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## Confluent operator name
name: confluent-operator
## license Key
licenseKey: ""
## Load license either from the secret or through directoryPath.
## This will take precedence over licenseKey field.
## The license secret reference name is injected through
## CONFLUENT_LICENSE_SECRET_NAME environment variable.
## The expected key: license.txt. license.txt contains raw license data.
## For backward compatibility, licenseSecretRef field takes precedence if configured.
secretRef: ""
## The directoryPathInContainer value is injected through
## The expected key: license.txt. license.txt file must have value in pattern `license=<replace_with_key>`.
## This configuration takes precedence over license.secretRef or licenseSecretRef field.
directoryPathInContainer: ""
## AutoGenerated certificates configuration.
## We will continue using older model of reading CA from secret "ca-pair-sslcerts" unless
## managedCerts.enabled is set to true.
## Denotes whether CFK managed certs are configured with helm values. If this is set to true
## values below will be used for auto-generated certificates and will cause a cluster roll
## first time after this is enabled.
enabled: false
## CA certificate pair for AutoGenerated certificates in this CFK operator deployment.
## CA pair secret reference name is injected through
## The expected keys are tls.crt and tls.key for CA Certificate and CA Certificate Key
## respectively.
secretRef: ""
## The directoryPathInContainer value for CA pair certificates are injected through
## The expected files are tls.crt and tls.key for CA Certificate and CA Certificate Key
## respectively.
directoryPathInContainer: ""
## Validity for Auto-generated certificates is injected through
certDurationInDays: 60
## Renewal time for Auto-generated certificates is injected through
renewBeforeInDays: 30
## SANs to be added for all auto-generated certificates generated by this
## CFK operator. This is injected through CONFLUENT_MANAGED_CERTS_SANS
## environment variable.
## Use this for adding wild card SANs. Modifying this will trigger regeneration of
## certs for all CP clusters managed by the CFK operator.
sans: ""
## Image pull secret
imagePullSecretRef: confluent-registry
## Confluent Operator Image Information
registry: docker.io
repository: confluentinc/confluent-operator
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
tag: "0.771.29"
## Priority class for Confluent Operator pod
priorityClassName: ""
## Number of pods for Operator
## Enables leader election if more than one replica
replicas: 1
## Confluent Operator Cluster Access
## If true, operator only creates roles/rolebinding for the release namespace
## Otherwise, it has cluster access with clusterrole/clusterrrolebinding
namespaced: true
### list of namespaces to watch by operator
### This field only takes in effect if `namespaced=true`. By default, it will only watch the release namespace
### Otherwise, it will watch specified namespaces. If watching only release namespace, do not specify this field
namespaceList: []
## Confluent Operator Pod Resources
cpu: 500m
memory: 512Mi
cpu: 100m
memory: 256Mi
## Pod termination grace-period
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
## Enable debugging
debug: false
## Configure affinity,
## More information here https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/
affinity: {}
## Example for nodeAffinity, configure as required.
## nodeAffinity:
## requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
## nodeSelectorTerms:
## - matchExpressions:
## - key: "node-role.kubernetes.io/compute"
## operator: In
## values:
## - "true"
## Configure tolerations
## https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/
tolerations: []
##- key: "dedicated"
## operator: "Equal"
## value: "operator"
## effect: "NoSchedule"
## Pod Security Context
enabled: true
fsGroup: 1001
runAsUser: 1001
runAsNonRoot: true
## Container Security Context
## Container security context overrides security context defined at pod level.
## For example following container security context would override the
## default PodSecurityContext defined above
## securityContext:
## runAsUser: 2001
## runAsNonRoot: false
## Refer to this documentation on how configure security context for container
## https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/#set-the-security-context-for-a-containerh
enabled: false
securityContext: {}
## ServiceAccount
## If enabled it will create, otherwise it will
## not create
create: true
name: ""
## Enable Kubernetes RBAC
## When set to true, it will create a proper role/rolebinding or cluster/clusterrolebinding based on namespaced field.
## If a user doesn't have permission to create role/rolebinding then they can disable rbac field and
## create required resources out of band to be used by the Operator. In this case, follow the
## templates/clusterrole.yaml and templates/clusterrolebiding.yaml to create proper required resources.
rbac: true
## Enable extra Kubernetes API groups in role/clusterrole resource
## When set to true, it will add apiGroups to role/clusterrole for OpenShift route resource
openshift: true
### Confluent Telemetry Report configuration
## The secretRef contains following data,
## telemetry.txt: |-
## api.key=<api_key>
## api.secret=<api_secret>
## proxy.url=<proxy_url> # only required if proxy is enabled
## proxy.username=<proxy_username> # only required if proxy requires credential
## proxy.password=<proxy_password>
enabled: false
enabled: false
enabled: false
credentialRequired: false
secretRef: ""
## To use directoryPathInContainer, need to make sure
## you mount telemetry.txt in the path you provided here in each pod
directoryPathInContainer: ""
## In case of KRaft, we need to preserve the KRaft ClusterID in PV annotation
## for disaster recovery case. Enabling this ensures we create proper ClusterRoles
## to be able to set this annotation in PersistentVolumes.
kRaftEnabled: false
### Webhooks configuration
## To enable webhooks, it requires TLS certificates to set up webhook server,
## which used for secure communication between webhook server and kubernetes api server.
## Please provide the TLS keys and certificates with format as mentioned in this doc:
## https://docs.confluent.io/operator/current/co-network-encryption.html#provide-tls-keys-and-certificates-in-pem-format.
## The certificate must have the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) of the form: confluent-operator.<namespace>.svc
enabled: false
port: 8443
secretRef: ""
directoryPathInContainer: ""
## Pod annotations/labels configurations
prometheus.io/path: "/metrics"
prometheus.io/port: "7778"
prometheus.io/scrape: "true"
labels: {}
# labels:
# key: "value"
## Load license from the secret reference
## +Deprecated, use license.secretRef instead.
licenseSecretRef: ""
## Volumes to mount on CFK operator
## Refer to the Kubernetes volume/volumeMounts format: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/
## Example with a PVC.
## mountedVolumes:
## volumes:
## - name: custom-volume
## persistentVolumeClaim:
## claimName: pvc-test
## volumeMounts:
## - name: custom-volume
## mountPath: /mnt/<path_of_your_choice>
volumes: []
volumeMounts: []