# Default values for rancher-windows-exporter. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. # Configuration global: cattle: systemDefaultRegistry: "" rkeWindowsPathPrefix: "c:\\" # Configure ServiceMonitor that monitors metrics serviceMonitor: enabled: true ## Components scraping metrics from Windows nodes ## clients: enabled: true port: 9796 image: repository: rancher/windows_exporter-package tag: v0.0.1 os: "windows" # Specify the IP addresses of nodes that you want to collect metrics from endpoints: [] # Get more details on https://github.com/prometheus-community/windows_exporter args: [] env: {} enabledCollectors: "net,os,service,system,cpu,cs,logical_disk,tcp,memory,container" # Resource limits resources: {} # Options to select nodes to target for scraping Windows metrics nodeSelector: {} # Note: {kubernetes.io/os: windows} is default and cannot be overridden tolerations: [] # Note: if not specified, the default option is to use [{operator: Exists}] # Image Pull Secrets for the service account used by the clients imagePullSecrets: {} proxy: resources: {}