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charts/rancher-nfd | ||
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README.md | ||
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SR-IOV Network Operator Helm Chart
SR-IOV Network Operator Helm Chart provides an easy way to install, configure and manage the lifecycle of SR-IOV network operator.
SR-IOV Network Operator
SR-IOV Network Operator leverages Kubernetes CRDs and Operator SDK to configure and manage SR-IOV networks in a Kubernetes cluster.
SR-IOV Network Operator features:
- Initialize the supported SR-IOV NIC types on selected nodes.
- Provision/upgrade SR-IOV device plugin executable on selected node.
- Provision/upgrade SR-IOV CNI plugin executable on selected nodes.
- Manage configuration of SR-IOV device plugin on host.
- Generate net-att-def CRs for SR-IOV CNI plugin
- Supports operation in a virtualized Kubernetes deployment
- Discovers VFs attached to the Virtual Machine (VM)
- Does not require attached of associated PFs
- VFs can be associated to SriovNetworks by selecting the appropriate PciAddress as the RootDevice in the SriovNetworkNodePolicy
- Kubernetes v1.17+
- Helm v3
Install Helm
Helm provides an install script to copy helm binary to your system:
$ curl -fsSL -o get_helm.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helm/helm/master/scripts/get-helm-3
$ chmod 500 get_helm.sh
$ ./get_helm.sh
For additional information and methods for installing Helm, refer to the official helm website
Deploy SR-IOV Network Operator
# Install Operator
$ helm install -n sriov-network-operator --create-namespace --wait sriov-network-operator ./
# View deployed resources
$ kubectl -n sriov-network-operator get pods
In the case that Pod Security Admission is enabled, the sriov network operator namespace will require a security level of 'privileged'
$ kubectl label ns sriov-network-operator pod-security.kubernetes.io/enforce=privileged
Chart parameters
In order to tailor the deployment of the network operator to your cluster needs We have introduced the following Chart parameters.
Name | Type | Default | description |
imagePullSecrets |
list | [] |
An optional list of references to secrets to use for pulling any of the SR-IOV Network Operator image |
supportedExtraNICs |
list | [] |
An optional list of whitelisted NICs |
Operator parameters
Name | Type | Default | description |
operator.tolerations |
list | [{"key":"node-role.kubernetes.io/master","operator":"Exists","effect":"NoSchedule"},{"key":"node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane","operator":"Exists","effect":"NoSchedule"}] |
Operator's tolerations |
operator.nodeSelector |
object | {} | Operator's node selector |
operator.affinity |
object | {"nodeAffinity":{"preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution":[{"weight":1,"preference":{"matchExpressions":[{"key":"node-role.kubernetes.io/master","operator":"In","values":[""]}]}},{"weight":1,"preference":{"matchExpressions":[{"key":"node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane","operator":"In","values":[""]}]}}]}} |
Operator's afffinity configuration |
operator.nameOverride |
string | `` | Operator's resource name override |
operator.fullnameOverride |
string | `` | Operator's resource full name override |
operator.resourcePrefix |
string | openshift.io |
Device plugin resource prefix |
operator.cniBinPath |
string | /opt/cni/bin |
Path for CNI binary |
operator.clustertype |
string | kubernetes |
Cluster environment type |
Admission Controllers parameters
The admission controllers can be enabled by switching on a single parameter operator.admissionControllers.enabled
. By
default, the user needs to pre-create Kubernetes Secrets that match the names provided in
. The secrets should have 3 fields populated with the relevant
(value needs to be base64 encoded twice)tls.crt
Aside from the aforementioned mode, the chart supports 3 more modes for certificate consumption by the admission controllers, which can be found in the table below. In a nutshell, the modes that are supported are:
- Consume pre-created Certificates managed by cert-manager
- Generate self signed Certificates managed by cert-manager
- Specify the content of the certificates as Helm values
Name | Type | Default | description |
operator.admissionControllers.enabled |
bool | false | Flag that switches on the admission controllers |
operator.admissionControllers.certificates.secretNames.operator |
string | operator-webhook-cert |
Secret that stores the certificate for the Operator's admission controller |
operator.admissionControllers.certificates.secretNames.injector |
string | network-resources-injector-cert |
Secret that stores the certificate for the Network Resources Injector's admission controller |
operator.admissionControllers.certificates.certManager.enabled |
bool | false | Flag that switches on consumption of certificates managed by cert-manager |
operator.admissionControllers.certificates.certManager.generateSelfSigned |
bool | false | Flag that switches on generation of self signed certificates managed by cert-manager. The secrets in which the certificates are stored will have the names provided in operator.admissionControllers.certificates.secretNames |
operator.admissionControllers.certificates.custom.enabled |
bool | false | Flag that switches on consumption of user provided certificates that are part of operator.admissionControllers.certificates.custom.operator and operator.admissionControllers.certificates.custom.injector objects |
operator.admissionControllers.certificates.custom.operator.caCrt |
string | `` | The CA certificate to be used by the Operator's admission controller |
operator.admissionControllers.certificates.custom.operator.tlsCrt |
string | `` | The public part of the certificate to be used by the Operator's admission controller |
operator.admissionControllers.certificates.custom.operator.tlsKey |
string | `` | The private part of the certificate to be used by the Operator's admission controller |
operator.admissionControllers.certificates.custom.injector.caCrt |
string | `` | The CA certificate to be used by the Network Resources Injector's admission controller |
operator.admissionControllers.certificates.custom.injector.tlsCrt |
string | `` | The public part of the certificate to be used by the Network Resources Injector's admission controller |
operator.admissionControllers.certificates.custom.injector.tlsKey |
string | `` | The private part of the certificate to be used by the Network Resources Injector's admission controller |
SR-IOV Operator Configuration Parameters
This section contains general parameters that apply to both the operator and daemon componets of SR-IOV Network Operator.
Name | Type | Default | description |
sriovOperatorConfig.deploy |
bool | false |
deploy SriovOperatorConfig custom resource |
sriovOperatorConfig.configDaemonNodeSelector |
map[string]string | {} |
node slectors for sriov-network-config-daemon |
sriovOperatorConfig.logLevel |
int | 2 |
log level for both operator and sriov-network-config-daemon |
sriovOperatorConfig.disableDrain |
bool | false |
disable node draining when configuring SR-IOV, set to true in case of a single node cluster or any other justifiable reason |
sriovOperatorConfig.configurationMode |
string | daemon |
sriov-network-config-daemon configuration mode. either daemon or systemd |
Images parameters
Name | description |
images.operator |
Operator controller image |
images.sriovConfigDaemon |
Daemon node agent image |
images.sriovCni |
SR-IOV CNI image |
images.ibSriovCni |
InfiniBand SR-IOV CNI image |
images.sriovDevicePlugin |
SR-IOV device plugin image |
images.resourcesInjector |
Resources Injector image |
images.webhook |
Operator Webhook image |