| globalPluginTolerations | list | `[{"effect":"NoSchedule","key":"node-role.kubernetes.io/master","operator":"Exists"}]` | Tolerations for all CSI driver components |
| controllerPluginTolerations | list | `[{"effect":"NoSchedule","key":"node-role.kubernetes.io/master","operator":"Exists"}]` | Tolerations for CSI controller component only (by default same as global) |
| nodePluginTolerations | list | `[{"effect":"NoSchedule","key":"node-role.kubernetes.io/master","operator":"Exists"}]` | Tolerations for CSI node component only (by default same as global) |
| nodeSelector | object | `{}` | Optional nodeSelector for CSI plugin deployment on certain Kubernetes nodes only |
| controller.concurrency | object | `{"createSnapshot":5,"createVolume":5,"deleteSnapshot":5,"deleteVolume":1,"expandVolume":5}` | maximum concurrent operations per operation type |
| node.maxConcurrentRequests | int | `5` | Maximum concurrent requests from sidecars (global) |
| node.concurrency | object | `{"nodePublishVolume":5,"nodeUnpublishVolume":5}` | maximum concurrent operations per operation type (to avoid API starvation) |
| node.grpcRequestTimeoutSeconds | int | `30` | Return GRPC Unavailable if request waits in queue for that long time (seconds) |
| legacyVolumeSecretName | string | `""` | for migration of pre-CSI 0.7.0 volumes only, default API secret. Must reside in same namespace as the plugin |
| selinuxSupport | string | `"off"` | Support SELinux labeling for Persistent Volumes, may be either `off`, `mixed`, `enforced` (default off) In `enforced` mode, CSI node components will only start on nodes having a label `selinuxNodeLabel` below In `mixed` mode, separate CSI node components will be installed on SELinux-enabled and regular hosts In `off` mode, only non-SELinux-enabled node components will be run on hosts without label. WARNING: if SELinux is not enabled, volume provisioning and publishing might fail! |
| selinuxNodeLabel | string | `"csi.weka.io/selinux_enabled"` | This label must be set to `"true"` on SELinux-enabled Kubernetes nodes, e.g., to run the node server in secure mode on SELinux-enabled node, the node must have label `csi.weka.io/selinux_enabled="true"` |
| pluginConfig.objectNaming.volumePrefix | string | `"csivol-"` | Prefix that will be added to names of Weka cluster filesystems / snapshots assocciated with CSI volume, must not exceed 7 symbols. |
| pluginConfig.objectNaming.snapshotPrefix | string | `"csisnp-"` | Prefix that will be added to names of Weka cluster snapshots assocciated with CSI snapshot, must not exceed 7 symbols. |
| pluginConfig.objectNaming.seedSnapshotPrefix | string | `"csisnp-seed-"` | Prefix that will be added to automatically created "seed" snapshot of empty filesytem, must not exceed 12 symbols. |
| pluginConfig.allowedOperations.autoExpandFilesystems | bool | `true` | Allow automatic expansion of filesystem on which Weka snapshot-backed CSI volumes, e.g. in case a required volume capacity exceeds the size of filesystem. Note: the filesystem is not expanded automatically when a new directory-backed volume is provisioned |
| pluginConfig.allowedOperations.snapshotDirectoryVolumes | bool | `false` | Create snapshots of legacy (dir/v1) volumes. By default disabled. Note: when enabled, for every legacy volume snapshot, a full filesystem snapshot will be created (wasteful) |
| pluginConfig.allowedOperations.snapshotVolumesWithoutQuotaEnforcement | bool | `false` | Allow creation of snapshot-backed volumes even on unsupported Weka cluster versions, off by default Note: On versions of Weka <v4.2snapshot-backedvolumecapacitycannotbeenforced|