmdb.percona.com/v1-12-0 PerconaServerMongoDB is deprecated
-      and will be removed in v1.17.0; see v1.13.0 release notes for instructions to
-      migrate to psmdb.percona.com/v1
-    name: v1-12-0
-    schema:
-      openAPIV3Schema:
-        properties:
-          spec:
-            type: object
-            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-          status:
-            type: object
-            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-        type: object
-    served: true
-    storage: false
-    subresources:
-      status: {}
-  - additionalPrinterColumns:
-    - jsonPath: .status.host
-      name: ENDPOINT
-      type: string
-    - jsonPath: .status.state
-      name: Status
-      type: string
-    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
-      name: Age
-      type: date
-    name: v1
-    schema:
-      openAPIV3Schema:
-        properties:
-          apiVersion:
-            type: string
-          kind:
-            type: string
-          metadata:
-            type: object
-          spec:
-            properties:
-              allowUnsafeConfigurations:
-                type: boolean
-              backup:
-                properties:
-                  annotations:
-                    additionalProperties:
-                      type: string
-                    type: object
-                  containerSecurityContext:
-                    properties:
-                      allowPrivilegeEscalation:
-                        type: boolean
-                      capabilities:
-                        properties:
-                          add:
-                            items:
-                              type: string
-                            type: array
-                          drop:
-                            items:
-                              type: string
-                            type: array
-                        type: object
-                      privileged:
-                        type: boolean
-                      procMount:
-                        type: string
-                      readOnlyRootFilesystem:
-                        type: boolean
-                      runAsGroup:
-                        format: int64
-                        type: integer
-                      runAsNonRoot:
-                        type: boolean
-                      runAsUser:
-                        format: int64
-                        type: integer
-                      seLinuxOptions:
-                        properties:
-                          level:
-                            type: string
-                          role:
-                            type: string
-                          type:
-                            type: string
-                          user:
-                            type: string
-                        type: object
-                      seccompProfile:
-                        properties:
-                          localhostProfile:
-                            type: string
-                          type:
-                            type: string
-                        required:
-                        - type
-                        type: object
-                      windowsOptions:
-                        properties:
-                          gmsaCredentialSpec:
-                            type: string
-                          gmsaCredentialSpecName:
-                            type: string
-                          hostProcess:
-                            type: boolean
-                          runAsUserName:
-                            type: string
-                        type: object
-                    type: object
-                  enabled:
-                    type: boolean
-                  image:
-                    type: string
-                  labels:
-                    additionalProperties:
-                      type: string
-                    type: object
-                  pitr:
-                    properties:
-                      compressionLevel:
-                        type: integer
-                      compressionType:
-                        type: string
-                      enabled:
-                        type: boolean
-                      oplogSpanMin:
-                        type: number
-                    type: object
-                  podSecurityContext:
-                    properties:
-                      fsGroup:
-                        format: int64
-                        type: integer
-                      fsGroupChangePolicy:
-                        type: string
-                      runAsGroup:
-                        format: int64
-                        type: integer
-                      runAsNonRoot:
-                        type: boolean
-                      runAsUser:
-                        format: int64
-                        type: integer
-                      seLinuxOptions:
-                        properties:
-                          level:
-                            type: string
-                          role:
-                            type: string
-                          type:
-                            type: string
-                          user:
-                            type: string
-                        type: object
-                      seccompProfile:
-                        properties:
-                          localhostProfile:
-                            type: string
-                          type:
-                            type: string
-                        required:
-                        - type
-                        type: object
-                      supplementalGroups:
-                        items:
-                          format: int64
-                          type: integer
-                        type: array
-                      sysctls:
-                        items:
-                          properties:
-                            name:
-                              type: string
-                            value:
-                              type: string
-                          required:
-                          - name
-                          - value
-                          type: object
-                        type: array
-                      windowsOptions:
-                        properties:
-                          gmsaCredentialSpec:
-                            type: string
-                          gmsaCredentialSpecName:
-                            type: string
-                          hostProcess:
-                            type: boolean
-                          runAsUserName:
-                            type: string
-                        type: object
-                    type: object
-                  resources:
-                    properties:
-                      claims:
-                        items:
-                          properties:
-                            name:
-                              type: string
-                          required:
-                          - name
-                          type: object
-                        type: array
-                        x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                        - name
-                        x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                      limits:
-                        additionalProperties:
-                          anyOf:
-                          - type: integer
-                          - type: string
-                          pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                        type: object
-                      requests:
-                        additionalProperties:
-                          anyOf:
-                          - type: integer
-                          - type: string
-                          pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                        type: object
-                    type: object
-                  runtimeClassName:
-                    type: string
-                  serviceAccountName:
-                    type: string
-                  storages:
-                    additionalProperties:
-                      properties:
-                        azure:
-                          properties:
-                            container:
-                              type: string
-                            credentialsSecret:
-                              type: string
-                            prefix:
-                              type: string
-                          required:
-                          - credentialsSecret
-                          type: object
-                        s3:
-                          properties:
-                            bucket:
-                              type: string
-                            credentialsSecret:
-                              type: string
-                            endpointUrl:
-                              type: string
-                            insecureSkipTLSVerify:
-                              type: boolean
-                            maxUploadParts:
-                              type: integer
-                            prefix:
-                              type: string
-                            region:
-                              type: string
-                            storageClass:
-                              type: string
-                            uploadPartSize:
-                              type: integer
-                          required:
-                          - bucket
-                          type: object
-                        type:
-                          type: string
-                      required:
-                      - type
-                      type: object
-                    type: object
-                  tasks:
-                    items:
-                      properties:
-                        compressionLevel:
-                          type: integer
-                        compressionType:
-                          type: string
-                        enabled:
-                          type: boolean
-                        keep:
-                          type: integer
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        schedule:
-                          type: string
-                        storageName:
-                          type: string
-                        type:
-                          enum:
-                          - logical
-                          - physical
-                          type: string
-                      required:
-                      - enabled
-                      - name
-                      type: object
-                    type: array
-                required:
-                - enabled
-                - image
-                type: object
-              clusterServiceDNSMode:
-                type: string
-              clusterServiceDNSSuffix:
-                type: string
-              crVersion:
-                type: string
-              ignoreAnnotations:
-                items:
-                  type: string
-                type: array
-              ignoreLabels:
-                items:
-                  type: string
-                type: array
-              image:
-                type: string
-              imagePullPolicy:
-                type: string
-              imagePullSecrets:
-                items:
-                  properties:
-                    name:
-                      type: string
-                  type: object
-                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                type: array
-              initContainerSecurityContext:
-                properties:
-                  allowPrivilegeEscalation:
-                    type: boolean
-                  capabilities:
-                    properties:
-                      add:
-                        items:
-                          type: string
-                        type: array
-                      drop:
-                        items:
-                          type: string
-                        type: array
-                    type: object
-                  privileged:
-                    type: boolean
-                  procMount:
-                    type: string
-                  readOnlyRootFilesystem:
-                    type: boolean
-                  runAsGroup:
-                    format: int64
-                    type: integer
-                  runAsNonRoot:
-                    type: boolean
-                  runAsUser:
-                    format: int64
-                    type: integer
-                  seLinuxOptions:
-                    properties:
-                      level:
-                        type: string
-                      role:
-                        type: string
-                      type:
-                        type: string
-                      user:
-                        type: string
-                    type: object
-                  seccompProfile:
-                    properties:
-                      localhostProfile:
-                        type: string
-                      type:
-                        type: string
-                    required:
-                    - type
-                    type: object
-                  windowsOptions:
-                    properties:
-                      gmsaCredentialSpec:
-                        type: string
-                      gmsaCredentialSpecName:
-                        type: string
-                      hostProcess:
-                        type: boolean
-                      runAsUserName:
-                        type: string
-                    type: object
-                type: object
-              initImage:
-                type: string
-              mongod:
-                properties:
-                  auditLog:
-                    properties:
-                      destination:
-                        type: string
-                      filter:
-                        type: string
-                      format:
-                        type: string
-                    type: object
-                  net:
-                    properties:
-                      hostPort:
-                        format: int32
-                        type: integer
-                      port:
-                        format: int32
-                        type: integer
-                    type: object
-                  operationProfiling:
-                    properties:
-                      mode:
-                        type: string
-                      rateLimit:
-                        type: integer
-                      slowOpThresholdMs:
-                        type: integer
-                    type: object
-                  replication:
-                    properties:
-                      oplogSizeMB:
-                        type: integer
-                    type: object
-                  security:
-                    properties:
-                      enableEncryption:
-                        type: boolean
-                      encryptionCipherMode:
-                        type: string
-                      encryptionKeySecret:
-                        type: string
-                      redactClientLogData:
-                        type: boolean
-                    type: object
-                  setParameter:
-                    properties:
-                      cursorTimeoutMillis:
-                        type: integer
-                      ttlMonitorSleepSecs:
-                        type: integer
-                      wiredTigerConcurrentReadTransactions:
-                        type: integer
-                      wiredTigerConcurrentWriteTransactions:
-                        type: integer
-                    type: object
-                  storage:
-                    properties:
-                      directoryPerDB:
-                        type: boolean
-                      engine:
-                        type: string
-                      inMemory:
-                        properties:
-                          engineConfig:
-                            properties:
-                              inMemorySizeRatio:
-                                type: number
-                            type: object
-                        type: object
-                      mmapv1:
-                        properties:
-                          nsSize:
-                            type: integer
-                          smallfiles:
-                            type: boolean
-                        type: object
-                      syncPeriodSecs:
-                        type: integer
-                      wiredTiger:
-                        properties:
-                          collectionConfig:
-                            properties:
-                              blockCompressor:
-                                type: string
-                            type: object
-                          engineConfig:
-                            properties:
-                              cacheSizeRatio:
-                                type: number
-                              directoryForIndexes:
-                                type: boolean
-                              journalCompressor:
-                                type: string
-                            type: object
-                          indexConfig:
-                            properties:
-                              prefixCompression:
-                                type: boolean
-                            type: object
-                        type: object
-                    type: object
-                type: object
-              multiCluster:
-                properties:
-                  DNSSuffix:
-                    type: string
-                  enabled:
-                    type: boolean
-                required:
-                - enabled
-                type: object
-              pause:
-                type: boolean
-              platform:
-                type: string
-              pmm:
-                properties:
-                  enabled:
-                    type: boolean
-                  image:
-                    type: string
-                  mongodParams:
-                    type: string
-                  mongosParams:
-                    type: string
-                  resources:
-                    properties:
-                      claims:
-                        items:
-                          properties:
-                            name:
-                              type: string
-                          required:
-                          - name
-                          type: object
-                        type: array
-                        x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                        - name
-                        x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                      limits:
-                        additionalProperties:
-                          anyOf:
-                          - type: integer
-                          - type: string
-                          pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                        type: object
-                      requests:
-                        additionalProperties:
-                          anyOf:
-                          - type: integer
-                          - type: string
-                          pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                        type: object
-                    type: object
-                  serverHost:
-                    type: string
-                required:
-                - image
-                type: object
-              replsets:
-                items:
-                  properties:
-                    affinity:
-                      properties:
-                        advanced:
-                          properties:
-                            nodeAffinity:
-                              properties:
-                                preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                  items:
-                                    properties:
-                                      preference:
-                                        properties:
-                                          matchExpressions:
-                                            items:
-                                              properties:
-                                                key:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                operator:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                values:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  type: array
-                                              required:
-                                              - key
-                                              - operator
-                                              type: object
-                                            type: array
-                                          matchFields:
-                                            items:
-                                              properties:
-                                                key:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                operator:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                values:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  type: array
-                                              required:
-                                              - key
-                                              - operator
-                                              type: object
-                                            type: array
-                                        type: object
-                                        x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                      weight:
-                                        format: int32
-                                        type: integer
-                                    required:
-                                    - preference
-                                    - weight
-                                    type: object
-                                  type: array
-                                requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                  properties:
-                                    nodeSelectorTerms:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          matchExpressions:
-                                            items:
-                                              properties:
-                                                key:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                operator:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                values:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  type: array
-                                              required:
-                                              - key
-                                              - operator
-                                              type: object
-                                            type: array
-                                          matchFields:
-                                            items:
-                                              properties:
-                                                key:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                operator:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                values:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  type: array
-                                              required:
-                                              - key
-                                              - operator
-                                              type: object
-                                            type: array
-                                        type: object
-                                        x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                      type: array
-                                  required:
-                                  - nodeSelectorTerms
-                                  type: object
-                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                              type: object
-                            podAffinity:
-                              properties:
-                                preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                  items:
-                                    properties:
-                                      podAffinityTerm:
-                                        properties:
-                                          labelSelector:
-                                            properties:
-                                              matchExpressions:
-                                                items:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    key:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    operator:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    values:
-                                                      items:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      type: array
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - key
-                                                  - operator
-                                                  type: object
-                                                type: array
-                                              matchLabels:
-                                                additionalProperties:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                type: object
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                          namespaceSelector:
-                                            properties:
-                                              matchExpressions:
-                                                items:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    key:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    operator:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    values:
-                                                      items:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      type: array
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - key
-                                                  - operator
-                                                  type: object
-                                                type: array
-                                              matchLabels:
-                                                additionalProperties:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                type: object
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                          namespaces:
-                                            items:
-                                              type: string
-                                            type: array
-                                          topologyKey:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - topologyKey
-                                        type: object
-                                      weight:
-                                        format: int32
-                                        type: integer
-                                    required:
-                                    - podAffinityTerm
-                                    - weight
-                                    type: object
-                                  type: array
-                                requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                  items:
-                                    properties:
-                                      labelSelector:
-                                        properties:
-                                          matchExpressions:
-                                            items:
-                                              properties:
-                                                key:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                operator:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                values:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  type: array
-                                              required:
-                                              - key
-                                              - operator
-                                              type: object
-                                            type: array
-                                          matchLabels:
-                                            additionalProperties:
-                                              type: string
-                                            type: object
-                                        type: object
-                                        x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                      namespaceSelector:
-                                        properties:
-                                          matchExpressions:
-                                            items:
-                                              properties:
-                                                key:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                operator:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                values:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  type: array
-                                              required:
-                                              - key
-                                              - operator
-                                              type: object
-                                            type: array
-                                          matchLabels:
-                                            additionalProperties:
-                                              type: string
-                                            type: object
-                                        type: object
-                                        x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                      namespaces:
-                                        items:
-                                          type: string
-                                        type: array
-                                      topologyKey:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - topologyKey
-                                    type: object
-                                  type: array
-                              type: object
-                            podAntiAffinity:
-                              properties:
-                                preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                  items:
-                                    properties:
-                                      podAffinityTerm:
-                                        properties:
-                                          labelSelector:
-                                            properties:
-                                              matchExpressions:
-                                                items:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    key:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    operator:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    values:
-                                                      items:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      type: array
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - key
-                                                  - operator
-                                                  type: object
-                                                type: array
-                                              matchLabels:
-                                                additionalProperties:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                type: object
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                          namespaceSelector:
-                                            properties:
-                                              matchExpressions:
-                                                items:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    key:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    operator:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    values:
-                                                      items:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      type: array
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - key
-                                                  - operator
-                                                  type: object
-                                                type: array
-                                              matchLabels:
-                                                additionalProperties:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                type: object
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                          namespaces:
-                                            items:
-                                              type: string
-                                            type: array
-                                          topologyKey:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - topologyKey
-                                        type: object
-                                      weight:
-                                        format: int32
-                                        type: integer
-                                    required:
-                                    - podAffinityTerm
-                                    - weight
-                                    type: object
-                                  type: array
-                                requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                  items:
-                                    properties:
-                                      labelSelector:
-                                        properties:
-                                          matchExpressions:
-                                            items:
-                                              properties:
-                                                key:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                operator:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                values:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  type: array
-                                              required:
-                                              - key
-                                              - operator
-                                              type: object
-                                            type: array
-                                          matchLabels:
-                                            additionalProperties:
-                                              type: string
-                                            type: object
-                                        type: object
-                                        x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                      namespaceSelector:
-                                        properties:
-                                          matchExpressions:
-                                            items:
-                                              properties:
-                                                key:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                operator:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                values:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  type: array
-                                              required:
-                                              - key
-                                              - operator
-                                              type: object
-                                            type: array
-                                          matchLabels:
-                                            additionalProperties:
-                                              type: string
-                                            type: object
-                                        type: object
-                                        x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                      namespaces:
-                                        items:
-                                          type: string
-                                        type: array
-                                      topologyKey:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - topologyKey
-                                    type: object
-                                  type: array
-                              type: object
-                          type: object
-                        antiAffinityTopologyKey:
-                          type: string
-                      type: object
-                    annotations:
-                      additionalProperties:
-                        type: string
-                      type: object
-                    arbiter:
-                      properties:
-                        affinity:
-                          properties:
-                            advanced:
-                              properties:
-                                nodeAffinity:
-                                  properties:
-                                    preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          preference:
-                                            properties:
-                                              matchExpressions:
-                                                items:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    key:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    operator:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    values:
-                                                      items:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      type: array
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - key
-                                                  - operator
-                                                  type: object
-                                                type: array
-                                              matchFields:
-                                                items:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    key:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    operator:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    values:
-                                                      items:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      type: array
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - key
-                                                  - operator
-                                                  type: object
-                                                type: array
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                          weight:
-                                            format: int32
-                                            type: integer
-                                        required:
-                                        - preference
-                                        - weight
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                    requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                      properties:
-                                        nodeSelectorTerms:
-                                          items:
-                                            properties:
-                                              matchExpressions:
-                                                items:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    key:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    operator:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    values:
-                                                      items:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      type: array
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - key
-                                                  - operator
-                                                  type: object
-                                                type: array
-                                              matchFields:
-                                                items:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    key:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    operator:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    values:
-                                                      items:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      type: array
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - key
-                                                  - operator
-                                                  type: object
-                                                type: array
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                          type: array
-                                      required:
-                                      - nodeSelectorTerms
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                  type: object
-                                podAffinity:
-                                  properties:
-                                    preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          podAffinityTerm:
-                                            properties:
-                                              labelSelector:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  matchExpressions:
-                                                    items:
-                                                      properties:
-                                                        key:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        operator:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        values:
-                                                          items:
-                                                            type: string
-                                                          type: array
-                                                      required:
-                                                      - key
-                                                      - operator
-                                                      type: object
-                                                    type: array
-                                                  matchLabels:
-                                                    additionalProperties:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    type: object
-                                                type: object
-                                                x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                              namespaceSelector:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  matchExpressions:
-                                                    items:
-                                                      properties:
-                                                        key:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        operator:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        values:
-                                                          items:
-                                                            type: string
-                                                          type: array
-                                                      required:
-                                                      - key
-                                                      - operator
-                                                      type: object
-                                                    type: array
-                                                  matchLabels:
-                                                    additionalProperties:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    type: object
-                                                type: object
-                                                x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                              namespaces:
-                                                items:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                type: array
-                                              topologyKey:
-                                                type: string
-                                            required:
-                                            - topologyKey
-                                            type: object
-                                          weight:
-                                            format: int32
-                                            type: integer
-                                        required:
-                                        - podAffinityTerm
-                                        - weight
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                    requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          labelSelector:
-                                            properties:
-                                              matchExpressions:
-                                                items:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    key:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    operator:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    values:
-                                                      items:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      type: array
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - key
-                                                  - operator
-                                                  type: object
-                                                type: array
-                                              matchLabels:
-                                                additionalProperties:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                type: object
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                          namespaceSelector:
-                                            properties:
-                                              matchExpressions:
-                                                items:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    key:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    operator:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    values:
-                                                      items:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      type: array
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - key
-                                                  - operator
-                                                  type: object
-                                                type: array
-                                              matchLabels:
-                                                additionalProperties:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                type: object
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                          namespaces:
-                                            items:
-                                              type: string
-                                            type: array
-                                          topologyKey:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - topologyKey
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                  type: object
-                                podAntiAffinity:
-                                  properties:
-                                    preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          podAffinityTerm:
-                                            properties:
-                                              labelSelector:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  matchExpressions:
-                                                    items:
-                                                      properties:
-                                                        key:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        operator:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        values:
-                                                          items:
-                                                            type: string
-                                                          type: array
-                                                      required:
-                                                      - key
-                                                      - operator
-                                                      type: object
-                                                    type: array
-                                                  matchLabels:
-                                                    additionalProperties:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    type: object
-                                                type: object
-                                                x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                              namespaceSelector:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  matchExpressions:
-                                                    items:
-                                                      properties:
-                                                        key:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        operator:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        values:
-                                                          items:
-                                                            type: string
-                                                          type: array
-                                                      required:
-                                                      - key
-                                                      - operator
-                                                      type: object
-                                                    type: array
-                                                  matchLabels:
-                                                    additionalProperties:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    type: object
-                                                type: object
-                                                x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                              namespaces:
-                                                items:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                type: array
-                                              topologyKey:
-                                                type: string
-                                            required:
-                                            - topologyKey
-                                            type: object
-                                          weight:
-                                            format: int32
-                                            type: integer
-                                        required:
-                                        - podAffinityTerm
-                                        - weight
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                    requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          labelSelector:
-                                            properties:
-                                              matchExpressions:
-                                                items:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    key:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    operator:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    values:
-                                                      items:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      type: array
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - key
-                                                  - operator
-                                                  type: object
-                                                type: array
-                                              matchLabels:
-                                                additionalProperties:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                type: object
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                          namespaceSelector:
-                                            properties:
-                                              matchExpressions:
-                                                items:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    key:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    operator:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    values:
-                                                      items:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      type: array
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - key
-                                                  - operator
-                                                  type: object
-                                                type: array
-                                              matchLabels:
-                                                additionalProperties:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                type: object
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                          namespaces:
-                                            items:
-                                              type: string
-                                            type: array
-                                          topologyKey:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - topologyKey
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                  type: object
-                              type: object
-                            antiAffinityTopologyKey:
-                              type: string
-                          type: object
-                        annotations:
-                          additionalProperties:
-                            type: string
-                          type: object
-                        enabled:
-                          type: boolean
-                        labels:
-                          additionalProperties:
-                            type: string
-                          type: object
-                        nodeSelector:
-                          additionalProperties:
-                            type: string
-                          type: object
-                        podDisruptionBudget:
-                          properties:
-                            maxUnavailable:
-                              anyOf:
-                              - type: integer
-                              - type: string
-                              x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                            minAvailable:
-                              anyOf:
-                              - type: integer
-                              - type: string
-                              x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                          type: object
-                        priorityClassName:
-                          type: string
-                        resources:
-                          properties:
-                            claims:
-                              items:
-                                properties:
-                                  name:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - name
-                                type: object
-                              type: array
-                              x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                              - name
-                              x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                            limits:
-                              additionalProperties:
-                                anyOf:
-                                - type: integer
-                                - type: string
-                                pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                              type: object
-                            requests:
-                              additionalProperties:
-                                anyOf:
-                                - type: integer
-                                - type: string
-                                pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                              type: object
-                          type: object
-                        runtimeClassName:
-                          type: string
-                        serviceAccountName:
-                          type: string
-                        sidecarPVCs:
-                          items:
-                            properties:
-                              apiVersion:
-                                type: string
-                              kind:
-                                type: string
-                              metadata:
-                                type: object
-                              spec:
-                                properties:
-                                  accessModes:
-                                    items:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type: array
-                                  dataSource:
-                                    properties:
-                                      apiGroup:
-                                        type: string
-                                      kind:
-                                        type: string
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - kind
-                                    - name
-                                    type: object
-                                    x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                  dataSourceRef:
-                                    properties:
-                                      apiGroup:
-                                        type: string
-                                      kind:
-                                        type: string
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                      namespace:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - kind
-                                    - name
-                                    type: object
-                                  resources:
-                                    properties:
-                                      claims:
-                                        items:
-                                          properties:
-                                            name:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - name
-                                          type: object
-                                        type: array
-                                        x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                                        - name
-                                        x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                                      limits:
-                                        additionalProperties:
-                                          anyOf:
-                                          - type: integer
-                                          - type: string
-                                          pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                        type: object
-                                      requests:
-                                        additionalProperties:
-                                          anyOf:
-                                          - type: integer
-                                          - type: string
-                                          pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                        type: object
-                                    type: object
-                                  selector:
-                                    properties:
-                                      matchExpressions:
-                                        items:
-                                          properties:
-                                            key:
-                                              type: string
-                                            operator:
-                                              type: string
-                                            values:
-                                              items:
-                                                type: string
-                                              type: array
-                                          required:
-                                          - key
-                                          - operator
-                                          type: object
-                                        type: array
-                                      matchLabels:
-                                        additionalProperties:
-                                          type: string
-                                        type: object
-                                    type: object
-                                    x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                  storageClassName:
-                                    type: string
-                                  volumeMode:
-                                    type: string
-                                  volumeName:
-                                    type: string
-                                type: object
-                              status:
-                                properties:
-                                  accessModes:
-                                    items:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type: array
-                                  allocatedResources:
-                                    additionalProperties:
-                                      anyOf:
-                                      - type: integer
-                                      - type: string
-                                      pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                    type: object
-                                  capacity:
-                                    additionalProperties:
-                                      anyOf:
-                                      - type: integer
-                                      - type: string
-                                      pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                    type: object
-                                  conditions:
-                                    items:
-                                      properties:
-                                        lastProbeTime:
-                                          format: date-time
-                                          type: string
-                                        lastTransitionTime:
-                                          format: date-time
-                                          type: string
-                                        message:
-                                          type: string
-                                        reason:
-                                          type: string
-                                        status:
-                                          type: string
-                                        type:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - status
-                                      - type
-                                      type: object
-                                    type: array
-                                  phase:
-                                    type: string
-                                  resizeStatus:
-                                    type: string
-                                type: object
-                            type: object
-                          type: array
-                        sidecarVolumes:
-                          items:
-                            properties:
-                              awsElasticBlockStore:
-                                properties:
-                                  fsType:
-                                    type: string
-                                  partition:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  volumeID:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - volumeID
-                                type: object
-                              azureDisk:
-                                properties:
-                                  cachingMode:
-                                    type: string
-                                  diskName:
-                                    type: string
-                                  diskURI:
-                                    type: string
-                                  fsType:
-                                    type: string
-                                  kind:
-                                    type: string
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                required:
-                                - diskName
-                                - diskURI
-                                type: object
-                              azureFile:
-                                properties:
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  secretName:
-                                    type: string
-                                  shareName:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - secretName
-                                - shareName
-                                type: object
-                              cephfs:
-                                properties:
-                                  monitors:
-                                    items:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type: array
-                                  path:
-                                    type: string
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  secretFile:
-                                    type: string
-                                  secretRef:
-                                    properties:
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                    type: object
-                                    x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                  user:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - monitors
-                                type: object
-                              cinder:
-                                properties:
-                                  fsType:
-                                    type: string
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  secretRef:
-                                    properties:
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                    type: object
-                                    x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                  volumeID:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - volumeID
-                                type: object
-                              configMap:
-                                properties:
-                                  defaultMode:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  items:
-                                    items:
-                                      properties:
-                                        key:
-                                          type: string
-                                        mode:
-                                          format: int32
-                                          type: integer
-                                        path:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - key
-                                      - path
-                                      type: object
-                                    type: array
-                                  name:
-                                    type: string
-                                  optional:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                type: object
-                                x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                              csi:
-                                properties:
-                                  driver:
-                                    type: string
-                                  fsType:
-                                    type: string
-                                  nodePublishSecretRef:
-                                    properties:
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                    type: object
-                                    x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  volumeAttributes:
-                                    additionalProperties:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type: object
-                                required:
-                                - driver
-                                type: object
-                              downwardAPI:
-                                properties:
-                                  defaultMode:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  items:
-                                    items:
-                                      properties:
-                                        fieldRef:
-                                          properties:
-                                            apiVersion:
-                                              type: string
-                                            fieldPath:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - fieldPath
-                                          type: object
-                                          x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                        mode:
-                                          format: int32
-                                          type: integer
-                                        path:
-                                          type: string
-                                        resourceFieldRef:
-                                          properties:
-                                            containerName:
-                                              type: string
-                                            divisor:
-                                              anyOf:
-                                              - type: integer
-                                              - type: string
-                                              pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                              x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                            resource:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - resource
-                                          type: object
-                                          x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                      required:
-                                      - path
-                                      type: object
-                                    type: array
-                                type: object
-                              emptyDir:
-                                properties:
-                                  medium:
-                                    type: string
-                                  sizeLimit:
-                                    anyOf:
-                                    - type: integer
-                                    - type: string
-                                    pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                type: object
-                              ephemeral:
-                                properties:
-                                  volumeClaimTemplate:
-                                    properties:
-                                      metadata:
-                                        type: object
-                                      spec:
-                                        properties:
-                                          accessModes:
-                                            items:
-                                              type: string
-                                            type: array
-                                          dataSource:
-                                            properties:
-                                              apiGroup:
-                                                type: string
-                                              kind:
-                                                type: string
-                                              name:
-                                                type: string
-                                            required:
-                                            - kind
-                                            - name
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                          dataSourceRef:
-                                            properties:
-                                              apiGroup:
-                                                type: string
-                                              kind:
-                                                type: string
-                                              name:
-                                                type: string
-                                              namespace:
-                                                type: string
-                                            required:
-                                            - kind
-                                            - name
-                                            type: object
-                                          resources:
-                                            properties:
-                                              claims:
-                                                items:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    name:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - name
-                                                  type: object
-                                                type: array
-                                                x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                                                - name
-                                                x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                                              limits:
-                                                additionalProperties:
-                                                  anyOf:
-                                                  - type: integer
-                                                  - type: string
-                                                  pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                                type: object
-                                              requests:
-                                                additionalProperties:
-                                                  anyOf:
-                                                  - type: integer
-                                                  - type: string
-                                                  pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                                type: object
-                                            type: object
-                                          selector:
-                                            properties:
-                                              matchExpressions:
-                                                items:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    key:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    operator:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    values:
-                                                      items:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      type: array
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - key
-                                                  - operator
-                                                  type: object
-                                                type: array
-                                              matchLabels:
-                                                additionalProperties:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                type: object
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                          storageClassName:
-                                            type: string
-                                          volumeMode:
-                                            type: string
-                                          volumeName:
-                                            type: string
-                                        type: object
-                                    required:
-                                    - spec
-                                    type: object
-                                type: object
-                              fc:
-                                properties:
-                                  fsType:
-                                    type: string
-                                  lun:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  targetWWNs:
-                                    items:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type: array
-                                  wwids:
-                                    items:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type: array
-                                type: object
-                              flexVolume:
-                                properties:
-                                  driver:
-                                    type: string
-                                  fsType:
-                                    type: string
-                                  options:
-                                    additionalProperties:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type: object
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  secretRef:
-                                    properties:
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                    type: object
-                                    x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                required:
-                                - driver
-                                type: object
-                              flocker:
-                                properties:
-                                  datasetName:
-                                    type: string
-                                  datasetUUID:
-                                    type: string
-                                type: object
-                              gcePersistentDisk:
-                                properties:
-                                  fsType:
-                                    type: string
-                                  partition:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  pdName:
-                                    type: string
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                required:
-                                - pdName
-                                type: object
-                              gitRepo:
-                                properties:
-                                  directory:
-                                    type: string
-                                  repository:
-                                    type: string
-                                  revision:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - repository
-                                type: object
-                              glusterfs:
-                                properties:
-                                  endpoints:
-                                    type: string
-                                  path:
-                                    type: string
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                required:
-                                - endpoints
-                                - path
-                                type: object
-                              hostPath:
-                                properties:
-                                  path:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - path
-                                type: object
-                              iscsi:
-                                properties:
-                                  chapAuthDiscovery:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  chapAuthSession:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  fsType:
-                                    type: string
-                                  initiatorName:
-                                    type: string
-                                  iqn:
-                                    type: string
-                                  iscsiInterface:
-                                    type: string
-                                  lun:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  portals:
-                                    items:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type: array
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  secretRef:
-                                    properties:
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                    type: object
-                                    x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                  targetPortal:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - iqn
-                                - lun
-                                - targetPortal
-                                type: object
-                              name:
-                                type: string
-                              nfs:
-                                properties:
-                                  path:
-                                    type: string
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  server:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - path
-                                - server
-                                type: object
-                              persistentVolumeClaim:
-                                properties:
-                                  claimName:
-                                    type: string
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                required:
-                                - claimName
-                                type: object
-                              photonPersistentDisk:
-                                properties:
-                                  fsType:
-                                    type: string
-                                  pdID:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - pdID
-                                type: object
-                              portworxVolume:
-                                properties:
-                                  fsType:
-                                    type: string
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  volumeID:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - volumeID
-                                type: object
-                              projected:
-                                properties:
-                                  defaultMode:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  sources:
-                                    items:
-                                      properties:
-                                        configMap:
-                                          properties:
-                                            items:
-                                              items:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  key:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  mode:
-                                                    format: int32
-                                                    type: integer
-                                                  path:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                required:
-                                                - key
-                                                - path
-                                                type: object
-                                              type: array
-                                            name:
-                                              type: string
-                                            optional:
-                                              type: boolean
-                                          type: object
-                                          x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                        downwardAPI:
-                                          properties:
-                                            items:
-                                              items:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  fieldRef:
-                                                    properties:
-                                                      apiVersion:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      fieldPath:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                    required:
-                                                    - fieldPath
-                                                    type: object
-                                                    x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                                  mode:
-                                                    format: int32
-                                                    type: integer
-                                                  path:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  resourceFieldRef:
-                                                    properties:
-                                                      containerName:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      divisor:
-                                                        anyOf:
-                                                        - type: integer
-                                                        - type: string
-                                                        pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                                      resource:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                    required:
-                                                    - resource
-                                                    type: object
-                                                    x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                                required:
-                                                - path
-                                                type: object
-                                              type: array
-                                          type: object
-                                        secret:
-                                          properties:
-                                            items:
-                                              items:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  key:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  mode:
-                                                    format: int32
-                                                    type: integer
-                                                  path:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                required:
-                                                - key
-                                                - path
-                                                type: object
-                                              type: array
-                                            name:
-                                              type: string
-                                            optional:
-                                              type: boolean
-                                          type: object
-                                          x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                        serviceAccountToken:
-                                          properties:
-                                            audience:
-                                              type: string
-                                            expirationSeconds:
-                                              format: int64
-                                              type: integer
-                                            path:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - path
-                                          type: object
-                                      type: object
-                                    type: array
-                                type: object
-                              quobyte:
-                                properties:
-                                  group:
-                                    type: string
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  registry:
-                                    type: string
-                                  tenant:
-                                    type: string
-                                  user:
-                                    type: string
-                                  volume:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - registry
-                                - volume
-                                type: object
-                              rbd:
-                                properties:
-                                  fsType:
-                                    type: string
-                                  image:
-                                    type: string
-                                  keyring:
-                                    type: string
-                                  monitors:
-                                    items:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type: array
-                                  pool:
-                                    type: string
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  secretRef:
-                                    properties:
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                    type: object
-                                    x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                  user:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - image
-                                - monitors
-                                type: object
-                              scaleIO:
-                                properties:
-                                  fsType:
-                                    type: string
-                                  gateway:
-                                    type: string
-                                  protectionDomain:
-                                    type: string
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  secretRef:
-                                    properties:
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                    type: object
-                                    x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                  sslEnabled:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  storageMode:
-                                    type: string
-                                  storagePool:
-                                    type: string
-                                  system:
-                                    type: string
-                                  volumeName:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - gateway
-                                - secretRef
-                                - system
-                                type: object
-                              secret:
-                                properties:
-                                  defaultMode:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  items:
-                                    items:
-                                      properties:
-                                        key:
-                                          type: string
-                                        mode:
-                                          format: int32
-                                          type: integer
-                                        path:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - key
-                                      - path
-                                      type: object
-                                    type: array
-                                  optional:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  secretName:
-                                    type: string
-                                type: object
-                              storageos:
-                                properties:
-                                  fsType:
-                                    type: string
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  secretRef:
-                                    properties:
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                    type: object
-                                    x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                  volumeName:
-                                    type: string
-                                  volumeNamespace:
-                                    type: string
-                                type: object
-                              vsphereVolume:
-                                properties:
-                                  fsType:
-                                    type: string
-                                  storagePolicyID:
-                                    type: string
-                                  storagePolicyName:
-                                    type: string
-                                  volumePath:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - volumePath
-                                type: object
-                            required:
-                            - name
-                            type: object
-                          type: array
-                        sidecars:
-                          items:
-                            properties:
-                              args:
-                                items:
-                                  type: string
-                                type: array
-                              command:
-                                items:
-                                  type: string
-                                type: array
-                              env:
-                                items:
-                                  properties:
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                    value:
-                                      type: string
-                                    valueFrom:
-                                      properties:
-                                        configMapKeyRef:
-                                          properties:
-                                            key:
-                                              type: string
-                                            name:
-                                              type: string
-                                            optional:
-                                              type: boolean
-                                          required:
-                                          - key
-                                          type: object
-                                          x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                        fieldRef:
-                                          properties:
-                                            apiVersion:
-                                              type: string
-                                            fieldPath:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - fieldPath
-                                          type: object
-                                          x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                        resourceFieldRef:
-                                          properties:
-                                            containerName:
-                                              type: string
-                                            divisor:
-                                              anyOf:
-                                              - type: integer
-                                              - type: string
-                                              pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                              x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                            resource:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - resource
-                                          type: object
-                                          x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                        secretKeyRef:
-                                          properties:
-                                            key:
-                                              type: string
-                                            name:
-                                              type: string
-                                            optional:
-                                              type: boolean
-                                          required:
-                                          - key
-                                          type: object
-                                          x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                      type: object
-                                  required:
-                                  - name
-                                  type: object
-                                type: array
-                              envFrom:
-                                items:
-                                  properties:
-                                    configMapRef:
-                                      properties:
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                        optional:
-                                          type: boolean
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    prefix:
-                                      type: string
-                                    secretRef:
-                                      properties:
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                        optional:
-                                          type: boolean
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                  type: object
-                                type: array
-                              image:
-                                type: string
-                              imagePullPolicy:
-                                type: string
-                              lifecycle:
-                                properties:
-                                  postStart:
-                                    properties:
-                                      exec:
-                                        properties:
-                                          command:
-                                            items:
-                                              type: string
-                                            type: array
-                                        type: object
-                                      httpGet:
-                                        properties:
-                                          host:
-                                            type: string
-                                          httpHeaders:
-                                            items:
-                                              properties:
-                                                name:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                value:
-                                                  type: string
-                                              required:
-                                              - name
-                                              - value
-                                              type: object
-                                            type: array
-                                          path:
-                                            type: string
-                                          port:
-                                            anyOf:
-                                            - type: integer
-                                            - type: string
-                                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                          scheme:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - port
-                                        type: object
-                                      tcpSocket:
-                                        properties:
-                                          host:
-                                            type: string
-                                          port:
-                                            anyOf:
-                                            - type: integer
-                                            - type: string
-                                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                        required:
-                                        - port
-                                        type: object
-                                    type: object
-                                  preStop:
-                                    properties:
-                                      exec:
-                                        properties:
-                                          command:
-                                            items:
-                                              type: string
-                                            type: array
-                                        type: object
-                                      httpGet:
-                                        properties:
-                                          host:
-                                            type: string
-                                          httpHeaders:
-                                            items:
-                                              properties:
-                                                name:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                value:
-                                                  type: string
-                                              required:
-                                              - name
-                                              - value
-                                              type: object
-                                            type: array
-                                          path:
-                                            type: string
-                                          port:
-                                            anyOf:
-                                            - type: integer
-                                            - type: string
-                                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                          scheme:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - port
-                                        type: object
-                                      tcpSocket:
-                                        properties:
-                                          host:
-                                            type: string
-                                          port:
-                                            anyOf:
-                                            - type: integer
-                                            - type: string
-                                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                        required:
-                                        - port
-                                        type: object
-                                    type: object
-                                type: object
-                              livenessProbe:
-                                properties:
-                                  exec:
-                                    properties:
-                                      command:
-                                        items:
-                                          type: string
-                                        type: array
-                                    type: object
-                                  failureThreshold:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  grpc:
-                                    properties:
-                                      port:
-                                        format: int32
-                                        type: integer
-                                      service:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - port
-                                    type: object
-                                  httpGet:
-                                    properties:
-                                      host:
-                                        type: string
-                                      httpHeaders:
-                                        items:
-                                          properties:
-                                            name:
-                                              type: string
-                                            value:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - name
-                                          - value
-                                          type: object
-                                        type: array
-                                      path:
-                                        type: string
-                                      port:
-                                        anyOf:
-                                        - type: integer
-                                        - type: string
-                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                      scheme:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - port
-                                    type: object
-                                  initialDelaySeconds:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  periodSeconds:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  successThreshold:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  tcpSocket:
-                                    properties:
-                                      host:
-                                        type: string
-                                      port:
-                                        anyOf:
-                                        - type: integer
-                                        - type: string
-                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                    required:
-                                    - port
-                                    type: object
-                                  terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
-                                    format: int64
-                                    type: integer
-                                  timeoutSeconds:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                type: object
-                              name:
-                                type: string
-                              ports:
-                                items:
-                                  properties:
-                                    containerPort:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    hostIP:
-                                      type: string
-                                    hostPort:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                    protocol:
-                                      default: TCP
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - containerPort
-                                  type: object
-                                type: array
-                                x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                                - containerPort
-                                - protocol
-                                x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                              readinessProbe:
-                                properties:
-                                  exec:
-                                    properties:
-                                      command:
-                                        items:
-                                          type: string
-                                        type: array
-                                    type: object
-                                  failureThreshold:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  grpc:
-                                    properties:
-                                      port:
-                                        format: int32
-                                        type: integer
-                                      service:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - port
-                                    type: object
-                                  httpGet:
-                                    properties:
-                                      host:
-                                        type: string
-                                      httpHeaders:
-                                        items:
-                                          properties:
-                                            name:
-                                              type: string
-                                            value:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - name
-                                          - value
-                                          type: object
-                                        type: array
-                                      path:
-                                        type: string
-                                      port:
-                                        anyOf:
-                                        - type: integer
-                                        - type: string
-                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                      scheme:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - port
-                                    type: object
-                                  initialDelaySeconds:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  periodSeconds:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  successThreshold:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  tcpSocket:
-                                    properties:
-                                      host:
-                                        type: string
-                                      port:
-                                        anyOf:
-                                        - type: integer
-                                        - type: string
-                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                    required:
-                                    - port
-                                    type: object
-                                  terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
-                                    format: int64
-                                    type: integer
-                                  timeoutSeconds:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                type: object
-                              resources:
-                                properties:
-                                  claims:
-                                    items:
-                                      properties:
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - name
-                                      type: object
-                                    type: array
-                                    x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                                    - name
-                                    x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                                  limits:
-                                    additionalProperties:
-                                      anyOf:
-                                      - type: integer
-                                      - type: string
-                                      pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                    type: object
-                                  requests:
-                                    additionalProperties:
-                                      anyOf:
-                                      - type: integer
-                                      - type: string
-                                      pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                    type: object
-                                type: object
-                              securityContext:
-                                properties:
-                                  allowPrivilegeEscalation:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  capabilities:
-                                    properties:
-                                      add:
-                                        items:
-                                          type: string
-                                        type: array
-                                      drop:
-                                        items:
-                                          type: string
-                                        type: array
-                                    type: object
-                                  privileged:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  procMount:
-                                    type: string
-                                  readOnlyRootFilesystem:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  runAsGroup:
-                                    format: int64
-                                    type: integer
-                                  runAsNonRoot:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  runAsUser:
-                                    format: int64
-                                    type: integer
-                                  seLinuxOptions:
-                                    properties:
-                                      level:
-                                        type: string
-                                      role:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type:
-                                        type: string
-                                      user:
-                                        type: string
-                                    type: object
-                                  seccompProfile:
-                                    properties:
-                                      localhostProfile:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - type
-                                    type: object
-                                  windowsOptions:
-                                    properties:
-                                      gmsaCredentialSpec:
-                                        type: string
-                                      gmsaCredentialSpecName:
-                                        type: string
-                                      hostProcess:
-                                        type: boolean
-                                      runAsUserName:
-                                        type: string
-                                    type: object
-                                type: object
-                              startupProbe:
-                                properties:
-                                  exec:
-                                    properties:
-                                      command:
-                                        items:
-                                          type: string
-                                        type: array
-                                    type: object
-                                  failureThreshold:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  grpc:
-                                    properties:
-                                      port:
-                                        format: int32
-                                        type: integer
-                                      service:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - port
-                                    type: object
-                                  httpGet:
-                                    properties:
-                                      host:
-                                        type: string
-                                      httpHeaders:
-                                        items:
-                                          properties:
-                                            name:
-                                              type: string
-                                            value:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - name
-                                          - value
-                                          type: object
-                                        type: array
-                                      path:
-                                        type: string
-                                      port:
-                                        anyOf:
-                                        - type: integer
-                                        - type: string
-                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                      scheme:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - port
-                                    type: object
-                                  initialDelaySeconds:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  periodSeconds:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  successThreshold:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  tcpSocket:
-                                    properties:
-                                      host:
-                                        type: string
-                                      port:
-                                        anyOf:
-                                        - type: integer
-                                        - type: string
-                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                    required:
-                                    - port
-                                    type: object
-                                  terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
-                                    format: int64
-                                    type: integer
-                                  timeoutSeconds:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                type: object
-                              stdin:
-                                type: boolean
-                              stdinOnce:
-                                type: boolean
-                              terminationMessagePath:
-                                type: string
-                              terminationMessagePolicy:
-                                type: string
-                              tty:
-                                type: boolean
-                              volumeDevices:
-                                items:
-                                  properties:
-                                    devicePath:
-                                      type: string
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - devicePath
-                                  - name
-                                  type: object
-                                type: array
-                              volumeMounts:
-                                items:
-                                  properties:
-                                    mountPath:
-                                      type: string
-                                    mountPropagation:
-                                      type: string
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    subPath:
-                                      type: string
-                                    subPathExpr:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - mountPath
-                                  - name
-                                  type: object
-                                type: array
-                              workingDir:
-                                type: string
-                            required:
-                            - name
-                            type: object
-                          type: array
-                        size:
-                          format: int32
-                          type: integer
-                        tolerations:
-                          items:
-                            properties:
-                              effect:
-                                type: string
-                              key:
-                                type: string
-                              operator:
-                                type: string
-                              tolerationSeconds:
-                                format: int64
-                                type: integer
-                              value:
-                                type: string
-                            type: object
-                          type: array
-                      required:
-                      - enabled
-                      - size
-                      type: object
-                    clusterRole:
-                      type: string
-                    configuration:
-                      type: string
-                    containerSecurityContext:
-                      properties:
-                        allowPrivilegeEscalation:
-                          type: boolean
-                        capabilities:
-                          properties:
-                            add:
-                              items:
-                                type: string
-                              type: array
-                            drop:
-                              items:
-                                type: string
-                              type: array
-                          type: object
-                        privileged:
-                          type: boolean
-                        procMount:
-                          type: string
-                        readOnlyRootFilesystem:
-                          type: boolean
-                        runAsGroup:
-                          format: int64
-                          type: integer
-                        runAsNonRoot:
-                          type: boolean
-                        runAsUser:
-                          format: int64
-                          type: integer
-                        seLinuxOptions:
-                          properties:
-                            level:
-                              type: string
-                            role:
-                              type: string
-                            type:
-                              type: string
-                            user:
-                              type: string
-                          type: object
-                        seccompProfile:
-                          properties:
-                            localhostProfile:
-                              type: string
-                            type:
-                              type: string
-                          required:
-                          - type
-                          type: object
-                        windowsOptions:
-                          properties:
-                            gmsaCredentialSpec:
-                              type: string
-                            gmsaCredentialSpecName:
-                              type: string
-                            hostProcess:
-                              type: boolean
-                            runAsUserName:
-                              type: string
-                          type: object
-                      type: object
-                    expose:
-                      properties:
-                        enabled:
-                          type: boolean
-                        exposeType:
-                          type: string
-                        loadBalancerSourceRanges:
-                          items:
-                            type: string
-                          type: array
-                        serviceAnnotations:
-                          additionalProperties:
-                            type: string
-                          type: object
-                        serviceLabels:
-                          additionalProperties:
-                            type: string
-                          type: object
-                      required:
-                      - enabled
-                      type: object
-                    externalNodes:
-                      items:
-                        properties:
-                          host:
-                            type: string
-                          port:
-                            type: integer
-                          priority:
-                            type: integer
-                          votes:
-                            type: integer
-                        required:
-                        - host
-                        - priority
-                        - votes
-                        type: object
-                      type: array
-                    labels:
-                      additionalProperties:
-                        type: string
-                      type: object
-                    livenessProbe:
-                      properties:
-                        exec:
-                          properties:
-                            command:
-                              items:
-                                type: string
-                              type: array
-                          type: object
-                        failureThreshold:
-                          format: int32
-                          type: integer
-                        grpc:
-                          properties:
-                            port:
-                              format: int32
-                              type: integer
-                            service:
-                              type: string
-                          required:
-                          - port
-                          type: object
-                        httpGet:
-                          properties:
-                            host:
-                              type: string
-                            httpHeaders:
-                              items:
-                                properties:
-                                  name:
-                                    type: string
-                                  value:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - name
-                                - value
-                                type: object
-                              type: array
-                            path:
-                              type: string
-                            port:
-                              anyOf:
-                              - type: integer
-                              - type: string
-                              x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                            scheme:
-                              type: string
-                          required:
-                          - port
-                          type: object
-                        initialDelaySeconds:
-                          format: int32
-                          type: integer
-                        periodSeconds:
-                          format: int32
-                          type: integer
-                        startupDelaySeconds:
-                          type: integer
-                        successThreshold:
-                          format: int32
-                          type: integer
-                        tcpSocket:
-                          properties:
-                            host:
-                              type: string
-                            port:
-                              anyOf:
-                              - type: integer
-                              - type: string
-                              x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                          required:
-                          - port
-                          type: object
-                        terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
-                          format: int64
-                          type: integer
-                        timeoutSeconds:
-                          format: int32
-                          type: integer
-                      type: object
-                    name:
-                      type: string
-                    nodeSelector:
-                      additionalProperties:
-                        type: string
-                      type: object
-                    nonvoting:
-                      properties:
-                        affinity:
-                          properties:
-                            advanced:
-                              properties:
-                                nodeAffinity:
-                                  properties:
-                                    preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          preference:
-                                            properties:
-                                              matchExpressions:
-                                                items:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    key:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    operator:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    values:
-                                                      items:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      type: array
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - key
-                                                  - operator
-                                                  type: object
-                                                type: array
-                                              matchFields:
-                                                items:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    key:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    operator:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    values:
-                                                      items:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      type: array
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - key
-                                                  - operator
-                                                  type: object
-                                                type: array
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                          weight:
-                                            format: int32
-                                            type: integer
-                                        required:
-                                        - preference
-                                        - weight
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                    requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                      properties:
-                                        nodeSelectorTerms:
-                                          items:
-                                            properties:
-                                              matchExpressions:
-                                                items:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    key:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    operator:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    values:
-                                                      items:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      type: array
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - key
-                                                  - operator
-                                                  type: object
-                                                type: array
-                                              matchFields:
-                                                items:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    key:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    operator:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    values:
-                                                      items:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      type: array
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - key
-                                                  - operator
-                                                  type: object
-                                                type: array
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                          type: array
-                                      required:
-                                      - nodeSelectorTerms
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                  type: object
-                                podAffinity:
-                                  properties:
-                                    preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          podAffinityTerm:
-                                            properties:
-                                              labelSelector:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  matchExpressions:
-                                                    items:
-                                                      properties:
-                                                        key:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        operator:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        values:
-                                                          items:
-                                                            type: string
-                                                          type: array
-                                                      required:
-                                                      - key
-                                                      - operator
-                                                      type: object
-                                                    type: array
-                                                  matchLabels:
-                                                    additionalProperties:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    type: object
-                                                type: object
-                                                x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                              namespaceSelector:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  matchExpressions:
-                                                    items:
-                                                      properties:
-                                                        key:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        operator:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        values:
-                                                          items:
-                                                            type: string
-                                                          type: array
-                                                      required:
-                                                      - key
-                                                      - operator
-                                                      type: object
-                                                    type: array
-                                                  matchLabels:
-                                                    additionalProperties:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    type: object
-                                                type: object
-                                                x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                              namespaces:
-                                                items:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                type: array
-                                              topologyKey:
-                                                type: string
-                                            required:
-                                            - topologyKey
-                                            type: object
-                                          weight:
-                                            format: int32
-                                            type: integer
-                                        required:
-                                        - podAffinityTerm
-                                        - weight
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                    requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          labelSelector:
-                                            properties:
-                                              matchExpressions:
-                                                items:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    key:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    operator:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    values:
-                                                      items:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      type: array
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - key
-                                                  - operator
-                                                  type: object
-                                                type: array
-                                              matchLabels:
-                                                additionalProperties:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                type: object
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                          namespaceSelector:
-                                            properties:
-                                              matchExpressions:
-                                                items:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    key:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    operator:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    values:
-                                                      items:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      type: array
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - key
-                                                  - operator
-                                                  type: object
-                                                type: array
-                                              matchLabels:
-                                                additionalProperties:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                type: object
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                          namespaces:
-                                            items:
-                                              type: string
-                                            type: array
-                                          topologyKey:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - topologyKey
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                  type: object
-                                podAntiAffinity:
-                                  properties:
-                                    preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          podAffinityTerm:
-                                            properties:
-                                              labelSelector:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  matchExpressions:
-                                                    items:
-                                                      properties:
-                                                        key:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        operator:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        values:
-                                                          items:
-                                                            type: string
-                                                          type: array
-                                                      required:
-                                                      - key
-                                                      - operator
-                                                      type: object
-                                                    type: array
-                                                  matchLabels:
-                                                    additionalProperties:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    type: object
-                                                type: object
-                                                x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                              namespaceSelector:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  matchExpressions:
-                                                    items:
-                                                      properties:
-                                                        key:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        operator:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        values:
-                                                          items:
-                                                            type: string
-                                                          type: array
-                                                      required:
-                                                      - key
-                                                      - operator
-                                                      type: object
-                                                    type: array
-                                                  matchLabels:
-                                                    additionalProperties:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    type: object
-                                                type: object
-                                                x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                              namespaces:
-                                                items:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                type: array
-                                              topologyKey:
-                                                type: string
-                                            required:
-                                            - topologyKey
-                                            type: object
-                                          weight:
-                                            format: int32
-                                            type: integer
-                                        required:
-                                        - podAffinityTerm
-                                        - weight
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                    requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          labelSelector:
-                                            properties:
-                                              matchExpressions:
-                                                items:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    key:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    operator:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    values:
-                                                      items:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      type: array
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - key
-                                                  - operator
-                                                  type: object
-                                                type: array
-                                              matchLabels:
-                                                additionalProperties:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                type: object
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                          namespaceSelector:
-                                            properties:
-                                              matchExpressions:
-                                                items:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    key:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    operator:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    values:
-                                                      items:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      type: array
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - key
-                                                  - operator
-                                                  type: object
-                                                type: array
-                                              matchLabels:
-                                                additionalProperties:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                type: object
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                          namespaces:
-                                            items:
-                                              type: string
-                                            type: array
-                                          topologyKey:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - topologyKey
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                  type: object
-                              type: object
-                            antiAffinityTopologyKey:
-                              type: string
-                          type: object
-                        annotations:
-                          additionalProperties:
-                            type: string
-                          type: object
-                        configuration:
-                          type: string
-                        containerSecurityContext:
-                          properties:
-                            allowPrivilegeEscalation:
-                              type: boolean
-                            capabilities:
-                              properties:
-                                add:
-                                  items:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type: array
-                                drop:
-                                  items:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type: array
-                              type: object
-                            privileged:
-                              type: boolean
-                            procMount:
-                              type: string
-                            readOnlyRootFilesystem:
-                              type: boolean
-                            runAsGroup:
-                              format: int64
-                              type: integer
-                            runAsNonRoot:
-                              type: boolean
-                            runAsUser:
-                              format: int64
-                              type: integer
-                            seLinuxOptions:
-                              properties:
-                                level:
-                                  type: string
-                                role:
-                                  type: string
-                                type:
-                                  type: string
-                                user:
-                                  type: string
-                              type: object
-                            seccompProfile:
-                              properties:
-                                localhostProfile:
-                                  type: string
-                                type:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - type
-                              type: object
-                            windowsOptions:
-                              properties:
-                                gmsaCredentialSpec:
-                                  type: string
-                                gmsaCredentialSpecName:
-                                  type: string
-                                hostProcess:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                runAsUserName:
-                                  type: string
-                              type: object
-                          type: object
-                        enabled:
-                          type: boolean
-                        labels:
-                          additionalProperties:
-                            type: string
-                          type: object
-                        livenessProbe:
-                          properties:
-                            exec:
-                              properties:
-                                command:
-                                  items:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type: array
-                              type: object
-                            failureThreshold:
-                              format: int32
-                              type: integer
-                            grpc:
-                              properties:
-                                port:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                service:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - port
-                              type: object
-                            httpGet:
-                              properties:
-                                host:
-                                  type: string
-                                httpHeaders:
-                                  items:
-                                    properties:
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                      value:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - name
-                                    - value
-                                    type: object
-                                  type: array
-                                path:
-                                  type: string
-                                port:
-                                  anyOf:
-                                  - type: integer
-                                  - type: string
-                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                scheme:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - port
-                              type: object
-                            initialDelaySeconds:
-                              format: int32
-                              type: integer
-                            periodSeconds:
-                              format: int32
-                              type: integer
-                            startupDelaySeconds:
-                              type: integer
-                            successThreshold:
-                              format: int32
-                              type: integer
-                            tcpSocket:
-                              properties:
-                                host:
-                                  type: string
-                                port:
-                                  anyOf:
-                                  - type: integer
-                                  - type: string
-                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                              required:
-                              - port
-                              type: object
-                            terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
-                              format: int64
-                              type: integer
-                            timeoutSeconds:
-                              format: int32
-                              type: integer
-                          type: object
-                        nodeSelector:
-                          additionalProperties:
-                            type: string
-                          type: object
-                        podDisruptionBudget:
-                          properties:
-                            maxUnavailable:
-                              anyOf:
-                              - type: integer
-                              - type: string
-                              x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                            minAvailable:
-                              anyOf:
-                              - type: integer
-                              - type: string
-                              x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                          type: object
-                        podSecurityContext:
-                          properties:
-                            fsGroup:
-                              format: int64
-                              type: integer
-                            fsGroupChangePolicy:
-                              type: string
-                            runAsGroup:
-                              format: int64
-                              type: integer
-                            runAsNonRoot:
-                              type: boolean
-                            runAsUser:
-                              format: int64
-                              type: integer
-                            seLinuxOptions:
-                              properties:
-                                level:
-                                  type: string
-                                role:
-                                  type: string
-                                type:
-                                  type: string
-                                user:
-                                  type: string
-                              type: object
-                            seccompProfile:
-                              properties:
-                                localhostProfile:
-                                  type: string
-                                type:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - type
-                              type: object
-                            supplementalGroups:
-                              items:
-                                format: int64
-                                type: integer
-                              type: array
-                            sysctls:
-                              items:
-                                properties:
-                                  name:
-                                    type: string
-                                  value:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - name
-                                - value
-                                type: object
-                              type: array
-                            windowsOptions:
-                              properties:
-                                gmsaCredentialSpec:
-                                  type: string
-                                gmsaCredentialSpecName:
-                                  type: string
-                                hostProcess:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                runAsUserName:
-                                  type: string
-                              type: object
-                          type: object
-                        priorityClassName:
-                          type: string
-                        readinessProbe:
-                          properties:
-                            exec:
-                              properties:
-                                command:
-                                  items:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type: array
-                              type: object
-                            failureThreshold:
-                              format: int32
-                              type: integer
-                            grpc:
-                              properties:
-                                port:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                service:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - port
-                              type: object
-                            httpGet:
-                              properties:
-                                host:
-                                  type: string
-                                httpHeaders:
-                                  items:
-                                    properties:
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                      value:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - name
-                                    - value
-                                    type: object
-                                  type: array
-                                path:
-                                  type: string
-                                port:
-                                  anyOf:
-                                  - type: integer
-                                  - type: string
-                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                scheme:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - port
-                              type: object
-                            initialDelaySeconds:
-                              format: int32
-                              type: integer
-                            periodSeconds:
-                              format: int32
-                              type: integer
-                            successThreshold:
-                              format: int32
-                              type: integer
-                            tcpSocket:
-                              properties:
-                                host:
-                                  type: string
-                                port:
-                                  anyOf:
-                                  - type: integer
-                                  - type: string
-                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                              required:
-                              - port
-                              type: object
-                            terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
-                              format: int64
-                              type: integer
-                            timeoutSeconds:
-                              format: int32
-                              type: integer
-                          type: object
-                        resources:
-                          properties:
-                            claims:
-                              items:
-                                properties:
-                                  name:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - name
-                                type: object
-                              type: array
-                              x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                              - name
-                              x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                            limits:
-                              additionalProperties:
-                                anyOf:
-                                - type: integer
-                                - type: string
-                                pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                              type: object
-                            requests:
-                              additionalProperties:
-                                anyOf:
-                                - type: integer
-                                - type: string
-                                pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                              type: object
-                          type: object
-                        runtimeClassName:
-                          type: string
-                        serviceAccountName:
-                          type: string
-                        sidecarPVCs:
-                          items:
-                            properties:
-                              apiVersion:
-                                type: string
-                              kind:
-                                type: string
-                              metadata:
-                                type: object
-                              spec:
-                                properties:
-                                  accessModes:
-                                    items:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type: array
-                                  dataSource:
-                                    properties:
-                                      apiGroup:
-                                        type: string
-                                      kind:
-                                        type: string
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - kind
-                                    - name
-                                    type: object
-                                    x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                  dataSourceRef:
-                                    properties:
-                                      apiGroup:
-                                        type: string
-                                      kind:
-                                        type: string
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                      namespace:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - kind
-                                    - name
-                                    type: object
-                                  resources:
-                                    properties:
-                                      claims:
-                                        items:
-                                          properties:
-                                            name:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - name
-                                          type: object
-                                        type: array
-                                        x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                                        - name
-                                        x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                                      limits:
-                                        additionalProperties:
-                                          anyOf:
-                                          - type: integer
-                                          - type: string
-                                          pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                        type: object
-                                      requests:
-                                        additionalProperties:
-                                          anyOf:
-                                          - type: integer
-                                          - type: string
-                                          pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                        type: object
-                                    type: object
-                                  selector:
-                                    properties:
-                                      matchExpressions:
-                                        items:
-                                          properties:
-                                            key:
-                                              type: string
-                                            operator:
-                                              type: string
-                                            values:
-                                              items:
-                                                type: string
-                                              type: array
-                                          required:
-                                          - key
-                                          - operator
-                                          type: object
-                                        type: array
-                                      matchLabels:
-                                        additionalProperties:
-                                          type: string
-                                        type: object
-                                    type: object
-                                    x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                  storageClassName:
-                                    type: string
-                                  volumeMode:
-                                    type: string
-                                  volumeName:
-                                    type: string
-                                type: object
-                              status:
-                                properties:
-                                  accessModes:
-                                    items:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type: array
-                                  allocatedResources:
-                                    additionalProperties:
-                                      anyOf:
-                                      - type: integer
-                                      - type: string
-                                      pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                    type: object
-                                  capacity:
-                                    additionalProperties:
-                                      anyOf:
-                                      - type: integer
-                                      - type: string
-                                      pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                    type: object
-                                  conditions:
-                                    items:
-                                      properties:
-                                        lastProbeTime:
-                                          format: date-time
-                                          type: string
-                                        lastTransitionTime:
-                                          format: date-time
-                                          type: string
-                                        message:
-                                          type: string
-                                        reason:
-                                          type: string
-                                        status:
-                                          type: string
-                                        type:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - status
-                                      - type
-                                      type: object
-                                    type: array
-                                  phase:
-                                    type: string
-                                  resizeStatus:
-                                    type: string
-                                type: object
-                            type: object
-                          type: array
-                        sidecarVolumes:
-                          items:
-                            properties:
-                              awsElasticBlockStore:
-                                properties:
-                                  fsType:
-                                    type: string
-                                  partition:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  volumeID:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - volumeID
-                                type: object
-                              azureDisk:
-                                properties:
-                                  cachingMode:
-                                    type: string
-                                  diskName:
-                                    type: string
-                                  diskURI:
-                                    type: string
-                                  fsType:
-                                    type: string
-                                  kind:
-                                    type: string
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                required:
-                                - diskName
-                                - diskURI
-                                type: object
-                              azureFile:
-                                properties:
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  secretName:
-                                    type: string
-                                  shareName:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - secretName
-                                - shareName
-                                type: object
-                              cephfs:
-                                properties:
-                                  monitors:
-                                    items:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type: array
-                                  path:
-                                    type: string
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  secretFile:
-                                    type: string
-                                  secretRef:
-                                    properties:
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                    type: object
-                                    x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                  user:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - monitors
-                                type: object
-                              cinder:
-                                properties:
-                                  fsType:
-                                    type: string
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  secretRef:
-                                    properties:
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                    type: object
-                                    x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                  volumeID:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - volumeID
-                                type: object
-                              configMap:
-                                properties:
-                                  defaultMode:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  items:
-                                    items:
-                                      properties:
-                                        key:
-                                          type: string
-                                        mode:
-                                          format: int32
-                                          type: integer
-                                        path:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - key
-                                      - path
-                                      type: object
-                                    type: array
-                                  name:
-                                    type: string
-                                  optional:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                type: object
-                                x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                              csi:
-                                properties:
-                                  driver:
-                                    type: string
-                                  fsType:
-                                    type: string
-                                  nodePublishSecretRef:
-                                    properties:
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                    type: object
-                                    x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  volumeAttributes:
-                                    additionalProperties:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type: object
-                                required:
-                                - driver
-                                type: object
-                              downwardAPI:
-                                properties:
-                                  defaultMode:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  items:
-                                    items:
-                                      properties:
-                                        fieldRef:
-                                          properties:
-                                            apiVersion:
-                                              type: string
-                                            fieldPath:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - fieldPath
-                                          type: object
-                                          x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                        mode:
-                                          format: int32
-                                          type: integer
-                                        path:
-                                          type: string
-                                        resourceFieldRef:
-                                          properties:
-                                            containerName:
-                                              type: string
-                                            divisor:
-                                              anyOf:
-                                              - type: integer
-                                              - type: string
-                                              pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                              x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                            resource:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - resource
-                                          type: object
-                                          x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                      required:
-                                      - path
-                                      type: object
-                                    type: array
-                                type: object
-                              emptyDir:
-                                properties:
-                                  medium:
-                                    type: string
-                                  sizeLimit:
-                                    anyOf:
-                                    - type: integer
-                                    - type: string
-                                    pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                type: object
-                              ephemeral:
-                                properties:
-                                  volumeClaimTemplate:
-                                    properties:
-                                      metadata:
-                                        type: object
-                                      spec:
-                                        properties:
-                                          accessModes:
-                                            items:
-                                              type: string
-                                            type: array
-                                          dataSource:
-                                            properties:
-                                              apiGroup:
-                                                type: string
-                                              kind:
-                                                type: string
-                                              name:
-                                                type: string
-                                            required:
-                                            - kind
-                                            - name
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                          dataSourceRef:
-                                            properties:
-                                              apiGroup:
-                                                type: string
-                                              kind:
-                                                type: string
-                                              name:
-                                                type: string
-                                              namespace:
-                                                type: string
-                                            required:
-                                            - kind
-                                            - name
-                                            type: object
-                                          resources:
-                                            properties:
-                                              claims:
-                                                items:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    name:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - name
-                                                  type: object
-                                                type: array
-                                                x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                                                - name
-                                                x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                                              limits:
-                                                additionalProperties:
-                                                  anyOf:
-                                                  - type: integer
-                                                  - type: string
-                                                  pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                                type: object
-                                              requests:
-                                                additionalProperties:
-                                                  anyOf:
-                                                  - type: integer
-                                                  - type: string
-                                                  pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                                type: object
-                                            type: object
-                                          selector:
-                                            properties:
-                                              matchExpressions:
-                                                items:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    key:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    operator:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    values:
-                                                      items:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      type: array
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - key
-                                                  - operator
-                                                  type: object
-                                                type: array
-                                              matchLabels:
-                                                additionalProperties:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                type: object
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                          storageClassName:
-                                            type: string
-                                          volumeMode:
-                                            type: string
-                                          volumeName:
-                                            type: string
-                                        type: object
-                                    required:
-                                    - spec
-                                    type: object
-                                type: object
-                              fc:
-                                properties:
-                                  fsType:
-                                    type: string
-                                  lun:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  targetWWNs:
-                                    items:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type: array
-                                  wwids:
-                                    items:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type: array
-                                type: object
-                              flexVolume:
-                                properties:
-                                  driver:
-                                    type: string
-                                  fsType:
-                                    type: string
-                                  options:
-                                    additionalProperties:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type: object
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  secretRef:
-                                    properties:
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                    type: object
-                                    x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                required:
-                                - driver
-                                type: object
-                              flocker:
-                                properties:
-                                  datasetName:
-                                    type: string
-                                  datasetUUID:
-                                    type: string
-                                type: object
-                              gcePersistentDisk:
-                                properties:
-                                  fsType:
-                                    type: string
-                                  partition:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  pdName:
-                                    type: string
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                required:
-                                - pdName
-                                type: object
-                              gitRepo:
-                                properties:
-                                  directory:
-                                    type: string
-                                  repository:
-                                    type: string
-                                  revision:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - repository
-                                type: object
-                              glusterfs:
-                                properties:
-                                  endpoints:
-                                    type: string
-                                  path:
-                                    type: string
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                required:
-                                - endpoints
-                                - path
-                                type: object
-                              hostPath:
-                                properties:
-                                  path:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - path
-                                type: object
-                              iscsi:
-                                properties:
-                                  chapAuthDiscovery:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  chapAuthSession:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  fsType:
-                                    type: string
-                                  initiatorName:
-                                    type: string
-                                  iqn:
-                                    type: string
-                                  iscsiInterface:
-                                    type: string
-                                  lun:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  portals:
-                                    items:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type: array
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  secretRef:
-                                    properties:
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                    type: object
-                                    x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                  targetPortal:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - iqn
-                                - lun
-                                - targetPortal
-                                type: object
-                              name:
-                                type: string
-                              nfs:
-                                properties:
-                                  path:
-                                    type: string
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  server:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - path
-                                - server
-                                type: object
-                              persistentVolumeClaim:
-                                properties:
-                                  claimName:
-                                    type: string
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                required:
-                                - claimName
-                                type: object
-                              photonPersistentDisk:
-                                properties:
-                                  fsType:
-                                    type: string
-                                  pdID:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - pdID
-                                type: object
-                              portworxVolume:
-                                properties:
-                                  fsType:
-                                    type: string
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  volumeID:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - volumeID
-                                type: object
-                              projected:
-                                properties:
-                                  defaultMode:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  sources:
-                                    items:
-                                      properties:
-                                        configMap:
-                                          properties:
-                                            items:
-                                              items:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  key:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  mode:
-                                                    format: int32
-                                                    type: integer
-                                                  path:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                required:
-                                                - key
-                                                - path
-                                                type: object
-                                              type: array
-                                            name:
-                                              type: string
-                                            optional:
-                                              type: boolean
-                                          type: object
-                                          x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                        downwardAPI:
-                                          properties:
-                                            items:
-                                              items:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  fieldRef:
-                                                    properties:
-                                                      apiVersion:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      fieldPath:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                    required:
-                                                    - fieldPath
-                                                    type: object
-                                                    x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                                  mode:
-                                                    format: int32
-                                                    type: integer
-                                                  path:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  resourceFieldRef:
-                                                    properties:
-                                                      containerName:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      divisor:
-                                                        anyOf:
-                                                        - type: integer
-                                                        - type: string
-                                                        pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                                      resource:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                    required:
-                                                    - resource
-                                                    type: object
-                                                    x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                                required:
-                                                - path
-                                                type: object
-                                              type: array
-                                          type: object
-                                        secret:
-                                          properties:
-                                            items:
-                                              items:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  key:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  mode:
-                                                    format: int32
-                                                    type: integer
-                                                  path:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                required:
-                                                - key
-                                                - path
-                                                type: object
-                                              type: array
-                                            name:
-                                              type: string
-                                            optional:
-                                              type: boolean
-                                          type: object
-                                          x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                        serviceAccountToken:
-                                          properties:
-                                            audience:
-                                              type: string
-                                            expirationSeconds:
-                                              format: int64
-                                              type: integer
-                                            path:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - path
-                                          type: object
-                                      type: object
-                                    type: array
-                                type: object
-                              quobyte:
-                                properties:
-                                  group:
-                                    type: string
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  registry:
-                                    type: string
-                                  tenant:
-                                    type: string
-                                  user:
-                                    type: string
-                                  volume:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - registry
-                                - volume
-                                type: object
-                              rbd:
-                                properties:
-                                  fsType:
-                                    type: string
-                                  image:
-                                    type: string
-                                  keyring:
-                                    type: string
-                                  monitors:
-                                    items:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type: array
-                                  pool:
-                                    type: string
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  secretRef:
-                                    properties:
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                    type: object
-                                    x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                  user:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - image
-                                - monitors
-                                type: object
-                              scaleIO:
-                                properties:
-                                  fsType:
-                                    type: string
-                                  gateway:
-                                    type: string
-                                  protectionDomain:
-                                    type: string
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  secretRef:
-                                    properties:
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                    type: object
-                                    x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                  sslEnabled:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  storageMode:
-                                    type: string
-                                  storagePool:
-                                    type: string
-                                  system:
-                                    type: string
-                                  volumeName:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - gateway
-                                - secretRef
-                                - system
-                                type: object
-                              secret:
-                                properties:
-                                  defaultMode:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  items:
-                                    items:
-                                      properties:
-                                        key:
-                                          type: string
-                                        mode:
-                                          format: int32
-                                          type: integer
-                                        path:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - key
-                                      - path
-                                      type: object
-                                    type: array
-                                  optional:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  secretName:
-                                    type: string
-                                type: object
-                              storageos:
-                                properties:
-                                  fsType:
-                                    type: string
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  secretRef:
-                                    properties:
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                    type: object
-                                    x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                  volumeName:
-                                    type: string
-                                  volumeNamespace:
-                                    type: string
-                                type: object
-                              vsphereVolume:
-                                properties:
-                                  fsType:
-                                    type: string
-                                  storagePolicyID:
-                                    type: string
-                                  storagePolicyName:
-                                    type: string
-                                  volumePath:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - volumePath
-                                type: object
-                            required:
-                            - name
-                            type: object
-                          type: array
-                        sidecars:
-                          items:
-                            properties:
-                              args:
-                                items:
-                                  type: string
-                                type: array
-                              command:
-                                items:
-                                  type: string
-                                type: array
-                              env:
-                                items:
-                                  properties:
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                    value:
-                                      type: string
-                                    valueFrom:
-                                      properties:
-                                        configMapKeyRef:
-                                          properties:
-                                            key:
-                                              type: string
-                                            name:
-                                              type: string
-                                            optional:
-                                              type: boolean
-                                          required:
-                                          - key
-                                          type: object
-                                          x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                        fieldRef:
-                                          properties:
-                                            apiVersion:
-                                              type: string
-                                            fieldPath:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - fieldPath
-                                          type: object
-                                          x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                        resourceFieldRef:
-                                          properties:
-                                            containerName:
-                                              type: string
-                                            divisor:
-                                              anyOf:
-                                              - type: integer
-                                              - type: string
-                                              pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                              x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                            resource:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - resource
-                                          type: object
-                                          x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                        secretKeyRef:
-                                          properties:
-                                            key:
-                                              type: string
-                                            name:
-                                              type: string
-                                            optional:
-                                              type: boolean
-                                          required:
-                                          - key
-                                          type: object
-                                          x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                      type: object
-                                  required:
-                                  - name
-                                  type: object
-                                type: array
-                              envFrom:
-                                items:
-                                  properties:
-                                    configMapRef:
-                                      properties:
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                        optional:
-                                          type: boolean
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    prefix:
-                                      type: string
-                                    secretRef:
-                                      properties:
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                        optional:
-                                          type: boolean
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                  type: object
-                                type: array
-                              image:
-                                type: string
-                              imagePullPolicy:
-                                type: string
-                              lifecycle:
-                                properties:
-                                  postStart:
-                                    properties:
-                                      exec:
-                                        properties:
-                                          command:
-                                            items:
-                                              type: string
-                                            type: array
-                                        type: object
-                                      httpGet:
-                                        properties:
-                                          host:
-                                            type: string
-                                          httpHeaders:
-                                            items:
-                                              properties:
-                                                name:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                value:
-                                                  type: string
-                                              required:
-                                              - name
-                                              - value
-                                              type: object
-                                            type: array
-                                          path:
-                                            type: string
-                                          port:
-                                            anyOf:
-                                            - type: integer
-                                            - type: string
-                                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                          scheme:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - port
-                                        type: object
-                                      tcpSocket:
-                                        properties:
-                                          host:
-                                            type: string
-                                          port:
-                                            anyOf:
-                                            - type: integer
-                                            - type: string
-                                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                        required:
-                                        - port
-                                        type: object
-                                    type: object
-                                  preStop:
-                                    properties:
-                                      exec:
-                                        properties:
-                                          command:
-                                            items:
-                                              type: string
-                                            type: array
-                                        type: object
-                                      httpGet:
-                                        properties:
-                                          host:
-                                            type: string
-                                          httpHeaders:
-                                            items:
-                                              properties:
-                                                name:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                value:
-                                                  type: string
-                                              required:
-                                              - name
-                                              - value
-                                              type: object
-                                            type: array
-                                          path:
-                                            type: string
-                                          port:
-                                            anyOf:
-                                            - type: integer
-                                            - type: string
-                                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                          scheme:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - port
-                                        type: object
-                                      tcpSocket:
-                                        properties:
-                                          host:
-                                            type: string
-                                          port:
-                                            anyOf:
-                                            - type: integer
-                                            - type: string
-                                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                        required:
-                                        - port
-                                        type: object
-                                    type: object
-                                type: object
-                              livenessProbe:
-                                properties:
-                                  exec:
-                                    properties:
-                                      command:
-                                        items:
-                                          type: string
-                                        type: array
-                                    type: object
-                                  failureThreshold:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  grpc:
-                                    properties:
-                                      port:
-                                        format: int32
-                                        type: integer
-                                      service:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - port
-                                    type: object
-                                  httpGet:
-                                    properties:
-                                      host:
-                                        type: string
-                                      httpHeaders:
-                                        items:
-                                          properties:
-                                            name:
-                                              type: string
-                                            value:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - name
-                                          - value
-                                          type: object
-                                        type: array
-                                      path:
-                                        type: string
-                                      port:
-                                        anyOf:
-                                        - type: integer
-                                        - type: string
-                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                      scheme:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - port
-                                    type: object
-                                  initialDelaySeconds:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  periodSeconds:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  successThreshold:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  tcpSocket:
-                                    properties:
-                                      host:
-                                        type: string
-                                      port:
-                                        anyOf:
-                                        - type: integer
-                                        - type: string
-                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                    required:
-                                    - port
-                                    type: object
-                                  terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
-                                    format: int64
-                                    type: integer
-                                  timeoutSeconds:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                type: object
-                              name:
-                                type: string
-                              ports:
-                                items:
-                                  properties:
-                                    containerPort:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    hostIP:
-                                      type: string
-                                    hostPort:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                    protocol:
-                                      default: TCP
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - containerPort
-                                  type: object
-                                type: array
-                                x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                                - containerPort
-                                - protocol
-                                x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                              readinessProbe:
-                                properties:
-                                  exec:
-                                    properties:
-                                      command:
-                                        items:
-                                          type: string
-                                        type: array
-                                    type: object
-                                  failureThreshold:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  grpc:
-                                    properties:
-                                      port:
-                                        format: int32
-                                        type: integer
-                                      service:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - port
-                                    type: object
-                                  httpGet:
-                                    properties:
-                                      host:
-                                        type: string
-                                      httpHeaders:
-                                        items:
-                                          properties:
-                                            name:
-                                              type: string
-                                            value:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - name
-                                          - value
-                                          type: object
-                                        type: array
-                                      path:
-                                        type: string
-                                      port:
-                                        anyOf:
-                                        - type: integer
-                                        - type: string
-                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                      scheme:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - port
-                                    type: object
-                                  initialDelaySeconds:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  periodSeconds:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  successThreshold:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  tcpSocket:
-                                    properties:
-                                      host:
-                                        type: string
-                                      port:
-                                        anyOf:
-                                        - type: integer
-                                        - type: string
-                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                    required:
-                                    - port
-                                    type: object
-                                  terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
-                                    format: int64
-                                    type: integer
-                                  timeoutSeconds:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                type: object
-                              resources:
-                                properties:
-                                  claims:
-                                    items:
-                                      properties:
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - name
-                                      type: object
-                                    type: array
-                                    x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                                    - name
-                                    x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                                  limits:
-                                    additionalProperties:
-                                      anyOf:
-                                      - type: integer
-                                      - type: string
-                                      pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                    type: object
-                                  requests:
-                                    additionalProperties:
-                                      anyOf:
-                                      - type: integer
-                                      - type: string
-                                      pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                    type: object
-                                type: object
-                              securityContext:
-                                properties:
-                                  allowPrivilegeEscalation:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  capabilities:
-                                    properties:
-                                      add:
-                                        items:
-                                          type: string
-                                        type: array
-                                      drop:
-                                        items:
-                                          type: string
-                                        type: array
-                                    type: object
-                                  privileged:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  procMount:
-                                    type: string
-                                  readOnlyRootFilesystem:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  runAsGroup:
-                                    format: int64
-                                    type: integer
-                                  runAsNonRoot:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  runAsUser:
-                                    format: int64
-                                    type: integer
-                                  seLinuxOptions:
-                                    properties:
-                                      level:
-                                        type: string
-                                      role:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type:
-                                        type: string
-                                      user:
-                                        type: string
-                                    type: object
-                                  seccompProfile:
-                                    properties:
-                                      localhostProfile:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - type
-                                    type: object
-                                  windowsOptions:
-                                    properties:
-                                      gmsaCredentialSpec:
-                                        type: string
-                                      gmsaCredentialSpecName:
-                                        type: string
-                                      hostProcess:
-                                        type: boolean
-                                      runAsUserName:
-                                        type: string
-                                    type: object
-                                type: object
-                              startupProbe:
-                                properties:
-                                  exec:
-                                    properties:
-                                      command:
-                                        items:
-                                          type: string
-                                        type: array
-                                    type: object
-                                  failureThreshold:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  grpc:
-                                    properties:
-                                      port:
-                                        format: int32
-                                        type: integer
-                                      service:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - port
-                                    type: object
-                                  httpGet:
-                                    properties:
-                                      host:
-                                        type: string
-                                      httpHeaders:
-                                        items:
-                                          properties:
-                                            name:
-                                              type: string
-                                            value:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - name
-                                          - value
-                                          type: object
-                                        type: array
-                                      path:
-                                        type: string
-                                      port:
-                                        anyOf:
-                                        - type: integer
-                                        - type: string
-                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                      scheme:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - port
-                                    type: object
-                                  initialDelaySeconds:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  periodSeconds:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  successThreshold:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  tcpSocket:
-                                    properties:
-                                      host:
-                                        type: string
-                                      port:
-                                        anyOf:
-                                        - type: integer
-                                        - type: string
-                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                    required:
-                                    - port
-                                    type: object
-                                  terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
-                                    format: int64
-                                    type: integer
-                                  timeoutSeconds:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                type: object
-                              stdin:
-                                type: boolean
-                              stdinOnce:
-                                type: boolean
-                              terminationMessagePath:
-                                type: string
-                              terminationMessagePolicy:
-                                type: string
-                              tty:
-                                type: boolean
-                              volumeDevices:
-                                items:
-                                  properties:
-                                    devicePath:
-                                      type: string
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - devicePath
-                                  - name
-                                  type: object
-                                type: array
-                              volumeMounts:
-                                items:
-                                  properties:
-                                    mountPath:
-                                      type: string
-                                    mountPropagation:
-                                      type: string
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    subPath:
-                                      type: string
-                                    subPathExpr:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - mountPath
-                                  - name
-                                  type: object
-                                type: array
-                              workingDir:
-                                type: string
-                            required:
-                            - name
-                            type: object
-                          type: array
-                        size:
-                          format: int32
-                          type: integer
-                        tolerations:
-                          items:
-                            properties:
-                              effect:
-                                type: string
-                              key:
-                                type: string
-                              operator:
-                                type: string
-                              tolerationSeconds:
-                                format: int64
-                                type: integer
-                              value:
-                                type: string
-                            type: object
-                          type: array
-                        volumeSpec:
-                          properties:
-                            emptyDir:
-                              properties:
-                                medium:
-                                  type: string
-                                sizeLimit:
-                                  anyOf:
-                                  - type: integer
-                                  - type: string
-                                  pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                              type: object
-                            hostPath:
-                              properties:
-                                path:
-                                  type: string
-                                type:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - path
-                              type: object
-                            persistentVolumeClaim:
-                              properties:
-                                accessModes:
-                                  items:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type: array
-                                annotations:
-                                  additionalProperties:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type: object
-                                dataSource:
-                                  properties:
-                                    apiGroup:
-                                      type: string
-                                    kind:
-                                      type: string
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - kind
-                                  - name
-                                  type: object
-                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                dataSourceRef:
-                                  properties:
-                                    apiGroup:
-                                      type: string
-                                    kind:
-                                      type: string
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                    namespace:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - kind
-                                  - name
-                                  type: object
-                                labels:
-                                  additionalProperties:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type: object
-                                resources:
-                                  properties:
-                                    claims:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          name:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - name
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                      x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                                      - name
-                                      x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                                    limits:
-                                      additionalProperties:
-                                        anyOf:
-                                        - type: integer
-                                        - type: string
-                                        pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                      type: object
-                                    requests:
-                                      additionalProperties:
-                                        anyOf:
-                                        - type: integer
-                                        - type: string
-                                        pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                      type: object
-                                  type: object
-                                selector:
-                                  properties:
-                                    matchExpressions:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          key:
-                                            type: string
-                                          operator:
-                                            type: string
-                                          values:
-                                            items:
-                                              type: string
-                                            type: array
-                                        required:
-                                        - key
-                                        - operator
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                    matchLabels:
-                                      additionalProperties:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type: object
-                                  type: object
-                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                storageClassName:
-                                  type: string
-                                volumeMode:
-                                  type: string
-                                volumeName:
-                                  type: string
-                              type: object
-                          type: object
-                      required:
-                      - enabled
-                      - size
-                      type: object
-                    podDisruptionBudget:
-                      properties:
-                        maxUnavailable:
-                          anyOf:
-                          - type: integer
-                          - type: string
-                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                        minAvailable:
-                          anyOf:
-                          - type: integer
-                          - type: string
-                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                      type: object
-                    podSecurityContext:
-                      properties:
-                        fsGroup:
-                          format: int64
-                          type: integer
-                        fsGroupChangePolicy:
-                          type: string
-                        runAsGroup:
-                          format: int64
-                          type: integer
-                        runAsNonRoot:
-                          type: boolean
-                        runAsUser:
-                          format: int64
-                          type: integer
-                        seLinuxOptions:
-                          properties:
-                            level:
-                              type: string
-                            role:
-                              type: string
-                            type:
-                              type: string
-                            user:
-                              type: string
-                          type: object
-                        seccompProfile:
-                          properties:
-                            localhostProfile:
-                              type: string
-                            type:
-                              type: string
-                          required:
-                          - type
-                          type: object
-                        supplementalGroups:
-                          items:
-                            format: int64
-                            type: integer
-                          type: array
-                        sysctls:
-                          items:
-                            properties:
-                              name:
-                                type: string
-                              value:
-                                type: string
-                            required:
-                            - name
-                            - value
-                            type: object
-                          type: array
-                        windowsOptions:
-                          properties:
-                            gmsaCredentialSpec:
-                              type: string
-                            gmsaCredentialSpecName:
-                              type: string
-                            hostProcess:
-                              type: boolean
-                            runAsUserName:
-                              type: string
-                          type: object
-                      type: object
-                    priorityClassName:
-                      type: string
-                    readinessProbe:
-                      properties:
-                        exec:
-                          properties:
-                            command:
-                              items:
-                                type: string
-                              type: array
-                          type: object
-                        failureThreshold:
-                          format: int32
-                          type: integer
-                        grpc:
-                          properties:
-                            port:
-                              format: int32
-                              type: integer
-                            service:
-                              type: string
-                          required:
-                          - port
-                          type: object
-                        httpGet:
-                          properties:
-                            host:
-                              type: string
-                            httpHeaders:
-                              items:
-                                properties:
-                                  name:
-                                    type: string
-                                  value:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - name
-                                - value
-                                type: object
-                              type: array
-                            path:
-                              type: string
-                            port:
-                              anyOf:
-                              - type: integer
-                              - type: string
-                              x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                            scheme:
-                              type: string
-                          required:
-                          - port
-                          type: object
-                        initialDelaySeconds:
-                          format: int32
-                          type: integer
-                        periodSeconds:
-                          format: int32
-                          type: integer
-                        successThreshold:
-                          format: int32
-                          type: integer
-                        tcpSocket:
-                          properties:
-                            host:
-                              type: string
-                            port:
-                              anyOf:
-                              - type: integer
-                              - type: string
-                              x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                          required:
-                          - port
-                          type: object
-                        terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
-                          format: int64
-                          type: integer
-                        timeoutSeconds:
-                          format: int32
-                          type: integer
-                      type: object
-                    resources:
-                      properties:
-                        claims:
-                          items:
-                            properties:
-                              name:
-                                type: string
-                            required:
-                            - name
-                            type: object
-                          type: array
-                          x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                          - name
-                          x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                        limits:
-                          additionalProperties:
-                            anyOf:
-                            - type: integer
-                            - type: string
-                            pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                          type: object
-                        requests:
-                          additionalProperties:
-                            anyOf:
-                            - type: integer
-                            - type: string
-                            pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                          type: object
-                      type: object
-                    runtimeClassName:
-                      type: string
-                    serviceAccountName:
-                      type: string
-                    sidecarPVCs:
-                      items:
-                        properties:
-                          apiVersion:
-                            type: string
-                          kind:
-                            type: string
-                          metadata:
-                            type: object
-                          spec:
-                            properties:
-                              accessModes:
-                                items:
-                                  type: string
-                                type: array
-                              dataSource:
-                                properties:
-                                  apiGroup:
-                                    type: string
-                                  kind:
-                                    type: string
-                                  name:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - kind
-                                - name
-                                type: object
-                                x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                              dataSourceRef:
-                                properties:
-                                  apiGroup:
-                                    type: string
-                                  kind:
-                                    type: string
-                                  name:
-                                    type: string
-                                  namespace:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - kind
-                                - name
-                                type: object
-                              resources:
-                                properties:
-                                  claims:
-                                    items:
-                                      properties:
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - name
-                                      type: object
-                                    type: array
-                                    x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                                    - name
-                                    x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                                  limits:
-                                    additionalProperties:
-                                      anyOf:
-                                      - type: integer
-                                      - type: string
-                                      pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                    type: object
-                                  requests:
-                                    additionalProperties:
-                                      anyOf:
-                                      - type: integer
-                                      - type: string
-                                      pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                    type: object
-                                type: object
-                              selector:
-                                properties:
-                                  matchExpressions:
-                                    items:
-                                      properties:
-                                        key:
-                                          type: string
-                                        operator:
-                                          type: string
-                                        values:
-                                          items:
-                                            type: string
-                                          type: array
-                                      required:
-                                      - key
-                                      - operator
-                                      type: object
-                                    type: array
-                                  matchLabels:
-                                    additionalProperties:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type: object
-                                type: object
-                                x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                              storageClassName:
-                                type: string
-                              volumeMode:
-                                type: string
-                              volumeName:
-                                type: string
-                            type: object
-                          status:
-                            properties:
-                              accessModes:
-                                items:
-                                  type: string
-                                type: array
-                              allocatedResources:
-                                additionalProperties:
-                                  anyOf:
-                                  - type: integer
-                                  - type: string
-                                  pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                type: object
-                              capacity:
-                                additionalProperties:
-                                  anyOf:
-                                  - type: integer
-                                  - type: string
-                                  pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                type: object
-                              conditions:
-                                items:
-                                  properties:
-                                    lastProbeTime:
-                                      format: date-time
-                                      type: string
-                                    lastTransitionTime:
-                                      format: date-time
-                                      type: string
-                                    message:
-                                      type: string
-                                    reason:
-                                      type: string
-                                    status:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - status
-                                  - type
-                                  type: object
-                                type: array
-                              phase:
-                                type: string
-                              resizeStatus:
-                                type: string
-                            type: object
-                        type: object
-                      type: array
-                    sidecarVolumes:
-                      items:
-                        properties:
-                          awsElasticBlockStore:
-                            properties:
-                              fsType:
-                                type: string
-                              partition:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                              readOnly:
-                                type: boolean
-                              volumeID:
-                                type: string
-                            required:
-                            - volumeID
-                            type: object
-                          azureDisk:
-                            properties:
-                              cachingMode:
-                                type: string
-                              diskName:
-                                type: string
-                              diskURI:
-                                type: string
-                              fsType:
-                                type: string
-                              kind:
-                                type: string
-                              readOnly:
-                                type: boolean
-                            required:
-                            - diskName
-                            - diskURI
-                            type: object
-                          azureFile:
-                            properties:
-                              readOnly:
-                                type: boolean
-                              secretName:
-                                type: string
-                              shareName:
-                                type: string
-                            required:
-                            - secretName
-                            - shareName
-                            type: object
-                          cephfs:
-                            properties:
-                              monitors:
-                                items:
-                                  type: string
-                                type: array
-                              path:
-                                type: string
-                              readOnly:
-                                type: boolean
-                              secretFile:
-                                type: string
-                              secretRef:
-                                properties:
-                                  name:
-                                    type: string
-                                type: object
-                                x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                              user:
-                                type: string
-                            required:
-                            - monitors
-                            type: object
-                          cinder:
-                            properties:
-                              fsType:
-                                type: string
-                              readOnly:
-                                type: boolean
-                              secretRef:
-                                properties:
-                                  name:
-                                    type: string
-                                type: object
-                                x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                              volumeID:
-                                type: string
-                            required:
-                            - volumeID
-                            type: object
-                          configMap:
-                            properties:
-                              defaultMode:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                              items:
-                                items:
-                                  properties:
-                                    key:
-                                      type: string
-                                    mode:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    path:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - key
-                                  - path
-                                  type: object
-                                type: array
-                              name:
-                                type: string
-                              optional:
-                                type: boolean
-                            type: object
-                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                          csi:
-                            properties:
-                              driver:
-                                type: string
-                              fsType:
-                                type: string
-                              nodePublishSecretRef:
-                                properties:
-                                  name:
-                                    type: string
-                                type: object
-                                x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                              readOnly:
-                                type: boolean
-                              volumeAttributes:
-                                additionalProperties:
-                                  type: string
-                                type: object
-                            required:
-                            - driver
-                            type: object
-                          downwardAPI:
-                            properties:
-                              defaultMode:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                              items:
-                                items:
-                                  properties:
-                                    fieldRef:
-                                      properties:
-                                        apiVersion:
-                                          type: string
-                                        fieldPath:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - fieldPath
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    mode:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    path:
-                                      type: string
-                                    resourceFieldRef:
-                                      properties:
-                                        containerName:
-                                          type: string
-                                        divisor:
-                                          anyOf:
-                                          - type: integer
-                                          - type: string
-                                          pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                        resource:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - resource
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                  required:
-                                  - path
-                                  type: object
-                                type: array
-                            type: object
-                          emptyDir:
-                            properties:
-                              medium:
-                                type: string
-                              sizeLimit:
-                                anyOf:
-                                - type: integer
-                                - type: string
-                                pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                            type: object
-                          ephemeral:
-                            properties:
-                              volumeClaimTemplate:
-                                properties:
-                                  metadata:
-                                    type: object
-                                  spec:
-                                    properties:
-                                      accessModes:
-                                        items:
-                                          type: string
-                                        type: array
-                                      dataSource:
-                                        properties:
-                                          apiGroup:
-                                            type: string
-                                          kind:
-                                            type: string
-                                          name:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - kind
-                                        - name
-                                        type: object
-                                        x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                      dataSourceRef:
-                                        properties:
-                                          apiGroup:
-                                            type: string
-                                          kind:
-                                            type: string
-                                          name:
-                                            type: string
-                                          namespace:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - kind
-                                        - name
-                                        type: object
-                                      resources:
-                                        properties:
-                                          claims:
-                                            items:
-                                              properties:
-                                                name:
-                                                  type: string
-                                              required:
-                                              - name
-                                              type: object
-                                            type: array
-                                            x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                                            - name
-                                            x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                                          limits:
-                                            additionalProperties:
-                                              anyOf:
-                                              - type: integer
-                                              - type: string
-                                              pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                              x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                            type: object
-                                          requests:
-                                            additionalProperties:
-                                              anyOf:
-                                              - type: integer
-                                              - type: string
-                                              pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                              x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                            type: object
-                                        type: object
-                                      selector:
-                                        properties:
-                                          matchExpressions:
-                                            items:
-                                              properties:
-                                                key:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                operator:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                values:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  type: array
-                                              required:
-                                              - key
-                                              - operator
-                                              type: object
-                                            type: array
-                                          matchLabels:
-                                            additionalProperties:
-                                              type: string
-                                            type: object
-                                        type: object
-                                        x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                      storageClassName:
-                                        type: string
-                                      volumeMode:
-                                        type: string
-                                      volumeName:
-                                        type: string
-                                    type: object
-                                required:
-                                - spec
-                                type: object
-                            type: object
-                          fc:
-                            properties:
-                              fsType:
-                                type: string
-                              lun:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                              readOnly:
-                                type: boolean
-                              targetWWNs:
-                                items:
-                                  type: string
-                                type: array
-                              wwids:
-                                items:
-                                  type: string
-                                type: array
-                            type: object
-                          flexVolume:
-                            properties:
-                              driver:
-                                type: string
-                              fsType:
-                                type: string
-                              options:
-                                additionalProperties:
-                                  type: string
-                                type: object
-                              readOnly:
-                                type: boolean
-                              secretRef:
-                                properties:
-                                  name:
-                                    type: string
-                                type: object
-                                x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                            required:
-                            - driver
-                            type: object
-                          flocker:
-                            properties:
-                              datasetName:
-                                type: string
-                              datasetUUID:
-                                type: string
-                            type: object
-                          gcePersistentDisk:
-                            properties:
-                              fsType:
-                                type: string
-                              partition:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                              pdName:
-                                type: string
-                              readOnly:
-                                type: boolean
-                            required:
-                            - pdName
-                            type: object
-                          gitRepo:
-                            properties:
-                              directory:
-                                type: string
-                              repository:
-                                type: string
-                              revision:
-                                type: string
-                            required:
-                            - repository
-                            type: object
-                          glusterfs:
-                            properties:
-                              endpoints:
-                                type: string
-                              path:
-                                type: string
-                              readOnly:
-                                type: boolean
-                            required:
-                            - endpoints
-                            - path
-                            type: object
-                          hostPath:
-                            properties:
-                              path:
-                                type: string
-                              type:
-                                type: string
-                            required:
-                            - path
-                            type: object
-                          iscsi:
-                            properties:
-                              chapAuthDiscovery:
-                                type: boolean
-                              chapAuthSession:
-                                type: boolean
-                              fsType:
-                                type: string
-                              initiatorName:
-                                type: string
-                              iqn:
-                                type: string
-                              iscsiInterface:
-                                type: string
-                              lun:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                              portals:
-                                items:
-                                  type: string
-                                type: array
-                              readOnly:
-                                type: boolean
-                              secretRef:
-                                properties:
-                                  name:
-                                    type: string
-                                type: object
-                                x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                              targetPortal:
-                                type: string
-                            required:
-                            - iqn
-                            - lun
-                            - targetPortal
-                            type: object
-                          name:
-                            type: string
-                          nfs:
-                            properties:
-                              path:
-                                type: string
-                              readOnly:
-                                type: boolean
-                              server:
-                                type: string
-                            required:
-                            - path
-                            - server
-                            type: object
-                          persistentVolumeClaim:
-                            properties:
-                              claimName:
-                                type: string
-                              readOnly:
-                                type: boolean
-                            required:
-                            - claimName
-                            type: object
-                          photonPersistentDisk:
-                            properties:
-                              fsType:
-                                type: string
-                              pdID:
-                                type: string
-                            required:
-                            - pdID
-                            type: object
-                          portworxVolume:
-                            properties:
-                              fsType:
-                                type: string
-                              readOnly:
-                                type: boolean
-                              volumeID:
-                                type: string
-                            required:
-                            - volumeID
-                            type: object
-                          projected:
-                            properties:
-                              defaultMode:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                              sources:
-                                items:
-                                  properties:
-                                    configMap:
-                                      properties:
-                                        items:
-                                          items:
-                                            properties:
-                                              key:
-                                                type: string
-                                              mode:
-                                                format: int32
-                                                type: integer
-                                              path:
-                                                type: string
-                                            required:
-                                            - key
-                                            - path
-                                            type: object
-                                          type: array
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                        optional:
-                                          type: boolean
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    downwardAPI:
-                                      properties:
-                                        items:
-                                          items:
-                                            properties:
-                                              fieldRef:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  apiVersion:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  fieldPath:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                required:
-                                                - fieldPath
-                                                type: object
-                                                x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                              mode:
-                                                format: int32
-                                                type: integer
-                                              path:
-                                                type: string
-                                              resourceFieldRef:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  containerName:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  divisor:
-                                                    anyOf:
-                                                    - type: integer
-                                                    - type: string
-                                                    pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                                  resource:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                required:
-                                                - resource
-                                                type: object
-                                                x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                            required:
-                                            - path
-                                            type: object
-                                          type: array
-                                      type: object
-                                    secret:
-                                      properties:
-                                        items:
-                                          items:
-                                            properties:
-                                              key:
-                                                type: string
-                                              mode:
-                                                format: int32
-                                                type: integer
-                                              path:
-                                                type: string
-                                            required:
-                                            - key
-                                            - path
-                                            type: object
-                                          type: array
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                        optional:
-                                          type: boolean
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    serviceAccountToken:
-                                      properties:
-                                        audience:
-                                          type: string
-                                        expirationSeconds:
-                                          format: int64
-                                          type: integer
-                                        path:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - path
-                                      type: object
-                                  type: object
-                                type: array
-                            type: object
-                          quobyte:
-                            properties:
-                              group:
-                                type: string
-                              readOnly:
-                                type: boolean
-                              registry:
-                                type: string
-                              tenant:
-                                type: string
-                              user:
-                                type: string
-                              volume:
-                                type: string
-                            required:
-                            - registry
-                            - volume
-                            type: object
-                          rbd:
-                            properties:
-                              fsType:
-                                type: string
-                              image:
-                                type: string
-                              keyring:
-                                type: string
-                              monitors:
-                                items:
-                                  type: string
-                                type: array
-                              pool:
-                                type: string
-                              readOnly:
-                                type: boolean
-                              secretRef:
-                                properties:
-                                  name:
-                                    type: string
-                                type: object
-                                x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                              user:
-                                type: string
-                            required:
-                            - image
-                            - monitors
-                            type: object
-                          scaleIO:
-                            properties:
-                              fsType:
-                                type: string
-                              gateway:
-                                type: string
-                              protectionDomain:
-                                type: string
-                              readOnly:
-                                type: boolean
-                              secretRef:
-                                properties:
-                                  name:
-                                    type: string
-                                type: object
-                                x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                              sslEnabled:
-                                type: boolean
-                              storageMode:
-                                type: string
-                              storagePool:
-                                type: string
-                              system:
-                                type: string
-                              volumeName:
-                                type: string
-                            required:
-                            - gateway
-                            - secretRef
-                            - system
-                            type: object
-                          secret:
-                            properties:
-                              defaultMode:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                              items:
-                                items:
-                                  properties:
-                                    key:
-                                      type: string
-                                    mode:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    path:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - key
-                                  - path
-                                  type: object
-                                type: array
-                              optional:
-                                type: boolean
-                              secretName:
-                                type: string
-                            type: object
-                          storageos:
-                            properties:
-                              fsType:
-                                type: string
-                              readOnly:
-                                type: boolean
-                              secretRef:
-                                properties:
-                                  name:
-                                    type: string
-                                type: object
-                                x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                              volumeName:
-                                type: string
-                              volumeNamespace:
-                                type: string
-                            type: object
-                          vsphereVolume:
-                            properties:
-                              fsType:
-                                type: string
-                              storagePolicyID:
-                                type: string
-                              storagePolicyName:
-                                type: string
-                              volumePath:
-                                type: string
-                            required:
-                            - volumePath
-                            type: object
-                        required:
-                        - name
-                        type: object
-                      type: array
-                    sidecars:
-                      items:
-                        properties:
-                          args:
-                            items:
-                              type: string
-                            type: array
-                          command:
-                            items:
-                              type: string
-                            type: array
-                          env:
-                            items:
-                              properties:
-                                name:
-                                  type: string
-                                value:
-                                  type: string
-                                valueFrom:
-                                  properties:
-                                    configMapKeyRef:
-                                      properties:
-                                        key:
-                                          type: string
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                        optional:
-                                          type: boolean
-                                      required:
-                                      - key
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    fieldRef:
-                                      properties:
-                                        apiVersion:
-                                          type: string
-                                        fieldPath:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - fieldPath
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    resourceFieldRef:
-                                      properties:
-                                        containerName:
-                                          type: string
-                                        divisor:
-                                          anyOf:
-                                          - type: integer
-                                          - type: string
-                                          pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                        resource:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - resource
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    secretKeyRef:
-                                      properties:
-                                        key:
-                                          type: string
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                        optional:
-                                          type: boolean
-                                      required:
-                                      - key
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                  type: object
-                              required:
-                              - name
-                              type: object
-                            type: array
-                          envFrom:
-                            items:
-                              properties:
-                                configMapRef:
-                                  properties:
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                    optional:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                  type: object
-                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                prefix:
-                                  type: string
-                                secretRef:
-                                  properties:
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                    optional:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                  type: object
-                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                              type: object
-                            type: array
-                          image:
-                            type: string
-                          imagePullPolicy:
-                            type: string
-                          lifecycle:
-                            properties:
-                              postStart:
-                                properties:
-                                  exec:
-                                    properties:
-                                      command:
-                                        items:
-                                          type: string
-                                        type: array
-                                    type: object
-                                  httpGet:
-                                    properties:
-                                      host:
-                                        type: string
-                                      httpHeaders:
-                                        items:
-                                          properties:
-                                            name:
-                                              type: string
-                                            value:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - name
-                                          - value
-                                          type: object
-                                        type: array
-                                      path:
-                                        type: string
-                                      port:
-                                        anyOf:
-                                        - type: integer
-                                        - type: string
-                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                      scheme:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - port
-                                    type: object
-                                  tcpSocket:
-                                    properties:
-                                      host:
-                                        type: string
-                                      port:
-                                        anyOf:
-                                        - type: integer
-                                        - type: string
-                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                    required:
-                                    - port
-                                    type: object
-                                type: object
-                              preStop:
-                                properties:
-                                  exec:
-                                    properties:
-                                      command:
-                                        items:
-                                          type: string
-                                        type: array
-                                    type: object
-                                  httpGet:
-                                    properties:
-                                      host:
-                                        type: string
-                                      httpHeaders:
-                                        items:
-                                          properties:
-                                            name:
-                                              type: string
-                                            value:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - name
-                                          - value
-                                          type: object
-                                        type: array
-                                      path:
-                                        type: string
-                                      port:
-                                        anyOf:
-                                        - type: integer
-                                        - type: string
-                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                      scheme:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - port
-                                    type: object
-                                  tcpSocket:
-                                    properties:
-                                      host:
-                                        type: string
-                                      port:
-                                        anyOf:
-                                        - type: integer
-                                        - type: string
-                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                    required:
-                                    - port
-                                    type: object
-                                type: object
-                            type: object
-                          livenessProbe:
-                            properties:
-                              exec:
-                                properties:
-                                  command:
-                                    items:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type: array
-                                type: object
-                              failureThreshold:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                              grpc:
-                                properties:
-                                  port:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  service:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - port
-                                type: object
-                              httpGet:
-                                properties:
-                                  host:
-                                    type: string
-                                  httpHeaders:
-                                    items:
-                                      properties:
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                        value:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - name
-                                      - value
-                                      type: object
-                                    type: array
-                                  path:
-                                    type: string
-                                  port:
-                                    anyOf:
-                                    - type: integer
-                                    - type: string
-                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                  scheme:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - port
-                                type: object
-                              initialDelaySeconds:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                              periodSeconds:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                              successThreshold:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                              tcpSocket:
-                                properties:
-                                  host:
-                                    type: string
-                                  port:
-                                    anyOf:
-                                    - type: integer
-                                    - type: string
-                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                required:
-                                - port
-                                type: object
-                              terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
-                                format: int64
-                                type: integer
-                              timeoutSeconds:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                            type: object
-                          name:
-                            type: string
-                          ports:
-                            items:
-                              properties:
-                                containerPort:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                hostIP:
-                                  type: string
-                                hostPort:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                name:
-                                  type: string
-                                protocol:
-                                  default: TCP
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - containerPort
-                              type: object
-                            type: array
-                            x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                            - containerPort
-                            - protocol
-                            x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                          readinessProbe:
-                            properties:
-                              exec:
-                                properties:
-                                  command:
-                                    items:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type: array
-                                type: object
-                              failureThreshold:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                              grpc:
-                                properties:
-                                  port:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  service:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - port
-                                type: object
-                              httpGet:
-                                properties:
-                                  host:
-                                    type: string
-                                  httpHeaders:
-                                    items:
-                                      properties:
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                        value:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - name
-                                      - value
-                                      type: object
-                                    type: array
-                                  path:
-                                    type: string
-                                  port:
-                                    anyOf:
-                                    - type: integer
-                                    - type: string
-                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                  scheme:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - port
-                                type: object
-                              initialDelaySeconds:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                              periodSeconds:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                              successThreshold:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                              tcpSocket:
-                                properties:
-                                  host:
-                                    type: string
-                                  port:
-                                    anyOf:
-                                    - type: integer
-                                    - type: string
-                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                required:
-                                - port
-                                type: object
-                              terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
-                                format: int64
-                                type: integer
-                              timeoutSeconds:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                            type: object
-                          resources:
-                            properties:
-                              claims:
-                                items:
-                                  properties:
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - name
-                                  type: object
-                                type: array
-                                x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                                - name
-                                x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                              limits:
-                                additionalProperties:
-                                  anyOf:
-                                  - type: integer
-                                  - type: string
-                                  pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                type: object
-                              requests:
-                                additionalProperties:
-                                  anyOf:
-                                  - type: integer
-                                  - type: string
-                                  pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                type: object
-                            type: object
-                          securityContext:
-                            properties:
-                              allowPrivilegeEscalation:
-                                type: boolean
-                              capabilities:
-                                properties:
-                                  add:
-                                    items:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type: array
-                                  drop:
-                                    items:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type: array
-                                type: object
-                              privileged:
-                                type: boolean
-                              procMount:
-                                type: string
-                              readOnlyRootFilesystem:
-                                type: boolean
-                              runAsGroup:
-                                format: int64
-                                type: integer
-                              runAsNonRoot:
-                                type: boolean
-                              runAsUser:
-                                format: int64
-                                type: integer
-                              seLinuxOptions:
-                                properties:
-                                  level:
-                                    type: string
-                                  role:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type:
-                                    type: string
-                                  user:
-                                    type: string
-                                type: object
-                              seccompProfile:
-                                properties:
-                                  localhostProfile:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - type
-                                type: object
-                              windowsOptions:
-                                properties:
-                                  gmsaCredentialSpec:
-                                    type: string
-                                  gmsaCredentialSpecName:
-                                    type: string
-                                  hostProcess:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  runAsUserName:
-                                    type: string
-                                type: object
-                            type: object
-                          startupProbe:
-                            properties:
-                              exec:
-                                properties:
-                                  command:
-                                    items:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type: array
-                                type: object
-                              failureThreshold:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                              grpc:
-                                properties:
-                                  port:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  service:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - port
-                                type: object
-                              httpGet:
-                                properties:
-                                  host:
-                                    type: string
-                                  httpHeaders:
-                                    items:
-                                      properties:
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                        value:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - name
-                                      - value
-                                      type: object
-                                    type: array
-                                  path:
-                                    type: string
-                                  port:
-                                    anyOf:
-                                    - type: integer
-                                    - type: string
-                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                  scheme:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - port
-                                type: object
-                              initialDelaySeconds:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                              periodSeconds:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                              successThreshold:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                              tcpSocket:
-                                properties:
-                                  host:
-                                    type: string
-                                  port:
-                                    anyOf:
-                                    - type: integer
-                                    - type: string
-                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                required:
-                                - port
-                                type: object
-                              terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
-                                format: int64
-                                type: integer
-                              timeoutSeconds:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                            type: object
-                          stdin:
-                            type: boolean
-                          stdinOnce:
-                            type: boolean
-                          terminationMessagePath:
-                            type: string
-                          terminationMessagePolicy:
-                            type: string
-                          tty:
-                            type: boolean
-                          volumeDevices:
-                            items:
-                              properties:
-                                devicePath:
-                                  type: string
-                                name:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - devicePath
-                              - name
-                              type: object
-                            type: array
-                          volumeMounts:
-                            items:
-                              properties:
-                                mountPath:
-                                  type: string
-                                mountPropagation:
-                                  type: string
-                                name:
-                                  type: string
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                subPath:
-                                  type: string
-                                subPathExpr:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - mountPath
-                              - name
-                              type: object
-                            type: array
-                          workingDir:
-                            type: string
-                        required:
-                        - name
-                        type: object
-                      type: array
-                    size:
-                      format: int32
-                      type: integer
-                    storage:
-                      properties:
-                        directoryPerDB:
-                          type: boolean
-                        engine:
-                          type: string
-                        inMemory:
-                          properties:
-                            engineConfig:
-                              properties:
-                                inMemorySizeRatio:
-                                  type: number
-                              type: object
-                          type: object
-                        mmapv1:
-                          properties:
-                            nsSize:
-                              type: integer
-                            smallfiles:
-                              type: boolean
-                          type: object
-                        syncPeriodSecs:
-                          type: integer
-                        wiredTiger:
-                          properties:
-                            collectionConfig:
-                              properties:
-                                blockCompressor:
-                                  type: string
-                              type: object
-                            engineConfig:
-                              properties:
-                                cacheSizeRatio:
-                                  type: number
-                                directoryForIndexes:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                journalCompressor:
-                                  type: string
-                              type: object
-                            indexConfig:
-                              properties:
-                                prefixCompression:
-                                  type: boolean
-                              type: object
-                          type: object
-                      type: object
-                    tolerations:
-                      items:
-                        properties:
-                          effect:
-                            type: string
-                          key:
-                            type: string
-                          operator:
-                            type: string
-                          tolerationSeconds:
-                            format: int64
-                            type: integer
-                          value:
-                            type: string
-                        type: object
-                      type: array
-                    volumeSpec:
-                      properties:
-                        emptyDir:
-                          properties:
-                            medium:
-                              type: string
-                            sizeLimit:
-                              anyOf:
-                              - type: integer
-                              - type: string
-                              pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                              x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                          type: object
-                        hostPath:
-                          properties:
-                            path:
-                              type: string
-                            type:
-                              type: string
-                          required:
-                          - path
-                          type: object
-                        persistentVolumeClaim:
-                          properties:
-                            accessModes:
-                              items:
-                                type: string
-                              type: array
-                            annotations:
-                              additionalProperties:
-                                type: string
-                              type: object
-                            dataSource:
-                              properties:
-                                apiGroup:
-                                  type: string
-                                kind:
-                                  type: string
-                                name:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - kind
-                              - name
-                              type: object
-                              x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                            dataSourceRef:
-                              properties:
-                                apiGroup:
-                                  type: string
-                                kind:
-                                  type: string
-                                name:
-                                  type: string
-                                namespace:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - kind
-                              - name
-                              type: object
-                            labels:
-                              additionalProperties:
-                                type: string
-                              type: object
-                            resources:
-                              properties:
-                                claims:
-                                  items:
-                                    properties:
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - name
-                                    type: object
-                                  type: array
-                                  x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                                  - name
-                                  x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                                limits:
-                                  additionalProperties:
-                                    anyOf:
-                                    - type: integer
-                                    - type: string
-                                    pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                  type: object
-                                requests:
-                                  additionalProperties:
-                                    anyOf:
-                                    - type: integer
-                                    - type: string
-                                    pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                  type: object
-                              type: object
-                            selector:
-                              properties:
-                                matchExpressions:
-                                  items:
-                                    properties:
-                                      key:
-                                        type: string
-                                      operator:
-                                        type: string
-                                      values:
-                                        items:
-                                          type: string
-                                        type: array
-                                    required:
-                                    - key
-                                    - operator
-                                    type: object
-                                  type: array
-                                matchLabels:
-                                  additionalProperties:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type: object
-                              type: object
-                              x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                            storageClassName:
-                              type: string
-                            volumeMode:
-                              type: string
-                            volumeName:
-                              type: string
-                          type: object
-                      type: object
-                  required:
-                  - size
-                  type: object
-                type: array
-              schedulerName:
-                type: string
-              secrets:
-                properties:
-                  encryptionKey:
-                    type: string
-                  ssl:
-                    type: string
-                  sslInternal:
-                    type: string
-                  users:
-                    type: string
-                  vault:
-                    type: string
-                type: object
-              sharding:
-                properties:
-                  configsvrReplSet:
-                    properties:
-                      affinity:
-                        properties:
-                          advanced:
-                            properties:
-                              nodeAffinity:
-                                properties:
-                                  preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                    items:
-                                      properties:
-                                        preference:
-                                          properties:
-                                            matchExpressions:
-                                              items:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  key:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  operator:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  values:
-                                                    items:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    type: array
-                                                required:
-                                                - key
-                                                - operator
-                                                type: object
-                                              type: array
-                                            matchFields:
-                                              items:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  key:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  operator:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  values:
-                                                    items:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    type: array
-                                                required:
-                                                - key
-                                                - operator
-                                                type: object
-                                              type: array
-                                          type: object
-                                          x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                        weight:
-                                          format: int32
-                                          type: integer
-                                      required:
-                                      - preference
-                                      - weight
-                                      type: object
-                                    type: array
-                                  requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                    properties:
-                                      nodeSelectorTerms:
-                                        items:
-                                          properties:
-                                            matchExpressions:
-                                              items:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  key:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  operator:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  values:
-                                                    items:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    type: array
-                                                required:
-                                                - key
-                                                - operator
-                                                type: object
-                                              type: array
-                                            matchFields:
-                                              items:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  key:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  operator:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  values:
-                                                    items:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    type: array
-                                                required:
-                                                - key
-                                                - operator
-                                                type: object
-                                              type: array
-                                          type: object
-                                          x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                        type: array
-                                    required:
-                                    - nodeSelectorTerms
-                                    type: object
-                                    x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                type: object
-                              podAffinity:
-                                properties:
-                                  preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                    items:
-                                      properties:
-                                        podAffinityTerm:
-                                          properties:
-                                            labelSelector:
-                                              properties:
-                                                matchExpressions:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    properties:
-                                                      key:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      operator:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      values:
-                                                        items:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        type: array
-                                                    required:
-                                                    - key
-                                                    - operator
-                                                    type: object
-                                                  type: array
-                                                matchLabels:
-                                                  additionalProperties:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  type: object
-                                              type: object
-                                              x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                            namespaceSelector:
-                                              properties:
-                                                matchExpressions:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    properties:
-                                                      key:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      operator:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      values:
-                                                        items:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        type: array
-                                                    required:
-                                                    - key
-                                                    - operator
-                                                    type: object
-                                                  type: array
-                                                matchLabels:
-                                                  additionalProperties:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  type: object
-                                              type: object
-                                              x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                            namespaces:
-                                              items:
-                                                type: string
-                                              type: array
-                                            topologyKey:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - topologyKey
-                                          type: object
-                                        weight:
-                                          format: int32
-                                          type: integer
-                                      required:
-                                      - podAffinityTerm
-                                      - weight
-                                      type: object
-                                    type: array
-                                  requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                    items:
-                                      properties:
-                                        labelSelector:
-                                          properties:
-                                            matchExpressions:
-                                              items:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  key:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  operator:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  values:
-                                                    items:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    type: array
-                                                required:
-                                                - key
-                                                - operator
-                                                type: object
-                                              type: array
-                                            matchLabels:
-                                              additionalProperties:
-                                                type: string
-                                              type: object
-                                          type: object
-                                          x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                        namespaceSelector:
-                                          properties:
-                                            matchExpressions:
-                                              items:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  key:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  operator:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  values:
-                                                    items:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    type: array
-                                                required:
-                                                - key
-                                                - operator
-                                                type: object
-                                              type: array
-                                            matchLabels:
-                                              additionalProperties:
-                                                type: string
-                                              type: object
-                                          type: object
-                                          x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                        namespaces:
-                                          items:
-                                            type: string
-                                          type: array
-                                        topologyKey:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - topologyKey
-                                      type: object
-                                    type: array
-                                type: object
-                              podAntiAffinity:
-                                properties:
-                                  preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                    items:
-                                      properties:
-                                        podAffinityTerm:
-                                          properties:
-                                            labelSelector:
-                                              properties:
-                                                matchExpressions:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    properties:
-                                                      key:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      operator:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      values:
-                                                        items:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        type: array
-                                                    required:
-                                                    - key
-                                                    - operator
-                                                    type: object
-                                                  type: array
-                                                matchLabels:
-                                                  additionalProperties:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  type: object
-                                              type: object
-                                              x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                            namespaceSelector:
-                                              properties:
-                                                matchExpressions:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    properties:
-                                                      key:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      operator:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      values:
-                                                        items:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        type: array
-                                                    required:
-                                                    - key
-                                                    - operator
-                                                    type: object
-                                                  type: array
-                                                matchLabels:
-                                                  additionalProperties:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  type: object
-                                              type: object
-                                              x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                            namespaces:
-                                              items:
-                                                type: string
-                                              type: array
-                                            topologyKey:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - topologyKey
-                                          type: object
-                                        weight:
-                                          format: int32
-                                          type: integer
-                                      required:
-                                      - podAffinityTerm
-                                      - weight
-                                      type: object
-                                    type: array
-                                  requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                    items:
-                                      properties:
-                                        labelSelector:
-                                          properties:
-                                            matchExpressions:
-                                              items:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  key:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  operator:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  values:
-                                                    items:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    type: array
-                                                required:
-                                                - key
-                                                - operator
-                                                type: object
-                                              type: array
-                                            matchLabels:
-                                              additionalProperties:
-                                                type: string
-                                              type: object
-                                          type: object
-                                          x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                        namespaceSelector:
-                                          properties:
-                                            matchExpressions:
-                                              items:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  key:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  operator:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  values:
-                                                    items:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    type: array
-                                                required:
-                                                - key
-                                                - operator
-                                                type: object
-                                              type: array
-                                            matchLabels:
-                                              additionalProperties:
-                                                type: string
-                                              type: object
-                                          type: object
-                                          x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                        namespaces:
-                                          items:
-                                            type: string
-                                          type: array
-                                        topologyKey:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - topologyKey
-                                      type: object
-                                    type: array
-                                type: object
-                            type: object
-                          antiAffinityTopologyKey:
-                            type: string
-                        type: object
-                      annotations:
-                        additionalProperties:
-                          type: string
-                        type: object
-                      arbiter:
-                        properties:
-                          affinity:
-                            properties:
-                              advanced:
-                                properties:
-                                  nodeAffinity:
-                                    properties:
-                                      preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                        items:
-                                          properties:
-                                            preference:
-                                              properties:
-                                                matchExpressions:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    properties:
-                                                      key:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      operator:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      values:
-                                                        items:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        type: array
-                                                    required:
-                                                    - key
-                                                    - operator
-                                                    type: object
-                                                  type: array
-                                                matchFields:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    properties:
-                                                      key:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      operator:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      values:
-                                                        items:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        type: array
-                                                    required:
-                                                    - key
-                                                    - operator
-                                                    type: object
-                                                  type: array
-                                              type: object
-                                              x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                            weight:
-                                              format: int32
-                                              type: integer
-                                          required:
-                                          - preference
-                                          - weight
-                                          type: object
-                                        type: array
-                                      requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                        properties:
-                                          nodeSelectorTerms:
-                                            items:
-                                              properties:
-                                                matchExpressions:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    properties:
-                                                      key:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      operator:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      values:
-                                                        items:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        type: array
-                                                    required:
-                                                    - key
-                                                    - operator
-                                                    type: object
-                                                  type: array
-                                                matchFields:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    properties:
-                                                      key:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      operator:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      values:
-                                                        items:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        type: array
-                                                    required:
-                                                    - key
-                                                    - operator
-                                                    type: object
-                                                  type: array
-                                              type: object
-                                              x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                            type: array
-                                        required:
-                                        - nodeSelectorTerms
-                                        type: object
-                                        x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    type: object
-                                  podAffinity:
-                                    properties:
-                                      preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                        items:
-                                          properties:
-                                            podAffinityTerm:
-                                              properties:
-                                                labelSelector:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    matchExpressions:
-                                                      items:
-                                                        properties:
-                                                          key:
-                                                            type: string
-                                                          operator:
-                                                            type: string
-                                                          values:
-                                                            items:
-                                                              type: string
-                                                            type: array
-                                                        required:
-                                                        - key
-                                                        - operator
-                                                        type: object
-                                                      type: array
-                                                    matchLabels:
-                                                      additionalProperties:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      type: object
-                                                  type: object
-                                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                                namespaceSelector:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    matchExpressions:
-                                                      items:
-                                                        properties:
-                                                          key:
-                                                            type: string
-                                                          operator:
-                                                            type: string
-                                                          values:
-                                                            items:
-                                                              type: string
-                                                            type: array
-                                                        required:
-                                                        - key
-                                                        - operator
-                                                        type: object
-                                                      type: array
-                                                    matchLabels:
-                                                      additionalProperties:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      type: object
-                                                  type: object
-                                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                                namespaces:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  type: array
-                                                topologyKey:
-                                                  type: string
-                                              required:
-                                              - topologyKey
-                                              type: object
-                                            weight:
-                                              format: int32
-                                              type: integer
-                                          required:
-                                          - podAffinityTerm
-                                          - weight
-                                          type: object
-                                        type: array
-                                      requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                        items:
-                                          properties:
-                                            labelSelector:
-                                              properties:
-                                                matchExpressions:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    properties:
-                                                      key:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      operator:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      values:
-                                                        items:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        type: array
-                                                    required:
-                                                    - key
-                                                    - operator
-                                                    type: object
-                                                  type: array
-                                                matchLabels:
-                                                  additionalProperties:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  type: object
-                                              type: object
-                                              x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                            namespaceSelector:
-                                              properties:
-                                                matchExpressions:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    properties:
-                                                      key:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      operator:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      values:
-                                                        items:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        type: array
-                                                    required:
-                                                    - key
-                                                    - operator
-                                                    type: object
-                                                  type: array
-                                                matchLabels:
-                                                  additionalProperties:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  type: object
-                                              type: object
-                                              x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                            namespaces:
-                                              items:
-                                                type: string
-                                              type: array
-                                            topologyKey:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - topologyKey
-                                          type: object
-                                        type: array
-                                    type: object
-                                  podAntiAffinity:
-                                    properties:
-                                      preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                        items:
-                                          properties:
-                                            podAffinityTerm:
-                                              properties:
-                                                labelSelector:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    matchExpressions:
-                                                      items:
-                                                        properties:
-                                                          key:
-                                                            type: string
-                                                          operator:
-                                                            type: string
-                                                          values:
-                                                            items:
-                                                              type: string
-                                                            type: array
-                                                        required:
-                                                        - key
-                                                        - operator
-                                                        type: object
-                                                      type: array
-                                                    matchLabels:
-                                                      additionalProperties:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      type: object
-                                                  type: object
-                                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                                namespaceSelector:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    matchExpressions:
-                                                      items:
-                                                        properties:
-                                                          key:
-                                                            type: string
-                                                          operator:
-                                                            type: string
-                                                          values:
-                                                            items:
-                                                              type: string
-                                                            type: array
-                                                        required:
-                                                        - key
-                                                        - operator
-                                                        type: object
-                                                      type: array
-                                                    matchLabels:
-                                                      additionalProperties:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      type: object
-                                                  type: object
-                                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                                namespaces:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  type: array
-                                                topologyKey:
-                                                  type: string
-                                              required:
-                                              - topologyKey
-                                              type: object
-                                            weight:
-                                              format: int32
-                                              type: integer
-                                          required:
-                                          - podAffinityTerm
-                                          - weight
-                                          type: object
-                                        type: array
-                                      requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                        items:
-                                          properties:
-                                            labelSelector:
-                                              properties:
-                                                matchExpressions:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    properties:
-                                                      key:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      operator:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      values:
-                                                        items:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        type: array
-                                                    required:
-                                                    - key
-                                                    - operator
-                                                    type: object
-                                                  type: array
-                                                matchLabels:
-                                                  additionalProperties:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  type: object
-                                              type: object
-                                              x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                            namespaceSelector:
-                                              properties:
-                                                matchExpressions:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    properties:
-                                                      key:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      operator:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      values:
-                                                        items:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        type: array
-                                                    required:
-                                                    - key
-                                                    - operator
-                                                    type: object
-                                                  type: array
-                                                matchLabels:
-                                                  additionalProperties:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  type: object
-                                              type: object
-                                              x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                            namespaces:
-                                              items:
-                                                type: string
-                                              type: array
-                                            topologyKey:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - topologyKey
-                                          type: object
-                                        type: array
-                                    type: object
-                                type: object
-                              antiAffinityTopologyKey:
-                                type: string
-                            type: object
-                          annotations:
-                            additionalProperties:
-                              type: string
-                            type: object
-                          enabled:
-                            type: boolean
-                          labels:
-                            additionalProperties:
-                              type: string
-                            type: object
-                          nodeSelector:
-                            additionalProperties:
-                              type: string
-                            type: object
-                          podDisruptionBudget:
-                            properties:
-                              maxUnavailable:
-                                anyOf:
-                                - type: integer
-                                - type: string
-                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                              minAvailable:
-                                anyOf:
-                                - type: integer
-                                - type: string
-                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                            type: object
-                          priorityClassName:
-                            type: string
-                          resources:
-                            properties:
-                              claims:
-                                items:
-                                  properties:
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - name
-                                  type: object
-                                type: array
-                                x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                                - name
-                                x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                              limits:
-                                additionalProperties:
-                                  anyOf:
-                                  - type: integer
-                                  - type: string
-                                  pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                type: object
-                              requests:
-                                additionalProperties:
-                                  anyOf:
-                                  - type: integer
-                                  - type: string
-                                  pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                type: object
-                            type: object
-                          runtimeClassName:
-                            type: string
-                          serviceAccountName:
-                            type: string
-                          sidecarPVCs:
-                            items:
-                              properties:
-                                apiVersion:
-                                  type: string
-                                kind:
-                                  type: string
-                                metadata:
-                                  type: object
-                                spec:
-                                  properties:
-                                    accessModes:
-                                      items:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type: array
-                                    dataSource:
-                                      properties:
-                                        apiGroup:
-                                          type: string
-                                        kind:
-                                          type: string
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - kind
-                                      - name
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    dataSourceRef:
-                                      properties:
-                                        apiGroup:
-                                          type: string
-                                        kind:
-                                          type: string
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                        namespace:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - kind
-                                      - name
-                                      type: object
-                                    resources:
-                                      properties:
-                                        claims:
-                                          items:
-                                            properties:
-                                              name:
-                                                type: string
-                                            required:
-                                            - name
-                                            type: object
-                                          type: array
-                                          x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                                          - name
-                                          x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                                        limits:
-                                          additionalProperties:
-                                            anyOf:
-                                            - type: integer
-                                            - type: string
-                                            pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                          type: object
-                                        requests:
-                                          additionalProperties:
-                                            anyOf:
-                                            - type: integer
-                                            - type: string
-                                            pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                          type: object
-                                      type: object
-                                    selector:
-                                      properties:
-                                        matchExpressions:
-                                          items:
-                                            properties:
-                                              key:
-                                                type: string
-                                              operator:
-                                                type: string
-                                              values:
-                                                items:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                type: array
-                                            required:
-                                            - key
-                                            - operator
-                                            type: object
-                                          type: array
-                                        matchLabels:
-                                          additionalProperties:
-                                            type: string
-                                          type: object
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    storageClassName:
-                                      type: string
-                                    volumeMode:
-                                      type: string
-                                    volumeName:
-                                      type: string
-                                  type: object
-                                status:
-                                  properties:
-                                    accessModes:
-                                      items:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type: array
-                                    allocatedResources:
-                                      additionalProperties:
-                                        anyOf:
-                                        - type: integer
-                                        - type: string
-                                        pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                      type: object
-                                    capacity:
-                                      additionalProperties:
-                                        anyOf:
-                                        - type: integer
-                                        - type: string
-                                        pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                      type: object
-                                    conditions:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          lastProbeTime:
-                                            format: date-time
-                                            type: string
-                                          lastTransitionTime:
-                                            format: date-time
-                                            type: string
-                                          message:
-                                            type: string
-                                          reason:
-                                            type: string
-                                          status:
-                                            type: string
-                                          type:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - status
-                                        - type
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                    phase:
-                                      type: string
-                                    resizeStatus:
-                                      type: string
-                                  type: object
-                              type: object
-                            type: array
-                          sidecarVolumes:
-                            items:
-                              properties:
-                                awsElasticBlockStore:
-                                  properties:
-                                    fsType:
-                                      type: string
-                                    partition:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    volumeID:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - volumeID
-                                  type: object
-                                azureDisk:
-                                  properties:
-                                    cachingMode:
-                                      type: string
-                                    diskName:
-                                      type: string
-                                    diskURI:
-                                      type: string
-                                    fsType:
-                                      type: string
-                                    kind:
-                                      type: string
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                  required:
-                                  - diskName
-                                  - diskURI
-                                  type: object
-                                azureFile:
-                                  properties:
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    secretName:
-                                      type: string
-                                    shareName:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - secretName
-                                  - shareName
-                                  type: object
-                                cephfs:
-                                  properties:
-                                    monitors:
-                                      items:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type: array
-                                    path:
-                                      type: string
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    secretFile:
-                                      type: string
-                                    secretRef:
-                                      properties:
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    user:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - monitors
-                                  type: object
-                                cinder:
-                                  properties:
-                                    fsType:
-                                      type: string
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    secretRef:
-                                      properties:
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    volumeID:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - volumeID
-                                  type: object
-                                configMap:
-                                  properties:
-                                    defaultMode:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    items:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          key:
-                                            type: string
-                                          mode:
-                                            format: int32
-                                            type: integer
-                                          path:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - key
-                                        - path
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                    optional:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                  type: object
-                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                csi:
-                                  properties:
-                                    driver:
-                                      type: string
-                                    fsType:
-                                      type: string
-                                    nodePublishSecretRef:
-                                      properties:
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    volumeAttributes:
-                                      additionalProperties:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type: object
-                                  required:
-                                  - driver
-                                  type: object
-                                downwardAPI:
-                                  properties:
-                                    defaultMode:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    items:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          fieldRef:
-                                            properties:
-                                              apiVersion:
-                                                type: string
-                                              fieldPath:
-                                                type: string
-                                            required:
-                                            - fieldPath
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                          mode:
-                                            format: int32
-                                            type: integer
-                                          path:
-                                            type: string
-                                          resourceFieldRef:
-                                            properties:
-                                              containerName:
-                                                type: string
-                                              divisor:
-                                                anyOf:
-                                                - type: integer
-                                                - type: string
-                                                pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                              resource:
-                                                type: string
-                                            required:
-                                            - resource
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                        required:
-                                        - path
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                  type: object
-                                emptyDir:
-                                  properties:
-                                    medium:
-                                      type: string
-                                    sizeLimit:
-                                      anyOf:
-                                      - type: integer
-                                      - type: string
-                                      pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                  type: object
-                                ephemeral:
-                                  properties:
-                                    volumeClaimTemplate:
-                                      properties:
-                                        metadata:
-                                          type: object
-                                        spec:
-                                          properties:
-                                            accessModes:
-                                              items:
-                                                type: string
-                                              type: array
-                                            dataSource:
-                                              properties:
-                                                apiGroup:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                kind:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                name:
-                                                  type: string
-                                              required:
-                                              - kind
-                                              - name
-                                              type: object
-                                              x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                            dataSourceRef:
-                                              properties:
-                                                apiGroup:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                kind:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                name:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                namespace:
-                                                  type: string
-                                              required:
-                                              - kind
-                                              - name
-                                              type: object
-                                            resources:
-                                              properties:
-                                                claims:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    properties:
-                                                      name:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                    required:
-                                                    - name
-                                                    type: object
-                                                  type: array
-                                                  x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                                                  - name
-                                                  x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                                                limits:
-                                                  additionalProperties:
-                                                    anyOf:
-                                                    - type: integer
-                                                    - type: string
-                                                    pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                                  type: object
-                                                requests:
-                                                  additionalProperties:
-                                                    anyOf:
-                                                    - type: integer
-                                                    - type: string
-                                                    pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                                  type: object
-                                              type: object
-                                            selector:
-                                              properties:
-                                                matchExpressions:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    properties:
-                                                      key:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      operator:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      values:
-                                                        items:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        type: array
-                                                    required:
-                                                    - key
-                                                    - operator
-                                                    type: object
-                                                  type: array
-                                                matchLabels:
-                                                  additionalProperties:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  type: object
-                                              type: object
-                                              x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                            storageClassName:
-                                              type: string
-                                            volumeMode:
-                                              type: string
-                                            volumeName:
-                                              type: string
-                                          type: object
-                                      required:
-                                      - spec
-                                      type: object
-                                  type: object
-                                fc:
-                                  properties:
-                                    fsType:
-                                      type: string
-                                    lun:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    targetWWNs:
-                                      items:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type: array
-                                    wwids:
-                                      items:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type: array
-                                  type: object
-                                flexVolume:
-                                  properties:
-                                    driver:
-                                      type: string
-                                    fsType:
-                                      type: string
-                                    options:
-                                      additionalProperties:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type: object
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    secretRef:
-                                      properties:
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                  required:
-                                  - driver
-                                  type: object
-                                flocker:
-                                  properties:
-                                    datasetName:
-                                      type: string
-                                    datasetUUID:
-                                      type: string
-                                  type: object
-                                gcePersistentDisk:
-                                  properties:
-                                    fsType:
-                                      type: string
-                                    partition:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    pdName:
-                                      type: string
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                  required:
-                                  - pdName
-                                  type: object
-                                gitRepo:
-                                  properties:
-                                    directory:
-                                      type: string
-                                    repository:
-                                      type: string
-                                    revision:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - repository
-                                  type: object
-                                glusterfs:
-                                  properties:
-                                    endpoints:
-                                      type: string
-                                    path:
-                                      type: string
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                  required:
-                                  - endpoints
-                                  - path
-                                  type: object
-                                hostPath:
-                                  properties:
-                                    path:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - path
-                                  type: object
-                                iscsi:
-                                  properties:
-                                    chapAuthDiscovery:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    chapAuthSession:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    fsType:
-                                      type: string
-                                    initiatorName:
-                                      type: string
-                                    iqn:
-                                      type: string
-                                    iscsiInterface:
-                                      type: string
-                                    lun:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    portals:
-                                      items:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type: array
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    secretRef:
-                                      properties:
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    targetPortal:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - iqn
-                                  - lun
-                                  - targetPortal
-                                  type: object
-                                name:
-                                  type: string
-                                nfs:
-                                  properties:
-                                    path:
-                                      type: string
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    server:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - path
-                                  - server
-                                  type: object
-                                persistentVolumeClaim:
-                                  properties:
-                                    claimName:
-                                      type: string
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                  required:
-                                  - claimName
-                                  type: object
-                                photonPersistentDisk:
-                                  properties:
-                                    fsType:
-                                      type: string
-                                    pdID:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - pdID
-                                  type: object
-                                portworxVolume:
-                                  properties:
-                                    fsType:
-                                      type: string
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    volumeID:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - volumeID
-                                  type: object
-                                projected:
-                                  properties:
-                                    defaultMode:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    sources:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          configMap:
-                                            properties:
-                                              items:
-                                                items:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    key:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    mode:
-                                                      format: int32
-                                                      type: integer
-                                                    path:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - key
-                                                  - path
-                                                  type: object
-                                                type: array
-                                              name:
-                                                type: string
-                                              optional:
-                                                type: boolean
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                          downwardAPI:
-                                            properties:
-                                              items:
-                                                items:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    fieldRef:
-                                                      properties:
-                                                        apiVersion:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        fieldPath:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                      required:
-                                                      - fieldPath
-                                                      type: object
-                                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                                    mode:
-                                                      format: int32
-                                                      type: integer
-                                                    path:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    resourceFieldRef:
-                                                      properties:
-                                                        containerName:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        divisor:
-                                                          anyOf:
-                                                          - type: integer
-                                                          - type: string
-                                                          pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                                        resource:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                      required:
-                                                      - resource
-                                                      type: object
-                                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - path
-                                                  type: object
-                                                type: array
-                                            type: object
-                                          secret:
-                                            properties:
-                                              items:
-                                                items:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    key:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    mode:
-                                                      format: int32
-                                                      type: integer
-                                                    path:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - key
-                                                  - path
-                                                  type: object
-                                                type: array
-                                              name:
-                                                type: string
-                                              optional:
-                                                type: boolean
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                          serviceAccountToken:
-                                            properties:
-                                              audience:
-                                                type: string
-                                              expirationSeconds:
-                                                format: int64
-                                                type: integer
-                                              path:
-                                                type: string
-                                            required:
-                                            - path
-                                            type: object
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                  type: object
-                                quobyte:
-                                  properties:
-                                    group:
-                                      type: string
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    registry:
-                                      type: string
-                                    tenant:
-                                      type: string
-                                    user:
-                                      type: string
-                                    volume:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - registry
-                                  - volume
-                                  type: object
-                                rbd:
-                                  properties:
-                                    fsType:
-                                      type: string
-                                    image:
-                                      type: string
-                                    keyring:
-                                      type: string
-                                    monitors:
-                                      items:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type: array
-                                    pool:
-                                      type: string
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    secretRef:
-                                      properties:
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    user:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - image
-                                  - monitors
-                                  type: object
-                                scaleIO:
-                                  properties:
-                                    fsType:
-                                      type: string
-                                    gateway:
-                                      type: string
-                                    protectionDomain:
-                                      type: string
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    secretRef:
-                                      properties:
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    sslEnabled:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    storageMode:
-                                      type: string
-                                    storagePool:
-                                      type: string
-                                    system:
-                                      type: string
-                                    volumeName:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - gateway
-                                  - secretRef
-                                  - system
-                                  type: object
-                                secret:
-                                  properties:
-                                    defaultMode:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    items:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          key:
-                                            type: string
-                                          mode:
-                                            format: int32
-                                            type: integer
-                                          path:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - key
-                                        - path
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                    optional:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    secretName:
-                                      type: string
-                                  type: object
-                                storageos:
-                                  properties:
-                                    fsType:
-                                      type: string
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    secretRef:
-                                      properties:
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    volumeName:
-                                      type: string
-                                    volumeNamespace:
-                                      type: string
-                                  type: object
-                                vsphereVolume:
-                                  properties:
-                                    fsType:
-                                      type: string
-                                    storagePolicyID:
-                                      type: string
-                                    storagePolicyName:
-                                      type: string
-                                    volumePath:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - volumePath
-                                  type: object
-                              required:
-                              - name
-                              type: object
-                            type: array
-                          sidecars:
-                            items:
-                              properties:
-                                args:
-                                  items:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type: array
-                                command:
-                                  items:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type: array
-                                env:
-                                  items:
-                                    properties:
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                      value:
-                                        type: string
-                                      valueFrom:
-                                        properties:
-                                          configMapKeyRef:
-                                            properties:
-                                              key:
-                                                type: string
-                                              name:
-                                                type: string
-                                              optional:
-                                                type: boolean
-                                            required:
-                                            - key
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                          fieldRef:
-                                            properties:
-                                              apiVersion:
-                                                type: string
-                                              fieldPath:
-                                                type: string
-                                            required:
-                                            - fieldPath
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                          resourceFieldRef:
-                                            properties:
-                                              containerName:
-                                                type: string
-                                              divisor:
-                                                anyOf:
-                                                - type: integer
-                                                - type: string
-                                                pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                              resource:
-                                                type: string
-                                            required:
-                                            - resource
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                          secretKeyRef:
-                                            properties:
-                                              key:
-                                                type: string
-                                              name:
-                                                type: string
-                                              optional:
-                                                type: boolean
-                                            required:
-                                            - key
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                        type: object
-                                    required:
-                                    - name
-                                    type: object
-                                  type: array
-                                envFrom:
-                                  items:
-                                    properties:
-                                      configMapRef:
-                                        properties:
-                                          name:
-                                            type: string
-                                          optional:
-                                            type: boolean
-                                        type: object
-                                        x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                      prefix:
-                                        type: string
-                                      secretRef:
-                                        properties:
-                                          name:
-                                            type: string
-                                          optional:
-                                            type: boolean
-                                        type: object
-                                        x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    type: object
-                                  type: array
-                                image:
-                                  type: string
-                                imagePullPolicy:
-                                  type: string
-                                lifecycle:
-                                  properties:
-                                    postStart:
-                                      properties:
-                                        exec:
-                                          properties:
-                                            command:
-                                              items:
-                                                type: string
-                                              type: array
-                                          type: object
-                                        httpGet:
-                                          properties:
-                                            host:
-                                              type: string
-                                            httpHeaders:
-                                              items:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  name:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  value:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                required:
-                                                - name
-                                                - value
-                                                type: object
-                                              type: array
-                                            path:
-                                              type: string
-                                            port:
-                                              anyOf:
-                                              - type: integer
-                                              - type: string
-                                              x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                            scheme:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - port
-                                          type: object
-                                        tcpSocket:
-                                          properties:
-                                            host:
-                                              type: string
-                                            port:
-                                              anyOf:
-                                              - type: integer
-                                              - type: string
-                                              x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                          required:
-                                          - port
-                                          type: object
-                                      type: object
-                                    preStop:
-                                      properties:
-                                        exec:
-                                          properties:
-                                            command:
-                                              items:
-                                                type: string
-                                              type: array
-                                          type: object
-                                        httpGet:
-                                          properties:
-                                            host:
-                                              type: string
-                                            httpHeaders:
-                                              items:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  name:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  value:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                required:
-                                                - name
-                                                - value
-                                                type: object
-                                              type: array
-                                            path:
-                                              type: string
-                                            port:
-                                              anyOf:
-                                              - type: integer
-                                              - type: string
-                                              x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                            scheme:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - port
-                                          type: object
-                                        tcpSocket:
-                                          properties:
-                                            host:
-                                              type: string
-                                            port:
-                                              anyOf:
-                                              - type: integer
-                                              - type: string
-                                              x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                          required:
-                                          - port
-                                          type: object
-                                      type: object
-                                  type: object
-                                livenessProbe:
-                                  properties:
-                                    exec:
-                                      properties:
-                                        command:
-                                          items:
-                                            type: string
-                                          type: array
-                                      type: object
-                                    failureThreshold:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    grpc:
-                                      properties:
-                                        port:
-                                          format: int32
-                                          type: integer
-                                        service:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - port
-                                      type: object
-                                    httpGet:
-                                      properties:
-                                        host:
-                                          type: string
-                                        httpHeaders:
-                                          items:
-                                            properties:
-                                              name:
-                                                type: string
-                                              value:
-                                                type: string
-                                            required:
-                                            - name
-                                            - value
-                                            type: object
-                                          type: array
-                                        path:
-                                          type: string
-                                        port:
-                                          anyOf:
-                                          - type: integer
-                                          - type: string
-                                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                        scheme:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - port
-                                      type: object
-                                    initialDelaySeconds:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    periodSeconds:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    successThreshold:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    tcpSocket:
-                                      properties:
-                                        host:
-                                          type: string
-                                        port:
-                                          anyOf:
-                                          - type: integer
-                                          - type: string
-                                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                      required:
-                                      - port
-                                      type: object
-                                    terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
-                                      format: int64
-                                      type: integer
-                                    timeoutSeconds:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                  type: object
-                                name:
-                                  type: string
-                                ports:
-                                  items:
-                                    properties:
-                                      containerPort:
-                                        format: int32
-                                        type: integer
-                                      hostIP:
-                                        type: string
-                                      hostPort:
-                                        format: int32
-                                        type: integer
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                      protocol:
-                                        default: TCP
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - containerPort
-                                    type: object
-                                  type: array
-                                  x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                                  - containerPort
-                                  - protocol
-                                  x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                                readinessProbe:
-                                  properties:
-                                    exec:
-                                      properties:
-                                        command:
-                                          items:
-                                            type: string
-                                          type: array
-                                      type: object
-                                    failureThreshold:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    grpc:
-                                      properties:
-                                        port:
-                                          format: int32
-                                          type: integer
-                                        service:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - port
-                                      type: object
-                                    httpGet:
-                                      properties:
-                                        host:
-                                          type: string
-                                        httpHeaders:
-                                          items:
-                                            properties:
-                                              name:
-                                                type: string
-                                              value:
-                                                type: string
-                                            required:
-                                            - name
-                                            - value
-                                            type: object
-                                          type: array
-                                        path:
-                                          type: string
-                                        port:
-                                          anyOf:
-                                          - type: integer
-                                          - type: string
-                                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                        scheme:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - port
-                                      type: object
-                                    initialDelaySeconds:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    periodSeconds:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    successThreshold:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    tcpSocket:
-                                      properties:
-                                        host:
-                                          type: string
-                                        port:
-                                          anyOf:
-                                          - type: integer
-                                          - type: string
-                                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                      required:
-                                      - port
-                                      type: object
-                                    terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
-                                      format: int64
-                                      type: integer
-                                    timeoutSeconds:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                  type: object
-                                resources:
-                                  properties:
-                                    claims:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          name:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - name
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                      x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                                      - name
-                                      x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                                    limits:
-                                      additionalProperties:
-                                        anyOf:
-                                        - type: integer
-                                        - type: string
-                                        pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                      type: object
-                                    requests:
-                                      additionalProperties:
-                                        anyOf:
-                                        - type: integer
-                                        - type: string
-                                        pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                      type: object
-                                  type: object
-                                securityContext:
-                                  properties:
-                                    allowPrivilegeEscalation:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    capabilities:
-                                      properties:
-                                        add:
-                                          items:
-                                            type: string
-                                          type: array
-                                        drop:
-                                          items:
-                                            type: string
-                                          type: array
-                                      type: object
-                                    privileged:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    procMount:
-                                      type: string
-                                    readOnlyRootFilesystem:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    runAsGroup:
-                                      format: int64
-                                      type: integer
-                                    runAsNonRoot:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    runAsUser:
-                                      format: int64
-                                      type: integer
-                                    seLinuxOptions:
-                                      properties:
-                                        level:
-                                          type: string
-                                        role:
-                                          type: string
-                                        type:
-                                          type: string
-                                        user:
-                                          type: string
-                                      type: object
-                                    seccompProfile:
-                                      properties:
-                                        localhostProfile:
-                                          type: string
-                                        type:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - type
-                                      type: object
-                                    windowsOptions:
-                                      properties:
-                                        gmsaCredentialSpec:
-                                          type: string
-                                        gmsaCredentialSpecName:
-                                          type: string
-                                        hostProcess:
-                                          type: boolean
-                                        runAsUserName:
-                                          type: string
-                                      type: object
-                                  type: object
-                                startupProbe:
-                                  properties:
-                                    exec:
-                                      properties:
-                                        command:
-                                          items:
-                                            type: string
-                                          type: array
-                                      type: object
-                                    failureThreshold:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    grpc:
-                                      properties:
-                                        port:
-                                          format: int32
-                                          type: integer
-                                        service:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - port
-                                      type: object
-                                    httpGet:
-                                      properties:
-                                        host:
-                                          type: string
-                                        httpHeaders:
-                                          items:
-                                            properties:
-                                              name:
-                                                type: string
-                                              value:
-                                                type: string
-                                            required:
-                                            - name
-                                            - value
-                                            type: object
-                                          type: array
-                                        path:
-                                          type: string
-                                        port:
-                                          anyOf:
-                                          - type: integer
-                                          - type: string
-                                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                        scheme:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - port
-                                      type: object
-                                    initialDelaySeconds:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    periodSeconds:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    successThreshold:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    tcpSocket:
-                                      properties:
-                                        host:
-                                          type: string
-                                        port:
-                                          anyOf:
-                                          - type: integer
-                                          - type: string
-                                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                      required:
-                                      - port
-                                      type: object
-                                    terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
-                                      format: int64
-                                      type: integer
-                                    timeoutSeconds:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                  type: object
-                                stdin:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                stdinOnce:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                terminationMessagePath:
-                                  type: string
-                                terminationMessagePolicy:
-                                  type: string
-                                tty:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                volumeDevices:
-                                  items:
-                                    properties:
-                                      devicePath:
-                                        type: string
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - devicePath
-                                    - name
-                                    type: object
-                                  type: array
-                                volumeMounts:
-                                  items:
-                                    properties:
-                                      mountPath:
-                                        type: string
-                                      mountPropagation:
-                                        type: string
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                      readOnly:
-                                        type: boolean
-                                      subPath:
-                                        type: string
-                                      subPathExpr:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - mountPath
-                                    - name
-                                    type: object
-                                  type: array
-                                workingDir:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - name
-                              type: object
-                            type: array
-                          size:
-                            format: int32
-                            type: integer
-                          tolerations:
-                            items:
-                              properties:
-                                effect:
-                                  type: string
-                                key:
-                                  type: string
-                                operator:
-                                  type: string
-                                tolerationSeconds:
-                                  format: int64
-                                  type: integer
-                                value:
-                                  type: string
-                              type: object
-                            type: array
-                        required:
-                        - enabled
-                        - size
-                        type: object
-                      clusterRole:
-                        type: string
-                      configuration:
-                        type: string
-                      containerSecurityContext:
-                        properties:
-                          allowPrivilegeEscalation:
-                            type: boolean
-                          capabilities:
-                            properties:
-                              add:
-                                items:
-                                  type: string
-                                type: array
-                              drop:
-                                items:
-                                  type: string
-                                type: array
-                            type: object
-                          privileged:
-                            type: boolean
-                          procMount:
-                            type: string
-                          readOnlyRootFilesystem:
-                            type: boolean
-                          runAsGroup:
-                            format: int64
-                            type: integer
-                          runAsNonRoot:
-                            type: boolean
-                          runAsUser:
-                            format: int64
-                            type: integer
-                          seLinuxOptions:
-                            properties:
-                              level:
-                                type: string
-                              role:
-                                type: string
-                              type:
-                                type: string
-                              user:
-                                type: string
-                            type: object
-                          seccompProfile:
-                            properties:
-                              localhostProfile:
-                                type: string
-                              type:
-                                type: string
-                            required:
-                            - type
-                            type: object
-                          windowsOptions:
-                            properties:
-                              gmsaCredentialSpec:
-                                type: string
-                              gmsaCredentialSpecName:
-                                type: string
-                              hostProcess:
-                                type: boolean
-                              runAsUserName:
-                                type: string
-                            type: object
-                        type: object
-                      expose:
-                        properties:
-                          enabled:
-                            type: boolean
-                          exposeType:
-                            type: string
-                          loadBalancerSourceRanges:
-                            items:
-                              type: string
-                            type: array
-                          serviceAnnotations:
-                            additionalProperties:
-                              type: string
-                            type: object
-                          serviceLabels:
-                            additionalProperties:
-                              type: string
-                            type: object
-                        required:
-                        - enabled
-                        type: object
-                      externalNodes:
-                        items:
-                          properties:
-                            host:
-                              type: string
-                            port:
-                              type: integer
-                            priority:
-                              type: integer
-                            votes:
-                              type: integer
-                          required:
-                          - host
-                          - priority
-                          - votes
-                          type: object
-                        type: array
-                      labels:
-                        additionalProperties:
-                          type: string
-                        type: object
-                      livenessProbe:
-                        properties:
-                          exec:
-                            properties:
-                              command:
-                                items:
-                                  type: string
-                                type: array
-                            type: object
-                          failureThreshold:
-                            format: int32
-                            type: integer
-                          grpc:
-                            properties:
-                              port:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                              service:
-                                type: string
-                            required:
-                            - port
-                            type: object
-                          httpGet:
-                            properties:
-                              host:
-                                type: string
-                              httpHeaders:
-                                items:
-                                  properties:
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                    value:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - name
-                                  - value
-                                  type: object
-                                type: array
-                              path:
-                                type: string
-                              port:
-                                anyOf:
-                                - type: integer
-                                - type: string
-                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                              scheme:
-                                type: string
-                            required:
-                            - port
-                            type: object
-                          initialDelaySeconds:
-                            format: int32
-                            type: integer
-                          periodSeconds:
-                            format: int32
-                            type: integer
-                          startupDelaySeconds:
-                            type: integer
-                          successThreshold:
-                            format: int32
-                            type: integer
-                          tcpSocket:
-                            properties:
-                              host:
-                                type: string
-                              port:
-                                anyOf:
-                                - type: integer
-                                - type: string
-                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                            required:
-                            - port
-                            type: object
-                          terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
-                            format: int64
-                            type: integer
-                          timeoutSeconds:
-                            format: int32
-                            type: integer
-                        type: object
-                      name:
-                        type: string
-                      nodeSelector:
-                        additionalProperties:
-                          type: string
-                        type: object
-                      nonvoting:
-                        properties:
-                          affinity:
-                            properties:
-                              advanced:
-                                properties:
-                                  nodeAffinity:
-                                    properties:
-                                      preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                        items:
-                                          properties:
-                                            preference:
-                                              properties:
-                                                matchExpressions:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    properties:
-                                                      key:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      operator:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      values:
-                                                        items:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        type: array
-                                                    required:
-                                                    - key
-                                                    - operator
-                                                    type: object
-                                                  type: array
-                                                matchFields:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    properties:
-                                                      key:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      operator:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      values:
-                                                        items:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        type: array
-                                                    required:
-                                                    - key
-                                                    - operator
-                                                    type: object
-                                                  type: array
-                                              type: object
-                                              x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                            weight:
-                                              format: int32
-                                              type: integer
-                                          required:
-                                          - preference
-                                          - weight
-                                          type: object
-                                        type: array
-                                      requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                        properties:
-                                          nodeSelectorTerms:
-                                            items:
-                                              properties:
-                                                matchExpressions:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    properties:
-                                                      key:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      operator:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      values:
-                                                        items:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        type: array
-                                                    required:
-                                                    - key
-                                                    - operator
-                                                    type: object
-                                                  type: array
-                                                matchFields:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    properties:
-                                                      key:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      operator:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      values:
-                                                        items:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        type: array
-                                                    required:
-                                                    - key
-                                                    - operator
-                                                    type: object
-                                                  type: array
-                                              type: object
-                                              x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                            type: array
-                                        required:
-                                        - nodeSelectorTerms
-                                        type: object
-                                        x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    type: object
-                                  podAffinity:
-                                    properties:
-                                      preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                        items:
-                                          properties:
-                                            podAffinityTerm:
-                                              properties:
-                                                labelSelector:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    matchExpressions:
-                                                      items:
-                                                        properties:
-                                                          key:
-                                                            type: string
-                                                          operator:
-                                                            type: string
-                                                          values:
-                                                            items:
-                                                              type: string
-                                                            type: array
-                                                        required:
-                                                        - key
-                                                        - operator
-                                                        type: object
-                                                      type: array
-                                                    matchLabels:
-                                                      additionalProperties:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      type: object
-                                                  type: object
-                                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                                namespaceSelector:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    matchExpressions:
-                                                      items:
-                                                        properties:
-                                                          key:
-                                                            type: string
-                                                          operator:
-                                                            type: string
-                                                          values:
-                                                            items:
-                                                              type: string
-                                                            type: array
-                                                        required:
-                                                        - key
-                                                        - operator
-                                                        type: object
-                                                      type: array
-                                                    matchLabels:
-                                                      additionalProperties:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      type: object
-                                                  type: object
-                                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                                namespaces:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  type: array
-                                                topologyKey:
-                                                  type: string
-                                              required:
-                                              - topologyKey
-                                              type: object
-                                            weight:
-                                              format: int32
-                                              type: integer
-                                          required:
-                                          - podAffinityTerm
-                                          - weight
-                                          type: object
-                                        type: array
-                                      requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                        items:
-                                          properties:
-                                            labelSelector:
-                                              properties:
-                                                matchExpressions:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    properties:
-                                                      key:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      operator:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      values:
-                                                        items:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        type: array
-                                                    required:
-                                                    - key
-                                                    - operator
-                                                    type: object
-                                                  type: array
-                                                matchLabels:
-                                                  additionalProperties:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  type: object
-                                              type: object
-                                              x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                            namespaceSelector:
-                                              properties:
-                                                matchExpressions:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    properties:
-                                                      key:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      operator:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      values:
-                                                        items:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        type: array
-                                                    required:
-                                                    - key
-                                                    - operator
-                                                    type: object
-                                                  type: array
-                                                matchLabels:
-                                                  additionalProperties:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  type: object
-                                              type: object
-                                              x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                            namespaces:
-                                              items:
-                                                type: string
-                                              type: array
-                                            topologyKey:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - topologyKey
-                                          type: object
-                                        type: array
-                                    type: object
-                                  podAntiAffinity:
-                                    properties:
-                                      preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                        items:
-                                          properties:
-                                            podAffinityTerm:
-                                              properties:
-                                                labelSelector:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    matchExpressions:
-                                                      items:
-                                                        properties:
-                                                          key:
-                                                            type: string
-                                                          operator:
-                                                            type: string
-                                                          values:
-                                                            items:
-                                                              type: string
-                                                            type: array
-                                                        required:
-                                                        - key
-                                                        - operator
-                                                        type: object
-                                                      type: array
-                                                    matchLabels:
-                                                      additionalProperties:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      type: object
-                                                  type: object
-                                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                                namespaceSelector:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    matchExpressions:
-                                                      items:
-                                                        properties:
-                                                          key:
-                                                            type: string
-                                                          operator:
-                                                            type: string
-                                                          values:
-                                                            items:
-                                                              type: string
-                                                            type: array
-                                                        required:
-                                                        - key
-                                                        - operator
-                                                        type: object
-                                                      type: array
-                                                    matchLabels:
-                                                      additionalProperties:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      type: object
-                                                  type: object
-                                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                                namespaces:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  type: array
-                                                topologyKey:
-                                                  type: string
-                                              required:
-                                              - topologyKey
-                                              type: object
-                                            weight:
-                                              format: int32
-                                              type: integer
-                                          required:
-                                          - podAffinityTerm
-                                          - weight
-                                          type: object
-                                        type: array
-                                      requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                        items:
-                                          properties:
-                                            labelSelector:
-                                              properties:
-                                                matchExpressions:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    properties:
-                                                      key:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      operator:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      values:
-                                                        items:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        type: array
-                                                    required:
-                                                    - key
-                                                    - operator
-                                                    type: object
-                                                  type: array
-                                                matchLabels:
-                                                  additionalProperties:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  type: object
-                                              type: object
-                                              x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                            namespaceSelector:
-                                              properties:
-                                                matchExpressions:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    properties:
-                                                      key:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      operator:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      values:
-                                                        items:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        type: array
-                                                    required:
-                                                    - key
-                                                    - operator
-                                                    type: object
-                                                  type: array
-                                                matchLabels:
-                                                  additionalProperties:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  type: object
-                                              type: object
-                                              x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                            namespaces:
-                                              items:
-                                                type: string
-                                              type: array
-                                            topologyKey:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - topologyKey
-                                          type: object
-                                        type: array
-                                    type: object
-                                type: object
-                              antiAffinityTopologyKey:
-                                type: string
-                            type: object
-                          annotations:
-                            additionalProperties:
-                              type: string
-                            type: object
-                          configuration:
-                            type: string
-                          containerSecurityContext:
-                            properties:
-                              allowPrivilegeEscalation:
-                                type: boolean
-                              capabilities:
-                                properties:
-                                  add:
-                                    items:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type: array
-                                  drop:
-                                    items:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type: array
-                                type: object
-                              privileged:
-                                type: boolean
-                              procMount:
-                                type: string
-                              readOnlyRootFilesystem:
-                                type: boolean
-                              runAsGroup:
-                                format: int64
-                                type: integer
-                              runAsNonRoot:
-                                type: boolean
-                              runAsUser:
-                                format: int64
-                                type: integer
-                              seLinuxOptions:
-                                properties:
-                                  level:
-                                    type: string
-                                  role:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type:
-                                    type: string
-                                  user:
-                                    type: string
-                                type: object
-                              seccompProfile:
-                                properties:
-                                  localhostProfile:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - type
-                                type: object
-                              windowsOptions:
-                                properties:
-                                  gmsaCredentialSpec:
-                                    type: string
-                                  gmsaCredentialSpecName:
-                                    type: string
-                                  hostProcess:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  runAsUserName:
-                                    type: string
-                                type: object
-                            type: object
-                          enabled:
-                            type: boolean
-                          labels:
-                            additionalProperties:
-                              type: string
-                            type: object
-                          livenessProbe:
-                            properties:
-                              exec:
-                                properties:
-                                  command:
-                                    items:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type: array
-                                type: object
-                              failureThreshold:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                              grpc:
-                                properties:
-                                  port:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  service:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - port
-                                type: object
-                              httpGet:
-                                properties:
-                                  host:
-                                    type: string
-                                  httpHeaders:
-                                    items:
-                                      properties:
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                        value:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - name
-                                      - value
-                                      type: object
-                                    type: array
-                                  path:
-                                    type: string
-                                  port:
-                                    anyOf:
-                                    - type: integer
-                                    - type: string
-                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                  scheme:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - port
-                                type: object
-                              initialDelaySeconds:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                              periodSeconds:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                              startupDelaySeconds:
-                                type: integer
-                              successThreshold:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                              tcpSocket:
-                                properties:
-                                  host:
-                                    type: string
-                                  port:
-                                    anyOf:
-                                    - type: integer
-                                    - type: string
-                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                required:
-                                - port
-                                type: object
-                              terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
-                                format: int64
-                                type: integer
-                              timeoutSeconds:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                            type: object
-                          nodeSelector:
-                            additionalProperties:
-                              type: string
-                            type: object
-                          podDisruptionBudget:
-                            properties:
-                              maxUnavailable:
-                                anyOf:
-                                - type: integer
-                                - type: string
-                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                              minAvailable:
-                                anyOf:
-                                - type: integer
-                                - type: string
-                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                            type: object
-                          podSecurityContext:
-                            properties:
-                              fsGroup:
-                                format: int64
-                                type: integer
-                              fsGroupChangePolicy:
-                                type: string
-                              runAsGroup:
-                                format: int64
-                                type: integer
-                              runAsNonRoot:
-                                type: boolean
-                              runAsUser:
-                                format: int64
-                                type: integer
-                              seLinuxOptions:
-                                properties:
-                                  level:
-                                    type: string
-                                  role:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type:
-                                    type: string
-                                  user:
-                                    type: string
-                                type: object
-                              seccompProfile:
-                                properties:
-                                  localhostProfile:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - type
-                                type: object
-                              supplementalGroups:
-                                items:
-                                  format: int64
-                                  type: integer
-                                type: array
-                              sysctls:
-                                items:
-                                  properties:
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                    value:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - name
-                                  - value
-                                  type: object
-                                type: array
-                              windowsOptions:
-                                properties:
-                                  gmsaCredentialSpec:
-                                    type: string
-                                  gmsaCredentialSpecName:
-                                    type: string
-                                  hostProcess:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  runAsUserName:
-                                    type: string
-                                type: object
-                            type: object
-                          priorityClassName:
-                            type: string
-                          readinessProbe:
-                            properties:
-                              exec:
-                                properties:
-                                  command:
-                                    items:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type: array
-                                type: object
-                              failureThreshold:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                              grpc:
-                                properties:
-                                  port:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  service:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - port
-                                type: object
-                              httpGet:
-                                properties:
-                                  host:
-                                    type: string
-                                  httpHeaders:
-                                    items:
-                                      properties:
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                        value:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - name
-                                      - value
-                                      type: object
-                                    type: array
-                                  path:
-                                    type: string
-                                  port:
-                                    anyOf:
-                                    - type: integer
-                                    - type: string
-                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                  scheme:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - port
-                                type: object
-                              initialDelaySeconds:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                              periodSeconds:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                              successThreshold:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                              tcpSocket:
-                                properties:
-                                  host:
-                                    type: string
-                                  port:
-                                    anyOf:
-                                    - type: integer
-                                    - type: string
-                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                required:
-                                - port
-                                type: object
-                              terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
-                                format: int64
-                                type: integer
-                              timeoutSeconds:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                            type: object
-                          resources:
-                            properties:
-                              claims:
-                                items:
-                                  properties:
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - name
-                                  type: object
-                                type: array
-                                x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                                - name
-                                x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                              limits:
-                                additionalProperties:
-                                  anyOf:
-                                  - type: integer
-                                  - type: string
-                                  pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                type: object
-                              requests:
-                                additionalProperties:
-                                  anyOf:
-                                  - type: integer
-                                  - type: string
-                                  pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                type: object
-                            type: object
-                          runtimeClassName:
-                            type: string
-                          serviceAccountName:
-                            type: string
-                          sidecarPVCs:
-                            items:
-                              properties:
-                                apiVersion:
-                                  type: string
-                                kind:
-                                  type: string
-                                metadata:
-                                  type: object
-                                spec:
-                                  properties:
-                                    accessModes:
-                                      items:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type: array
-                                    dataSource:
-                                      properties:
-                                        apiGroup:
-                                          type: string
-                                        kind:
-                                          type: string
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - kind
-                                      - name
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    dataSourceRef:
-                                      properties:
-                                        apiGroup:
-                                          type: string
-                                        kind:
-                                          type: string
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                        namespace:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - kind
-                                      - name
-                                      type: object
-                                    resources:
-                                      properties:
-                                        claims:
-                                          items:
-                                            properties:
-                                              name:
-                                                type: string
-                                            required:
-                                            - name
-                                            type: object
-                                          type: array
-                                          x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                                          - name
-                                          x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                                        limits:
-                                          additionalProperties:
-                                            anyOf:
-                                            - type: integer
-                                            - type: string
-                                            pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                          type: object
-                                        requests:
-                                          additionalProperties:
-                                            anyOf:
-                                            - type: integer
-                                            - type: string
-                                            pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                          type: object
-                                      type: object
-                                    selector:
-                                      properties:
-                                        matchExpressions:
-                                          items:
-                                            properties:
-                                              key:
-                                                type: string
-                                              operator:
-                                                type: string
-                                              values:
-                                                items:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                type: array
-                                            required:
-                                            - key
-                                            - operator
-                                            type: object
-                                          type: array
-                                        matchLabels:
-                                          additionalProperties:
-                                            type: string
-                                          type: object
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    storageClassName:
-                                      type: string
-                                    volumeMode:
-                                      type: string
-                                    volumeName:
-                                      type: string
-                                  type: object
-                                status:
-                                  properties:
-                                    accessModes:
-                                      items:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type: array
-                                    allocatedResources:
-                                      additionalProperties:
-                                        anyOf:
-                                        - type: integer
-                                        - type: string
-                                        pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                      type: object
-                                    capacity:
-                                      additionalProperties:
-                                        anyOf:
-                                        - type: integer
-                                        - type: string
-                                        pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                      type: object
-                                    conditions:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          lastProbeTime:
-                                            format: date-time
-                                            type: string
-                                          lastTransitionTime:
-                                            format: date-time
-                                            type: string
-                                          message:
-                                            type: string
-                                          reason:
-                                            type: string
-                                          status:
-                                            type: string
-                                          type:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - status
-                                        - type
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                    phase:
-                                      type: string
-                                    resizeStatus:
-                                      type: string
-                                  type: object
-                              type: object
-                            type: array
-                          sidecarVolumes:
-                            items:
-                              properties:
-                                awsElasticBlockStore:
-                                  properties:
-                                    fsType:
-                                      type: string
-                                    partition:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    volumeID:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - volumeID
-                                  type: object
-                                azureDisk:
-                                  properties:
-                                    cachingMode:
-                                      type: string
-                                    diskName:
-                                      type: string
-                                    diskURI:
-                                      type: string
-                                    fsType:
-                                      type: string
-                                    kind:
-                                      type: string
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                  required:
-                                  - diskName
-                                  - diskURI
-                                  type: object
-                                azureFile:
-                                  properties:
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    secretName:
-                                      type: string
-                                    shareName:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - secretName
-                                  - shareName
-                                  type: object
-                                cephfs:
-                                  properties:
-                                    monitors:
-                                      items:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type: array
-                                    path:
-                                      type: string
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    secretFile:
-                                      type: string
-                                    secretRef:
-                                      properties:
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    user:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - monitors
-                                  type: object
-                                cinder:
-                                  properties:
-                                    fsType:
-                                      type: string
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    secretRef:
-                                      properties:
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    volumeID:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - volumeID
-                                  type: object
-                                configMap:
-                                  properties:
-                                    defaultMode:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    items:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          key:
-                                            type: string
-                                          mode:
-                                            format: int32
-                                            type: integer
-                                          path:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - key
-                                        - path
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                    optional:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                  type: object
-                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                csi:
-                                  properties:
-                                    driver:
-                                      type: string
-                                    fsType:
-                                      type: string
-                                    nodePublishSecretRef:
-                                      properties:
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    volumeAttributes:
-                                      additionalProperties:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type: object
-                                  required:
-                                  - driver
-                                  type: object
-                                downwardAPI:
-                                  properties:
-                                    defaultMode:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    items:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          fieldRef:
-                                            properties:
-                                              apiVersion:
-                                                type: string
-                                              fieldPath:
-                                                type: string
-                                            required:
-                                            - fieldPath
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                          mode:
-                                            format: int32
-                                            type: integer
-                                          path:
-                                            type: string
-                                          resourceFieldRef:
-                                            properties:
-                                              containerName:
-                                                type: string
-                                              divisor:
-                                                anyOf:
-                                                - type: integer
-                                                - type: string
-                                                pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                              resource:
-                                                type: string
-                                            required:
-                                            - resource
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                        required:
-                                        - path
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                  type: object
-                                emptyDir:
-                                  properties:
-                                    medium:
-                                      type: string
-                                    sizeLimit:
-                                      anyOf:
-                                      - type: integer
-                                      - type: string
-                                      pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                  type: object
-                                ephemeral:
-                                  properties:
-                                    volumeClaimTemplate:
-                                      properties:
-                                        metadata:
-                                          type: object
-                                        spec:
-                                          properties:
-                                            accessModes:
-                                              items:
-                                                type: string
-                                              type: array
-                                            dataSource:
-                                              properties:
-                                                apiGroup:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                kind:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                name:
-                                                  type: string
-                                              required:
-                                              - kind
-                                              - name
-                                              type: object
-                                              x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                            dataSourceRef:
-                                              properties:
-                                                apiGroup:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                kind:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                name:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                namespace:
-                                                  type: string
-                                              required:
-                                              - kind
-                                              - name
-                                              type: object
-                                            resources:
-                                              properties:
-                                                claims:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    properties:
-                                                      name:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                    required:
-                                                    - name
-                                                    type: object
-                                                  type: array
-                                                  x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                                                  - name
-                                                  x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                                                limits:
-                                                  additionalProperties:
-                                                    anyOf:
-                                                    - type: integer
-                                                    - type: string
-                                                    pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                                  type: object
-                                                requests:
-                                                  additionalProperties:
-                                                    anyOf:
-                                                    - type: integer
-                                                    - type: string
-                                                    pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                                  type: object
-                                              type: object
-                                            selector:
-                                              properties:
-                                                matchExpressions:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    properties:
-                                                      key:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      operator:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      values:
-                                                        items:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        type: array
-                                                    required:
-                                                    - key
-                                                    - operator
-                                                    type: object
-                                                  type: array
-                                                matchLabels:
-                                                  additionalProperties:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  type: object
-                                              type: object
-                                              x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                            storageClassName:
-                                              type: string
-                                            volumeMode:
-                                              type: string
-                                            volumeName:
-                                              type: string
-                                          type: object
-                                      required:
-                                      - spec
-                                      type: object
-                                  type: object
-                                fc:
-                                  properties:
-                                    fsType:
-                                      type: string
-                                    lun:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    targetWWNs:
-                                      items:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type: array
-                                    wwids:
-                                      items:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type: array
-                                  type: object
-                                flexVolume:
-                                  properties:
-                                    driver:
-                                      type: string
-                                    fsType:
-                                      type: string
-                                    options:
-                                      additionalProperties:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type: object
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    secretRef:
-                                      properties:
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                  required:
-                                  - driver
-                                  type: object
-                                flocker:
-                                  properties:
-                                    datasetName:
-                                      type: string
-                                    datasetUUID:
-                                      type: string
-                                  type: object
-                                gcePersistentDisk:
-                                  properties:
-                                    fsType:
-                                      type: string
-                                    partition:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    pdName:
-                                      type: string
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                  required:
-                                  - pdName
-                                  type: object
-                                gitRepo:
-                                  properties:
-                                    directory:
-                                      type: string
-                                    repository:
-                                      type: string
-                                    revision:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - repository
-                                  type: object
-                                glusterfs:
-                                  properties:
-                                    endpoints:
-                                      type: string
-                                    path:
-                                      type: string
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                  required:
-                                  - endpoints
-                                  - path
-                                  type: object
-                                hostPath:
-                                  properties:
-                                    path:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - path
-                                  type: object
-                                iscsi:
-                                  properties:
-                                    chapAuthDiscovery:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    chapAuthSession:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    fsType:
-                                      type: string
-                                    initiatorName:
-                                      type: string
-                                    iqn:
-                                      type: string
-                                    iscsiInterface:
-                                      type: string
-                                    lun:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    portals:
-                                      items:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type: array
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    secretRef:
-                                      properties:
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    targetPortal:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - iqn
-                                  - lun
-                                  - targetPortal
-                                  type: object
-                                name:
-                                  type: string
-                                nfs:
-                                  properties:
-                                    path:
-                                      type: string
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    server:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - path
-                                  - server
-                                  type: object
-                                persistentVolumeClaim:
-                                  properties:
-                                    claimName:
-                                      type: string
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                  required:
-                                  - claimName
-                                  type: object
-                                photonPersistentDisk:
-                                  properties:
-                                    fsType:
-                                      type: string
-                                    pdID:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - pdID
-                                  type: object
-                                portworxVolume:
-                                  properties:
-                                    fsType:
-                                      type: string
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    volumeID:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - volumeID
-                                  type: object
-                                projected:
-                                  properties:
-                                    defaultMode:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    sources:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          configMap:
-                                            properties:
-                                              items:
-                                                items:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    key:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    mode:
-                                                      format: int32
-                                                      type: integer
-                                                    path:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - key
-                                                  - path
-                                                  type: object
-                                                type: array
-                                              name:
-                                                type: string
-                                              optional:
-                                                type: boolean
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                          downwardAPI:
-                                            properties:
-                                              items:
-                                                items:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    fieldRef:
-                                                      properties:
-                                                        apiVersion:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        fieldPath:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                      required:
-                                                      - fieldPath
-                                                      type: object
-                                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                                    mode:
-                                                      format: int32
-                                                      type: integer
-                                                    path:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    resourceFieldRef:
-                                                      properties:
-                                                        containerName:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        divisor:
-                                                          anyOf:
-                                                          - type: integer
-                                                          - type: string
-                                                          pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                                        resource:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                      required:
-                                                      - resource
-                                                      type: object
-                                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - path
-                                                  type: object
-                                                type: array
-                                            type: object
-                                          secret:
-                                            properties:
-                                              items:
-                                                items:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    key:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    mode:
-                                                      format: int32
-                                                      type: integer
-                                                    path:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - key
-                                                  - path
-                                                  type: object
-                                                type: array
-                                              name:
-                                                type: string
-                                              optional:
-                                                type: boolean
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                          serviceAccountToken:
-                                            properties:
-                                              audience:
-                                                type: string
-                                              expirationSeconds:
-                                                format: int64
-                                                type: integer
-                                              path:
-                                                type: string
-                                            required:
-                                            - path
-                                            type: object
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                  type: object
-                                quobyte:
-                                  properties:
-                                    group:
-                                      type: string
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    registry:
-                                      type: string
-                                    tenant:
-                                      type: string
-                                    user:
-                                      type: string
-                                    volume:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - registry
-                                  - volume
-                                  type: object
-                                rbd:
-                                  properties:
-                                    fsType:
-                                      type: string
-                                    image:
-                                      type: string
-                                    keyring:
-                                      type: string
-                                    monitors:
-                                      items:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type: array
-                                    pool:
-                                      type: string
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    secretRef:
-                                      properties:
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    user:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - image
-                                  - monitors
-                                  type: object
-                                scaleIO:
-                                  properties:
-                                    fsType:
-                                      type: string
-                                    gateway:
-                                      type: string
-                                    protectionDomain:
-                                      type: string
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    secretRef:
-                                      properties:
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    sslEnabled:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    storageMode:
-                                      type: string
-                                    storagePool:
-                                      type: string
-                                    system:
-                                      type: string
-                                    volumeName:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - gateway
-                                  - secretRef
-                                  - system
-                                  type: object
-                                secret:
-                                  properties:
-                                    defaultMode:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    items:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          key:
-                                            type: string
-                                          mode:
-                                            format: int32
-                                            type: integer
-                                          path:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - key
-                                        - path
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                    optional:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    secretName:
-                                      type: string
-                                  type: object
-                                storageos:
-                                  properties:
-                                    fsType:
-                                      type: string
-                                    readOnly:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    secretRef:
-                                      properties:
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                      type: object
-                                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    volumeName:
-                                      type: string
-                                    volumeNamespace:
-                                      type: string
-                                  type: object
-                                vsphereVolume:
-                                  properties:
-                                    fsType:
-                                      type: string
-                                    storagePolicyID:
-                                      type: string
-                                    storagePolicyName:
-                                      type: string
-                                    volumePath:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - volumePath
-                                  type: object
-                              required:
-                              - name
-                              type: object
-                            type: array
-                          sidecars:
-                            items:
-                              properties:
-                                args:
-                                  items:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type: array
-                                command:
-                                  items:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type: array
-                                env:
-                                  items:
-                                    properties:
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                      value:
-                                        type: string
-                                      valueFrom:
-                                        properties:
-                                          configMapKeyRef:
-                                            properties:
-                                              key:
-                                                type: string
-                                              name:
-                                                type: string
-                                              optional:
-                                                type: boolean
-                                            required:
-                                            - key
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                          fieldRef:
-                                            properties:
-                                              apiVersion:
-                                                type: string
-                                              fieldPath:
-                                                type: string
-                                            required:
-                                            - fieldPath
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                          resourceFieldRef:
-                                            properties:
-                                              containerName:
-                                                type: string
-                                              divisor:
-                                                anyOf:
-                                                - type: integer
-                                                - type: string
-                                                pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                              resource:
-                                                type: string
-                                            required:
-                                            - resource
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                          secretKeyRef:
-                                            properties:
-                                              key:
-                                                type: string
-                                              name:
-                                                type: string
-                                              optional:
-                                                type: boolean
-                                            required:
-                                            - key
-                                            type: object
-                                            x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                        type: object
-                                    required:
-                                    - name
-                                    type: object
-                                  type: array
-                                envFrom:
-                                  items:
-                                    properties:
-                                      configMapRef:
-                                        properties:
-                                          name:
-                                            type: string
-                                          optional:
-                                            type: boolean
-                                        type: object
-                                        x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                      prefix:
-                                        type: string
-                                      secretRef:
-                                        properties:
-                                          name:
-                                            type: string
-                                          optional:
-                                            type: boolean
-                                        type: object
-                                        x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    type: object
-                                  type: array
-                                image:
-                                  type: string
-                                imagePullPolicy:
-                                  type: string
-                                lifecycle:
-                                  properties:
-                                    postStart:
-                                      properties:
-                                        exec:
-                                          properties:
-                                            command:
-                                              items:
-                                                type: string
-                                              type: array
-                                          type: object
-                                        httpGet:
-                                          properties:
-                                            host:
-                                              type: string
-                                            httpHeaders:
-                                              items:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  name:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  value:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                required:
-                                                - name
-                                                - value
-                                                type: object
-                                              type: array
-                                            path:
-                                              type: string
-                                            port:
-                                              anyOf:
-                                              - type: integer
-                                              - type: string
-                                              x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                            scheme:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - port
-                                          type: object
-                                        tcpSocket:
-                                          properties:
-                                            host:
-                                              type: string
-                                            port:
-                                              anyOf:
-                                              - type: integer
-                                              - type: string
-                                              x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                          required:
-                                          - port
-                                          type: object
-                                      type: object
-                                    preStop:
-                                      properties:
-                                        exec:
-                                          properties:
-                                            command:
-                                              items:
-                                                type: string
-                                              type: array
-                                          type: object
-                                        httpGet:
-                                          properties:
-                                            host:
-                                              type: string
-                                            httpHeaders:
-                                              items:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  name:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  value:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                required:
-                                                - name
-                                                - value
-                                                type: object
-                                              type: array
-                                            path:
-                                              type: string
-                                            port:
-                                              anyOf:
-                                              - type: integer
-                                              - type: string
-                                              x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                            scheme:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - port
-                                          type: object
-                                        tcpSocket:
-                                          properties:
-                                            host:
-                                              type: string
-                                            port:
-                                              anyOf:
-                                              - type: integer
-                                              - type: string
-                                              x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                          required:
-                                          - port
-                                          type: object
-                                      type: object
-                                  type: object
-                                livenessProbe:
-                                  properties:
-                                    exec:
-                                      properties:
-                                        command:
-                                          items:
-                                            type: string
-                                          type: array
-                                      type: object
-                                    failureThreshold:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    grpc:
-                                      properties:
-                                        port:
-                                          format: int32
-                                          type: integer
-                                        service:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - port
-                                      type: object
-                                    httpGet:
-                                      properties:
-                                        host:
-                                          type: string
-                                        httpHeaders:
-                                          items:
-                                            properties:
-                                              name:
-                                                type: string
-                                              value:
-                                                type: string
-                                            required:
-                                            - name
-                                            - value
-                                            type: object
-                                          type: array
-                                        path:
-                                          type: string
-                                        port:
-                                          anyOf:
-                                          - type: integer
-                                          - type: string
-                                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                        scheme:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - port
-                                      type: object
-                                    initialDelaySeconds:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    periodSeconds:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    successThreshold:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    tcpSocket:
-                                      properties:
-                                        host:
-                                          type: string
-                                        port:
-                                          anyOf:
-                                          - type: integer
-                                          - type: string
-                                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                      required:
-                                      - port
-                                      type: object
-                                    terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
-                                      format: int64
-                                      type: integer
-                                    timeoutSeconds:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                  type: object
-                                name:
-                                  type: string
-                                ports:
-                                  items:
-                                    properties:
-                                      containerPort:
-                                        format: int32
-                                        type: integer
-                                      hostIP:
-                                        type: string
-                                      hostPort:
-                                        format: int32
-                                        type: integer
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                      protocol:
-                                        default: TCP
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - containerPort
-                                    type: object
-                                  type: array
-                                  x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                                  - containerPort
-                                  - protocol
-                                  x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                                readinessProbe:
-                                  properties:
-                                    exec:
-                                      properties:
-                                        command:
-                                          items:
-                                            type: string
-                                          type: array
-                                      type: object
-                                    failureThreshold:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    grpc:
-                                      properties:
-                                        port:
-                                          format: int32
-                                          type: integer
-                                        service:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - port
-                                      type: object
-                                    httpGet:
-                                      properties:
-                                        host:
-                                          type: string
-                                        httpHeaders:
-                                          items:
-                                            properties:
-                                              name:
-                                                type: string
-                                              value:
-                                                type: string
-                                            required:
-                                            - name
-                                            - value
-                                            type: object
-                                          type: array
-                                        path:
-                                          type: string
-                                        port:
-                                          anyOf:
-                                          - type: integer
-                                          - type: string
-                                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                        scheme:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - port
-                                      type: object
-                                    initialDelaySeconds:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    periodSeconds:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    successThreshold:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    tcpSocket:
-                                      properties:
-                                        host:
-                                          type: string
-                                        port:
-                                          anyOf:
-                                          - type: integer
-                                          - type: string
-                                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                      required:
-                                      - port
-                                      type: object
-                                    terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
-                                      format: int64
-                                      type: integer
-                                    timeoutSeconds:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                  type: object
-                                resources:
-                                  properties:
-                                    claims:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          name:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - name
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                      x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                                      - name
-                                      x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                                    limits:
-                                      additionalProperties:
-                                        anyOf:
-                                        - type: integer
-                                        - type: string
-                                        pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                      type: object
-                                    requests:
-                                      additionalProperties:
-                                        anyOf:
-                                        - type: integer
-                                        - type: string
-                                        pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                      type: object
-                                  type: object
-                                securityContext:
-                                  properties:
-                                    allowPrivilegeEscalation:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    capabilities:
-                                      properties:
-                                        add:
-                                          items:
-                                            type: string
-                                          type: array
-                                        drop:
-                                          items:
-                                            type: string
-                                          type: array
-                                      type: object
-                                    privileged:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    procMount:
-                                      type: string
-                                    readOnlyRootFilesystem:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    runAsGroup:
-                                      format: int64
-                                      type: integer
-                                    runAsNonRoot:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    runAsUser:
-                                      format: int64
-                                      type: integer
-                                    seLinuxOptions:
-                                      properties:
-                                        level:
-                                          type: string
-                                        role:
-                                          type: string
-                                        type:
-                                          type: string
-                                        user:
-                                          type: string
-                                      type: object
-                                    seccompProfile:
-                                      properties:
-                                        localhostProfile:
-                                          type: string
-                                        type:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - type
-                                      type: object
-                                    windowsOptions:
-                                      properties:
-                                        gmsaCredentialSpec:
-                                          type: string
-                                        gmsaCredentialSpecName:
-                                          type: string
-                                        hostProcess:
-                                          type: boolean
-                                        runAsUserName:
-                                          type: string
-                                      type: object
-                                  type: object
-                                startupProbe:
-                                  properties:
-                                    exec:
-                                      properties:
-                                        command:
-                                          items:
-                                            type: string
-                                          type: array
-                                      type: object
-                                    failureThreshold:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    grpc:
-                                      properties:
-                                        port:
-                                          format: int32
-                                          type: integer
-                                        service:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - port
-                                      type: object
-                                    httpGet:
-                                      properties:
-                                        host:
-                                          type: string
-                                        httpHeaders:
-                                          items:
-                                            properties:
-                                              name:
-                                                type: string
-                                              value:
-                                                type: string
-                                            required:
-                                            - name
-                                            - value
-                                            type: object
-                                          type: array
-                                        path:
-                                          type: string
-                                        port:
-                                          anyOf:
-                                          - type: integer
-                                          - type: string
-                                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                        scheme:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - port
-                                      type: object
-                                    initialDelaySeconds:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    periodSeconds:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    successThreshold:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    tcpSocket:
-                                      properties:
-                                        host:
-                                          type: string
-                                        port:
-                                          anyOf:
-                                          - type: integer
-                                          - type: string
-                                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                      required:
-                                      - port
-                                      type: object
-                                    terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
-                                      format: int64
-                                      type: integer
-                                    timeoutSeconds:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                  type: object
-                                stdin:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                stdinOnce:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                terminationMessagePath:
-                                  type: string
-                                terminationMessagePolicy:
-                                  type: string
-                                tty:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                volumeDevices:
-                                  items:
-                                    properties:
-                                      devicePath:
-                                        type: string
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - devicePath
-                                    - name
-                                    type: object
-                                  type: array
-                                volumeMounts:
-                                  items:
-                                    properties:
-                                      mountPath:
-                                        type: string
-                                      mountPropagation:
-                                        type: string
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                      readOnly:
-                                        type: boolean
-                                      subPath:
-                                        type: string
-                                      subPathExpr:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - mountPath
-                                    - name
-                                    type: object
-                                  type: array
-                                workingDir:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - name
-                              type: object
-                            type: array
-                          size:
-                            format: int32
-                            type: integer
-                          tolerations:
-                            items:
-                              properties:
-                                effect:
-                                  type: string
-                                key:
-                                  type: string
-                                operator:
-                                  type: string
-                                tolerationSeconds:
-                                  format: int64
-                                  type: integer
-                                value:
-                                  type: string
-                              type: object
-                            type: array
-                          volumeSpec:
-                            properties:
-                              emptyDir:
-                                properties:
-                                  medium:
-                                    type: string
-                                  sizeLimit:
-                                    anyOf:
-                                    - type: integer
-                                    - type: string
-                                    pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                type: object
-                              hostPath:
-                                properties:
-                                  path:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - path
-                                type: object
-                              persistentVolumeClaim:
-                                properties:
-                                  accessModes:
-                                    items:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type: array
-                                  annotations:
-                                    additionalProperties:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type: object
-                                  dataSource:
-                                    properties:
-                                      apiGroup:
-                                        type: string
-                                      kind:
-                                        type: string
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - kind
-                                    - name
-                                    type: object
-                                    x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                  dataSourceRef:
-                                    properties:
-                                      apiGroup:
-                                        type: string
-                                      kind:
-                                        type: string
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                      namespace:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - kind
-                                    - name
-                                    type: object
-                                  labels:
-                                    additionalProperties:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type: object
-                                  resources:
-                                    properties:
-                                      claims:
-                                        items:
-                                          properties:
-                                            name:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - name
-                                          type: object
-                                        type: array
-                                        x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                                        - name
-                                        x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                                      limits:
-                                        additionalProperties:
-                                          anyOf:
-                                          - type: integer
-                                          - type: string
-                                          pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                        type: object
-                                      requests:
-                                        additionalProperties:
-                                          anyOf:
-                                          - type: integer
-                                          - type: string
-                                          pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                        type: object
-                                    type: object
-                                  selector:
-                                    properties:
-                                      matchExpressions:
-                                        items:
-                                          properties:
-                                            key:
-                                              type: string
-                                            operator:
-                                              type: string
-                                            values:
-                                              items:
-                                                type: string
-                                              type: array
-                                          required:
-                                          - key
-                                          - operator
-                                          type: object
-                                        type: array
-                                      matchLabels:
-                                        additionalProperties:
-                                          type: string
-                                        type: object
-                                    type: object
-                                    x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                  storageClassName:
-                                    type: string
-                                  volumeMode:
-                                    type: string
-                                  volumeName:
-                                    type: string
-                                type: object
-                            type: object
-                        required:
-                        - enabled
-                        - size
-                        type: object
-                      podDisruptionBudget:
-                        properties:
-                          maxUnavailable:
-                            anyOf:
-                            - type: integer
-                            - type: string
-                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                          minAvailable:
-                            anyOf:
-                            - type: integer
-                            - type: string
-                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                        type: object
-                      podSecurityContext:
-                        properties:
-                          fsGroup:
-                            format: int64
-                            type: integer
-                          fsGroupChangePolicy:
-                            type: string
-                          runAsGroup:
-                            format: int64
-                            type: integer
-                          runAsNonRoot:
-                            type: boolean
-                          runAsUser:
-                            format: int64
-                            type: integer
-                          seLinuxOptions:
-                            properties:
-                              level:
-                                type: string
-                              role:
-                                type: string
-                              type:
-                                type: string
-                              user:
-                                type: string
-                            type: object
-                          seccompProfile:
-                            properties:
-                              localhostProfile:
-                                type: string
-                              type:
-                                type: string
-                            required:
-                            - type
-                            type: object
-                          supplementalGroups:
-                            items:
-                              format: int64
-                              type: integer
-                            type: array
-                          sysctls:
-                            items:
-                              properties:
-                                name:
-                                  type: string
-                                value:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - name
-                              - value
-                              type: object
-                            type: array
-                          windowsOptions:
-                            properties:
-                              gmsaCredentialSpec:
-                                type: string
-                              gmsaCredentialSpecName:
-                                type: string
-                              hostProcess:
-                                type: boolean
-                              runAsUserName:
-                                type: string
-                            type: object
-                        type: object
-                      priorityClassName:
-                        type: string
-                      readinessProbe:
-                        properties:
-                          exec:
-                            properties:
-                              command:
-                                items:
-                                  type: string
-                                type: array
-                            type: object
-                          failureThreshold:
-                            format: int32
-                            type: integer
-                          grpc:
-                            properties:
-                              port:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                              service:
-                                type: string
-                            required:
-                            - port
-                            type: object
-                          httpGet:
-                            properties:
-                              host:
-                                type: string
-                              httpHeaders:
-                                items:
-                                  properties:
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                    value:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - name
-                                  - value
-                                  type: object
-                                type: array
-                              path:
-                                type: string
-                              port:
-                                anyOf:
-                                - type: integer
-                                - type: string
-                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                              scheme:
-                                type: string
-                            required:
-                            - port
-                            type: object
-                          initialDelaySeconds:
-                            format: int32
-                            type: integer
-                          periodSeconds:
-                            format: int32
-                            type: integer
-                          successThreshold:
-                            format: int32
-                            type: integer
-                          tcpSocket:
-                            properties:
-                              host:
-                                type: string
-                              port:
-                                anyOf:
-                                - type: integer
-                                - type: string
-                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                            required:
-                            - port
-                            type: object
-                          terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
-                            format: int64
-                            type: integer
-                          timeoutSeconds:
-                            format: int32
-                            type: integer
-                        type: object
-                      resources:
-                        properties:
-                          claims:
-                            items:
-                              properties:
-                                name:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - name
-                              type: object
-                            type: array
-                            x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                            - name
-                            x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                          limits:
-                            additionalProperties:
-                              anyOf:
-                              - type: integer
-                              - type: string
-                              pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                              x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                            type: object
-                          requests:
-                            additionalProperties:
-                              anyOf:
-                              - type: integer
-                              - type: string
-                              pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                              x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                            type: object
-                        type: object
-                      runtimeClassName:
-                        type: string
-                      serviceAccountName:
-                        type: string
-                      sidecarPVCs:
-                        items:
-                          properties:
-                            apiVersion:
-                              type: string
-                            kind:
-                              type: string
-                            metadata:
-                              type: object
-                            spec:
-                              properties:
-                                accessModes:
-                                  items:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type: array
-                                dataSource:
-                                  properties:
-                                    apiGroup:
-                                      type: string
-                                    kind:
-                                      type: string
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - kind
-                                  - name
-                                  type: object
-                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                dataSourceRef:
-                                  properties:
-                                    apiGroup:
-                                      type: string
-                                    kind:
-                                      type: string
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                    namespace:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - kind
-                                  - name
-                                  type: object
-                                resources:
-                                  properties:
-                                    claims:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          name:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - name
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                      x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                                      - name
-                                      x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                                    limits:
-                                      additionalProperties:
-                                        anyOf:
-                                        - type: integer
-                                        - type: string
-                                        pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                      type: object
-                                    requests:
-                                      additionalProperties:
-                                        anyOf:
-                                        - type: integer
-                                        - type: string
-                                        pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                      type: object
-                                  type: object
-                                selector:
-                                  properties:
-                                    matchExpressions:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          key:
-                                            type: string
-                                          operator:
-                                            type: string
-                                          values:
-                                            items:
-                                              type: string
-                                            type: array
-                                        required:
-                                        - key
-                                        - operator
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                    matchLabels:
-                                      additionalProperties:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type: object
-                                  type: object
-                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                storageClassName:
-                                  type: string
-                                volumeMode:
-                                  type: string
-                                volumeName:
-                                  type: string
-                              type: object
-                            status:
-                              properties:
-                                accessModes:
-                                  items:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type: array
-                                allocatedResources:
-                                  additionalProperties:
-                                    anyOf:
-                                    - type: integer
-                                    - type: string
-                                    pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                  type: object
-                                capacity:
-                                  additionalProperties:
-                                    anyOf:
-                                    - type: integer
-                                    - type: string
-                                    pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                  type: object
-                                conditions:
-                                  items:
-                                    properties:
-                                      lastProbeTime:
-                                        format: date-time
-                                        type: string
-                                      lastTransitionTime:
-                                        format: date-time
-                                        type: string
-                                      message:
-                                        type: string
-                                      reason:
-                                        type: string
-                                      status:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - status
-                                    - type
-                                    type: object
-                                  type: array
-                                phase:
-                                  type: string
-                                resizeStatus:
-                                  type: string
-                              type: object
-                          type: object
-                        type: array
-                      sidecarVolumes:
-                        items:
-                          properties:
-                            awsElasticBlockStore:
-                              properties:
-                                fsType:
-                                  type: string
-                                partition:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                volumeID:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - volumeID
-                              type: object
-                            azureDisk:
-                              properties:
-                                cachingMode:
-                                  type: string
-                                diskName:
-                                  type: string
-                                diskURI:
-                                  type: string
-                                fsType:
-                                  type: string
-                                kind:
-                                  type: string
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                              required:
-                              - diskName
-                              - diskURI
-                              type: object
-                            azureFile:
-                              properties:
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                secretName:
-                                  type: string
-                                shareName:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - secretName
-                              - shareName
-                              type: object
-                            cephfs:
-                              properties:
-                                monitors:
-                                  items:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type: array
-                                path:
-                                  type: string
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                secretFile:
-                                  type: string
-                                secretRef:
-                                  properties:
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                  type: object
-                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                user:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - monitors
-                              type: object
-                            cinder:
-                              properties:
-                                fsType:
-                                  type: string
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                secretRef:
-                                  properties:
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                  type: object
-                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                volumeID:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - volumeID
-                              type: object
-                            configMap:
-                              properties:
-                                defaultMode:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                items:
-                                  items:
-                                    properties:
-                                      key:
-                                        type: string
-                                      mode:
-                                        format: int32
-                                        type: integer
-                                      path:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - key
-                                    - path
-                                    type: object
-                                  type: array
-                                name:
-                                  type: string
-                                optional:
-                                  type: boolean
-                              type: object
-                              x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                            csi:
-                              properties:
-                                driver:
-                                  type: string
-                                fsType:
-                                  type: string
-                                nodePublishSecretRef:
-                                  properties:
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                  type: object
-                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                volumeAttributes:
-                                  additionalProperties:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type: object
-                              required:
-                              - driver
-                              type: object
-                            downwardAPI:
-                              properties:
-                                defaultMode:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                items:
-                                  items:
-                                    properties:
-                                      fieldRef:
-                                        properties:
-                                          apiVersion:
-                                            type: string
-                                          fieldPath:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - fieldPath
-                                        type: object
-                                        x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                      mode:
-                                        format: int32
-                                        type: integer
-                                      path:
-                                        type: string
-                                      resourceFieldRef:
-                                        properties:
-                                          containerName:
-                                            type: string
-                                          divisor:
-                                            anyOf:
-                                            - type: integer
-                                            - type: string
-                                            pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                          resource:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - resource
-                                        type: object
-                                        x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    required:
-                                    - path
-                                    type: object
-                                  type: array
-                              type: object
-                            emptyDir:
-                              properties:
-                                medium:
-                                  type: string
-                                sizeLimit:
-                                  anyOf:
-                                  - type: integer
-                                  - type: string
-                                  pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                              type: object
-                            ephemeral:
-                              properties:
-                                volumeClaimTemplate:
-                                  properties:
-                                    metadata:
-                                      type: object
-                                    spec:
-                                      properties:
-                                        accessModes:
-                                          items:
-                                            type: string
-                                          type: array
-                                        dataSource:
-                                          properties:
-                                            apiGroup:
-                                              type: string
-                                            kind:
-                                              type: string
-                                            name:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - kind
-                                          - name
-                                          type: object
-                                          x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                        dataSourceRef:
-                                          properties:
-                                            apiGroup:
-                                              type: string
-                                            kind:
-                                              type: string
-                                            name:
-                                              type: string
-                                            namespace:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - kind
-                                          - name
-                                          type: object
-                                        resources:
-                                          properties:
-                                            claims:
-                                              items:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  name:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                required:
-                                                - name
-                                                type: object
-                                              type: array
-                                              x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                                              - name
-                                              x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                                            limits:
-                                              additionalProperties:
-                                                anyOf:
-                                                - type: integer
-                                                - type: string
-                                                pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                              type: object
-                                            requests:
-                                              additionalProperties:
-                                                anyOf:
-                                                - type: integer
-                                                - type: string
-                                                pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                              type: object
-                                          type: object
-                                        selector:
-                                          properties:
-                                            matchExpressions:
-                                              items:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  key:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  operator:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  values:
-                                                    items:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    type: array
-                                                required:
-                                                - key
-                                                - operator
-                                                type: object
-                                              type: array
-                                            matchLabels:
-                                              additionalProperties:
-                                                type: string
-                                              type: object
-                                          type: object
-                                          x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                        storageClassName:
-                                          type: string
-                                        volumeMode:
-                                          type: string
-                                        volumeName:
-                                          type: string
-                                      type: object
-                                  required:
-                                  - spec
-                                  type: object
-                              type: object
-                            fc:
-                              properties:
-                                fsType:
-                                  type: string
-                                lun:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                targetWWNs:
-                                  items:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type: array
-                                wwids:
-                                  items:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type: array
-                              type: object
-                            flexVolume:
-                              properties:
-                                driver:
-                                  type: string
-                                fsType:
-                                  type: string
-                                options:
-                                  additionalProperties:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type: object
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                secretRef:
-                                  properties:
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                  type: object
-                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                              required:
-                              - driver
-                              type: object
-                            flocker:
-                              properties:
-                                datasetName:
-                                  type: string
-                                datasetUUID:
-                                  type: string
-                              type: object
-                            gcePersistentDisk:
-                              properties:
-                                fsType:
-                                  type: string
-                                partition:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                pdName:
-                                  type: string
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                              required:
-                              - pdName
-                              type: object
-                            gitRepo:
-                              properties:
-                                directory:
-                                  type: string
-                                repository:
-                                  type: string
-                                revision:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - repository
-                              type: object
-                            glusterfs:
-                              properties:
-                                endpoints:
-                                  type: string
-                                path:
-                                  type: string
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                              required:
-                              - endpoints
-                              - path
-                              type: object
-                            hostPath:
-                              properties:
-                                path:
-                                  type: string
-                                type:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - path
-                              type: object
-                            iscsi:
-                              properties:
-                                chapAuthDiscovery:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                chapAuthSession:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                fsType:
-                                  type: string
-                                initiatorName:
-                                  type: string
-                                iqn:
-                                  type: string
-                                iscsiInterface:
-                                  type: string
-                                lun:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                portals:
-                                  items:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type: array
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                secretRef:
-                                  properties:
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                  type: object
-                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                targetPortal:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - iqn
-                              - lun
-                              - targetPortal
-                              type: object
-                            name:
-                              type: string
-                            nfs:
-                              properties:
-                                path:
-                                  type: string
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                server:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - path
-                              - server
-                              type: object
-                            persistentVolumeClaim:
-                              properties:
-                                claimName:
-                                  type: string
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                              required:
-                              - claimName
-                              type: object
-                            photonPersistentDisk:
-                              properties:
-                                fsType:
-                                  type: string
-                                pdID:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - pdID
-                              type: object
-                            portworxVolume:
-                              properties:
-                                fsType:
-                                  type: string
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                volumeID:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - volumeID
-                              type: object
-                            projected:
-                              properties:
-                                defaultMode:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                sources:
-                                  items:
-                                    properties:
-                                      configMap:
-                                        properties:
-                                          items:
-                                            items:
-                                              properties:
-                                                key:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                mode:
-                                                  format: int32
-                                                  type: integer
-                                                path:
-                                                  type: string
-                                              required:
-                                              - key
-                                              - path
-                                              type: object
-                                            type: array
-                                          name:
-                                            type: string
-                                          optional:
-                                            type: boolean
-                                        type: object
-                                        x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                      downwardAPI:
-                                        properties:
-                                          items:
-                                            items:
-                                              properties:
-                                                fieldRef:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    apiVersion:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    fieldPath:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - fieldPath
-                                                  type: object
-                                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                                mode:
-                                                  format: int32
-                                                  type: integer
-                                                path:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                resourceFieldRef:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    containerName:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    divisor:
-                                                      anyOf:
-                                                      - type: integer
-                                                      - type: string
-                                                      pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                                    resource:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - resource
-                                                  type: object
-                                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                              required:
-                                              - path
-                                              type: object
-                                            type: array
-                                        type: object
-                                      secret:
-                                        properties:
-                                          items:
-                                            items:
-                                              properties:
-                                                key:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                mode:
-                                                  format: int32
-                                                  type: integer
-                                                path:
-                                                  type: string
-                                              required:
-                                              - key
-                                              - path
-                                              type: object
-                                            type: array
-                                          name:
-                                            type: string
-                                          optional:
-                                            type: boolean
-                                        type: object
-                                        x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                      serviceAccountToken:
-                                        properties:
-                                          audience:
-                                            type: string
-                                          expirationSeconds:
-                                            format: int64
-                                            type: integer
-                                          path:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - path
-                                        type: object
-                                    type: object
-                                  type: array
-                              type: object
-                            quobyte:
-                              properties:
-                                group:
-                                  type: string
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                registry:
-                                  type: string
-                                tenant:
-                                  type: string
-                                user:
-                                  type: string
-                                volume:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - registry
-                              - volume
-                              type: object
-                            rbd:
-                              properties:
-                                fsType:
-                                  type: string
-                                image:
-                                  type: string
-                                keyring:
-                                  type: string
-                                monitors:
-                                  items:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type: array
-                                pool:
-                                  type: string
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                secretRef:
-                                  properties:
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                  type: object
-                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                user:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - image
-                              - monitors
-                              type: object
-                            scaleIO:
-                              properties:
-                                fsType:
-                                  type: string
-                                gateway:
-                                  type: string
-                                protectionDomain:
-                                  type: string
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                secretRef:
-                                  properties:
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                  type: object
-                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                sslEnabled:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                storageMode:
-                                  type: string
-                                storagePool:
-                                  type: string
-                                system:
-                                  type: string
-                                volumeName:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - gateway
-                              - secretRef
-                              - system
-                              type: object
-                            secret:
-                              properties:
-                                defaultMode:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                items:
-                                  items:
-                                    properties:
-                                      key:
-                                        type: string
-                                      mode:
-                                        format: int32
-                                        type: integer
-                                      path:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - key
-                                    - path
-                                    type: object
-                                  type: array
-                                optional:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                secretName:
-                                  type: string
-                              type: object
-                            storageos:
-                              properties:
-                                fsType:
-                                  type: string
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                secretRef:
-                                  properties:
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                  type: object
-                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                volumeName:
-                                  type: string
-                                volumeNamespace:
-                                  type: string
-                              type: object
-                            vsphereVolume:
-                              properties:
-                                fsType:
-                                  type: string
-                                storagePolicyID:
-                                  type: string
-                                storagePolicyName:
-                                  type: string
-                                volumePath:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - volumePath
-                              type: object
-                          required:
-                          - name
-                          type: object
-                        type: array
-                      sidecars:
-                        items:
-                          properties:
-                            args:
-                              items:
-                                type: string
-                              type: array
-                            command:
-                              items:
-                                type: string
-                              type: array
-                            env:
-                              items:
-                                properties:
-                                  name:
-                                    type: string
-                                  value:
-                                    type: string
-                                  valueFrom:
-                                    properties:
-                                      configMapKeyRef:
-                                        properties:
-                                          key:
-                                            type: string
-                                          name:
-                                            type: string
-                                          optional:
-                                            type: boolean
-                                        required:
-                                        - key
-                                        type: object
-                                        x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                      fieldRef:
-                                        properties:
-                                          apiVersion:
-                                            type: string
-                                          fieldPath:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - fieldPath
-                                        type: object
-                                        x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                      resourceFieldRef:
-                                        properties:
-                                          containerName:
-                                            type: string
-                                          divisor:
-                                            anyOf:
-                                            - type: integer
-                                            - type: string
-                                            pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                          resource:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - resource
-                                        type: object
-                                        x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                      secretKeyRef:
-                                        properties:
-                                          key:
-                                            type: string
-                                          name:
-                                            type: string
-                                          optional:
-                                            type: boolean
-                                        required:
-                                        - key
-                                        type: object
-                                        x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    type: object
-                                required:
-                                - name
-                                type: object
-                              type: array
-                            envFrom:
-                              items:
-                                properties:
-                                  configMapRef:
-                                    properties:
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                      optional:
-                                        type: boolean
-                                    type: object
-                                    x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                  prefix:
-                                    type: string
-                                  secretRef:
-                                    properties:
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                      optional:
-                                        type: boolean
-                                    type: object
-                                    x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                type: object
-                              type: array
-                            image:
-                              type: string
-                            imagePullPolicy:
-                              type: string
-                            lifecycle:
-                              properties:
-                                postStart:
-                                  properties:
-                                    exec:
-                                      properties:
-                                        command:
-                                          items:
-                                            type: string
-                                          type: array
-                                      type: object
-                                    httpGet:
-                                      properties:
-                                        host:
-                                          type: string
-                                        httpHeaders:
-                                          items:
-                                            properties:
-                                              name:
-                                                type: string
-                                              value:
-                                                type: string
-                                            required:
-                                            - name
-                                            - value
-                                            type: object
-                                          type: array
-                                        path:
-                                          type: string
-                                        port:
-                                          anyOf:
-                                          - type: integer
-                                          - type: string
-                                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                        scheme:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - port
-                                      type: object
-                                    tcpSocket:
-                                      properties:
-                                        host:
-                                          type: string
-                                        port:
-                                          anyOf:
-                                          - type: integer
-                                          - type: string
-                                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                      required:
-                                      - port
-                                      type: object
-                                  type: object
-                                preStop:
-                                  properties:
-                                    exec:
-                                      properties:
-                                        command:
-                                          items:
-                                            type: string
-                                          type: array
-                                      type: object
-                                    httpGet:
-                                      properties:
-                                        host:
-                                          type: string
-                                        httpHeaders:
-                                          items:
-                                            properties:
-                                              name:
-                                                type: string
-                                              value:
-                                                type: string
-                                            required:
-                                            - name
-                                            - value
-                                            type: object
-                                          type: array
-                                        path:
-                                          type: string
-                                        port:
-                                          anyOf:
-                                          - type: integer
-                                          - type: string
-                                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                        scheme:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - port
-                                      type: object
-                                    tcpSocket:
-                                      properties:
-                                        host:
-                                          type: string
-                                        port:
-                                          anyOf:
-                                          - type: integer
-                                          - type: string
-                                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                      required:
-                                      - port
-                                      type: object
-                                  type: object
-                              type: object
-                            livenessProbe:
-                              properties:
-                                exec:
-                                  properties:
-                                    command:
-                                      items:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type: array
-                                  type: object
-                                failureThreshold:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                grpc:
-                                  properties:
-                                    port:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    service:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - port
-                                  type: object
-                                httpGet:
-                                  properties:
-                                    host:
-                                      type: string
-                                    httpHeaders:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          name:
-                                            type: string
-                                          value:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - name
-                                        - value
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                    path:
-                                      type: string
-                                    port:
-                                      anyOf:
-                                      - type: integer
-                                      - type: string
-                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                    scheme:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - port
-                                  type: object
-                                initialDelaySeconds:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                periodSeconds:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                successThreshold:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                tcpSocket:
-                                  properties:
-                                    host:
-                                      type: string
-                                    port:
-                                      anyOf:
-                                      - type: integer
-                                      - type: string
-                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                  required:
-                                  - port
-                                  type: object
-                                terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
-                                  format: int64
-                                  type: integer
-                                timeoutSeconds:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                              type: object
-                            name:
-                              type: string
-                            ports:
-                              items:
-                                properties:
-                                  containerPort:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  hostIP:
-                                    type: string
-                                  hostPort:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  name:
-                                    type: string
-                                  protocol:
-                                    default: TCP
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - containerPort
-                                type: object
-                              type: array
-                              x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                              - containerPort
-                              - protocol
-                              x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                            readinessProbe:
-                              properties:
-                                exec:
-                                  properties:
-                                    command:
-                                      items:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type: array
-                                  type: object
-                                failureThreshold:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                grpc:
-                                  properties:
-                                    port:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    service:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - port
-                                  type: object
-                                httpGet:
-                                  properties:
-                                    host:
-                                      type: string
-                                    httpHeaders:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          name:
-                                            type: string
-                                          value:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - name
-                                        - value
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                    path:
-                                      type: string
-                                    port:
-                                      anyOf:
-                                      - type: integer
-                                      - type: string
-                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                    scheme:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - port
-                                  type: object
-                                initialDelaySeconds:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                periodSeconds:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                successThreshold:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                tcpSocket:
-                                  properties:
-                                    host:
-                                      type: string
-                                    port:
-                                      anyOf:
-                                      - type: integer
-                                      - type: string
-                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                  required:
-                                  - port
-                                  type: object
-                                terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
-                                  format: int64
-                                  type: integer
-                                timeoutSeconds:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                              type: object
-                            resources:
-                              properties:
-                                claims:
-                                  items:
-                                    properties:
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - name
-                                    type: object
-                                  type: array
-                                  x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                                  - name
-                                  x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                                limits:
-                                  additionalProperties:
-                                    anyOf:
-                                    - type: integer
-                                    - type: string
-                                    pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                  type: object
-                                requests:
-                                  additionalProperties:
-                                    anyOf:
-                                    - type: integer
-                                    - type: string
-                                    pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                  type: object
-                              type: object
-                            securityContext:
-                              properties:
-                                allowPrivilegeEscalation:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                capabilities:
-                                  properties:
-                                    add:
-                                      items:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type: array
-                                    drop:
-                                      items:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type: array
-                                  type: object
-                                privileged:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                procMount:
-                                  type: string
-                                readOnlyRootFilesystem:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                runAsGroup:
-                                  format: int64
-                                  type: integer
-                                runAsNonRoot:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                runAsUser:
-                                  format: int64
-                                  type: integer
-                                seLinuxOptions:
-                                  properties:
-                                    level:
-                                      type: string
-                                    role:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type:
-                                      type: string
-                                    user:
-                                      type: string
-                                  type: object
-                                seccompProfile:
-                                  properties:
-                                    localhostProfile:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - type
-                                  type: object
-                                windowsOptions:
-                                  properties:
-                                    gmsaCredentialSpec:
-                                      type: string
-                                    gmsaCredentialSpecName:
-                                      type: string
-                                    hostProcess:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    runAsUserName:
-                                      type: string
-                                  type: object
-                              type: object
-                            startupProbe:
-                              properties:
-                                exec:
-                                  properties:
-                                    command:
-                                      items:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type: array
-                                  type: object
-                                failureThreshold:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                grpc:
-                                  properties:
-                                    port:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    service:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - port
-                                  type: object
-                                httpGet:
-                                  properties:
-                                    host:
-                                      type: string
-                                    httpHeaders:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          name:
-                                            type: string
-                                          value:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - name
-                                        - value
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                    path:
-                                      type: string
-                                    port:
-                                      anyOf:
-                                      - type: integer
-                                      - type: string
-                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                    scheme:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - port
-                                  type: object
-                                initialDelaySeconds:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                periodSeconds:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                successThreshold:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                tcpSocket:
-                                  properties:
-                                    host:
-                                      type: string
-                                    port:
-                                      anyOf:
-                                      - type: integer
-                                      - type: string
-                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                  required:
-                                  - port
-                                  type: object
-                                terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
-                                  format: int64
-                                  type: integer
-                                timeoutSeconds:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                              type: object
-                            stdin:
-                              type: boolean
-                            stdinOnce:
-                              type: boolean
-                            terminationMessagePath:
-                              type: string
-                            terminationMessagePolicy:
-                              type: string
-                            tty:
-                              type: boolean
-                            volumeDevices:
-                              items:
-                                properties:
-                                  devicePath:
-                                    type: string
-                                  name:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - devicePath
-                                - name
-                                type: object
-                              type: array
-                            volumeMounts:
-                              items:
-                                properties:
-                                  mountPath:
-                                    type: string
-                                  mountPropagation:
-                                    type: string
-                                  name:
-                                    type: string
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  subPath:
-                                    type: string
-                                  subPathExpr:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - mountPath
-                                - name
-                                type: object
-                              type: array
-                            workingDir:
-                              type: string
-                          required:
-                          - name
-                          type: object
-                        type: array
-                      size:
-                        format: int32
-                        type: integer
-                      storage:
-                        properties:
-                          directoryPerDB:
-                            type: boolean
-                          engine:
-                            type: string
-                          inMemory:
-                            properties:
-                              engineConfig:
-                                properties:
-                                  inMemorySizeRatio:
-                                    type: number
-                                type: object
-                            type: object
-                          mmapv1:
-                            properties:
-                              nsSize:
-                                type: integer
-                              smallfiles:
-                                type: boolean
-                            type: object
-                          syncPeriodSecs:
-                            type: integer
-                          wiredTiger:
-                            properties:
-                              collectionConfig:
-                                properties:
-                                  blockCompressor:
-                                    type: string
-                                type: object
-                              engineConfig:
-                                properties:
-                                  cacheSizeRatio:
-                                    type: number
-                                  directoryForIndexes:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  journalCompressor:
-                                    type: string
-                                type: object
-                              indexConfig:
-                                properties:
-                                  prefixCompression:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                type: object
-                            type: object
-                        type: object
-                      tolerations:
-                        items:
-                          properties:
-                            effect:
-                              type: string
-                            key:
-                              type: string
-                            operator:
-                              type: string
-                            tolerationSeconds:
-                              format: int64
-                              type: integer
-                            value:
-                              type: string
-                          type: object
-                        type: array
-                      volumeSpec:
-                        properties:
-                          emptyDir:
-                            properties:
-                              medium:
-                                type: string
-                              sizeLimit:
-                                anyOf:
-                                - type: integer
-                                - type: string
-                                pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                            type: object
-                          hostPath:
-                            properties:
-                              path:
-                                type: string
-                              type:
-                                type: string
-                            required:
-                            - path
-                            type: object
-                          persistentVolumeClaim:
-                            properties:
-                              accessModes:
-                                items:
-                                  type: string
-                                type: array
-                              annotations:
-                                additionalProperties:
-                                  type: string
-                                type: object
-                              dataSource:
-                                properties:
-                                  apiGroup:
-                                    type: string
-                                  kind:
-                                    type: string
-                                  name:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - kind
-                                - name
-                                type: object
-                                x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                              dataSourceRef:
-                                properties:
-                                  apiGroup:
-                                    type: string
-                                  kind:
-                                    type: string
-                                  name:
-                                    type: string
-                                  namespace:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - kind
-                                - name
-                                type: object
-                              labels:
-                                additionalProperties:
-                                  type: string
-                                type: object
-                              resources:
-                                properties:
-                                  claims:
-                                    items:
-                                      properties:
-                                        name:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - name
-                                      type: object
-                                    type: array
-                                    x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                                    - name
-                                    x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                                  limits:
-                                    additionalProperties:
-                                      anyOf:
-                                      - type: integer
-                                      - type: string
-                                      pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                    type: object
-                                  requests:
-                                    additionalProperties:
-                                      anyOf:
-                                      - type: integer
-                                      - type: string
-                                      pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                    type: object
-                                type: object
-                              selector:
-                                properties:
-                                  matchExpressions:
-                                    items:
-                                      properties:
-                                        key:
-                                          type: string
-                                        operator:
-                                          type: string
-                                        values:
-                                          items:
-                                            type: string
-                                          type: array
-                                      required:
-                                      - key
-                                      - operator
-                                      type: object
-                                    type: array
-                                  matchLabels:
-                                    additionalProperties:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type: object
-                                type: object
-                                x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                              storageClassName:
-                                type: string
-                              volumeMode:
-                                type: string
-                              volumeName:
-                                type: string
-                            type: object
-                        type: object
-                    required:
-                    - size
-                    type: object
-                  enabled:
-                    type: boolean
-                  mongos:
-                    properties:
-                      affinity:
-                        properties:
-                          advanced:
-                            properties:
-                              nodeAffinity:
-                                properties:
-                                  preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                    items:
-                                      properties:
-                                        preference:
-                                          properties:
-                                            matchExpressions:
-                                              items:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  key:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  operator:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  values:
-                                                    items:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    type: array
-                                                required:
-                                                - key
-                                                - operator
-                                                type: object
-                                              type: array
-                                            matchFields:
-                                              items:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  key:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  operator:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  values:
-                                                    items:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    type: array
-                                                required:
-                                                - key
-                                                - operator
-                                                type: object
-                                              type: array
-                                          type: object
-                                          x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                        weight:
-                                          format: int32
-                                          type: integer
-                                      required:
-                                      - preference
-                                      - weight
-                                      type: object
-                                    type: array
-                                  requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                    properties:
-                                      nodeSelectorTerms:
-                                        items:
-                                          properties:
-                                            matchExpressions:
-                                              items:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  key:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  operator:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  values:
-                                                    items:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    type: array
-                                                required:
-                                                - key
-                                                - operator
-                                                type: object
-                                              type: array
-                                            matchFields:
-                                              items:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  key:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  operator:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  values:
-                                                    items:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    type: array
-                                                required:
-                                                - key
-                                                - operator
-                                                type: object
-                                              type: array
-                                          type: object
-                                          x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                        type: array
-                                    required:
-                                    - nodeSelectorTerms
-                                    type: object
-                                    x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                type: object
-                              podAffinity:
-                                properties:
-                                  preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                    items:
-                                      properties:
-                                        podAffinityTerm:
-                                          properties:
-                                            labelSelector:
-                                              properties:
-                                                matchExpressions:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    properties:
-                                                      key:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      operator:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      values:
-                                                        items:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        type: array
-                                                    required:
-                                                    - key
-                                                    - operator
-                                                    type: object
-                                                  type: array
-                                                matchLabels:
-                                                  additionalProperties:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  type: object
-                                              type: object
-                                              x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                            namespaceSelector:
-                                              properties:
-                                                matchExpressions:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    properties:
-                                                      key:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      operator:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      values:
-                                                        items:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        type: array
-                                                    required:
-                                                    - key
-                                                    - operator
-                                                    type: object
-                                                  type: array
-                                                matchLabels:
-                                                  additionalProperties:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  type: object
-                                              type: object
-                                              x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                            namespaces:
-                                              items:
-                                                type: string
-                                              type: array
-                                            topologyKey:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - topologyKey
-                                          type: object
-                                        weight:
-                                          format: int32
-                                          type: integer
-                                      required:
-                                      - podAffinityTerm
-                                      - weight
-                                      type: object
-                                    type: array
-                                  requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                    items:
-                                      properties:
-                                        labelSelector:
-                                          properties:
-                                            matchExpressions:
-                                              items:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  key:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  operator:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  values:
-                                                    items:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    type: array
-                                                required:
-                                                - key
-                                                - operator
-                                                type: object
-                                              type: array
-                                            matchLabels:
-                                              additionalProperties:
-                                                type: string
-                                              type: object
-                                          type: object
-                                          x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                        namespaceSelector:
-                                          properties:
-                                            matchExpressions:
-                                              items:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  key:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  operator:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  values:
-                                                    items:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    type: array
-                                                required:
-                                                - key
-                                                - operator
-                                                type: object
-                                              type: array
-                                            matchLabels:
-                                              additionalProperties:
-                                                type: string
-                                              type: object
-                                          type: object
-                                          x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                        namespaces:
-                                          items:
-                                            type: string
-                                          type: array
-                                        topologyKey:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - topologyKey
-                                      type: object
-                                    type: array
-                                type: object
-                              podAntiAffinity:
-                                properties:
-                                  preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                    items:
-                                      properties:
-                                        podAffinityTerm:
-                                          properties:
-                                            labelSelector:
-                                              properties:
-                                                matchExpressions:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    properties:
-                                                      key:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      operator:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      values:
-                                                        items:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        type: array
-                                                    required:
-                                                    - key
-                                                    - operator
-                                                    type: object
-                                                  type: array
-                                                matchLabels:
-                                                  additionalProperties:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  type: object
-                                              type: object
-                                              x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                            namespaceSelector:
-                                              properties:
-                                                matchExpressions:
-                                                  items:
-                                                    properties:
-                                                      key:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      operator:
-                                                        type: string
-                                                      values:
-                                                        items:
-                                                          type: string
-                                                        type: array
-                                                    required:
-                                                    - key
-                                                    - operator
-                                                    type: object
-                                                  type: array
-                                                matchLabels:
-                                                  additionalProperties:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  type: object
-                                              type: object
-                                              x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                            namespaces:
-                                              items:
-                                                type: string
-                                              type: array
-                                            topologyKey:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - topologyKey
-                                          type: object
-                                        weight:
-                                          format: int32
-                                          type: integer
-                                      required:
-                                      - podAffinityTerm
-                                      - weight
-                                      type: object
-                                    type: array
-                                  requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
-                                    items:
-                                      properties:
-                                        labelSelector:
-                                          properties:
-                                            matchExpressions:
-                                              items:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  key:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  operator:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  values:
-                                                    items:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    type: array
-                                                required:
-                                                - key
-                                                - operator
-                                                type: object
-                                              type: array
-                                            matchLabels:
-                                              additionalProperties:
-                                                type: string
-                                              type: object
-                                          type: object
-                                          x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                        namespaceSelector:
-                                          properties:
-                                            matchExpressions:
-                                              items:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  key:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  operator:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  values:
-                                                    items:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    type: array
-                                                required:
-                                                - key
-                                                - operator
-                                                type: object
-                                              type: array
-                                            matchLabels:
-                                              additionalProperties:
-                                                type: string
-                                              type: object
-                                          type: object
-                                          x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                        namespaces:
-                                          items:
-                                            type: string
-                                          type: array
-                                        topologyKey:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - topologyKey
-                                      type: object
-                                    type: array
-                                type: object
-                            type: object
-                          antiAffinityTopologyKey:
-                            type: string
-                        type: object
-                      annotations:
-                        additionalProperties:
-                          type: string
-                        type: object
-                      auditLog:
-                        properties:
-                          destination:
-                            type: string
-                          filter:
-                            type: string
-                          format:
-                            type: string
-                        type: object
-                      configuration:
-                        type: string
-                      containerSecurityContext:
-                        properties:
-                          allowPrivilegeEscalation:
-                            type: boolean
-                          capabilities:
-                            properties:
-                              add:
-                                items:
-                                  type: string
-                                type: array
-                              drop:
-                                items:
-                                  type: string
-                                type: array
-                            type: object
-                          privileged:
-                            type: boolean
-                          procMount:
-                            type: string
-                          readOnlyRootFilesystem:
-                            type: boolean
-                          runAsGroup:
-                            format: int64
-                            type: integer
-                          runAsNonRoot:
-                            type: boolean
-                          runAsUser:
-                            format: int64
-                            type: integer
-                          seLinuxOptions:
-                            properties:
-                              level:
-                                type: string
-                              role:
-                                type: string
-                              type:
-                                type: string
-                              user:
-                                type: string
-                            type: object
-                          seccompProfile:
-                            properties:
-                              localhostProfile:
-                                type: string
-                              type:
-                                type: string
-                            required:
-                            - type
-                            type: object
-                          windowsOptions:
-                            properties:
-                              gmsaCredentialSpec:
-                                type: string
-                              gmsaCredentialSpecName:
-                                type: string
-                              hostProcess:
-                                type: boolean
-                              runAsUserName:
-                                type: string
-                            type: object
-                        type: object
-                      expose:
-                        properties:
-                          exposeType:
-                            type: string
-                          loadBalancerSourceRanges:
-                            items:
-                              type: string
-                            type: array
-                          serviceAnnotations:
-                            additionalProperties:
-                              type: string
-                            type: object
-                          serviceLabels:
-                            additionalProperties:
-                              type: string
-                            type: object
-                          servicePerPod:
-                            type: boolean
-                        type: object
-                      hostPort:
-                        format: int32
-                        type: integer
-                      labels:
-                        additionalProperties:
-                          type: string
-                        type: object
-                      livenessProbe:
-                        properties:
-                          exec:
-                            properties:
-                              command:
-                                items:
-                                  type: string
-                                type: array
-                            type: object
-                          failureThreshold:
-                            format: int32
-                            type: integer
-                          grpc:
-                            properties:
-                              port:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                              service:
-                                type: string
-                            required:
-                            - port
-                            type: object
-                          httpGet:
-                            properties:
-                              host:
-                                type: string
-                              httpHeaders:
-                                items:
-                                  properties:
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                    value:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - name
-                                  - value
-                                  type: object
-                                type: array
-                              path:
-                                type: string
-                              port:
-                                anyOf:
-                                - type: integer
-                                - type: string
-                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                              scheme:
-                                type: string
-                            required:
-                            - port
-                            type: object
-                          initialDelaySeconds:
-                            format: int32
-                            type: integer
-                          periodSeconds:
-                            format: int32
-                            type: integer
-                          startupDelaySeconds:
-                            type: integer
-                          successThreshold:
-                            format: int32
-                            type: integer
-                          tcpSocket:
-                            properties:
-                              host:
-                                type: string
-                              port:
-                                anyOf:
-                                - type: integer
-                                - type: string
-                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                            required:
-                            - port
-                            type: object
-                          terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
-                            format: int64
-                            type: integer
-                          timeoutSeconds:
-                            format: int32
-                            type: integer
-                        type: object
-                      nodeSelector:
-                        additionalProperties:
-                          type: string
-                        type: object
-                      podDisruptionBudget:
-                        properties:
-                          maxUnavailable:
-                            anyOf:
-                            - type: integer
-                            - type: string
-                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                          minAvailable:
-                            anyOf:
-                            - type: integer
-                            - type: string
-                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                        type: object
-                      podSecurityContext:
-                        properties:
-                          fsGroup:
-                            format: int64
-                            type: integer
-                          fsGroupChangePolicy:
-                            type: string
-                          runAsGroup:
-                            format: int64
-                            type: integer
-                          runAsNonRoot:
-                            type: boolean
-                          runAsUser:
-                            format: int64
-                            type: integer
-                          seLinuxOptions:
-                            properties:
-                              level:
-                                type: string
-                              role:
-                                type: string
-                              type:
-                                type: string
-                              user:
-                                type: string
-                            type: object
-                          seccompProfile:
-                            properties:
-                              localhostProfile:
-                                type: string
-                              type:
-                                type: string
-                            required:
-                            - type
-                            type: object
-                          supplementalGroups:
-                            items:
-                              format: int64
-                              type: integer
-                            type: array
-                          sysctls:
-                            items:
-                              properties:
-                                name:
-                                  type: string
-                                value:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - name
-                              - value
-                              type: object
-                            type: array
-                          windowsOptions:
-                            properties:
-                              gmsaCredentialSpec:
-                                type: string
-                              gmsaCredentialSpecName:
-                                type: string
-                              hostProcess:
-                                type: boolean
-                              runAsUserName:
-                                type: string
-                            type: object
-                        type: object
-                      port:
-                        format: int32
-                        type: integer
-                      priorityClassName:
-                        type: string
-                      readinessProbe:
-                        properties:
-                          exec:
-                            properties:
-                              command:
-                                items:
-                                  type: string
-                                type: array
-                            type: object
-                          failureThreshold:
-                            format: int32
-                            type: integer
-                          grpc:
-                            properties:
-                              port:
-                                format: int32
-                                type: integer
-                              service:
-                                type: string
-                            required:
-                            - port
-                            type: object
-                          httpGet:
-                            properties:
-                              host:
-                                type: string
-                              httpHeaders:
-                                items:
-                                  properties:
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                    value:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - name
-                                  - value
-                                  type: object
-                                type: array
-                              path:
-                                type: string
-                              port:
-                                anyOf:
-                                - type: integer
-                                - type: string
-                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                              scheme:
-                                type: string
-                            required:
-                            - port
-                            type: object
-                          initialDelaySeconds:
-                            format: int32
-                            type: integer
-                          periodSeconds:
-                            format: int32
-                            type: integer
-                          successThreshold:
-                            format: int32
-                            type: integer
-                          tcpSocket:
-                            properties:
-                              host:
-                                type: string
-                              port:
-                                anyOf:
-                                - type: integer
-                                - type: string
-                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                            required:
-                            - port
-                            type: object
-                          terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
-                            format: int64
-                            type: integer
-                          timeoutSeconds:
-                            format: int32
-                            type: integer
-                        type: object
-                      resources:
-                        properties:
-                          claims:
-                            items:
-                              properties:
-                                name:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - name
-                              type: object
-                            type: array
-                            x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                            - name
-                            x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                          limits:
-                            additionalProperties:
-                              anyOf:
-                              - type: integer
-                              - type: string
-                              pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                              x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                            type: object
-                          requests:
-                            additionalProperties:
-                              anyOf:
-                              - type: integer
-                              - type: string
-                              pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                              x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                            type: object
-                        type: object
-                      runtimeClassName:
-                        type: string
-                      serviceAccountName:
-                        type: string
-                      setParameter:
-                        properties:
-                          cursorTimeoutMillis:
-                            type: integer
-                        type: object
-                      sidecarPVCs:
-                        items:
-                          properties:
-                            apiVersion:
-                              type: string
-                            kind:
-                              type: string
-                            metadata:
-                              type: object
-                            spec:
-                              properties:
-                                accessModes:
-                                  items:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type: array
-                                dataSource:
-                                  properties:
-                                    apiGroup:
-                                      type: string
-                                    kind:
-                                      type: string
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - kind
-                                  - name
-                                  type: object
-                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                dataSourceRef:
-                                  properties:
-                                    apiGroup:
-                                      type: string
-                                    kind:
-                                      type: string
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                    namespace:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - kind
-                                  - name
-                                  type: object
-                                resources:
-                                  properties:
-                                    claims:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          name:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - name
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                      x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                                      - name
-                                      x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                                    limits:
-                                      additionalProperties:
-                                        anyOf:
-                                        - type: integer
-                                        - type: string
-                                        pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                      type: object
-                                    requests:
-                                      additionalProperties:
-                                        anyOf:
-                                        - type: integer
-                                        - type: string
-                                        pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                      type: object
-                                  type: object
-                                selector:
-                                  properties:
-                                    matchExpressions:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          key:
-                                            type: string
-                                          operator:
-                                            type: string
-                                          values:
-                                            items:
-                                              type: string
-                                            type: array
-                                        required:
-                                        - key
-                                        - operator
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                    matchLabels:
-                                      additionalProperties:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type: object
-                                  type: object
-                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                storageClassName:
-                                  type: string
-                                volumeMode:
-                                  type: string
-                                volumeName:
-                                  type: string
-                              type: object
-                            status:
-                              properties:
-                                accessModes:
-                                  items:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type: array
-                                allocatedResources:
-                                  additionalProperties:
-                                    anyOf:
-                                    - type: integer
-                                    - type: string
-                                    pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                  type: object
-                                capacity:
-                                  additionalProperties:
-                                    anyOf:
-                                    - type: integer
-                                    - type: string
-                                    pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                  type: object
-                                conditions:
-                                  items:
-                                    properties:
-                                      lastProbeTime:
-                                        format: date-time
-                                        type: string
-                                      lastTransitionTime:
-                                        format: date-time
-                                        type: string
-                                      message:
-                                        type: string
-                                      reason:
-                                        type: string
-                                      status:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - status
-                                    - type
-                                    type: object
-                                  type: array
-                                phase:
-                                  type: string
-                                resizeStatus:
-                                  type: string
-                              type: object
-                          type: object
-                        type: array
-                      sidecarVolumes:
-                        items:
-                          properties:
-                            awsElasticBlockStore:
-                              properties:
-                                fsType:
-                                  type: string
-                                partition:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                volumeID:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - volumeID
-                              type: object
-                            azureDisk:
-                              properties:
-                                cachingMode:
-                                  type: string
-                                diskName:
-                                  type: string
-                                diskURI:
-                                  type: string
-                                fsType:
-                                  type: string
-                                kind:
-                                  type: string
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                              required:
-                              - diskName
-                              - diskURI
-                              type: object
-                            azureFile:
-                              properties:
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                secretName:
-                                  type: string
-                                shareName:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - secretName
-                              - shareName
-                              type: object
-                            cephfs:
-                              properties:
-                                monitors:
-                                  items:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type: array
-                                path:
-                                  type: string
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                secretFile:
-                                  type: string
-                                secretRef:
-                                  properties:
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                  type: object
-                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                user:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - monitors
-                              type: object
-                            cinder:
-                              properties:
-                                fsType:
-                                  type: string
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                secretRef:
-                                  properties:
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                  type: object
-                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                volumeID:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - volumeID
-                              type: object
-                            configMap:
-                              properties:
-                                defaultMode:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                items:
-                                  items:
-                                    properties:
-                                      key:
-                                        type: string
-                                      mode:
-                                        format: int32
-                                        type: integer
-                                      path:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - key
-                                    - path
-                                    type: object
-                                  type: array
-                                name:
-                                  type: string
-                                optional:
-                                  type: boolean
-                              type: object
-                              x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                            csi:
-                              properties:
-                                driver:
-                                  type: string
-                                fsType:
-                                  type: string
-                                nodePublishSecretRef:
-                                  properties:
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                  type: object
-                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                volumeAttributes:
-                                  additionalProperties:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type: object
-                              required:
-                              - driver
-                              type: object
-                            downwardAPI:
-                              properties:
-                                defaultMode:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                items:
-                                  items:
-                                    properties:
-                                      fieldRef:
-                                        properties:
-                                          apiVersion:
-                                            type: string
-                                          fieldPath:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - fieldPath
-                                        type: object
-                                        x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                      mode:
-                                        format: int32
-                                        type: integer
-                                      path:
-                                        type: string
-                                      resourceFieldRef:
-                                        properties:
-                                          containerName:
-                                            type: string
-                                          divisor:
-                                            anyOf:
-                                            - type: integer
-                                            - type: string
-                                            pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                          resource:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - resource
-                                        type: object
-                                        x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    required:
-                                    - path
-                                    type: object
-                                  type: array
-                              type: object
-                            emptyDir:
-                              properties:
-                                medium:
-                                  type: string
-                                sizeLimit:
-                                  anyOf:
-                                  - type: integer
-                                  - type: string
-                                  pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                              type: object
-                            ephemeral:
-                              properties:
-                                volumeClaimTemplate:
-                                  properties:
-                                    metadata:
-                                      type: object
-                                    spec:
-                                      properties:
-                                        accessModes:
-                                          items:
-                                            type: string
-                                          type: array
-                                        dataSource:
-                                          properties:
-                                            apiGroup:
-                                              type: string
-                                            kind:
-                                              type: string
-                                            name:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - kind
-                                          - name
-                                          type: object
-                                          x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                        dataSourceRef:
-                                          properties:
-                                            apiGroup:
-                                              type: string
-                                            kind:
-                                              type: string
-                                            name:
-                                              type: string
-                                            namespace:
-                                              type: string
-                                          required:
-                                          - kind
-                                          - name
-                                          type: object
-                                        resources:
-                                          properties:
-                                            claims:
-                                              items:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  name:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                required:
-                                                - name
-                                                type: object
-                                              type: array
-                                              x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                                              - name
-                                              x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                                            limits:
-                                              additionalProperties:
-                                                anyOf:
-                                                - type: integer
-                                                - type: string
-                                                pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                              type: object
-                                            requests:
-                                              additionalProperties:
-                                                anyOf:
-                                                - type: integer
-                                                - type: string
-                                                pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                              type: object
-                                          type: object
-                                        selector:
-                                          properties:
-                                            matchExpressions:
-                                              items:
-                                                properties:
-                                                  key:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  operator:
-                                                    type: string
-                                                  values:
-                                                    items:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    type: array
-                                                required:
-                                                - key
-                                                - operator
-                                                type: object
-                                              type: array
-                                            matchLabels:
-                                              additionalProperties:
-                                                type: string
-                                              type: object
-                                          type: object
-                                          x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                        storageClassName:
-                                          type: string
-                                        volumeMode:
-                                          type: string
-                                        volumeName:
-                                          type: string
-                                      type: object
-                                  required:
-                                  - spec
-                                  type: object
-                              type: object
-                            fc:
-                              properties:
-                                fsType:
-                                  type: string
-                                lun:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                targetWWNs:
-                                  items:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type: array
-                                wwids:
-                                  items:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type: array
-                              type: object
-                            flexVolume:
-                              properties:
-                                driver:
-                                  type: string
-                                fsType:
-                                  type: string
-                                options:
-                                  additionalProperties:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type: object
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                secretRef:
-                                  properties:
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                  type: object
-                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                              required:
-                              - driver
-                              type: object
-                            flocker:
-                              properties:
-                                datasetName:
-                                  type: string
-                                datasetUUID:
-                                  type: string
-                              type: object
-                            gcePersistentDisk:
-                              properties:
-                                fsType:
-                                  type: string
-                                partition:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                pdName:
-                                  type: string
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                              required:
-                              - pdName
-                              type: object
-                            gitRepo:
-                              properties:
-                                directory:
-                                  type: string
-                                repository:
-                                  type: string
-                                revision:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - repository
-                              type: object
-                            glusterfs:
-                              properties:
-                                endpoints:
-                                  type: string
-                                path:
-                                  type: string
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                              required:
-                              - endpoints
-                              - path
-                              type: object
-                            hostPath:
-                              properties:
-                                path:
-                                  type: string
-                                type:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - path
-                              type: object
-                            iscsi:
-                              properties:
-                                chapAuthDiscovery:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                chapAuthSession:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                fsType:
-                                  type: string
-                                initiatorName:
-                                  type: string
-                                iqn:
-                                  type: string
-                                iscsiInterface:
-                                  type: string
-                                lun:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                portals:
-                                  items:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type: array
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                secretRef:
-                                  properties:
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                  type: object
-                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                targetPortal:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - iqn
-                              - lun
-                              - targetPortal
-                              type: object
-                            name:
-                              type: string
-                            nfs:
-                              properties:
-                                path:
-                                  type: string
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                server:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - path
-                              - server
-                              type: object
-                            persistentVolumeClaim:
-                              properties:
-                                claimName:
-                                  type: string
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                              required:
-                              - claimName
-                              type: object
-                            photonPersistentDisk:
-                              properties:
-                                fsType:
-                                  type: string
-                                pdID:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - pdID
-                              type: object
-                            portworxVolume:
-                              properties:
-                                fsType:
-                                  type: string
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                volumeID:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - volumeID
-                              type: object
-                            projected:
-                              properties:
-                                defaultMode:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                sources:
-                                  items:
-                                    properties:
-                                      configMap:
-                                        properties:
-                                          items:
-                                            items:
-                                              properties:
-                                                key:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                mode:
-                                                  format: int32
-                                                  type: integer
-                                                path:
-                                                  type: string
-                                              required:
-                                              - key
-                                              - path
-                                              type: object
-                                            type: array
-                                          name:
-                                            type: string
-                                          optional:
-                                            type: boolean
-                                        type: object
-                                        x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                      downwardAPI:
-                                        properties:
-                                          items:
-                                            items:
-                                              properties:
-                                                fieldRef:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    apiVersion:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    fieldPath:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - fieldPath
-                                                  type: object
-                                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                                mode:
-                                                  format: int32
-                                                  type: integer
-                                                path:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                resourceFieldRef:
-                                                  properties:
-                                                    containerName:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                    divisor:
-                                                      anyOf:
-                                                      - type: integer
-                                                      - type: string
-                                                      pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                                    resource:
-                                                      type: string
-                                                  required:
-                                                  - resource
-                                                  type: object
-                                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                              required:
-                                              - path
-                                              type: object
-                                            type: array
-                                        type: object
-                                      secret:
-                                        properties:
-                                          items:
-                                            items:
-                                              properties:
-                                                key:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                mode:
-                                                  format: int32
-                                                  type: integer
-                                                path:
-                                                  type: string
-                                              required:
-                                              - key
-                                              - path
-                                              type: object
-                                            type: array
-                                          name:
-                                            type: string
-                                          optional:
-                                            type: boolean
-                                        type: object
-                                        x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                      serviceAccountToken:
-                                        properties:
-                                          audience:
-                                            type: string
-                                          expirationSeconds:
-                                            format: int64
-                                            type: integer
-                                          path:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - path
-                                        type: object
-                                    type: object
-                                  type: array
-                              type: object
-                            quobyte:
-                              properties:
-                                group:
-                                  type: string
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                registry:
-                                  type: string
-                                tenant:
-                                  type: string
-                                user:
-                                  type: string
-                                volume:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - registry
-                              - volume
-                              type: object
-                            rbd:
-                              properties:
-                                fsType:
-                                  type: string
-                                image:
-                                  type: string
-                                keyring:
-                                  type: string
-                                monitors:
-                                  items:
-                                    type: string
-                                  type: array
-                                pool:
-                                  type: string
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                secretRef:
-                                  properties:
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                  type: object
-                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                user:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - image
-                              - monitors
-                              type: object
-                            scaleIO:
-                              properties:
-                                fsType:
-                                  type: string
-                                gateway:
-                                  type: string
-                                protectionDomain:
-                                  type: string
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                secretRef:
-                                  properties:
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                  type: object
-                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                sslEnabled:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                storageMode:
-                                  type: string
-                                storagePool:
-                                  type: string
-                                system:
-                                  type: string
-                                volumeName:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - gateway
-                              - secretRef
-                              - system
-                              type: object
-                            secret:
-                              properties:
-                                defaultMode:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                items:
-                                  items:
-                                    properties:
-                                      key:
-                                        type: string
-                                      mode:
-                                        format: int32
-                                        type: integer
-                                      path:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - key
-                                    - path
-                                    type: object
-                                  type: array
-                                optional:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                secretName:
-                                  type: string
-                              type: object
-                            storageos:
-                              properties:
-                                fsType:
-                                  type: string
-                                readOnly:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                secretRef:
-                                  properties:
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                  type: object
-                                  x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                volumeName:
-                                  type: string
-                                volumeNamespace:
-                                  type: string
-                              type: object
-                            vsphereVolume:
-                              properties:
-                                fsType:
-                                  type: string
-                                storagePolicyID:
-                                  type: string
-                                storagePolicyName:
-                                  type: string
-                                volumePath:
-                                  type: string
-                              required:
-                              - volumePath
-                              type: object
-                          required:
-                          - name
-                          type: object
-                        type: array
-                      sidecars:
-                        items:
-                          properties:
-                            args:
-                              items:
-                                type: string
-                              type: array
-                            command:
-                              items:
-                                type: string
-                              type: array
-                            env:
-                              items:
-                                properties:
-                                  name:
-                                    type: string
-                                  value:
-                                    type: string
-                                  valueFrom:
-                                    properties:
-                                      configMapKeyRef:
-                                        properties:
-                                          key:
-                                            type: string
-                                          name:
-                                            type: string
-                                          optional:
-                                            type: boolean
-                                        required:
-                                        - key
-                                        type: object
-                                        x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                      fieldRef:
-                                        properties:
-                                          apiVersion:
-                                            type: string
-                                          fieldPath:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - fieldPath
-                                        type: object
-                                        x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                      resourceFieldRef:
-                                        properties:
-                                          containerName:
-                                            type: string
-                                          divisor:
-                                            anyOf:
-                                            - type: integer
-                                            - type: string
-                                            pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                          resource:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - resource
-                                        type: object
-                                        x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                      secretKeyRef:
-                                        properties:
-                                          key:
-                                            type: string
-                                          name:
-                                            type: string
-                                          optional:
-                                            type: boolean
-                                        required:
-                                        - key
-                                        type: object
-                                        x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                    type: object
-                                required:
-                                - name
-                                type: object
-                              type: array
-                            envFrom:
-                              items:
-                                properties:
-                                  configMapRef:
-                                    properties:
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                      optional:
-                                        type: boolean
-                                    type: object
-                                    x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                  prefix:
-                                    type: string
-                                  secretRef:
-                                    properties:
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                      optional:
-                                        type: boolean
-                                    type: object
-                                    x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
-                                type: object
-                              type: array
-                            image:
-                              type: string
-                            imagePullPolicy:
-                              type: string
-                            lifecycle:
-                              properties:
-                                postStart:
-                                  properties:
-                                    exec:
-                                      properties:
-                                        command:
-                                          items:
-                                            type: string
-                                          type: array
-                                      type: object
-                                    httpGet:
-                                      properties:
-                                        host:
-                                          type: string
-                                        httpHeaders:
-                                          items:
-                                            properties:
-                                              name:
-                                                type: string
-                                              value:
-                                                type: string
-                                            required:
-                                            - name
-                                            - value
-                                            type: object
-                                          type: array
-                                        path:
-                                          type: string
-                                        port:
-                                          anyOf:
-                                          - type: integer
-                                          - type: string
-                                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                        scheme:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - port
-                                      type: object
-                                    tcpSocket:
-                                      properties:
-                                        host:
-                                          type: string
-                                        port:
-                                          anyOf:
-                                          - type: integer
-                                          - type: string
-                                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                      required:
-                                      - port
-                                      type: object
-                                  type: object
-                                preStop:
-                                  properties:
-                                    exec:
-                                      properties:
-                                        command:
-                                          items:
-                                            type: string
-                                          type: array
-                                      type: object
-                                    httpGet:
-                                      properties:
-                                        host:
-                                          type: string
-                                        httpHeaders:
-                                          items:
-                                            properties:
-                                              name:
-                                                type: string
-                                              value:
-                                                type: string
-                                            required:
-                                            - name
-                                            - value
-                                            type: object
-                                          type: array
-                                        path:
-                                          type: string
-                                        port:
-                                          anyOf:
-                                          - type: integer
-                                          - type: string
-                                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                        scheme:
-                                          type: string
-                                      required:
-                                      - port
-                                      type: object
-                                    tcpSocket:
-                                      properties:
-                                        host:
-                                          type: string
-                                        port:
-                                          anyOf:
-                                          - type: integer
-                                          - type: string
-                                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                      required:
-                                      - port
-                                      type: object
-                                  type: object
-                              type: object
-                            livenessProbe:
-                              properties:
-                                exec:
-                                  properties:
-                                    command:
-                                      items:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type: array
-                                  type: object
-                                failureThreshold:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                grpc:
-                                  properties:
-                                    port:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    service:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - port
-                                  type: object
-                                httpGet:
-                                  properties:
-                                    host:
-                                      type: string
-                                    httpHeaders:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          name:
-                                            type: string
-                                          value:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - name
-                                        - value
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                    path:
-                                      type: string
-                                    port:
-                                      anyOf:
-                                      - type: integer
-                                      - type: string
-                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                    scheme:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - port
-                                  type: object
-                                initialDelaySeconds:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                periodSeconds:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                successThreshold:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                tcpSocket:
-                                  properties:
-                                    host:
-                                      type: string
-                                    port:
-                                      anyOf:
-                                      - type: integer
-                                      - type: string
-                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                  required:
-                                  - port
-                                  type: object
-                                terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
-                                  format: int64
-                                  type: integer
-                                timeoutSeconds:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                              type: object
-                            name:
-                              type: string
-                            ports:
-                              items:
-                                properties:
-                                  containerPort:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  hostIP:
-                                    type: string
-                                  hostPort:
-                                    format: int32
-                                    type: integer
-                                  name:
-                                    type: string
-                                  protocol:
-                                    default: TCP
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - containerPort
-                                type: object
-                              type: array
-                              x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                              - containerPort
-                              - protocol
-                              x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                            readinessProbe:
-                              properties:
-                                exec:
-                                  properties:
-                                    command:
-                                      items:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type: array
-                                  type: object
-                                failureThreshold:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                grpc:
-                                  properties:
-                                    port:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    service:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - port
-                                  type: object
-                                httpGet:
-                                  properties:
-                                    host:
-                                      type: string
-                                    httpHeaders:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          name:
-                                            type: string
-                                          value:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - name
-                                        - value
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                    path:
-                                      type: string
-                                    port:
-                                      anyOf:
-                                      - type: integer
-                                      - type: string
-                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                    scheme:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - port
-                                  type: object
-                                initialDelaySeconds:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                periodSeconds:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                successThreshold:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                tcpSocket:
-                                  properties:
-                                    host:
-                                      type: string
-                                    port:
-                                      anyOf:
-                                      - type: integer
-                                      - type: string
-                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                  required:
-                                  - port
-                                  type: object
-                                terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
-                                  format: int64
-                                  type: integer
-                                timeoutSeconds:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                              type: object
-                            resources:
-                              properties:
-                                claims:
-                                  items:
-                                    properties:
-                                      name:
-                                        type: string
-                                    required:
-                                    - name
-                                    type: object
-                                  type: array
-                                  x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
-                                  - name
-                                  x-kubernetes-list-type: map
-                                limits:
-                                  additionalProperties:
-                                    anyOf:
-                                    - type: integer
-                                    - type: string
-                                    pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                  type: object
-                                requests:
-                                  additionalProperties:
-                                    anyOf:
-                                    - type: integer
-                                    - type: string
-                                    pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
-                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                  type: object
-                              type: object
-                            securityContext:
-                              properties:
-                                allowPrivilegeEscalation:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                capabilities:
-                                  properties:
-                                    add:
-                                      items:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type: array
-                                    drop:
-                                      items:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type: array
-                                  type: object
-                                privileged:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                procMount:
-                                  type: string
-                                readOnlyRootFilesystem:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                runAsGroup:
-                                  format: int64
-                                  type: integer
-                                runAsNonRoot:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                runAsUser:
-                                  format: int64
-                                  type: integer
-                                seLinuxOptions:
-                                  properties:
-                                    level:
-                                      type: string
-                                    role:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type:
-                                      type: string
-                                    user:
-                                      type: string
-                                  type: object
-                                seccompProfile:
-                                  properties:
-                                    localhostProfile:
-                                      type: string
-                                    type:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - type
-                                  type: object
-                                windowsOptions:
-                                  properties:
-                                    gmsaCredentialSpec:
-                                      type: string
-                                    gmsaCredentialSpecName:
-                                      type: string
-                                    hostProcess:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    runAsUserName:
-                                      type: string
-                                  type: object
-                              type: object
-                            startupProbe:
-                              properties:
-                                exec:
-                                  properties:
-                                    command:
-                                      items:
-                                        type: string
-                                      type: array
-                                  type: object
-                                failureThreshold:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                grpc:
-                                  properties:
-                                    port:
-                                      format: int32
-                                      type: integer
-                                    service:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - port
-                                  type: object
-                                httpGet:
-                                  properties:
-                                    host:
-                                      type: string
-                                    httpHeaders:
-                                      items:
-                                        properties:
-                                          name:
-                                            type: string
-                                          value:
-                                            type: string
-                                        required:
-                                        - name
-                                        - value
-                                        type: object
-                                      type: array
-                                    path:
-                                      type: string
-                                    port:
-                                      anyOf:
-                                      - type: integer
-                                      - type: string
-                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                    scheme:
-                                      type: string
-                                  required:
-                                  - port
-                                  type: object
-                                initialDelaySeconds:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                periodSeconds:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                successThreshold:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                                tcpSocket:
-                                  properties:
-                                    host:
-                                      type: string
-                                    port:
-                                      anyOf:
-                                      - type: integer
-                                      - type: string
-                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
-                                  required:
-                                  - port
-                                  type: object
-                                terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
-                                  format: int64
-                                  type: integer
-                                timeoutSeconds:
-                                  format: int32
-                                  type: integer
-                              type: object
-                            stdin:
-                              type: boolean
-                            stdinOnce:
-                              type: boolean
-                            terminationMessagePath:
-                              type: string
-                            terminationMessagePolicy:
-                              type: string
-                            tty:
-                              type: boolean
-                            volumeDevices:
-                              items:
-                                properties:
-                                  devicePath:
-                                    type: string
-                                  name:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - devicePath
-                                - name
-                                type: object
-                              type: array
-                            volumeMounts:
-                              items:
-                                properties:
-                                  mountPath:
-                                    type: string
-                                  mountPropagation:
-                                    type: string
-                                  name:
-                                    type: string
-                                  readOnly:
-                                    type: boolean
-                                  subPath:
-                                    type: string
-                                  subPathExpr:
-                                    type: string
-                                required:
-                                - mountPath
-                                - name
-                                type: object
-                              type: array
-                            workingDir:
-                              type: string
-                          required:
-                          - name
-                          type: object
-                        type: array
-                      size:
-                        format: int32
-                        type: integer
-                      tolerations:
-                        items:
-                          properties:
-                            effect:
-                              type: string
-                            key:
-                              type: string
-                            operator:
-                              type: string
-                            tolerationSeconds:
-                              format: int64
-                              type: integer
-                            value:
-                              type: string
-                          type: object
-                        type: array
-                    type: object
-                required:
-                - enabled
-                type: object
-              tls:
-                properties:
-                  certValidityDuration:
-                    type: string
-                type: object
-              unmanaged:
-                type: boolean
-              updateStrategy:
-                type: string
-              upgradeOptions:
-                properties:
-                  apply:
-                    type: string
-                  schedule:
-                    type: string
-                  setFCV:
-                    type: boolean
-                  versionServiceEndpoint:
-                    type: string
-                type: object
-            required:
-            - image
-            type: object
-          status:
-            properties:
-              backup:
-                type: string
-              backupVersion:
-                type: string
-              conditions:
-                items:
-                  properties:
-                    lastTransitionTime:
-                      format: date-time
-                      type: string
-                    message:
-                      type: string
-                    reason:
-                      type: string
-                    status:
-                      type: string
-                    type:
-                      type: string
-                  required:
-                  - status
-                  - type
-                  type: object
-                type: array
-              host:
-                type: string
-              message:
-                type: string
-              mongoImage:
-                type: string
-              mongoVersion:
-                type: string
-              mongos:
-                properties:
-                  message:
-                    type: string
-                  ready:
-                    type: integer
-                  size:
-                    type: integer
-                  status:
-                    type: string
-                required:
-                - ready
-                - size
-                type: object
-              observedGeneration:
-                format: int64
-                type: integer
-              pmmStatus:
-                type: string
-              pmmVersion:
-                type: string
-              ready:
-                format: int32
-                type: integer
-              replsets:
-                additionalProperties:
-                  properties:
-                    added_as_shard:
-                      type: boolean
-                    clusterRole:
-                      type: string
-                    initialized:
-                      type: boolean
-                    members:
-                      items:
-                        properties:
-                          name:
-                            type: string
-                          version:
-                            type: string
-                        type: object
-                      type: array
-                    message:
-                      type: string
-                    ready:
-                      format: int32
-                      type: integer
-                    size:
-                      format: int32
-                      type: integer
-                    status:
-                      type: string
-                  required:
-                  - ready
-                  - size
-                  type: object
-                type: object
-              size:
-                format: int32
-                type: integer
-              state:
-                type: string
-            required:
-            - ready
-            - size
-            type: object
-        type: object
-    served: true
-    storage: true
-    subresources:
-      status: {}
diff --git a/charts/percona/psmdb-db/templates/NOTES.txt b/charts/percona/psmdb-db/templates/NOTES.txt
index 2a74503fa..dc81c0019 100644
--- a/charts/percona/psmdb-db/templates/NOTES.txt
+++ b/charts/percona/psmdb-db/templates/NOTES.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,25 @@
+                    %                        _____
+                   %%%                      |  __ \
+                 ###%%%%%%%%%%%%*           | |__) |__ _ __ ___ ___  _ __   __ _
+                ###  ##%%      %%%%         |  ___/ _ \ '__/ __/ _ \| '_ \ / _` |
+              ####     ##%       %%%%       | |  |  __/ | | (_| (_) | | | | (_| |
+             ###        ####      %%%       |_|   \___|_|  \___\___/|_| |_|\__,_|
+           ,((###         ###     %%%        _      _          _____                       _
+          (((( (###        ####  %%%%       | |   / _ \       / ____|                     | |
+         (((     ((#         ######         | | _| (_) |___  | (___   __ _ _   _  __ _  __| |
+       ((((       (((#        ####          | |/ /> _ </ __|  \___ \ / _` | | | |/ _` |/ _` |
+      /((          ,(((        *###         |   <| (_) \__ \  ____) | (_| | |_| | (_| | (_| |
+    ////             (((         ####       |_|\_\\___/|___/ |_____/ \__, |\__,_|\__,_|\__,_|
+   ///                ((((        ####                                  | |
+ /////////////(((((((((((((((((########                                 |_|   Join @ percona.com/k8s
+Join Percona Squad! Get early access to new product features, invite-only ”ask me anything” sessions with Percona Kubernetes experts, and monthly swag raffles.
+>>> https://percona.com/k8s <<<
 Percona Server for MongoDB cluster is deployed now. Get the username and password:
   ADMIN_USER=$(kubectl -n {{ .Release.Namespace }} get secrets {{ include "psmdb-database.fullname" . }}-secrets -o jsonpath="{.data.MONGODB_USER_ADMIN_USER}" | base64 --decode)
diff --git a/charts/percona/pxc-db/Chart.yaml b/charts/percona/pxc-db/Chart.yaml
index 27396111f..2564eb508 100644
--- a/charts/percona/pxc-db/Chart.yaml
+++ b/charts/percona/pxc-db/Chart.yaml
@@ -19,4 +19,4 @@ maintainers:
 - email: natalia.marukovich@percona.com
   name: nmarukovich
 name: pxc-db
-version: 1.12.1
+version: 1.12.2
diff --git a/charts/percona/pxc-db/templates/NOTES.txt b/charts/percona/pxc-db/templates/NOTES.txt
index efc9f2476..934583895 100644
--- a/charts/percona/pxc-db/templates/NOTES.txt
+++ b/charts/percona/pxc-db/templates/NOTES.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,25 @@
+                    %                        _____
+                   %%%                      |  __ \
+                 ###%%%%%%%%%%%%*           | |__) |__ _ __ ___ ___  _ __   __ _
+                ###  ##%%      %%%%         |  ___/ _ \ '__/ __/ _ \| '_ \ / _` |
+              ####     ##%       %%%%       | |  |  __/ | | (_| (_) | | | | (_| |
+             ###        ####      %%%       |_|   \___|_|  \___\___/|_| |_|\__,_|
+           ,((###         ###     %%%        _      _          _____                       _
+          (((( (###        ####  %%%%       | |   / _ \       / ____|                     | |
+         (((     ((#         ######         | | _| (_) |___  | (___   __ _ _   _  __ _  __| |
+       ((((       (((#        ####          | |/ /> _ </ __|  \___ \ / _` | | | |/ _` |/ _` |
+      /((          ,(((        *###         |   <| (_) \__ \  ____) | (_| | |_| | (_| | (_| |
+    ////             (((         ####       |_|\_\\___/|___/ |_____/ \__, |\__,_|\__,_|\__,_|
+   ///                ((((        ####                                  | |
+ /////////////(((((((((((((((((########                                 |_|   Join @ percona.com/k8s
+Join Percona Squad! Get early access to new product features, invite-only ”ask me anything” sessions with Percona Kubernetes experts, and monthly swag raffles.
+>>> https://percona.com/k8s <<<
 1. To get a MySQL prompt inside your new cluster you can run:
     ROOT_PASSWORD=`kubectl -n {{ .Release.Namespace }} get secrets {{ include "pxc-database.fullname" . }} -o jsonpath="{.data.root}" | base64 --decode`
diff --git a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/Chart.yaml b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/Chart.yaml
index 8dfb3b685..a28363359 100644
--- a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/Chart.yaml
+++ b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/Chart.yaml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ annotations:
   catalog.cattle.io/kube-version: '>=1.19.0-0'
   catalog.cattle.io/release-name: k8s-triliovault-operator
 apiVersion: v2
-appVersion: 3.0.3
+appVersion: 3.1.0
 - condition: observability.enabled
   name: observability
@@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ maintainers:
 name: k8s-triliovault-operator
 - https://github.com/trilioData/k8s-triliovault-operator
-version: 3.0.3
+version: 3.1.0
diff --git a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/logging/charts/loki/templates/statefulset.yaml b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/logging/charts/loki/templates/statefulset.yaml
index bfa531ee4..9e1a49ca1 100644
--- a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/logging/charts/loki/templates/statefulset.yaml
+++ b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/logging/charts/loki/templates/statefulset.yaml
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ spec:
       {{- end }}
         - name: {{ .Chart.Name }}
-          image: "{{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.tag }}"
+          image: "{{ .Values.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.tag }}"
           imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.image.pullPolicy }}
             - "-config.file=/etc/loki/loki.yaml"
diff --git a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/logging/charts/loki/values.yaml b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/logging/charts/loki/values.yaml
index 70e95c7c2..731c4d906 100644
--- a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/logging/charts/loki/values.yaml
+++ b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/logging/charts/loki/values.yaml
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+  registry: docker.io
   repository: grafana/loki
   tag: 2.6.1
   pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
diff --git a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/charts/kube-state-metrics/templates/deployment.yaml b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/charts/kube-state-metrics/templates/deployment.yaml
index 450e8e059..ac5387f10 100644
--- a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/charts/kube-state-metrics/templates/deployment.yaml
+++ b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/charts/kube-state-metrics/templates/deployment.yaml
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ spec:
           readOnly: true
         {{- end }}
         imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.image.pullPolicy }}
-        image: "{{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.tag }}"
+        image: "{{ .Values.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.tag }}"
         - containerPort: {{ .Values.service.port | default 8080}}
           name: "http"
diff --git a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/charts/kube-state-metrics/values.yaml b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/charts/kube-state-metrics/values.yaml
index 2f0718b15..3feb6b501 100644
--- a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/charts/kube-state-metrics/values.yaml
+++ b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/charts/kube-state-metrics/values.yaml
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 # Default values for kube-state-metrics.
 prometheusScrape: true
-  repository: k8s.gcr.io/kube-state-metrics/kube-state-metrics
+  registry: k8s.gcr.io
+  repository: kube-state-metrics/kube-state-metrics
   tag: v2.4.1
   pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
diff --git a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/templates/alertmanager/deploy.yaml b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/templates/alertmanager/deploy.yaml
index 86335698a..8a51d250a 100644
--- a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/templates/alertmanager/deploy.yaml
+++ b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/templates/alertmanager/deploy.yaml
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ spec:
 {{- end }}
         - name: {{ template "prometheus.name" . }}-{{ .Values.alertmanager.name }}
-          image: "{{ .Values.alertmanager.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.alertmanager.image.tag }}"
+          image: "{{ .Values.alertmanager.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.alertmanager.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.alertmanager.image.tag }}"
           imagePullPolicy: "{{ .Values.alertmanager.image.pullPolicy }}"
             {{- range $key, $value := .Values.alertmanager.extraEnv }}
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ spec:
         {{- if .Values.configmapReload.alertmanager.enabled }}
         - name: {{ template "prometheus.name" . }}-{{ .Values.alertmanager.name }}-{{ .Values.configmapReload.alertmanager.name }}
-          image: "{{ .Values.configmapReload.alertmanager.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.configmapReload.alertmanager.image.tag }}"
+          image: "{{ .Values.configmapReload.alertmanager.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.configmapReload.alertmanager.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.configmapReload.alertmanager.image.tag }}"
           imagePullPolicy: "{{ .Values.configmapReload.alertmanager.image.pullPolicy }}"
             - --volume-dir=/etc/config
diff --git a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/templates/alertmanager/sts.yaml b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/templates/alertmanager/sts.yaml
index 1baef4b75..b978108ac 100644
--- a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/templates/alertmanager/sts.yaml
+++ b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/templates/alertmanager/sts.yaml
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ spec:
 {{- end }}
         - name: {{ template "prometheus.name" . }}-{{ .Values.alertmanager.name }}
-          image: "{{ .Values.alertmanager.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.alertmanager.image.tag }}"
+          image: "{{ .Values.alertmanager.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.alertmanager.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.alertmanager.image.tag }}"
           imagePullPolicy: "{{ .Values.alertmanager.image.pullPolicy }}"
             {{- range $key, $value := .Values.alertmanager.extraEnv }}
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ spec:
           {{- end }}
         {{- if .Values.configmapReload.alertmanager.enabled }}
         - name: {{ template "prometheus.name" . }}-{{ .Values.alertmanager.name }}-{{ .Values.configmapReload.alertmanager.name }}
-          image: "{{ .Values.configmapReload.alertmanager.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.configmapReload.alertmanager.image.tag }}"
+          image: "{{ .Values.configmapReload.alertmanager.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.configmapReload.alertmanager.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.configmapReload.alertmanager.image.tag }}"
           imagePullPolicy: "{{ .Values.configmapReload.alertmanager.image.pullPolicy }}"
             - --volume-dir=/etc/config
diff --git a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/templates/node-exporter/daemonset.yaml b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/templates/node-exporter/daemonset.yaml
index d1d5cf064..010f790a9 100644
--- a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/templates/node-exporter/daemonset.yaml
+++ b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/templates/node-exporter/daemonset.yaml
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ spec:
 {{- end }}
         - name: {{ template "prometheus.name" . }}-{{ .Values.nodeExporter.name }}
-          image: "{{ .Values.nodeExporter.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.nodeExporter.image.tag }}"
+          image: "{{ .Values.nodeExporter.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.nodeExporter.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.nodeExporter.image.tag }}"
           imagePullPolicy: "{{ .Values.nodeExporter.image.pullPolicy }}"
             - --path.procfs=/host/proc
diff --git a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/templates/pushgateway/deploy.yaml b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/templates/pushgateway/deploy.yaml
index ffdbfcc42..9314a1f45 100644
--- a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/templates/pushgateway/deploy.yaml
+++ b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/templates/pushgateway/deploy.yaml
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ spec:
 {{- end }}
         - name: {{ template "prometheus.name" . }}-{{ .Values.pushgateway.name }}
-          image: "{{ .Values.pushgateway.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.pushgateway.image.tag }}"
+          image: "{{ .Values.pushgateway.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.pushgateway.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.pushgateway.image.tag }}"
           imagePullPolicy: "{{ .Values.pushgateway.image.pullPolicy }}"
           {{- range $key, $value := .Values.pushgateway.extraArgs }}
diff --git a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/templates/server/deploy.yaml b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/templates/server/deploy.yaml
index eb86e90ab..22808929e 100644
--- a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/templates/server/deploy.yaml
+++ b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/templates/server/deploy.yaml
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ spec:
         {{- if .Values.configmapReload.prometheus.enabled }}
         - name: {{ template "prometheus.name" . }}-{{ .Values.server.name }}-{{ .Values.configmapReload.prometheus.name }}
-          image: "{{ .Values.configmapReload.prometheus.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.configmapReload.prometheus.image.tag }}"
+          image: "{{ .Values.configmapReload.prometheus.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.configmapReload.prometheus.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.configmapReload.prometheus.image.tag }}"
           imagePullPolicy: "{{ .Values.configmapReload.prometheus.image.pullPolicy }}"
             - --volume-dir=/etc/config
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ spec:
         {{- end }}
         - name: {{ template "prometheus.name" . }}-{{ .Values.server.name }}
-          image: "{{ .Values.server.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.server.image.tag }}"
+          image: "{{ .Values.server.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.server.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.server.image.tag }}"
           imagePullPolicy: "{{ .Values.server.image.pullPolicy }}"
           {{- if .Values.server.env }}
diff --git a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/templates/server/sts.yaml b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/templates/server/sts.yaml
index 24a9d923e..3f76fa9ba 100644
--- a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/templates/server/sts.yaml
+++ b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/templates/server/sts.yaml
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ spec:
         {{- if .Values.configmapReload.prometheus.enabled }}
         - name: {{ template "prometheus.name" . }}-{{ .Values.server.name }}-{{ .Values.configmapReload.prometheus.name }}
-          image: "{{ .Values.configmapReload.prometheus.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.configmapReload.prometheus.image.tag }}"
+          image: "{{ .Values.configmapReload.prometheus.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.configmapReload.prometheus.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.configmapReload.prometheus.image.tag }}"
           imagePullPolicy: "{{ .Values.configmapReload.prometheus.image.pullPolicy }}"
             - --volume-dir=/etc/config
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ spec:
         {{- end }}
         - name: {{ template "prometheus.name" . }}-{{ .Values.server.name }}
-          image: "{{ .Values.server.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.server.image.tag }}"
+          image: "{{ .Values.server.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.server.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.server.image.tag }}"
           imagePullPolicy: "{{ .Values.server.image.pullPolicy }}"
           {{- if .Values.server.env }}
diff --git a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/values.yaml b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/values.yaml
index f04b0e87a..680def88e 100644
--- a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/values.yaml
+++ b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/values.yaml
@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ alertmanager:
   ## alertmanager container image
-    repository: quay.io/prometheus/alertmanager
+    registry: quay.io
+    repository: prometheus/alertmanager
     tag: v0.23.0
     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
@@ -389,6 +390,7 @@ configmapReload:
     ## configmap-reload container image
+      registry: docker.io
       repository: jimmidyson/configmap-reload
       tag: v0.5.0
       pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
@@ -435,6 +437,7 @@ configmapReload:
     ## configmap-reload container image
+      registry: docker.io
       repository: jimmidyson/configmap-reload
       tag: v0.5.0
       pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
@@ -504,7 +507,8 @@ nodeExporter:
   ## node-exporter container image
-    repository: quay.io/prometheus/node-exporter
+    registry: quay.io
+    repository: prometheus/node-exporter
     tag: v1.3.0
     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
@@ -681,7 +685,8 @@ server:
   ## Prometheus server container image
-    repository: quay.io/prometheus/prometheus
+    registry: quay.io
+    repository: prometheus/prometheus
     tag: v2.34.0
     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
@@ -1155,6 +1160,7 @@ pushgateway:
   ## pushgateway container image
+    registry: docker.io
     repository: prom/pushgateway
     tag: v1.4.2
     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
diff --git a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/visualization/charts/grafana/templates/_pod.tpl b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/visualization/charts/grafana/templates/_pod.tpl
index 230642c65..af2c4036e 100644
--- a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/visualization/charts/grafana/templates/_pod.tpl
+++ b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/visualization/charts/grafana/templates/_pod.tpl
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ initContainers:
 {{- if ( and .Values.persistence.enabled .Values.initChownData.enabled ) }}
   - name: init-chown-data
     {{- if .Values.initChownData.image.sha }}
-    image: "{{ .Values.initChownData.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.initChownData.image.tag }}@sha256:{{ .Values.initChownData.image.sha }}"
+    image: "{{ .Values.initChownData.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.initChownData.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.initChownData.image.tag }}@sha256:{{ .Values.initChownData.image.sha }}"
     {{- else }}
-    image: "{{ .Values.initChownData.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.initChownData.image.tag }}"
+    image: "{{ .Values.initChownData.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.initChownData.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.initChownData.image.tag }}"
     {{- end }}
     imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.initChownData.image.pullPolicy }}
@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ initContainers:
 {{- if .Values.dashboards }}
   - name: download-dashboards
     {{- if .Values.downloadDashboardsImage.sha }}
-    image: "{{ .Values.downloadDashboardsImage.repository }}:{{ .Values.downloadDashboardsImage.tag }}@sha256:{{ .Values.downloadDashboardsImage.sha }}"
+    image: "{{ .Values.downloadDashboardsImage.registry }}/{{ .Values.downloadDashboardsImage.repository }}:{{ .Values.downloadDashboardsImage.tag }}@sha256:{{ .Values.downloadDashboardsImage.sha }}"
     {{- else }}
-    image: "{{ .Values.downloadDashboardsImage.repository }}:{{ .Values.downloadDashboardsImage.tag }}"
+    image: "{{ .Values.downloadDashboardsImage.registry }}/{{ .Values.downloadDashboardsImage.repository }}:{{ .Values.downloadDashboardsImage.tag }}"
     {{- end }}
     imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.downloadDashboardsImage.pullPolicy }}
     command: ["/bin/sh"]
@@ -80,9 +80,9 @@ initContainers:
 {{- if and .Values.sidecar.datasources.enabled .Values.sidecar.datasources.initDatasources }}
   - name: {{ template "grafana.name" . }}-init-sc-datasources
     {{- if .Values.sidecar.image.sha }}
-    image: "{{ .Values.sidecar.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.sidecar.image.tag }}@sha256:{{ .Values.sidecar.image.sha }}"
+    image: "{{ .Values.sidecar.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.sidecar.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.sidecar.image.tag }}@sha256:{{ .Values.sidecar.image.sha }}"
     {{- else }}
-    image: "{{ .Values.sidecar.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.sidecar.image.tag }}"
+    image: "{{ .Values.sidecar.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.sidecar.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.sidecar.image.tag }}"
     {{- end }}
     imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.sidecar.imagePullPolicy }}
@@ -123,9 +123,9 @@ initContainers:
 {{- if .Values.sidecar.notifiers.enabled }}
   - name: {{ template "grafana.name" . }}-sc-notifiers
     {{- if .Values.sidecar.image.sha }}
-    image: "{{ .Values.sidecar.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.sidecar.image.tag }}@sha256:{{ .Values.sidecar.image.sha }}"
+    image: "{{ .Values.sidecar.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.sidecar.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.sidecar.image.tag }}@sha256:{{ .Values.sidecar.image.sha }}"
     {{- else }}
-    image: "{{ .Values.sidecar.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.sidecar.image.tag }}"
+    image: "{{ .Values.sidecar.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.sidecar.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.sidecar.image.tag }}"
     {{- end }}
     imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.sidecar.imagePullPolicy }}
@@ -184,9 +184,9 @@ containers:
 {{- if .Values.sidecar.dashboards.enabled }}
   - name: {{ template "grafana.name" . }}-sc-dashboard
     {{- if .Values.sidecar.image.sha }}
-    image: "{{ .Values.sidecar.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.sidecar.image.tag }}@sha256:{{ .Values.sidecar.image.sha }}"
+    image: "{{ .Values.sidecar.image.registry }}{{ .Values.sidecar.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.sidecar.image.tag }}@sha256:{{ .Values.sidecar.image.sha }}"
     {{- else }}
-    image: "{{ .Values.sidecar.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.sidecar.image.tag }}"
+    image: "{{ .Values.sidecar.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.sidecar.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.sidecar.image.tag }}"
     {{- end }}
     imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.sidecar.imagePullPolicy }}
@@ -254,9 +254,9 @@ containers:
 {{- if .Values.sidecar.datasources.enabled }}
   - name: {{ template "grafana.name" . }}-sc-datasources
     {{- if .Values.sidecar.image.sha }}
-    image: "{{ .Values.sidecar.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.sidecar.image.tag }}@sha256:{{ .Values.sidecar.image.sha }}"
+    image: "{{ .Values.sidecar.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.sidecar.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.sidecar.image.tag }}@sha256:{{ .Values.sidecar.image.sha }}"
     {{- else }}
-    image: "{{ .Values.sidecar.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.sidecar.image.tag }}"
+    image: "{{ .Values.sidecar.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.sidecar.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.sidecar.image.tag }}"
     {{- end }}
     imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.sidecar.imagePullPolicy }}
@@ -325,9 +325,9 @@ containers:
 {{- if .Values.sidecar.plugins.enabled }}
   - name: {{ template "grafana.name" . }}-sc-plugins
     {{- if .Values.sidecar.image.sha }}
-    image: "{{ .Values.sidecar.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.sidecar.image.tag }}@sha256:{{ .Values.sidecar.image.sha }}"
+    image: "{{ .Values.sidecar.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.sidecar.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.sidecar.image.tag }}@sha256:{{ .Values.sidecar.image.sha }}"
     {{- else }}
-    image: "{{ .Values.sidecar.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.sidecar.image.tag }}"
+    image: "{{ .Values.sidecar.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.sidecar.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.sidecar.image.tag }}"
     {{- end }}
     imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.sidecar.imagePullPolicy }}
@@ -395,9 +395,9 @@ containers:
 {{- end}}
   - name: {{ .Chart.Name }}
     {{- if .Values.image.sha }}
-    image: "{{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.tag }}@sha256:{{ .Values.image.sha }}"
+    image: "{{ .Values.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.tag }}@sha256:{{ .Values.image.sha }}"
     {{- else }}
-    image: "{{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.tag }}"
+    image: "{{ .Values.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.tag }}"
     {{- end }}
     imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.image.pullPolicy }}
   {{- if .Values.command }}
diff --git a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/visualization/charts/grafana/templates/image-renderer-deployment.yaml b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/visualization/charts/grafana/templates/image-renderer-deployment.yaml
index 1a9d4c58b..acf262e9d 100644
--- a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/visualization/charts/grafana/templates/image-renderer-deployment.yaml
+++ b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/visualization/charts/grafana/templates/image-renderer-deployment.yaml
@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ spec:
         - name: {{ .Chart.Name }}-image-renderer
           {{- if .Values.imageRenderer.image.sha }}
-          image: "{{ .Values.imageRenderer.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.imageRenderer.image.tag }}@sha256:{{ .Values.imageRenderer.image.sha }}"
+          image: "{{ .Values.imageRenderer.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.imageRenderer.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.imageRenderer.image.tag }}@sha256:{{ .Values.imageRenderer.image.sha }}"
           {{- else }}
-          image: "{{ .Values.imageRenderer.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.imageRenderer.image.tag }}"
+          image: "{{ .Values.imageRenderer.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.imageRenderer.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.imageRenderer.image.tag }}"
           {{- end }}
           imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.imageRenderer.image.pullPolicy }}
         {{- if .Values.imageRenderer.command }}
diff --git a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/visualization/charts/grafana/values.yaml b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/visualization/charts/grafana/values.yaml
index 7380f39c7..5d50d4443 100644
--- a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/visualization/charts/grafana/values.yaml
+++ b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/charts/observability/charts/visualization/charts/grafana/values.yaml
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ livenessProbe:
 # schedulerName: "default-scheduler"
+  registry: docker.io
   repository: grafana/grafana
   tag: 8.5.0
   sha: ""
@@ -88,6 +89,7 @@ image:
   enabled: true
+  registry: docker.io
   image: "bats/bats"
   tag: "v1.4.1"
   imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
@@ -123,6 +125,7 @@ extraLabels: {}
 # priorityClassName:
+  registry: docker.io
   repository: curlimages/curl
   tag: 7.73.0
   sha: ""
@@ -317,6 +320,7 @@ initChownData:
   ## initChownData container image
+    registry: docker.io
     repository: busybox
     tag: "1.31.1"
     sha: ""
@@ -683,7 +687,8 @@ smtp:
 ## Requires at least Grafana 5 to work and can't be used together with parameters dashboardProviders, datasources and dashboards
-    repository: quay.io/kiwigrid/k8s-sidecar
+    registry: quay.io
+    repository: kiwigrid/k8s-sidecar
     tag: 1.15.6
     sha: ""
   imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
@@ -825,6 +830,7 @@ imageRenderer:
   enabled: false
   replicas: 1
+    registry: docker.io
     # image-renderer Image repository
     repository: grafana/grafana-image-renderer
     # image-renderer Image tag
diff --git a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/templates/preflight_job_preinstall_hook.yaml b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/templates/preflight_job_preinstall_hook.yaml
index a95ee4a02..f9f1e77e0 100644
--- a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/templates/preflight_job_preinstall_hook.yaml
+++ b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/templates/preflight_job_preinstall_hook.yaml
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ rules:
       - create
       - update
       - delete
+      - patch
 {{- if eq .Values.svcAccountName "" }}
diff --git a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/values.yaml b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/values.yaml
index dd41c3708..534d351f4 100644
--- a/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/values.yaml
+++ b/charts/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator/values.yaml
@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ operator-webhook-init:
   repository: operator-webhook-init
   repository: k8s-triliovault-operator
-tag: "3.0.3"
+tag: "3.1.0"
 # create image pull secrets and specify the name here.
 imagePullSecret: ""
 priorityClassName: ""
   enabled: false
   repository: preflight
-  imageTag: "v1.2.2"
+  imageTag: "1.3.0"
   logLevel: "INFO"
   cleanupOnFailure: false
   imagePullSecret: ""
@@ -99,12 +99,16 @@ observability:
           reject_old_samples_max_age: 168h
           retention_period: 168h
+      image:
+        registry: docker.io
       enabled: true
       fullnameOverride: "promtail"
           - url: http://loki:3100/loki/api/v1/push
+      image:
+        registry: docker.io
       enabled: true
@@ -114,14 +118,31 @@ observability:
         fullnameOverride: "prom-server"
           enabled: false
+        image:
+          registry: quay.io
         enabled: false
+        image:
+          registry: k8s.gcr.io
         enabled: false
+        image:
+          registry: quay.io
         enabled: false
+        image:
+          registry: docker.io
         enabled: false
+        image:
+          registry: quay.io
+      configmapReload:
+        prometheus:
+          image:
+            registry: docker.io
+        alertmanager:
+          image:
+            registry: docker.io
       enabled: true
@@ -129,6 +150,21 @@ observability:
       fullnameOverride: "grafana"
         type: ClusterIP
+      image:
+        registry: docker.io
+      testFramework:
+        registry: docker.io
+      imageRenderer:
+        image:
+          registry: docker.io
+      sidecar:
+        image:
+          registry: quay.io
+      initChownData:
+        image:
+          registry: docker.io
+      downloadDashboardsImage:
+        registry: docker.io
 # these annotations will be added to all tvk pods
   sidecar.istio.io/inject: false
@@ -138,8 +174,8 @@ podLabels:
   linkerd.io/inject: disabled
-    tvk: "3.0.3"
-    event: "3.0.3"
+    tvk: "3.1.0"
+    event: "3.1.0"
     image: "control-plane"
@@ -180,7 +216,7 @@ relatedImages:
     image: "control-plane"
     image: "dex"
-    tag: "2.30.5"
+    tag: "2.30.6"
     image: "minio"
     tag: "20220416"
diff --git a/index.yaml b/index.yaml
index a250731c8..7a829c88b 100644
--- a/index.yaml
+++ b/index.yaml
@@ -80,6 +80,51 @@ entries:
     - assets/datawiza/access-broker-0.1.1.tgz
     version: 0.1.1
+  - annotations:
+      catalog.cattle.io/certified: partner
+      catalog.cattle.io/display-name: Apache Airflow
+      catalog.cattle.io/kube-version: '>=1.19-0'
+      catalog.cattle.io/release-name: airflow
+      category: WorkFlow
+      licenses: Apache-2.0
+    apiVersion: v2
+    appVersion: 2.6.0
+    created: "2023-05-04T18:54:20.949755913Z"
+    dependencies:
+    - condition: redis.enabled
+      name: redis
+      repository: file://./charts/redis
+      version: 17.x.x
+    - condition: postgresql.enabled
+      name: postgresql
+      repository: file://./charts/postgresql
+      version: 12.x.x
+    - name: common
+      repository: file://./charts/common
+      tags:
+      - bitnami-common
+      version: 2.x.x
+    description: Apache Airflow is a tool to express and execute workflows as directed
+      acyclic graphs (DAGs). It includes utilities to schedule tasks, monitor task
+      progress and handle task dependencies.
+    digest: 7dae66d3c96d83a4fb203fa0580d72aab885685d9293b28ef8e995a374fdb286
+    home: https://github.com/bitnami/charts/tree/main/bitnami/airflow
+    icon: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/comdev/project-logos/originals/airflow-1.svg
+    keywords:
+    - apache
+    - airflow
+    - workflow
+    - dag
+    maintainers:
+    - name: Bitnami
+      url: https://github.com/bitnami/charts
+    name: airflow
+    sources:
+    - https://github.com/bitnami/containers/tree/main/bitnami/airflow
+    - https://airflow.apache.org/
+    urls:
+    - assets/bitnami/airflow-14.1.2.tgz
+    version: 14.1.2
   - annotations:
       catalog.cattle.io/certified: partner
       catalog.cattle.io/display-name: Apache Airflow
@@ -8567,6 +8612,32 @@ entries:
     - assets/crate/crate-operator-2.16.0.tgz
     version: 2.16.0
+  csi-isilon:
+  - annotations:
+      catalog.cattle.io/certified: partner
+      catalog.cattle.io/display-name: Dell CSI PowerScale
+      catalog.cattle.io/kube-version: '>= 1.21.0 < 1.27.0'
+      catalog.cattle.io/release-name: isilon
+    apiVersion: v1
+    appVersion: 2.6.1
+    created: "2023-05-04T18:54:22.713983751Z"
+    description: 'PowerScale CSI (Container Storage Interface) driver Kubernetes integration.
+      This chart includes everything required to provision via CSI as well as an Isilon
+      StorageClass. '
+    digest: 41c8cc25efb9f337884c1858f2b500ccdbaf4256706b0b4a12f733e11d4f7b92
+    icon: https://partner-charts.rancher.io/assets/logos/dell.png
+    keywords:
+    - csi
+    - storage
+    kubeVersion: '>= 1.21.0 < 1.27.0'
+    maintainers:
+    - name: DellEMC
+    name: csi-isilon
+    sources:
+    - https://github.com/dell/csi-isilon
+    urls:
+    - assets/dell/csi-isilon-2.6.1.tgz
+    version: 2.6.1
   - annotations:
       catalog.cattle.io/certified: partner
@@ -17065,6 +17136,34 @@ entries:
     - assets/jenkins/jenkins-4.2.9.tgz
     version: 4.2.9
+  - annotations:
+      catalog.cattle.io/certified: partner
+      catalog.cattle.io/display-name: TrilioVault for Kubernetes Operator
+      catalog.cattle.io/kube-version: '>=1.19.0-0'
+      catalog.cattle.io/release-name: k8s-triliovault-operator
+    apiVersion: v2
+    appVersion: 3.1.0
+    created: "2023-05-04T18:54:26.734901703Z"
+    dependencies:
+    - condition: observability.enabled
+      name: observability
+      repository: file://./charts/observability
+      version: ^0.1.0
+    description: K8s-TrilioVault-Operator is an operator designed to manage the K8s-TrilioVault
+      Application Lifecycle.
+    digest: 77a82caa89dad9ea2e19a92d1d89cff8d8ed48099674ebd154e634e059264ead
+    home: https://github.com/trilioData/k8s-triliovault-operator
+    icon: https://www.trilio.io/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Trilio-2020-logo-RGB-gray-green.png
+    kubeVersion: '>=1.19.0-0'
+    maintainers:
+    - email: prafull.ladha@trilio.io
+      name: prafull11
+    name: k8s-triliovault-operator
+    sources:
+    - https://github.com/trilioData/k8s-triliovault-operator
+    urls:
+    - assets/trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator-3.1.0.tgz
+    version: 3.1.0
   - annotations:
       catalog.cattle.io/certified: partner
       catalog.cattle.io/display-name: TrilioVault for Kubernetes Operator
@@ -18439,6 +18538,48 @@ entries:
     - assets/kasten/k10-4.5.900.tgz
     version: 4.5.900
+  - annotations:
+      catalog.cattle.io/certified: partner
+      catalog.cattle.io/display-name: Apache Kafka
+      catalog.cattle.io/kube-version: '>=1.19-0'
+      catalog.cattle.io/release-name: kafka
+      category: Infrastructure
+      licenses: Apache-2.0
+    apiVersion: v2
+    appVersion: 3.4.0
+    created: "2023-05-04T18:54:21.2103903Z"
+    dependencies:
+    - condition: zookeeper.enabled
+      name: zookeeper
+      repository: file://./charts/zookeeper
+      version: 11.x.x
+    - name: common
+      repository: file://./charts/common
+      tags:
+      - bitnami-common
+      version: 2.x.x
+    description: Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform designed to build
+      real-time pipelines and can be used as a message broker or as a replacement
+      for a log aggregation solution for big data applications.
+    digest: b48c7de40e0ce229a03ab6458e8deedf1af290d34771868fc17cc83cd24767db
+    home: https://github.com/bitnami/charts/tree/main/bitnami/kafka
+    icon: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/comdev/project-logos/originals/kafka.svg
+    keywords:
+    - kafka
+    - zookeeper
+    - streaming
+    - producer
+    - consumer
+    maintainers:
+    - name: Bitnami
+      url: https://github.com/bitnami/charts
+    name: kafka
+    sources:
+    - https://github.com/bitnami/containers/tree/main/bitnami/kafka
+    - https://kafka.apache.org/
+    urls:
+    - assets/bitnami/kafka-22.0.2.tgz
+    version: 22.0.2
   - annotations:
       catalog.cattle.io/certified: partner
       catalog.cattle.io/display-name: Apache Kafka
@@ -19735,6 +19876,33 @@ entries:
     - assets/elastic/kibana-7.17.3.tgz
     version: 7.17.3
+  - annotations:
+      catalog.cattle.io/certified: partner
+      catalog.cattle.io/display-name: Kong Gateway
+      catalog.cattle.io/release-name: kong
+    apiVersion: v2
+    appVersion: "3.2"
+    created: "2023-05-04T18:54:25.183578294Z"
+    dependencies:
+    - condition: postgresql.enabled
+      name: postgresql
+      repository: file://./charts/postgresql
+      version: 11.9.13
+    description: The Cloud-Native Ingress and API-management
+    digest: 8d4c4e975728bf44935f231b15b3f99755161337d98e453be0ea5c66be1f92ed
+    home: https://konghq.com/
+    icon: https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.kong/universe/assets/icon-kong-inc-large.png
+    maintainers:
+    - email: harry@konghq.com
+      name: hbagdi
+    - email: traines@konghq.com
+      name: rainest
+    name: kong
+    sources:
+    - https://github.com/Kong/charts/tree/main/charts/kong
+    urls:
+    - assets/kong/kong-2.20.1.tgz
+    version: 2.20.1
   - annotations:
       catalog.cattle.io/certified: partner
       catalog.cattle.io/display-name: Kong Gateway
@@ -27067,6 +27235,28 @@ entries:
     - assets/bitnami/postgresql-11.9.12.tgz
     version: 11.9.12
+  - annotations:
+      catalog.cattle.io/certified: partner
+      catalog.cattle.io/display-name: Percona Server for MongoDB
+      catalog.cattle.io/kube-version: '>=1.21-0'
+      catalog.cattle.io/release-name: psmdb-db
+    apiVersion: v2
+    appVersion: 1.14.0
+    created: "2023-05-04T18:54:25.862166465Z"
+    description: A Helm chart for installing Percona Server MongoDB Cluster Databases
+      using the PSMDB Operator.
+    digest: b56d4352b53beeb8ad8b98464375caf2b2059a9e3dad0f97d79cad2bef68ab95
+    home: https://www.percona.com/doc/kubernetes-operator-for-psmongodb/index.html
+    icon: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/percona/percona-server-mongodb-operator/main/operator.png
+    maintainers:
+    - email: ivan.pylypenko@percona.com
+      name: cap1984
+    - email: tomislav.plavcic@percona.com
+      name: tplavcic
+    name: psmdb-db
+    urls:
+    - assets/percona/psmdb-db-1.14.3.tgz
+    version: 1.14.3
   - annotations:
       catalog.cattle.io/certified: partner
       catalog.cattle.io/display-name: Percona Server for MongoDB
@@ -27294,6 +27484,32 @@ entries:
     - assets/percona/psmdb-operator-1.13.1.tgz
     version: 1.13.1
+  - annotations:
+      catalog.cattle.io/certified: partner
+      catalog.cattle.io/display-name: Percona XtraDB Cluster
+      catalog.cattle.io/kube-version: '>=1.21-0'
+      catalog.cattle.io/release-name: pxc-db
+    apiVersion: v2
+    appVersion: 1.12.0
+    created: "2023-05-04T18:54:25.886662739Z"
+    description: A Helm chart for installing Percona XtraDB Cluster Databases using
+      the PXC Operator.
+    digest: 16f879eb01d4608e287a26d50b1912d93f5cb35d40e8e2ffe8d4e8696cb390d1
+    home: https://www.percona.com/doc/kubernetes-operator-for-pxc/kubernetes.html
+    icon: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/percona/percona-xtradb-cluster-operator/main/operator.png
+    maintainers:
+    - email: ivan.pylypenko@percona.com
+      name: cap1984
+    - email: tomislav.plavcic@percona.com
+      name: tplavcic
+    - email: sergey.pronin@percona.com
+      name: spron-in
+    - email: natalia.marukovich@percona.com
+      name: nmarukovich
+    name: pxc-db
+    urls:
+    - assets/percona/pxc-db-1.12.2.tgz
+    version: 1.12.2
   - annotations:
       catalog.cattle.io/certified: partner
       catalog.cattle.io/display-name: Percona XtraDB Cluster