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# The IPv4 cidr pool to create on startup if none exists. Pod IPs will be
# chosen from this range.
podCidr: ""
# kube-flannel image
image: ranchertest/flannel
# kube-flannel tag
imageTag: v0.11.0
# The interface used by canal for host <-> host communication.
# If left blank, then the interface is chosen using the node's
# default route.
iface: ""
# kube-flannel command arguments
- "--ip-masq"
- "--kube-subnet-mgr"
# Backend for kube-flannel. Backend should not be changed
# at runtime.
backend: "vxlan"
# CNI installation image.
cniImage: ranchertest/calico
# Canal node image.
nodeImage: ranchertest/calico
# Flexvol Image.
flexvolImage: ranchertest/calico
# Image tag used for all related canal images.
imageTag: v3.13.3
# Datastore type for canal. It can be either kuberentes or etcd.
datastoreType: kubernetes
# Wait for datastore to initialize.
waitForDatastore: true
# Configure route aggregation based on pod CIDR.
usePodCIDR: true
# Disable BGP routing.
networkingBackend: none
# Cluster type to identify the deployment type.
clusterType: "k8s,canal"
# Disable file logging so `kubectl logs` works.
disableFileLogging: true
# Disable IPv6 on Kubernetes.
felixIpv6Support: false
# Period, in seconds, at which felix re-applies all iptables state
felixIptablesRefreshInterval: 60
# Set Felix logging to "info".
felixLogSeverityScreen: info
# Enable felix healthcheck.
felixHealthEnabled: true
# Whether or not to masquerade traffic to destinations not within
# the pod network.
masquerade: true
# Set Felix endpoint to host default action to ACCEPT.
felixDefaultEndpointToHostAction: ACCEPT
# Configure the MTU to use.
vethuMTU: 1450
# Typha is disabled.
typhaServiceName: none