mirror of https://git.rancher.io/charts
276 lines
8.9 KiB
276 lines
8.9 KiB
--- charts-original/values.yaml
+++ charts/values.yaml
@@ -1,14 +1,38 @@
# Default values for kube-state-metrics.
prometheusScrape: true
- repository: registry.k8s.io/kube-state-metrics/kube-state-metrics
- tag: v2.6.0
+ registry: registry.k8s.io
+ repository: kube-state-metrics/kube-state-metrics
+ # If unset use v + .Charts.appVersion
+ tag: ""
sha: ""
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
imagePullSecrets: []
# - name: "image-pull-secret"
+ cattle:
+ psp:
+ enabled: false
+ systemDefaultRegistry: ""
+ # To help compatibility with other charts which use global.imagePullSecrets.
+ # Allow either an array of {name: pullSecret} maps (k8s-style), or an array of strings (more common helm-style).
+ # global:
+ # imagePullSecrets:
+ # - name: pullSecret1
+ # - name: pullSecret2
+ # or
+ # global:
+ # imagePullSecrets:
+ # - pullSecret1
+ # - pullSecret2
+ imagePullSecrets: []
+ #
+ # Allow parent charts to override registry hostname
+ imageRegistry: ""
# If set to true, this will deploy kube-state-metrics as a StatefulSet and the data
# will be automatically sharded across <.Values.replicas> pods using the built-in
# autodiscovery feature: https://github.com/kubernetes/kube-state-metrics#automated-sharding
@@ -29,6 +53,8 @@
type: ClusterIP
nodePort: 0
loadBalancerIP: ""
+ # Only allow access to the loadBalancerIP from these IPs
+ loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
clusterIP: ""
annotations: {}
@@ -36,6 +62,9 @@
customLabels: {}
# app: kube-state-metrics
+## Override selector labels
+selectorOverride: {}
## set to true to add the release label so scraping of the servicemonitor with kube-prometheus-stack works out of the box
releaseLabel: false
@@ -58,6 +87,46 @@
# verbs: ["list", "watch"]
extraRules: []
+# Configure kube-rbac-proxy. When enabled, creates one kube-rbac-proxy container per exposed HTTP endpoint (metrics and telemetry if enabled).
+# The requests are served through the same service but requests are then HTTPS.
+ enabled: false
+ image:
+ registry: quay.io
+ repository: brancz/kube-rbac-proxy
+ tag: v0.14.0
+ sha: ""
+ pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ # List of additional cli arguments to configure kube-rbac-prxy
+ # for example: --tls-cipher-suites, --log-file, etc.
+ # all the possible args can be found here: https://github.com/brancz/kube-rbac-proxy#usage
+ extraArgs: []
+ ## Specify security settings for a Container
+ ## Allows overrides and additional options compared to (Pod) securityContext
+ ## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/#set-the-security-context-for-a-container
+ containerSecurityContext: {}
+ resources: {}
+ # We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious
+ # choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little
+ # resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following
+ # lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'.
+ # limits:
+ # cpu: 100m
+ # memory: 64Mi
+ # requests:
+ # cpu: 10m
+ # memory: 32Mi
+ ## volumeMounts enables mounting custom volumes in rbac-proxy containers
+ ## Useful for TLS certificates and keys
+ volumeMounts: []
+ # - mountPath: /etc/tls
+ # name: kube-rbac-proxy-tls
+ # readOnly: true
# Specifies whether a ServiceAccount should be created, require rbac true
create: true
@@ -75,10 +144,32 @@
enabled: false
+ annotations: {}
additionalLabels: {}
namespace: ""
jobLabel: ""
+ targetLabels: []
+ podTargetLabels: []
interval: ""
+ ## SampleLimit defines per-scrape limit on number of scraped samples that will be accepted.
+ ##
+ sampleLimit: 0
+ ## TargetLimit defines a limit on the number of scraped targets that will be accepted.
+ ##
+ targetLimit: 0
+ ## Per-scrape limit on number of labels that will be accepted for a sample. Only valid in Prometheus versions 2.27.0 and newer.
+ ##
+ labelLimit: 0
+ ## Per-scrape limit on length of labels name that will be accepted for a sample. Only valid in Prometheus versions 2.27.0 and newer.
+ ##
+ labelNameLengthLimit: 0
+ ## Per-scrape limit on length of labels value that will be accepted for a sample. Only valid in Prometheus versions 2.27.0 and newer.
+ ##
+ labelValueLengthLimit: 0
scrapeTimeout: ""
proxyUrl: ""
selectorOverride: {}
@@ -86,13 +177,20 @@
metricRelabelings: []
relabelings: []
scheme: ""
+ ## File to read bearer token for scraping targets
+ bearerTokenFile: ""
+ ## Secret to mount to read bearer token for scraping targets. The secret needs
+ ## to be in the same namespace as the service monitor and accessible by the
+ ## Prometheus Operator
+ bearerTokenSecret: {}
+ # name: secret-name
+ # key: key-name
tlsConfig: {}
## Specify if a Pod Security Policy for kube-state-metrics must be created
## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/policy/pod-security-policy/
- enabled: false
annotations: {}
## Specify pod annotations
## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/policy/pod-security-policy/#apparmor
@@ -105,16 +203,46 @@
additionalVolumes: []
+## Configure network policy for kube-state-metrics
+ enabled: false
+ # networkPolicy.flavor -- Flavor of the network policy to use.
+ # Can be:
+ # * kubernetes for networking.k8s.io/v1/NetworkPolicy
+ # * cilium for cilium.io/v2/CiliumNetworkPolicy
+ flavor: kubernetes
+ ## Configure the cilium network policy kube-apiserver selector
+ # cilium:
+ # kubeApiServerSelector:
+ # - toEntities:
+ # - kube-apiserver
+ # egress:
+ # - {}
+ # ingress:
+ # - {}
+ # podSelector:
+ # matchLabels:
+ # app.kubernetes.io/name: kube-state-metrics
enabled: true
runAsGroup: 65534
runAsUser: 65534
fsGroup: 65534
+ runAsNonRoot: true
+ seccompProfile:
+ type: RuntimeDefault
## Specify security settings for a Container
## Allows overrides and additional options compared to (Pod) securityContext
## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/#set-the-security-context-for-a-container
-containerSecurityContext: {}
+ allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
+ capabilities:
+ drop:
+ - ALL
## Node labels for pod assignment
## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/node-selection/
@@ -184,6 +312,7 @@
- horizontalpodautoscalers
- ingresses
- jobs
+ - leases
- limitranges
- mutatingwebhookconfigurations
- namespaces
@@ -202,7 +331,6 @@
- storageclasses
- validatingwebhookconfigurations
- volumeattachments
- # - verticalpodautoscalers # not a default resource, see also: https://github.com/kubernetes/kube-state-metrics#enabling-verticalpodautoscalers
# Enabling kubeconfig will pass the --kubeconfig argument to the container
@@ -210,11 +338,17 @@
# base64 encoded kube-config file
+# Enabling support for customResourceState, will create a configMap including your config that will be read from kube-state-metrics
+ enabled: false
+ # Add (Cluster)Role permissions to list/watch the customResources defined in the config to rbac.extraRules
+ config: {}
# Enable only the release namespace for collecting resources. By default all namespaces are collected.
-# If releaseNamespace and namespaces are both set only releaseNamespace will be used.
+# If releaseNamespace and namespaces are both set a merged list will be collected.
releaseNamespace: false
-# Comma-separated list of namespaces to be enabled for collecting resources. By default all namespaces are collected.
+# Comma-separated list(string) or yaml list of namespaces to be enabled for collecting resources. By default all namespaces are collected.
namespaces: ""
# Comma-separated list of namespaces not to be enabled. If namespaces and namespaces-denylist are both set,
@@ -251,6 +385,26 @@
# telemetryPort: 8081
# telemetryNodePort: 0
+# Enable vertical pod autoscaler support for kube-state-metrics
+ enabled: false
+ # List of resources that the vertical pod autoscaler can control. Defaults to cpu and memory
+ controlledResources: []
+ # Define the max allowed resources for the pod
+ maxAllowed: {}
+ # cpu: 200m
+ # memory: 100Mi
+ # Define the min allowed resources for the pod
+ minAllowed: {}
+ # cpu: 200m
+ # memory: 100Mi
+ # updatePolicy:
+ # Specifies whether recommended updates are applied when a Pod is started and whether recommended updates
+ # are applied during the life of a Pod. Possible values are "Off", "Initial", "Recreate", and "Auto".
+ # updateMode: Auto
# volumeMounts are used to add custom volume mounts to deployment.
# See example below
volumeMounts: []