enabled: true # If false, Prometheus will not be installed -- Warning:Before changing this setting, please read to understand this setting https://docs.kubecost.com/install-and-configure/install/custom-prom
fqdn: http://cost-analyzer-prometheus-server.default.svc #example address of a prometheus to connect to. Include protocol (http:// or https://) Ignored if enabled:true
# insecureSkipVerify : false # If true, kubecost will not check the TLS cert of prometheus
# queryService: http://kubecost-thanos-query-frontend-http.kubecost:{{ .Values.thanos.queryFrontend.http.port }} # an address of the thanos query-frontend endpoint, if different from installed thanos
# queryServiceBasicAuthSecretName: mcdbsecret # kubectl create secret generic mcdbsecret -n kubecost --from-file=USERNAME --from-file=PASSWORD <---enter basic auth credentials like that
# Enable only when you are using GCP Marketplace ENT listing. Learn more at https://console.cloud.google.com/marketplace/product/kubecost-public/kubecost-ent
# Remember to set up these parameters when install the Kubecost Helm chart with `global.gmp.enabled=true` if you want to use GMP self-deployed collection (Recommended) to ultilize Kubecost scrape configs.
# If enabling GMP, it is highly recommended to utilize Google's distribution of Prometheus.
# Learn more at https://cloud.google.com/stackdriver/docs/managed-prometheus/setup-unmanaged
enabled:false# If true, kubecost will be configured to use GMP Prometheus image and query from Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus.
prometheusServerEndpoint:http://localhost:8085/# The prometheus service endpoint used by kubecost. The calls are forwarded through the GMP Prom proxy side car to the GMP database.
image:gke.gcr.io/prometheus-engine/frontend:v0.4.1-gke.0# GMP Prometheus proxy image that serve as an endpoint to query metrics from GMP
enabled:false# If true, kubecost will be configured to remote_write and query from Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus.
prometheusServerEndpoint:https://localhost:8085/<workspaceId>/# The prometheus service endpoint used by kubecost. The calls are forwarded through the SigV4Proxy side car to the AMP workspace.
remoteWriteService:https://aps-workspaces.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/workspaces/<workspaceId>/api/v1/remote_write# The remote_write endpoint for the AMP workspace.
# Mimir Proxy to help Kubecost to query metrics from multi-tenant Grafana Mimir.
# Set `global.mimirProxy.enabled=true` and `global.prometheus.enabled=false` to enable Mimir Proxy.
# You also need to set `global.prometheus.fqdn=http://kubecost-cost-analyzer-mimir-proxy.kubecost.svc:8085/prometheus`
# or `global.prometheus.fqdn=http://{{ template "cost-analyzer.fullname" . }}-mimir-proxy.{{ .Release.Namespace }}.svc:8085/prometheus'
# Learn more at https://grafana.com/docs/mimir/latest/operators-guide/secure/authentication-and-authorization/#without-an-authenticating-reverse-proxy
mimirEndpoint:$mimir_endpoint#Your Mimir query endpoint. If your Mimir query endpoint is http://example.com/prometheus, replace $mimir_endpoint with http://example.com/
orgIdentifier:$your_tenant_ID#Your Grafana Mimir tenant ID
# globalMsTeamsWebhookUrl: https://xxxxx.webhook.office.com/webhookb2/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/IncomingWebhook/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX # optional, used for Microsoft Teams alerts
authTimeout:1440# number of minutes the JWT will be valid
redirectURL:"https://dev-elu2z98r.auth0.com/v2/logout"# callback URL redirected to after logout
# audienceURI: "http://localhost:9090" # by convention, the same as the appRootURL, but any string uniquely identifying kubecost to your samp IDP. Optional if you follow the convention
# nameIDFormat: "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified" If your SAML provider requires a specific nameid format
# isGLUUProvider: false # An additional URL parameter must be appended for GLUU providers
enabled:false# if admin is disabled, all SAML users will be able to make configuration changes to the kubecost frontend
assertionName:"http://schemas.auth0.com/userType"# a SAML Assertion, one of whose elements has a value that matches on of the values in assertionValues
- "admin"
- "superusers"
- name:readonly
enabled:false# if readonly is disabled, all users authorized on SAML will default to readonly
enabled:true# if editor is enabled, editors will be allowed to edit reports/alerts scoped to them, and act as readers otherwise. Users will never default to editor.
- "editor"
clientID:""# application/client client_id paramter obtained from provider, used to make requests to server
clientSecret:""# application/client client_secret paramter obtained from provider, used to make requests to server
secretName:"kubecost-oidc-secret"# k8s secret where clientsecret will be stored
authURL:"https://my.auth.server/authorize"# endpoint for login to auth server
loginRedirectURL:"http://my.kubecost.url/model/oidc/authorize"# Kubecost url configured in provider for redirect after authentication
discoveryURL:"https://my.auth.server/.well-known/openid-configuration"# url for OIDC endpoint discovery
# hostedDomain: "example.com" # optional, blocks access to the auth domain specified in the hd claim of the provider ID token
enabled:false# if admin is disabled, all authenticated users will be able to make configuration changes to the kubecost frontend
claimName:"roles"# Kubecost matches this string against the JWT's payload key containing RBAC info (this value is unique across identity providers)
claimValues:# Kubecost matches these strings with the roles created in your identity provider
- "admin"
- "superusers"
- name:readonly
enabled:false# if readonly is disabled, all authenticated users will default to readonly
- "readonly"
- name:editor
enabled:false# if editor is enabled, editors will be allowed to edit reports/alerts scoped to them, and act as readers otherwise. Users will never default to editor.
serviceMonitor:# the kubecost included prometheus uses scrapeConfigs and does not support service monitors. The following options assume an existing prometheus that supports serviceMonitors.
# node-export must be disabled if there is an existing daemonset: https://guide.kubecost.com/hc/en-us/articles/4407601830679-Troubleshoot-Install#a-name-node-exporter-a-issue-failedscheduling-kubecost-prometheus-node-exporter
# kubecost emits pre-2.0 KSM metrics, KSM is enabled by default here for backwards compatibity, but can be disabled to save resources without concern to kubecost metrics
# prometheus.yml: # Sample block -- enable if using an in cluster durable store.
# this daemonset can use significant resources on large clusters: https://guide.kubecost.com/hc/en-us/articles/4407595973527-Network-Traffic-Cost-Allocation
limits: # remove the limits by setting limits:{}
cpu:500m# can be less, will depend on cluster size
# memory: it is not recommended to set a memory limit
# You can use the Kubecost savings report for 'Right-size your container requests' to determine the recommended resource requests once the pod has run for 24 hours.
# Kubecost bug report feature: Logs access/collection limited to .Release.Namespace
# Ref: http://docs.kubecost.com/bug-report
# Basic frontend analytics
# Report Javascript errors
# googleAnalyticsTag allows you to embed your Google Global Site Tag to track usage of Kubecost.
# googleAnalyticsTag is only included in our Enterprise offering.
# googleAnalyticsTag: G-XXXXXXXXX
serviceMonitor:# the kubecost included prometheus uses scrapeConfigs and does not support service monitors. The following options assume an existing prometheus that supports serviceMonitors.
federatedCluster:false# whether this cluster should push data to the Federated store
primaryCluster:false# whether this cluster should load data from the combined section of the Federated store
useExistingS3Config:false# will attempt to use existing object-store.yaml configs for S3 backup/Thanos as config for the Federated store
redirectS3Backup:false# changes the dir of S3 backup to the Federated combined store, for using Thanos-federated data in the Federated ETL. Note S3 backup should be enabled separately for this.
useMultiClusterDB:false# set to true if you have a single federated PromQL DB with metrics from all monitored clusters but want to use federation for performance
enabled:false# enables the federator to run inside the costmodel container, federating the data in the Federated store
clusters:[]# optional. Whitelist of clusters by cluster id. If not set, the federator will attempt to federated all clusters pushing to the federated storage.
# primaryClusterID: "cluster_id" # optional. Used when reconciliation is expected to occur on the Primary.
# federationCutoffDate: "2022-10-18T00:00:00.000Z" # an RFC 3339-formatted string. All ETL files with windows that fall before this time are not processed by the Federator. If this is not set, the Federator will process all files regardless of date.
# # Or pass auth directly as base64 encoded user:pass
# data: YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=
# # Or user and pass directly
# user: admin
# pass: admin
# - name: "Cluster B"
# address: http://cluster-b.kubecost.com:9090
# defaultModelPricing: # default monthly resource prices, used predominately for on-prem clusters
# CPU: 28.0
# spotCPU: 4.86
# RAM: 3.09
# spotRAM: 0.65
# GPU: 693.50
# spotGPU: 225.0
# storage: 0.04
# zoneNetworkEgress: 0.01
# regionNetworkEgress: 0.01
# internetNetworkEgress: 0.12
# enabled: true
# # The cluster profile represents a predefined set of parameters to use when calculating savings.
# # Possible values are: [ development, production, high-availability ]
# clusterProfile: production
# customPricesEnabled: false # This makes the default view custom prices-- generally used for on-premises clusters
# spotLabel: lifecycle
# spotLabelValue: Ec2Spot
# gpuLabel: gpu
# gpuLabelValue: true
# awsServiceKeyName: ACCESSKEYID
# awsServiceKeyPassword: fakepassword # Only use if your values.yaml are stored encrypted. Otherwise provide an existing secret via serviceKeySecretName
# awsSpotDataRegion: us-east-1
# awsSpotDataBucket: spot-data-feed-s3-bucket
# awsSpotDataPrefix: dev
# athenaProjectID: "530337586277" # The AWS AccountID where the Athena CUR is. Generally your masterpayer account
# currencyCode: "USD" # official support for USD, AUD, BRL, CAD, CHF, CNY, DKK, EUR, GBP, INR, JPY, NOK, PLN, SEK
# azureBillingRegion: US # Represents 2-letter region code, e.g. West Europe = NL, Canada = CA. ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_3166_country_codes
# serviceKeySecretName: "" # Use an existing AWS or Azure secret with format as in aws-service-key-secret.yaml or azure-service-key-secret.yaml. Leave blank if using createServiceKeySecret
# createServiceKeySecret: true # Creates a secret representing your cloud service key based on data in values.yaml. If you are storing unencrypted values, add a secret manually
# sharedNamespaces: "" # namespaces with shared workloads, example value: "kube-system\,ingress-nginx\,kubecost\,monitoring"
# sharedOverhead: "" # value representing a fixed external cost per month to be distributed among aggregations.
# shareTenancyCosts: true # enable or disable sharing costs such as cluster management fees (defaults to "true" on Settings page)
# metricsConfigs: # configuration for metrics emitted by Kubecost
# disabledMetrics: [] # list of metrics that Kubecost will not emit. Note that disabling metrics can lead to unexpected behavior in the cost-model.
# productKey: # apply business or enterprise product license
# secretname: productkeysecret # create a secret out of a file named productkey.json of format { "key": "kc-b1325234" }. If the secretname is specified, a configmap with the key will not be created
# mountPath: "/some/custom/path/productkey.json" # (use instead of secretname) declare the path at which the product key file is mounted (eg. by a secrets provisioner). The file must be of format { "key": "kc-b1325234" }
# cloudIntegrationSecret: "cloud-integration"
# ingestPodUID: false # Enables using UIDs to uniquely ID pods. This requires either Kubecost's replicated KSM metrics, or KSM v2.1.0+. This may impact performance, and changes the default cost-model allocation behavior.