`ingress.tls.enabled` | Configures a TLS use for `ingress.host` | `false`
`ingress.tls.secretName` | Specifies a name of TLS secret | `None`
`ingress.pathType` | Specifies the path type for the ingress resource | `ImplementationSpecific`
`global.persistence.size` | Default global size of volumes for K10 persistent services | `20Gi`
`global.persistence.catalog.size` | Size of a volume for catalog service | `global.persistence.size`
`global.persistence.jobs.size` | Size of a volume for jobs service | `global.persistence.size`
`global.persistence.logging.size` | Size of a volume for logging service | `global.persistence.size`
`global.persistence.metering.size` | Size of a volume for metering service | `global.persistence.size`
`global.persistence.storageClass` | Specified StorageClassName will be used for PVCs | `None`
`global.airgapped.repository` | Specify the helm repository for offline (airgapped) installation | `''`
`global.imagePullSecret` | Provide secret which contains docker config for private repository. Use `k10-ecr` when secrets.dockerConfigPath is used. | `''`
`global.prometheus.external.host` | Provide external prometheus host name | `''`
`global.prometheus.external.port` | Provide external prometheus port number | `''`
`global.prometheus.external.baseURL` | Provide Base URL of external prometheus | `''`
`global.network.enable_ipv6` | Enable `IPv6` support for K10 | `false`
`secrets.awsAccessKeyId` | AWS access key ID (required for AWS deployment) | `None`
`externalGateway.create` | Configures an external gateway for K10 API services | `false`
`externalGateway.annotations` | Standard annotations for the services | `None`
`externalGateway.fqdn.name` | Domain name for the K10 API services | `None`
`externalGateway.fqdn.type` | Supported gateway type: `route53-mapper` or `external-dns` | `None`
`externalGateway.awsSSLCertARN` | ARN for the AWS ACM SSL certificate used in the K10 API server | `None`
`auth.basicAuth.enabled` | Configures basic authentication for the K10 dashboard | `false`
`auth.basicAuth.htpasswd` | A username and password pair separated by a colon character | `None`
`auth.basicAuth.secretName` | Name of an existing Secret that contains a file generated with htpasswd | `None`
`auth.k10AdminGroups` | A list of groups whose members are granted admin level access to K10's dashboard | `None`
`auth.k10AdminUsers` | A list of users who are granted admin level access to K10's dashboard | `None`
`auth.tokenAuth.enabled` | Configures token based authentication for the K10 dashboard | `false`
`auth.oidcAuth.enabled` | Configures Open ID Connect based authentication for the K10 dashboard | `false`
`auth.oidcAuth.providerURL` | URL for the OIDC Provider | `None`
`auth.oidcAuth.redirectURL` | URL to the K10 gateway service | `None`
`auth.oidcAuth.scopes` | Space separated OIDC scopes required for userinfo. Example: "profile email" | `None`
`auth.oidcAuth.prompt` | The type of prompt to be used during authentication (none, consent, login or select_account) | `select_account`
`auth.oidcAuth.clientID` | Client ID given by the OIDC provider for K10 | `None`
`auth.oidcAuth.clientSecret` | Client secret given by the OIDC provider for K10 | `None`
`auth.oidcAuth.usernameClaim` | The claim to be used as the username | `sub`
`auth.oidcAuth.usernamePrefix` | Prefix that has to be used with the username obtained from the username claim | `None`
`auth.oidcAuth.groupClaim` | Name of a custom OpenID Connect claim for specifying user groups | `None`
`auth.oidcAuth.groupPrefix` | All groups will be prefixed with this value to prevent conflicts | `None`
`auth.openshift.enabled` | Enables access to the K10 dashboard by authenticating with the OpenShift OAuth server | `false`
`auth.openshift.serviceAccount` | Name of the service account that represents an OAuth client | `None`
`auth.openshift.clientSecret` | The token corresponding to the service account | `None`
`auth.openshift.dashboardURL` | The URL used for accessing K10's dashboard | `None`
`auth.openshift.openshiftURL` | The URL for accessing OpenShift's API server | `None`
`auth.openshift.insecureCA` | To turn off SSL verification of connections to OpenShift | `false`
`auth.openshift.useServiceAccountCA` | Set this to true to use the CA certificate corresponding to the Service Account ``auth.openshift.serviceAccount`` usually found at ``/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt`` | `false`
`auth.ldap.enabled` | Configures Active Directory/LDAP based authentication for the K10 dashboard | `false`
`auth.ldap.restartPod` | To force a restart of the authentication service pod (useful when updating authentication config) | `false`
`auth.ldap.dashboardURL` | The URL used for accessing K10's dashboard | `None`
`auth.ldap.host` | Host and optional port of the AD/LDAP server in the form `host:port` | `None`
`auth.ldap.insecureNoSSL` | Required if the AD/LDAP host is not using TLS | `false`
`auth.ldap.insecureSkipVerifySSL` | To turn off SSL verification of connections to the AD/LDAP host | `false`
`auth.ldap.startTLS` | When set to true, ldap:// is used to connect to the server followed by creation of a TLS session. When set to false, ldaps:// is used. | `false`
`auth.ldap.bindDN` | The Distinguished Name(username) used for connecting to the AD/LDAP host | `None`
`auth.ldap.bindPW` | The password corresponding to the `bindDN` for connecting to the AD/LDAP host | `None`
`auth.ldap.bindPWSecretName` | The name of the secret that contains the password corresponding to the `bindDN` for connecting to the AD/LDAP host | `None`
`auth.ldap.userSearch.baseDN` | The base Distinguished Name to start the AD/LDAP search from | `None`
`auth.ldap.userSearch.filter` | Optional filter to apply when searching the directory | `None`
`auth.ldap.userSearch.username` | Attribute used for comparing user entries when searching the directory | `None`
`auth.ldap.userSearch.idAttr` | AD/LDAP attribute in a user's entry that should map to the user ID field in a token | `None`
`auth.ldap.userSearch.emailAttr` | AD/LDAP attribute in a user's entry that should map to the email field in a token | `None`
`auth.ldap.userSearch.nameAttr` | AD/LDAP attribute in a user's entry that should map to the name field in a token | `None`
`auth.ldap.userSearch.preferredUsernameAttr` | AD/LDAP attribute in a user's entry that should map to the preferred_username field in a token | `None`
`auth.ldap.groupSearch.baseDN` | The base Distinguished Name to start the AD/LDAP group search from | `None`
`auth.ldap.groupSearch.filter` | Optional filter to apply when searching the directory for groups | `None`
`auth.ldap.groupSearch.nameAttr` | The AD/LDAP attribute that represents a group's name in the directory | `None`
`auth.ldap.groupSearch.userMatchers` | List of field pairs that are used to match a user to a group. | `None`
`auth.ldap.groupSearch.userMatchers.userAttr` | Attribute in the user's entry that must match with the `groupAttr` while searching for groups | `None`
`auth.ldap.groupSearch.userMatchers.groupAttr` | Attribute in the group's entry that must match with the `userAttr` while searching for groups | `None`
`auth.groupAllowList` | A list of groups whose members are allowed access to K10's dashboard | `None`
`services.securityContext` | Custom [security context](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/) for K10 service containers | `{"runAsUser" : 1000, "fsGroup": 1000}`
`services.securityContext.runAsUser` | User ID K10 service containers run as| `1000`
`services.securityContext.runAsGroup` | Group ID K10 service containers run as| `1000`
`services.securityContext.fsGroup` | FSGroup that owns K10 service container volumes | `1000`
`prometheus.rbac.create` | (optional) Whether to create Prometheus RBAC configuration. Warning - this action will allow prometheus to scrape pods in all k8s namespaces | `false`
`prometheus.alertmanager.enabled` | (optional) Enable Prometheus `alertmanager` service | `false`
`prometheus.kubeStateMetrics.enabled` | (optional) Enable Prometheus `kubeStateMetrics` service | `false`
`prometheus.server.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge` | (optional) The number of Prometheus server pods that can be created above the desired amount of pods during an update | `"100%"`
`prometheus.server.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable` | (optional) The number of Prometheus server pods that can be unavailable during the upgrade process | `"100%"`
`prometheus.server.strategy.type` | (optional) Change default deployment strategy for Prometheus server | `"RollingUpdate"`
`prometheus.server.persistentVolume.enabled` | (optional) If true, K10 Prometheus server will create a Persistent Volume Claim | `true`
`prometheus.server.persistentVolume.size` | (optional) K10 Prometheus server data Persistent Volume size | `30Gi`
`prometheus.server.persistentVolume.storageClass` | (optional) StorageClassName used to create Prometheus PVC. Setting this option overwrites global StorageClass value | `""`
`prometheus.server.configMapOverrideName` | (optional) Prometheus configmap name to override default generated name| `k10-prometheus-config`
`prometheus.server.fullnameOverride` | (optional) Prometheus deployment name to override default generated name| `prometheus-server`
`prometheus.server.serviceAccounts.alertmanager.create` | (optional) Set true to create ServiceAccount for Prometheus `Alertmanager` service | `false`
`prometheus.server.serviceAccounts.kubeStateMetrics.create` | (optional) Set true to create ServiceAccount for Prometheus `kubeStateMetrics` service | `false`
`prometheus.server.serviceAccounts.nodeExporter.create` | (optional) Set true to create ServiceAccount for Prometheus `nodeExporter` service | `false`
`prometheus.server.serviceAccounts.pushgateway.create` | (optional) Set true to create ServiceAccount for Prometheus `pushgateway` service | `false`
`prometheus.server.serviceAccounts.server.create` | (optional) Set true to create ServiceAccount for Prometheus server service | `true`
`cluster.domainName` | Specifies the domain name of the cluster | `cluster.local`
`kanister.backupTimeout` | Specifies timeout to set on Kanister backup operations | `45`
`kanister.restoreTimeout` | Specifies timeout to set on Kanister restore operations | `600`
`kanister.deleteTimeout` | Specifies timeout to set on Kanister delete operations | `45`
`kanister.hookTimeout` | Specifies timeout to set on Kanister pre-hook and post-hook operations | `20`
`kanister.checkRepoTimeout` | Specifies timeout to set on Kanister checkRepo operations | `20`
`kanister.statsTimeout` | Specifies timeout to set on Kanister stats operations | `20`
`kanister.efsPostRestoreTimeout` | Specifies timeout to set on Kanister efsPostRestore operations | `45`
`awsConfig.assumeRoleDuration` | Duration of a session token generated by AWS for an IAM role. The minimum value is 15 minutes and the maximum value is the maximum duration setting for that IAM role. For documentation about how to view and edit the maximum session duration for an IAM role see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_roles_use.html#id_roles_use_view-role-max-session. The value accepts a number along with a single character ``m``(for minutes) or ``h`` (for hours) Examples: 60m or 2h | `''`
`awsConfig.efsBackupVaultName` | Specifies the AWS EFS backup vault name | `k10vault`
`vmWare.taskTimeoutMin` | Specifies the timeout for VMWare operations | `60`
`encryption.primaryKey.awsCmkKeyId` | Specifies the AWS CMK key ID for encrypting K10 Primary Key | `None`
`garbagecollector.daemonPeriod` | Sets garbage collection period (in seconds) | `21600`
`garbagecollector.keepMaxActions` | Sets maximum actions to keep | `1000`
`kubeVirtVMs.snapshot.unfreezeTimeout` | Defines the time duration within which the VMs must be unfrozen while backing them up. To know more about format [go doc](https://pkg.go.dev/time#ParseDuration) can be followed | `5m`
`excludedApps` | Specifies a list of applications to be excluded from the dashboard & compliance considerations. Format should be a :ref:`YAML array<k10_compliance>` | `["kube-system", "kube-ingress", "kube-node-lease", "kube-public", "kube-rook-ceph"]`
`maxJobWaitDuration` | Set a maximum duration of waiting for child jobs. If the execution of the subordinate jobs exceeds this value, the parent job will be canceled. If no value is set, a default of 10 hours will be used | `None`