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# An API key is required to connect to the Speedscale cloud.
# If you need a key email support@speedscale.com.
apiKey: ""
# A secret name can be referenced instead of the api key itself.
# The secret must be of the format:
# type: Opaque
# data:
apiKeySecret: ""
# Speedscale domain to use.
appUrl: "app.speedscale.com"
# The name of your cluster.
clusterName: "my-cluster"
# Speedscale components image settings.
registry: gcr.io/speedscale
tag: v2.1.186
pullPolicy: Always
# Log level for Speedscale components.
logLevel: "info"
# Namespaces to be watched by Speedscale Operator as a list of names.
namespaceSelector: []
# Instructs operator to deploy resources necessary to interact with your cluster from the Speedscale dashboard.
dashboardAccess: true
# Filter Rule to apply to the Speedscale Forwarder
filterRule: "standard"
# Data Loss Prevention settings.
# Instructs operator to enable data loss prevention features
enabled: false
# Configuration for data loss prevention
config: "standard"
# If the operator pod/webhooks need to be on the host network.
# This is only needed if the control plane cannot connect directly to a pod
# for eg. if Calico is used as EKS's default networking
# https://docs.tigera.io/calico/3.25/getting-started/kubernetes/managed-public-cloud/eks#install-eks-with-calico-networking
hostNetwork: false
# A set of annotations to be applied to all Speedscale related deployments,
# services, jobs, pods, etc.
# Example:
# annotation.first: value
# annotation.second: value
globalAnnotations: {}
# A set of labels to be applied to all Speedscale related deployments,
# services, jobs, pods, etc.
# Example:
# label1: value
# label2: value
globalLabels: {}
# A full affinity object as detailed: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/assign-pods-nodes-using-node-affinity
affinity: {}
# The list of tolerations as detailed: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/taint-and-toleration/
tolerations: []
# A nodeselector object as detailed: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/assign-pods-nodes/
nodeSelector: {}
# Deploy a demo app at startup. Set this to an empty string to not deploy.
# Valid values: ["java", ""]
deployDemo: "java"
# Proxy connection settings if required by your network. These translate to standard proxy environment
http_proxy: ""
https_proxy: ""
no_proxy: ""
# control if sidecar init containers should run with privileged set
privilegedSidecars: false
Charts CI ``` Updated: argo/argo-cd: - 5.52.1 bitnami/airflow: - 16.1.11 bitnami/cassandra: - 10.6.9 bitnami/kafka: - 26.6.3 bitnami/mariadb: - 15.0.1 bitnami/mysql: - 9.16.1 bitnami/postgresql: - 13.2.29 bitnami/redis: - 18.6.3 bitnami/spark: - 8.1.8 bitnami/tomcat: - 10.11.11 bitnami/wordpress: - 19.0.5 bitnami/zookeeper: - 12.4.4 cert-manager/cert-manager: - v1.13.3 clastix/kamaji: - 0.14.0 cockroach-labs/cockroachdb: - 11.2.3 confluent/confluent-for-kubernetes: - 0.824.40 crowdstrike/falcon-sensor: - 1.24.1 datadog/datadog: - 3.50.5 datadog/datadog-operator: - 1.4.1 dell/csi-isilon: - 2.9.0 dell/csi-powermax: - 2.9.0 dell/csi-powerstore: - 2.9.0 dell/csi-unity: - 2.9.0 dell/csi-vxflexos: - 2.9.0 digitalis/vals-operator: - 0.7.8 dynatrace/dynatrace-operator: - 0.15.0 external-secrets/external-secrets: - 0.9.11 f5/nginx-ingress: - 1.1.0 fairwinds/polaris: - 5.17.0 gluu/gluu: - 5.0.24 haproxy/haproxy: - 1.35.5 harbor/harbor: - 1.14.0 hashicorp/consul: - 1.3.1 instana/instana-agent: - 1.2.66 intel/intel-device-plugins-operator: - 0.29.0 intel/intel-device-plugins-qat: - 0.29.0 intel/intel-device-plugins-sgx: - 0.29.0 jenkins/jenkins: - 4.11.2 jfrog/artifactory-ha: - 107.71.11 jfrog/artifactory-jcr: - 107.71.11 kong/kong: - 2.33.3 kubecost/cost-analyzer: - 1.108.1 kuma/kuma: - 2.5.1 linkerd/linkerd-control-plane: - 1.16.9 mongodb/community-operator: - 0.9.0 nats/nats: - 1.1.6 new-relic/nri-bundle: - 5.0.58 nutanix/nutanix-csi-snapshot: - 6.3.2 nutanix/nutanix-csi-storage: - 2.6.6 openebs/openebs: - 3.10.0 percona/psmdb-db: - 1.15.1 percona/pxc-db: - 1.13.4 redpanda/redpanda: - 5.7.7 speedscale/speedscale-operator: - 2.0.2 stackstate/stackstate-k8s-agent: - 1.0.66 sysdig/sysdig: - 1.16.24 traefik/traefik: - 26.0.0 trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator: - 4.0.0 weka/csi-wekafsplugin: - 2.3.2 yugabyte/yugabyte: - 2.18.5 yugabyte/yugaware: - 2.18.5 ```
2024-01-12 17:13:39 +00:00
# control if the sidecar should enable/disable use of the smart dns lookup feature (requires NET_ADMIN)
disableSidecarSmartReverseDNS: false
# Operator settings. These limits are recommended unless you have a cluster
# with a very large number of workloads (for eg. 10k+ deployments, replicasets, etc.).
cpu: 500m
memory: 512Mi
cpu: 100m
memory: 128Mi
Charts CI ``` Updated: argo/argo-cd: - 5.52.1 bitnami/airflow: - 16.1.11 bitnami/cassandra: - 10.6.9 bitnami/kafka: - 26.6.3 bitnami/mariadb: - 15.0.1 bitnami/mysql: - 9.16.1 bitnami/postgresql: - 13.2.29 bitnami/redis: - 18.6.3 bitnami/spark: - 8.1.8 bitnami/tomcat: - 10.11.11 bitnami/wordpress: - 19.0.5 bitnami/zookeeper: - 12.4.4 cert-manager/cert-manager: - v1.13.3 clastix/kamaji: - 0.14.0 cockroach-labs/cockroachdb: - 11.2.3 confluent/confluent-for-kubernetes: - 0.824.40 crowdstrike/falcon-sensor: - 1.24.1 datadog/datadog: - 3.50.5 datadog/datadog-operator: - 1.4.1 dell/csi-isilon: - 2.9.0 dell/csi-powermax: - 2.9.0 dell/csi-powerstore: - 2.9.0 dell/csi-unity: - 2.9.0 dell/csi-vxflexos: - 2.9.0 digitalis/vals-operator: - 0.7.8 dynatrace/dynatrace-operator: - 0.15.0 external-secrets/external-secrets: - 0.9.11 f5/nginx-ingress: - 1.1.0 fairwinds/polaris: - 5.17.0 gluu/gluu: - 5.0.24 haproxy/haproxy: - 1.35.5 harbor/harbor: - 1.14.0 hashicorp/consul: - 1.3.1 instana/instana-agent: - 1.2.66 intel/intel-device-plugins-operator: - 0.29.0 intel/intel-device-plugins-qat: - 0.29.0 intel/intel-device-plugins-sgx: - 0.29.0 jenkins/jenkins: - 4.11.2 jfrog/artifactory-ha: - 107.71.11 jfrog/artifactory-jcr: - 107.71.11 kong/kong: - 2.33.3 kubecost/cost-analyzer: - 1.108.1 kuma/kuma: - 2.5.1 linkerd/linkerd-control-plane: - 1.16.9 mongodb/community-operator: - 0.9.0 nats/nats: - 1.1.6 new-relic/nri-bundle: - 5.0.58 nutanix/nutanix-csi-snapshot: - 6.3.2 nutanix/nutanix-csi-storage: - 2.6.6 openebs/openebs: - 3.10.0 percona/psmdb-db: - 1.15.1 percona/pxc-db: - 1.13.4 redpanda/redpanda: - 5.7.7 speedscale/speedscale-operator: - 2.0.2 stackstate/stackstate-k8s-agent: - 1.0.66 sysdig/sysdig: - 1.16.24 traefik/traefik: - 26.0.0 trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator: - 4.0.0 weka/csi-wekafsplugin: - 2.3.2 yugabyte/yugabyte: - 2.18.5 yugabyte/yugaware: - 2.18.5 ```
2024-01-12 17:13:39 +00:00
# Default sidecar settings. Example:
# sidecar:
# resources:
# limits:
# cpu: 500m
# memory: 512Mi
# ephemeral-storage: 100Mi
Charts CI ``` Updated: argo/argo-cd: - 5.52.1 bitnami/airflow: - 16.1.11 bitnami/cassandra: - 10.6.9 bitnami/kafka: - 26.6.3 bitnami/mariadb: - 15.0.1 bitnami/mysql: - 9.16.1 bitnami/postgresql: - 13.2.29 bitnami/redis: - 18.6.3 bitnami/spark: - 8.1.8 bitnami/tomcat: - 10.11.11 bitnami/wordpress: - 19.0.5 bitnami/zookeeper: - 12.4.4 cert-manager/cert-manager: - v1.13.3 clastix/kamaji: - 0.14.0 cockroach-labs/cockroachdb: - 11.2.3 confluent/confluent-for-kubernetes: - 0.824.40 crowdstrike/falcon-sensor: - 1.24.1 datadog/datadog: - 3.50.5 datadog/datadog-operator: - 1.4.1 dell/csi-isilon: - 2.9.0 dell/csi-powermax: - 2.9.0 dell/csi-powerstore: - 2.9.0 dell/csi-unity: - 2.9.0 dell/csi-vxflexos: - 2.9.0 digitalis/vals-operator: - 0.7.8 dynatrace/dynatrace-operator: - 0.15.0 external-secrets/external-secrets: - 0.9.11 f5/nginx-ingress: - 1.1.0 fairwinds/polaris: - 5.17.0 gluu/gluu: - 5.0.24 haproxy/haproxy: - 1.35.5 harbor/harbor: - 1.14.0 hashicorp/consul: - 1.3.1 instana/instana-agent: - 1.2.66 intel/intel-device-plugins-operator: - 0.29.0 intel/intel-device-plugins-qat: - 0.29.0 intel/intel-device-plugins-sgx: - 0.29.0 jenkins/jenkins: - 4.11.2 jfrog/artifactory-ha: - 107.71.11 jfrog/artifactory-jcr: - 107.71.11 kong/kong: - 2.33.3 kubecost/cost-analyzer: - 1.108.1 kuma/kuma: - 2.5.1 linkerd/linkerd-control-plane: - 1.16.9 mongodb/community-operator: - 0.9.0 nats/nats: - 1.1.6 new-relic/nri-bundle: - 5.0.58 nutanix/nutanix-csi-snapshot: - 6.3.2 nutanix/nutanix-csi-storage: - 2.6.6 openebs/openebs: - 3.10.0 percona/psmdb-db: - 1.15.1 percona/pxc-db: - 1.13.4 redpanda/redpanda: - 5.7.7 speedscale/speedscale-operator: - 2.0.2 stackstate/stackstate-k8s-agent: - 1.0.66 sysdig/sysdig: - 1.16.24 traefik/traefik: - 26.0.0 trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator: - 4.0.0 weka/csi-wekafsplugin: - 2.3.2 yugabyte/yugabyte: - 2.18.5 yugabyte/yugaware: - 2.18.5 ```
2024-01-12 17:13:39 +00:00
# requests:
# cpu: 10m
# memory: 32Mi
# ephemeral-storage: 100Mi
# ignore_src_hosts: example.com, example.org
# ignore_src_ips:,
# ignore_dst_hosts: example.com, example.org
# ignore_dst_ips:,
# insert_init_first: false
# tls_out: false
# reinitialize_iptables: false
Charts CI ``` Updated: argo/argo-cd: - 5.52.1 bitnami/airflow: - 16.1.11 bitnami/cassandra: - 10.6.9 bitnami/kafka: - 26.6.3 bitnami/mariadb: - 15.0.1 bitnami/mysql: - 9.16.1 bitnami/postgresql: - 13.2.29 bitnami/redis: - 18.6.3 bitnami/spark: - 8.1.8 bitnami/tomcat: - 10.11.11 bitnami/wordpress: - 19.0.5 bitnami/zookeeper: - 12.4.4 cert-manager/cert-manager: - v1.13.3 clastix/kamaji: - 0.14.0 cockroach-labs/cockroachdb: - 11.2.3 confluent/confluent-for-kubernetes: - 0.824.40 crowdstrike/falcon-sensor: - 1.24.1 datadog/datadog: - 3.50.5 datadog/datadog-operator: - 1.4.1 dell/csi-isilon: - 2.9.0 dell/csi-powermax: - 2.9.0 dell/csi-powerstore: - 2.9.0 dell/csi-unity: - 2.9.0 dell/csi-vxflexos: - 2.9.0 digitalis/vals-operator: - 0.7.8 dynatrace/dynatrace-operator: - 0.15.0 external-secrets/external-secrets: - 0.9.11 f5/nginx-ingress: - 1.1.0 fairwinds/polaris: - 5.17.0 gluu/gluu: - 5.0.24 haproxy/haproxy: - 1.35.5 harbor/harbor: - 1.14.0 hashicorp/consul: - 1.3.1 instana/instana-agent: - 1.2.66 intel/intel-device-plugins-operator: - 0.29.0 intel/intel-device-plugins-qat: - 0.29.0 intel/intel-device-plugins-sgx: - 0.29.0 jenkins/jenkins: - 4.11.2 jfrog/artifactory-ha: - 107.71.11 jfrog/artifactory-jcr: - 107.71.11 kong/kong: - 2.33.3 kubecost/cost-analyzer: - 1.108.1 kuma/kuma: - 2.5.1 linkerd/linkerd-control-plane: - 1.16.9 mongodb/community-operator: - 0.9.0 nats/nats: - 1.1.6 new-relic/nri-bundle: - 5.0.58 nutanix/nutanix-csi-snapshot: - 6.3.2 nutanix/nutanix-csi-storage: - 2.6.6 openebs/openebs: - 3.10.0 percona/psmdb-db: - 1.15.1 percona/pxc-db: - 1.13.4 redpanda/redpanda: - 5.7.7 speedscale/speedscale-operator: - 2.0.2 stackstate/stackstate-k8s-agent: - 1.0.66 sysdig/sysdig: - 1.16.24 traefik/traefik: - 26.0.0 trilio/k8s-triliovault-operator: - 4.0.0 weka/csi-wekafsplugin: - 2.3.2 yugabyte/yugabyte: - 2.18.5 yugabyte/yugaware: - 2.18.5 ```
2024-01-12 17:13:39 +00:00
sidecar: {}
# Forwarder settings
# forwarder:
# resources:
# limits:
# cpu: 500m
# memory: 500M
# requests:
# cpu: 300m
# memory: 250M
forwarder: {}