mirror of https://git.rancher.io/charts
.. | ||
templates | ||
.helmignore | ||
Chart.yaml | ||
README.md | ||
app-readme.md | ||
values-logging-example.yaml | ||
values.yaml |
Logging operator for Kubernetes based on Fluentd and Fluentbit.
Homepage: https://kube-logging.github.io
helm install --generate-name --wait oci://ghcr.io/kube-logging/helm-charts/logging-operator
or to install with a specific version:
helm install --generate-name --wait oci://ghcr.io/kube-logging/helm-charts/logging-operator --version $VERSION
This chart bootstraps a Logging Operator deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.
- Kubernetes 1.19+
Installing CRDs
Use createCustomResource=false
with Helm v3 to avoid trying to create CRDs from the crds
folder and from templates at the same time.
Key | Type | Default | Description |
replicaCount | int | 1 |
image.repository | string | "ghcr.io/kube-logging/logging-operator" |
Name of the image repository to pull the container image from. |
image.tag | string | "" |
Image tag override for the default value (chart appVersion). |
image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
Image pull policy for updating already existing images on a node. |
env | list | [] |
volumes | list | [] |
volumeMounts | list | [] |
extraArgs[0] | string | "-enable-leader-election=true" |
imagePullSecrets | list | [] |
nameOverride | string | "" |
A name in place of the chart name for app: labels. |
fullnameOverride | string | "" |
A name to substitute for the full names of resources. |
namespaceOverride | string | "" |
A namespace override for the app. |
annotations | object | {} |
Define annotations for logging-operator pods. |
createCustomResource | bool | false |
Deploy CRDs used by Logging Operator. |
http.port | int | 8080 |
HTTP listen port number. |
http.service | object | {"annotations":{},"clusterIP":"None","labels":{},"type":"ClusterIP"} |
Service definition for query http service. |
rbac.enabled | bool | true |
Create rbac service account and roles. |
rbac.psp.enabled | bool | true |
Must be used with rbac.enabled true. If true, creates & uses RBAC resources required in the cluster with Pod Security Policies enabled. |
rbac.psp.annotations | object | {"seccomp.security.alpha.kubernetes.io/allowedProfileNames":"docker/default,runtime/default","seccomp.security.alpha.kubernetes.io/defaultProfileName":"runtime/default"} |
PSP annotations |
monitoring.serviceMonitor.enabled | bool | false |
Create a Prometheus Operator ServiceMonitor object. |
monitoring.serviceMonitor.additionalLabels | object | {} |
monitoring.serviceMonitor.metricRelabelings | list | [] |
monitoring.serviceMonitor.relabelings | list | [] |
podSecurityContext | object | {} |
Pod SecurityContext for Logging operator. More info # SecurityContext holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings. # This defaults to non root user with uid 1000 and gid 2000. *v1.PodSecurityContext false # ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/ |
securityContext | object | {} |
Container SecurityContext for Logging operator. More info |
priorityClassName | object | {} |
Operator priorityClassName. |
serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} |
Define annotations for logging-operator ServiceAccount. |
resources | object | {} |
CPU/Memory resource requests/limits |
nodeSelector | object | {} |
tolerations | list | [] |
Node Tolerations |
affinity | object | {} |
Node Affinity |
podLabels | object | {} |
Define which Nodes the Pods are scheduled on. |
logging | object | {"allowClusterResourcesFromAllNamespaces":false,"clusterDomain":"cluster.local.","clusterFlows":[],"clusterOutputs":[],"controlNamespace":"","defaultFlow":{},"enableRecreateWorkloadOnImmutableFieldChange":false,"enabled":false,"errorOutputRef":"","eventTailer":{},"flowConfigCheckDisabled":false,"flowConfigOverride":"","fluentbit":{},"fluentbitDisabled":false,"fluentd":{},"fluentdDisabled":false,"globalFilters":[],"hostTailer":{},"loggingRef":"","nodeAgents":{},"skipInvalidResources":false,"syslogNG":{},"watchNamespaceSelector":{},"watchNamespaces":[]} |
Logging resources configuration. |
logging.enabled | bool | false |
Logging resources are disabled by default |
logging.loggingRef | string | "" |
Reference to the logging system. Each of the loggingRefs can manage a fluentbit daemonset and a fluentd statefulset. |
logging.flowConfigCheckDisabled | bool | false |
Disable configuration check before applying new fluentd configuration. |
logging.skipInvalidResources | bool | false |
Whether to skip invalid Flow and ClusterFlow resources |
logging.flowConfigOverride | string | "" |
Override generated config. This is a raw configuration string for troubleshooting purposes. |
logging.fluentbitDisabled | bool | false |
Flag to disable fluentbit completely |
logging.fluentbit | object | {} |
Fluent-bit configurations https://kube-logging.github.io/docs/configuration/crds/v1beta1/fluentbit_types/ |
logging.fluentdDisabled | bool | false |
Flag to disable fluentd completely |
logging.fluentd | object | {} |
Fluentd configurations https://kube-logging.github.io/docs/configuration/crds/v1beta1/fluentd_types/ |
logging.syslogNG | object | {} |
Syslog-NG statefulset configuration |
logging.defaultFlow | object | {} |
Default flow for unmatched logs. This Flow configuration collects all logs that didn’t match any other Flow. |
logging.errorOutputRef | string | "" |
GlobalOutput name to flush ERROR events to |
logging.globalFilters | list | [] |
Global filters to apply on logs before any match or filter mechanism. |
logging.watchNamespaces | list | [] |
Limit namespaces to watch Flow and Output custom resources. |
logging.watchNamespaceSelector | object | {} |
Limit namespaces to watch Flow and Output custom resources. |
logging.clusterDomain | string | "cluster.local." |
Cluster domain name to be used when templating URLs to services |
logging.controlNamespace | string | "" |
Namespace for cluster wide configuration resources like ClusterFlow and ClusterOutput. This should be a protected namespace from regular users. Resources like fluentbit and fluentd will run in this namespace as well. |
logging.allowClusterResourcesFromAllNamespaces | bool | false |
Allow configuration of cluster resources from any namespace. Mutually exclusive with ControlNamespace restriction of Cluster resources |
logging.nodeAgents | object | {} |
NodeAgent Configuration |
logging.enableRecreateWorkloadOnImmutableFieldChange | bool | false |
EnableRecreateWorkloadOnImmutableFieldChange enables the operator to recreate the fluentbit daemonset and the fluentd statefulset (and possibly other resource in the future) in case there is a change in an immutable field that otherwise couldn’t be managed with a simple update. |
logging.clusterFlows | list | [] |
ClusterFlows to deploy |
logging.clusterOutputs | list | [] |
ClusterOutputs to deploy |
logging.eventTailer | object | {} |
EventTailer config |
logging.hostTailer | object | {} |
HostTailer config |
testReceiver.enabled | bool | false |
testReceiver.image | string | "fluent/fluent-bit" |
testReceiver.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
testReceiver.port | int | 8080 |
testReceiver.args[0] | string | "-i" |
testReceiver.args[1] | string | "http" |
testReceiver.args[2] | string | "-p" |
testReceiver.args[3] | string | "port=8080" |
testReceiver.args[4] | string | "-o" |
testReceiver.args[5] | string | "stdout" |
testReceiver.resources.limits.cpu | string | "100m" |
testReceiver.resources.limits.memory | string | "50Mi" |
testReceiver.resources.requests.cpu | string | "20m" |
testReceiver.resources.requests.memory | string | "25Mi" |
Installing Fluentd and Fluent-bit via logging
The chart does not install logging
resource to deploy Fluentd (or Syslog-ng) and Fluent-bit on the cluster by default, but
it can be enabled by setting the logging.enabled
value to true.