The K10 Dashboard is accessible via {{ if or (and .Values.secrets.apiTlsCrt .Values.secrets.apiTlsKey) .Values.externalGateway.awsSSLCertARN }}https{{ else }}http{{ end }}://{{ }}/{{ .Release.Name }}/#/
The Kasten dashboard will be available at: `http{{ if or (and .Values.secrets.apiTlsCrt .Values.secrets.apiTlsKey) .Values.externalGateway.awsSSLCertARN }}s{{ end }}://{{ .Release.Name }}/#/`
{{- if or (empty .Values.restore.copyImagePullSecrets) (.Values.restore.copyImagePullSecrets) }}
Removal warning: The helm field `restore.copyImagePullSecrets` has been removed in version 6.0.12. K10 no longer copies the `imagePullSecret` to the application namespace.
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if or (not (empty .Values.garbagecollector.importRunActions)) (not (empty .Values.garbagecollector.backupRunActions)) (not (empty .Values.garbagecollector.retireActions)) }}
Deprecation warning: The `garbagecollector.importRunActions`, `garbagecollector.backupRunActions`, `garbagecollector.retireActions`
blocks within the helm chart values have been replaced with `garbagecollector.actions`.