  repository: rancher/fleet-agent
  tag: v0.3.1

# The public URL of the Kubernetes API server running the Fleet Manager must be set here
# Example:
apiServerURL: ""

# The the pem encoded value of the CA of the Kubernetes API server running the Fleet Manager.
# If left empty it is assumed this Kubernetes API TLS is signed by a well known CA.
apiServerCA: ""

# The cluster registration value
token: ""

# Labels to add to the cluster upon registration only. They are not added after the fact.
#  foo: bar

# The client ID of the cluster to associate with
clientID: ""

# The namespace of the cluster we are register with
clusterNamespace: ""

# The namespace containing the clusters registration secrets
systemRegistrationNamespace: fleet-clusters-system

# Please do not change the below setting unless you really know what you are doing
  systemNamespace: fleet-system
  managedReleaseName: fleet-agent

    systemDefaultRegistry: ""
    repository: rancher/kubectl
    tag: v1.18.6