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# Default values for rancher-pushprox.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.
# Default image containing both the proxy and the client was generated from the following Dockerfile
# https://github.com/prometheus-community/PushProx/blob/eeadbe766641699129920ccfaaaa30a85c67fe81/Dockerfile#L1-L15
# Configuration
enabled: false
systemDefaultRegistry: ""
enabled: false
# A list of Semver constraint strings (defined by https://github.com/Masterminds/semver) and values.yaml overrides.
# For each key in kubeVersionOverrides, this chart will check to see if the current Kubernetes cluster's version matches
# any of the semver constraints provided as keys on the map.
# On seeing a match, the default value for each values.yaml field overridden will be updated with the new value.
# If multiple matches are encountered (due to overlapping semver ranges), the matches will be applied in order.
# Notes:
# - On running a helm template, Helm generally assumes the kubeVersion is v1.20.0
# - On running a helm install --dry-run, the correct kubeVersion should be chosen.
kubeVersionOverrides: []
# - constraint: "< 1.21"
# values:
# metricsPort: 10252
# clients:
# https:
# enabled: false
# insecureSkipVerify: false
# useServiceAccountCredentials: false
namespaceOverride: ""
# The component that is being monitored (i.e. etcd)
component: "component"
# The port containing the metrics that need to be scraped
metricsPort: 2739
# Configure ServiceMonitor that monitors metrics from the metricsPort endpoint
enabled: true
# A list of endpoints that will be added to the ServiceMonitor based on the Endpoint spec
# Source: https://github.com/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator/blob/master/Documentation/api.md#endpoint
# By default, proxyUrl and params._scheme will be overridden based on other values
- port: metrics
# Configure Service that grabs scrape targets
# The selector that is used to populate the Service's Endpoints object.
# The chart will error out on rendering templating if .Values.clients.enabled is set alongside this field,
# since it is expected that this service should point to the PushProx Clients Daemonset / Deployment
selector: {}
enabled: true
# The port which the PushProx client will post PushProx metrics to
port: 9369
# If unset, this will default to the URL for the proxy service: http://pushprox-{{component}}-proxy.{{namepsace}}.svc.cluster.local:{{proxy.port}}
# Should be modified if the clients are being deployed outside the cluster where the proxy rests, otherwise leave it null
proxyUrl: ""
# If set to true, the client will forward any requests from the host IP to
# It will only allow proxy requests to the metricsPort specified
useLocalhost: false
# Configuration for accessing metrics via HTTPS
# Does the client require https to access the metrics?
enabled: false
# Does the client require requests be sent to http or https?
forceHTTPSScheme: false
# If set to true, the client will create a service account with adequate permissions and set a flag
# on the client to use the service account token provided by it to make authorized scrape requests
useServiceAccountCredentials: false
# Configuration for authentication to metrics via https endpoint
# Reads token from defined file in container
# This function is deprecated in the prometheus operator api and may be removed in a future version
enabled: false
bearerTokenFilePath: "/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token"
# Reads token from defined secret in namespace
# This function is deprecated in the prometheus operator api and may be removed in a future version
enabled: false
# Reads token from defined secret in namespace
enabled: false
type: "bearer"
key: "token"
optional: false
# If set to true, the client will disable SSL security checks
insecureSkipVerify: false
# Directory on host where necessary TLS cert and key to scrape metrics can be found
certDir: ""
# Filenames for files located in .Values.clients.https.certDir that correspond to TLS settings
certFile: ""
keyFile: ""
caCertFile: ""
# seLinuxOptions to be passed into the container that copies certs. Should define a container with permissions to read the files in the certDir provided on the host.
# Required and only used if `clients.https.enabled` is set and `clients.https.certDir` is provided.
seLinuxOptions: {}
# Whether the client should publish PushProx client-specific metrics to .Values.clients.port
enabled: false
# Additional permissions to provide to the ServiceAccount bound to the client
# This can be used to provide additional permissions for the client to scrape metrics from the k8s API
# Only enabled if clients.https.enabled and clients.https.useServiceAccountCredentials are true
additionalRules: []
# Resource limits
resources: {}
# Options to select all nodes to deploy client DaemonSet on
nodeSelector: {}
tolerations: []
affinity: {}
repository: rancher/pushprox-client
tag: v0.1.3-rancher2-client
command: ["pushprox-client"]
repository: rancher/mirrored-library-busybox
tag: 1.31.1
# The default intention of rancher-pushprox clients is to scrape hostNetwork metrics across all nodes.
# This can be used to scrape internal Kubernetes components or DaemonSets of hostNetwork Pods in
# situations where a cloud provider firewall prevents Pod-To-Host communication but not Pod-To-Pod.
# However, if the underlying hostNetwork Pod that is being scraped is managed by a Deployment,
# this advanced option enables users to deploy the client as a Deployment instead of a DaemonSet.
# If a user deploys this feature and the underlying Deployment's number of replicas changes, the user will
# be responsible for upgrading this chart accordingly to the right number of replicas.
enabled: false
replicas: 0
enabled: true
# The port through which PushProx clients will communicate to the proxy
port: 8080
# Resource limits
resources: {}
# Options to select a node to run a single proxy deployment on
nodeSelector: {}
tolerations: []
repository: rancher/pushprox-proxy
tag: v0.1.3-rancher2-proxy
command: ["pushprox-proxy"]