  repository: rancher/fleet
  tag: v0.9.6
  imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent

  repository: rancher/fleet-agent
  tag: v0.9.6
  imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent

# For cluster registration the public URL of the Kubernetes API server must be set here
# Example:
apiServerURL: ""

# For cluster registration the pem encoded value of the CA of the Kubernetes API server must be set here
# If left empty it is assumed this Kubernetes API TLS is signed by a well known CA.
apiServerCA: ""

# Determines whether the agent should trust CA bundles from the operating system's trust store when connecting to a
# management cluster. True in `system-store` mode, false in `strict` mode.
agentTLSMode: "system-store"

# A duration string for how often agents should report a heartbeat
agentCheckinInterval: "15m"

# Whether you want to allow cluster upon registration to specify their labels.
ignoreClusterRegistrationLabels: false

# Counts from gitrepo are out of sync with bundleDeployment state.
# Just retry in a number of seconds as there is no great way to trigger an event that doesn't cause a loop.
# If not set default is 15 seconds.
# clusterEnqueueDelay: 120s

# http[s] proxy server
# proxy: http://<username>@<password>:<url>:<port>

# comma separated list of domains or ip addresses that will not use the proxy

  enabled: true
  # The namespace that will be autocreated and the local cluster will be registered in
  namespace: fleet-local
  # The namespace where the fleet agent for the local cluster will be ran, if empty
  # this will default to cattle-fleet-system
  agentNamespace: ""
  # A repo to add at install time that will deploy to the local cluster. This allows
  # one to fully bootstrap fleet, its configuration and all its downstream clusters
  # in one shot.
  repo: ""
  secret: ""
  branch: master
  paths: ""

    systemDefaultRegistry: ""

## Node labels for pod assignment
## Ref:
nodeSelector: {}
## List of node taints to tolerate (requires Kubernetes >= 1.6)
tolerations: []

## PriorityClassName assigned to deployment.
priorityClassName: ""

  enabled: true

debug: false
debugLevel: 0
propagateDebugSettingsToAgents: true

## Optional CPU pprof configuration. Profiles are collected continuously and saved every period
## Any valid volume configuration can be provided, the example below uses hostPath
#  period: "60s"
#  volumeConfiguration:
#    hostPath:
#      path: /tmp/pprof
#      type: DirectoryOrCreate

  clusterRegistrationCleanup: true