# Beware when changing values here. You should know what you are doing!
# Access the values with {{ .Values.key.subkey }}
# This chart is based on the main artifactory chart with some customizations.
# See all supported configuration keys in https://github.com/jfrog/charts/tree/master/stable/artifactory
## All values are under the 'artifactory' sub chart.
## Artifactory
## See full list of supported Artifactory options and documentation in artifactory chart: https://github.com/jfrog/charts/tree/master/stable/artifactory
## Default tag is from the artifactory sub-chart in the requirements.yaml
# tag:
## Uncomment the following resources definitions or pass them from command line
## to control the cpu and memory resources allocated by the Kubernetes cluster
# requests:
# memory: "1Gi"
# cpu: "500m"
# limits:
# memory: "4Gi"
# cpu: "1"
## The following Java options are passed to the java process running Artifactory.
## You should set them according to the resources set above.
## IMPORTANT: Make sure resources.limits.memory is at least 1G more than Xmx.