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# zone: cluster.local (use only if your DNS server doesn't live in the same zone as kubecost)
enabled: true # If false, Prometheus will not be installed -- only actively supported on paid Kubecost plans
fqdn: http://cost-analyzer-prometheus-server.default.svc #example fqdn. Ignored if enabled: true
# insecureSkipVerify : false # If true, kubecost will not check the TLS cert of prometheus
# queryServiceBasicAuthSecretName: dbsecret # kubectl create secret generic dbsecret -n kubecost --from-file=USERNAME --from-file=PASSWORD
# queryServiceBearerTokenSecretName: dbsecret # kubectl create secret generic mcdbsecret -n kubecost --from-file=TOKEN
# Durable storage option, product key required
enabled: false
# queryService: http://thanos-query-frontend-http.kubecost:{{ .Values.thanos.queryFrontend.http.port }} # an address of the thanos query-frontend endpoint, if different from installed thanos
# queryServiceBasicAuthSecretName: mcdbsecret # kubectl create secret generic mcdbsecret -n kubecost --from-file=USERNAME --from-file=PASSWORD <---enter basic auth credentials like that
# queryServiceBearerTokenSecretName mcdbsecret # kubectl create secret generic mcdbsecret -n kubecost --from-file=TOKEN
# queryOffset: 3h # The offset to apply to all thanos queries in order to achieve syncronization on all cluster block stores
enabled: true # If false, Grafana will not be installed
domainName: cost-analyzer-grafana.default.svc #example grafana domain Ignored if enabled: true
scheme: "http" # http or https, for the domain name above.
proxy: true # If true, the kubecost frontend will route to your grafana through its service endpoint
# Kubecost alerting configuration
# Ref: http://docs.kubecost.com/alerts
enabled: false # the example values below are never read unless enabled is set to true
frontendUrl: http://localhost:9090 # optional, used for linkbacks
slackWebhookUrl: https://hooks.slack.com/services/T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX # optional, used for Slack alerts
- recipient@example.com
- additionalRecipient@example.com
# Daily namespace budget alert on namespace `kubecost`
- type: budget # supported: budget, recurringUpdate
threshold: 50 # optional, required for budget alerts
window: daily # or 1d
aggregation: namespace
filter: kubecost
ownerContact: # optional, overrides globalAlertEmails default
- owner@example.com
- owner2@example.com
# Daily cluster budget alert (clusterCosts alert) on cluster `cluster-one`
- type: budget
threshold: 200.8 # optional, required for budget alerts
window: daily # or 1d
aggregation: cluster
filter: cluster-one
# Recurring weekly update (weeklyUpdate alert)
- type: recurringUpdate
window: weekly # or 7d
aggregation: namespace
filter: '*'
# Recurring weekly namespace update on kubecost namespace
- type: recurringUpdate
window: weekly # or 7d
aggregation: namespace
filter: kubecost
ownerContact: # ownerContact(s) should be the same for the same namespace, otherwise the last namespace alert overwrites
- owner@example.com
- owner2@example.com
alertmanager: # Supply an alertmanager FQDN to receive notifications from the app.
enabled: false # If true, allow kubecost to write to your alertmanager
fqdn: http://cost-analyzer-prometheus-server.default.svc #example fqdn. Ignored if prometheus.enabled: true
podAnnotations: {}
# iam.amazonaws.com/role: role-arn
enabled: false
provider: "AWS"
region: "us-east-1"
URI: s3://kc-csv-test/pricing_schema.csv # a valid file URI
csvAccessCredentials: pricing-schema-access-secret
saml: # enterprise key required to use
enabled: false
secretName: "kubecost-authzero"
#metadataSecretName: "kubecost-authzero-metadata" # One of metadataSecretName or idpMetadataURL must be set. defaults to metadataURL if set
idpMetadataURL: "https://dev-elu2z98r.auth0.com/samlp/metadata/c6nY4M37rBP0qSO1IYIqBPPyIPxLS8v2"
appRootURL: "http://localhost:9090" # sample URL
# audienceURI: "http://localhost:9090" # by convention, the same as the appRootURL, but any string uniquely identifying kubecost to your samp IDP. Optional if you follow the convention
enabled: false
- name: admin
enabled: false # if admin is disabled, all SAML users will be able to make configuration changes to the kubecost frontend
assertionName: "http://schemas.auth0.com/userType" # a SAML Assertion, one of whose elements has a value that matches on of the values in assertionValues
- "admin"
- "superusers"
- name: readonly
enabled: false # if readonly is disabled, all users authorized on SAML will default to readonly
assertionName: "http://schemas.auth0.com/userType"
- "readonly"
# imagePullSecrets:
# - name: "image-pull-secret"
enabled: true
image: "quay.io/kubecost1/checks"
cpu: "20m"
memory: "100Mi"
cpu: "100m"
memory: "200Mi"
image: "gcr.io/kubecost1/frontend"
imagePullPolicy: Always
cpu: "10m"
memory: "55Mi"
# cpu: "100m"
# memory: "256Mi"
image: "gcr.io/kubecost1/server"
cpu: "100m"
memory: "55Mi"
# cpu: "100m"
# memory: "256Mi"
image: "gcr.io/kubecost1/cost-model"
imagePullPolicy: Always
warmCache: true
warmSavingsCache: true
etl: true
# The total number of days the ETL storage will build
etlStoreDurationDays: 120
maxQueryConcurrency: 5
# utcOffset represents a timezone in hours and minutes east (+) or west (-)
# of UTC, itself, which is defined as +00:00.
# See the tz database of timezones to look up your local UTC offset:
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones
utcOffset: "+00:00"
cpu: "200m"
memory: "55Mi"
# cpu: "800m"
# memory: "256Mi"
enabled: false
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
# kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true"
paths: ["/"] # There's no need to route specifically to the pods-- we have an nginx deployed that handles routing
- cost-analyzer.local
tls: []
# - secretName: cost-analyzer-tls
# hosts:
# - cost-analyzer.local
nodeSelector: {}
tolerations: []
# - key: "key"
# operator: "Equal|Exists"
# value: "value"
# effect: "NoSchedule|PreferNoSchedule|NoExecute(1.6 only)"
affinity: {}
# If true, creates a PriorityClass to be used by the cost-analyzer pod
enabled: false
# value: 1000000
# If true, enable creation of NetworkPolicy resources.
enabled: false
enabled: false
# Define persistence volume for cost-analyzer
size: 0.2Gi
dbSize: 32.0Gi
enabled: true # Note that setting this to false means configurations will be wiped out on pod restart.
# storageClass: "-" #
# existingClaim: kubecost-cost-analyzer # a claim in the same namespace as kubecost
type: ClusterIP
port: 9090
targetPort: 9090
# nodePort:
labels: {}
annotations: {}
# enabling long-term durable storage with Postgres requires an enterprise license
enabled: false
initImage: "gcr.io/kubecost1/sql-init"
initImagePullPolicy: Always
installLocal: true
remotePostgresAddress: "" # ignored if installing locally
size: 200Gi
password: admin # change me
extraScrapeConfigs: |
- job_name: kubecost
honor_labels: true
scrape_interval: 1m
scrape_timeout: 10s
metrics_path: /metrics
scheme: http
- names:
- {{ template "cost-analyzer.serviceName" . }}
type: 'A'
port: 9003
- job_name: kubecost-networking
- role: pod
# Scrape only the the targets matching the following metadata
- source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_label_app]
action: keep
regex: {{ template "cost-analyzer.networkCostsName" . }}
# If clusterIDConfigmap is defined, instead use user-generated configmap with key CLUSTER_ID
# to use as unique cluster ID in kubecost cost-analyzer deployment.
# This overrides the cluster_id set in prometheus.server.global.external_labels.
# NOTE: This does not affect the external_labels set in prometheus config.
# clusterIDConfigmap: cluster-id-configmap
resources: {}
# limits:
# cpu: 500m
# memory: 512Mi
# requests:
# cpu: 500m
# memory: 512Mi
scrape_interval: 1m
scrape_timeout: 10s
evaluation_interval: 1m
cluster_id: cluster-one # Each cluster should have a unique ID
size: 32Gi
enabled: true
query.max-concurrency: 1
query.max-samples: 100000000
tolerations: []
# - key: "key"
# operator: "Equal|Exists"
# value: "value"
# effect: "NoSchedule|PreferNoSchedule|NoExecute(1.6 only)"
# enabled: false
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: false
enabled: true
# prometheus.yml: # Sample block -- enable if using an in cluster durable store.
# remote_write:
# - url: "http://pgprometheus-adapter:9201/write"
# write_relabel_configs:
# - source_labels: [__name__]
# regex: 'container_.*_allocation|container_.*_allocation_bytes|.*_hourly_cost|kube_pod_container_resource_requests_memory_bytes|container_memory_working_set_bytes|kube_pod_container_resource_requests_cpu_cores|kube_pod_container_resource_requests|pod_pvc_allocation|kube_namespace_labels|kube_pod_labels'
# action: keep
# queue_config:
# max_samples_per_send: 1000
# - url: "http://pgprometheus-adapter:9201/read"
- name: CPU
- expr: sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{container_name!=""}[5m]))
record: cluster:cpu_usage:rate5m
- expr: rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{container_name!=""}[5m])
record: cluster:cpu_usage_nosum:rate5m
- expr: avg(irate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{container_name!="POD", container_name!=""}[5m])) by (container_name,pod_name,namespace)
record: kubecost_container_cpu_usage_irate
- expr: sum(container_memory_working_set_bytes{container_name!="POD",container_name!=""}) by (container_name,pod_name,namespace)
record: kubecost_container_memory_working_set_bytes
- expr: sum(container_memory_working_set_bytes{container_name!="POD",container_name!=""})
record: kubecost_cluster_memory_working_set_bytes
- name: Savings
- expr: sum(avg(kube_pod_owner{owner_kind!="DaemonSet"}) by (pod) * sum(container_cpu_allocation) by (pod))
record: kubecost_savings_cpu_allocation
daemonset: "false"
- expr: sum(avg(kube_pod_owner{owner_kind="DaemonSet"}) by (pod) * sum(container_cpu_allocation) by (pod)) / sum(kube_node_info)
record: kubecost_savings_cpu_allocation
daemonset: "true"
- expr: sum(avg(kube_pod_owner{owner_kind!="DaemonSet"}) by (pod) * sum(container_memory_allocation_bytes) by (pod))
record: kubecost_savings_memory_allocation_bytes
daemonset: "false"
- expr: sum(avg(kube_pod_owner{owner_kind="DaemonSet"}) by (pod) * sum(container_memory_allocation_bytes) by (pod)) / sum(kube_node_info)
record: kubecost_savings_memory_allocation_bytes
daemonset: "true"
- expr: label_replace(sum(kube_pod_status_phase{phase="Running",namespace!="kube-system"} > 0) by (pod, namespace), "pod_name", "$1", "pod", "(.+)")
record: kubecost_savings_running_pods
- expr: sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{container_name!="",container_name!="POD",instance!=""}[5m])) by (namespace, pod_name, container_name, instance)
record: kubecost_savings_container_cpu_usage_seconds
- expr: sum(container_memory_working_set_bytes{container_name!="",container_name!="POD",instance!=""}) by (namespace, pod_name, container_name, instance)
record: kubecost_savings_container_memory_usage_bytes
- expr: avg(sum(kube_pod_container_resource_requests_cpu_cores{namespace!="kube-system"}) by (pod, namespace, instance)) by (pod, namespace)
record: kubecost_savings_pod_requests_cpu_cores
- expr: avg(sum(kube_pod_container_resource_requests_memory_bytes{namespace!="kube-system"}) by (pod, namespace, instance)) by (pod, namespace)
record: kubecost_savings_pod_requests_memory_bytes
enabled: false
enabled: false
image: gcr.io/kubecost1/kubecost-network-costs:v13.7
imagePullPolicy: Always
# Traffic Logging will enable logging the top 5 destinations for each source
# every 30 minutes.
trafficLogging: true
# Port will set both the containerPort and hostPort to this value.
# These must be identical due to network-costs being run on hostNetwork
port: 3001
resources: {}
# cpu: "50m"
# memory: "20Mi"
# Configuration for traffic destinations, including specific classification
# for IPs and CIDR blocks. This configuration will act as an override to the
# automatic classification provided by network-costs.
# In Zone contains a list of address/range that will be
# classified as in zone.
# Loopback
- ""
# IPv4 Link Local Address Space
- ""
# Private Address Ranges in RFC-1918
- ""
- ""
- ""
# In Region contains a list of address/range that will be
# classified as in region. This is synonymous with cross
# zone traffic, where the regions between source and destinations
# are the same, but the zone is different.
in-region: []
# Cross Region contains a list of address/range that will be
# classified as non-internet egress from one region to another.
cross-region: []
# Direct Classification specifically maps an ip address or range
# to a region (required) and/or zone (optional). This classification
# takes priority over in-zone, in-region, and cross-region configurations.
direct-classification: []
# - region: "us-east1"
# zone: "us-east1-c"
# ips:
# - ""
## Node tolerations for server scheduling to nodes with taints
## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/
tolerations: []
# - key: "key"
# operator: "Equal|Exists"
# value: "value"
# effect: "NoSchedule|PreferNoSchedule|NoExecute(1.6 only)"
## PriorityClassName
## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/pod-priority-preemption/#priorityclass
priorityClassName: []
## PodMonitor
## Allows scraping of network metrics from a dedicated prometheus operator setup
enabled: false
additionalLabels: {}
# Kubecost Deployment Configuration
# Used for HA mode in Business & Enterprise tier
replicas: 1
# Kubecost Cluster Controller for Right Sizing and Cluster Turndown
enabled: false
image: gcr.io/kubecost1/cluster-controller:v0.0.2
imagePullPolicy: Always
# Kubecost bug report feature: Logs access/collection limited to .Release.Namespace
# Ref: http://docs.kubecost.com/bug-report
logCollection: true
productAnalytics: true
errorReporting: true
valuesReporting: true
enabled: false
additionalLabels: {}
enabled: false
additionalLabels: {}
supportNFS: true
initChownDataImage: "busybox" # Supports a fully qualified Docker image eg: registry.hub.docker.com/library/busybox:latest.
resources: {}
# cpu: "50m"
# memory: "20Mi"
# namespace_datasources: kubecost # override the default namespace here
# namespace_dashboards: kubecost # override the default namespace here
enabled: true
# label that the configmaps with dashboards are marked with
label: grafana_dashboard
# dataSourceFilename: foo.yml # If you need to change the name of the datasource file
enabled: true
defaultDatasourceEnabled: false
dataSourceName: default-kubecost
# label that the configmaps with datasources are marked with
label: kubecost_grafana_datasource
# For grafana to be accessible, add the path to root_url. For example, if you run kubecost at www.foo.com:9090/kubecost
# set root_url to "%(protocol)s://%(domain)s:%(http_port)s/kubecost/grafana". No change is necessary here if kubecost runs at a root URL
root_url: "%(protocol)s://%(domain)s:%(http_port)s/grafana"
create: true # Set this to false if you're bringing your own service account.
annotations: {}
# name: kc-test
# These configs can also be set from the Settings page in the Kubecost product UI
# Values in this block override config changes in the Settings UI on pod restart
# kubecostProductConfigs:
# An optional list of cluster definitions that can be added for frontend access. The local
# cluster is *always* included by default, so this list is for non-local clusters.
# Ref: https://github.com/kubecost/docs/blob/master/multi-cluster.md
# clusters:
# - name: "Cluster A"
# address: http://cluster-a.kubecost.com:9090
# # Optional authentication credentials - only basic auth is currently supported.
# auth:
# type: basic
# # Secret name should be a secret formatted based on: https://github.com/kubecost/docs/blob/master/ingress-examples.md
# secretName: cluster-a-auth
# # Or pass auth directly as base64 encoded user:pass
# data: YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=
# # Or user and pass directly
# user: admin
# pass: admin
# - name: "Cluster B"
# address: http://cluster-b.kubecost.com:9090
# defaultModelPricing: # default monthly resource prices, used predominately for on-prem clusters
# CPU: 28.0
# spotCPU: 4.86
# RAM: 3.09
# spotRAM: 0.65
# GPU: 693.50
# spotGPU: 225.0
# storage: 0.04
# zoneNetworkEgress: 0.01
# regionNetworkEgress: 0.01
# internetNetworkEgress: 0.12
# enabled: true
# # The cluster profile represents a predefined set of parameters to use when calculating savings.
# # Possible values are: [ development, production, high-availability ]
# clusterProfile: production
# customPricesEnabled: false # This makes the default view custom prices-- generally used for on-premises clusters
# spotLabel: lifecycle
# spotLabelValue: Ec2Spot
# gpuLabel: gpu
# gpuLabelValue: true
# awsServiceKeyName: ACCESSKEYID
# awsServiceKeyPassword: fakepassword # Only use if your values.yaml are stored encrypted. Otherwise provide an existing secret via serviceKeySecretName
# awsSpotDataRegion: us-east-1
# awsSpotDataBucket: spot-data-feed-s3-bucket
# awsSpotDataPrefix: dev
# athenaProjectID: "530337586277" # The AWS AccountID where the Athena CUR is. Generally your masterpayer account
# athenaBucketName: "s3://aws-athena-query-results-530337586277-us-east-1"
# athenaRegion: us-east-1
# athenaDatabase: athenacurcfn_athena_test1
# athenaTable: "athena_test1"
# masterPayerARN: ""
# projectID: "123456789" # Also known as AccountID on AWS -- the current account/project that this instance of Kubecost is deployed on.
# gcpSecretName: gcp-secret # Name of a secret representing the gcp service key
# bigQueryBillingDataDataset: billing_data.gcp_billing_export_v1_01AC9F_74CF1D_5565A2
# labelMappingConfigs: # names of k8s labels used to designate different allocation concepts
# enabled: true
# owner_label: "owner"
# team_label: "team"
# department_label: "dept"
# product_label: "product"
# environment_label: "env"
# namespace_external_label: "kubernetes_namespace" # external labels are used to map external cloud costs to kubernetes concepts
# cluster_external_label: "kubernetes_cluster"
# controller_external_label: "kubernetes_controller"
# product_external_label: "kubernetes_label_app"
# service_external_label: "kubernetes_service"
# deployment_external_label: "kubernetes_deployment"
# team_external_label: "kubernetes_label_team"
# environment_external_label: "kubernetes_label_env"
# department_external_label: "kubernetes_label_department"
# statefulset_external_label: "kubernetes_statefulset"
# daemonset_external_label: "kubernetes_daemonset"
# pod_external_label: "kubernetes_pod"
# grafanaURL: ""
# clusterName: "" # used for display in Kubecost UI
# currencyCode: "USD" # offical support for USD, CAD, EUR, and CHF
# azureBillingRegion: US # Represents 2-letter region code, e.g. West Europe = NL, Canada = CA. ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_3166_country_codes
# azureSubscriptionID: 0bd50fdf-c923-4e1e-850c-196dd3dcc5d3
# azureClientID: f2ef6f7d-71fb-47c8-b766-8d63a19db017
# azureTenantID: 72faf3ff-7a3f-4597-b0d9-7b0b201bb23a
# azureClientPassword: fake key # Only use if your values.yaml are stored encrypted. Otherwise provide an existing secret via serviceKeySecretName
# discount: "" # percentage discount applied to compute
# negotiatedDiscount: "" # custom negotiated cloud provider discount
# defaultIdle: false
# serviceKeySecretName: "" # Use an existing AWS or Azure secret with format as in aws-service-key-secret.yaml or azure-service-key-secret.yaml. Leave blank if using createServiceKeySecret
# createServiceKeySecret: true # Creates a secret representing your cloud service key based on data in values.yaml. If you are storing unencrypted values, add a secret manually
# sharedNamespaces: "" # namespaces with shared workloads, example value: "kube-system\,ingress-nginx\,kubecost\,monitoring"
# productKey: # apply business or enterprise product license
# key: ""
# enabled: false
# secretname: productkeysecret # create a secret out of a file named productkey.json of format { "key": "kc-b1325234" }