#!/bin/bash # Requires yq v4+ ROOT_DIR=../.. ASSETS_DIR=$ROOT_DIR/assets INDEX_PATH=$ROOT_DIR/index.yaml UPSTREAM_REMOTE=upstream UPSTREAM_BRANCH=release-v2.9 OLD_UPSTREAM_BRANCH=release-v2.8 git fetch ${UPSTREAM_REMOTE} # may need to use parenthesis instead of double quotes in some systems for it to work as an array # requiredAnnotations="catalog.cattle.io/rancher-version catalog.cattle.io/kube-version catalog.cattle.io/permits-os" declare -a requiredAnnotations=(catalog.cattle.io/rancher-version catalog.cattle.io/kube-version catalog.cattle.io/permits-os) for asset in $(find $ASSETS_DIR -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -name "*.tgz" | sort | xargs); do if printf '%s\n' "${exclude[@]}" | grep -F -x ${asset} 1>/dev/null; then echo "skipping ${asset}" continue fi if [[ $ROOT_DIR ]]; then chart=$ROOT_DIR/charts/$(basename ${asset} | sed 's/-\([0-9][-0-9\.a-z\+]*\).tgz/\/\1/' ) else chart=charts/$(basename ${asset} | sed 's/-\([0-9][-0-9\.a-z\+]*\).tgz/\/\1/' ) fi if git show ${UPSTREAM_REMOTE}/${UPSTREAM_BRANCH}:${chart} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then echo "Skipping checking annotation on already released chart ${chart}" continue fi chartname=$(echo ${chart#"$ROOT_DIR/"} | cut -d'/' -f2) chartversion=$(basename ${chart}) exists_in_25=$(yq e ".entries.*.[] | select(.name == \"${chartname}\" and .version == \"${chartversion}\")" <(git show ${UPSTREAM_REMOTE}/${OLD_UPSTREAM_BRANCH}:${INDEX_PATH})) if [[ -n ${exists_in_25} ]]; then echo "Skipping checking annotation on forward-ported chart ${chart}" continue fi echo "Checking annotations on chart ${chart}" chartYaml=${chart}/Chart.yaml if ! [[ -f ${chartYaml} ]]; then echo "${chartYaml} does not exist" break fi chartName=$(echo ${chart#"$ROOT_DIR/"} | cut -d'/' -f2) chartVersion=$(echo ${chart#"$ROOT_DIR/"} | cut -d'/' -f3) for key in version appVersion annotations description icon kubeVersion; do chartContent=$(yq e ".${key}" ${chartYaml} | sort) indexContent=$(yq e ".entries.${chartName}[] | select(.version == \"${chartVersion}\" and .name == \"${chartName}\") | .${key}" ${INDEX_PATH} | sort) if [[ ${chartContent} != ${indexContent} ]]; then echo "ERROR: Contents of Chart.yaml for key '${key}' differs from index.yaml" echo "" echo "Expected:\n${chartContent}" echo "Found:\n${indexContent}" echo "" fi if [[ ${key} != "annotations" ]]; then continue fi for requiredAnnotation in "${requiredAnnotations[@]}"; do if echo ${chartContent} | grep "catalog.cattle.io/hidden" 1>/dev/null; then echo "Skipping checking annotation on chart with hidden annotation ${chart}" break fi if ! echo ${chartContent} | grep ${requiredAnnotation} 1>/dev/null; then echo "WARN: Chart.yaml missing '${requiredAnnotation}'" fi done done done