# Generated credentials for minio. Used only if minio is enabled. {{- $oldkeys := (lookup "v1" "Secret" .Release.Namespace "minio-creds").data -}} {{- $accessKey := empty $oldkeys | ternary (randAlphaNum 16) (b64dec (default "" $oldkeys.accesskey)) -}} {{- $secretKey := empty $oldkeys | ternary (randAlphaNum 16) (b64dec (default "" $oldkeys.secretkey)) -}} # Minio values if minio is enabled, otherwise the user provided values {{- $s3Endpoint := include "epinio.minio-url" . -}} {{- $s3AccessKey := .Values.minio.enabled | ternary $accessKey .Values.s3.accessKeyID -}} {{- $s3SecretKey := .Values.minio.enabled | ternary $secretKey .Values.s3.secretAccessKey -}} {{- $s3Bucket := .Values.minio.enabled | ternary "epinio" .Values.s3.bucket -}} {{- $s3UseSSL := .Values.minio.enabled | ternary true .Values.s3.useSSL -}} {{- $s3Region := .Values.minio.enabled | ternary "" .Values.s3.region -}} --- # The S3 connection details as required by the staging Job (in "ini" format) apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret type: Opaque metadata: name: epinio-s3-connection-details namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} stringData: bucket: {{ $s3Bucket }} config: |- [default] region={{ $s3Region }} credentials: |- [default] aws_access_key_id={{ $s3AccessKey }} aws_secret_access_key={{ $s3SecretKey }} endpoint: {{ $s3Endpoint | quote }} useSSL: {{ $s3UseSSL | quote }} # The S3 connection details as required by minio deployment # https://github.com/minio/minio/blob/8ae46bce937567e682d14f7fe845b8ff67e549d2/helm/minio/values.yaml#L81 # Secrets get created first so Minio should find it there when it needs it. # https://github.com/helm/helm/blob/release-3.0/pkg/releaseutil/kind_sorter.go --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret type: Opaque metadata: name: minio-creds namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} stringData: rootUser: {{ $s3AccessKey | quote }} rootPassword: {{ $s3SecretKey | quote }} accesskey: {{ $s3AccessKey | quote }} secretkey: {{ $s3SecretKey | quote }}