# Default values for rancher-pushprox. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. # Default image containing both the proxy and the client was generated from the following Dockerfile # https://github.com/prometheus-community/PushProx/blob/eeadbe766641699129920ccfaaaa30a85c67fe81/Dockerfile#L1-L15 # Note: if using a cloud provider, the nodes that contain the PushProxy client must allow the node(s) that contain(s) # the PushProxy proxy to communicate with it on port {{ .Values.clients.port }}. If you have special restrictions, # (i.e. client should only run on etcd nodes and only control plane should have access to the port on the etcd node), # you will need to set the clients / proxy nodeSelector and tolerations accordingly # Configuration # The component that is being monitored (i.e. etcd) component: "component" # The port containing the metrics that need to be scraped metricsPort: 2739 # Configure ServiceMonitor that monitors metrics from the metricsPort endpoint serviceMonitor: enabled: true clients: enabled: true # The port which the PushProx client will post PushProx metrics to port: 9369 # If unset, this will default to the URL for the proxy service: http://pushprox-{{component}}-proxy.{{namepsace}}.svc.cluster.local:{{proxy.port}} # Should be modified if the clients are being deployed outside the cluster where the proxy rests, otherwise leave it null proxyUrl: "" # If set to true, the client will forward any requests from the host IP to # It will only allow proxy requests to the metricsPort specified useLocalhost: false # Configuration for accessing metrics via HTTPS https: # Does the client require https to access the metrics? enabled: false # If set to true, the client will create a service account with adequate permissions and set a flag # on the client to use the service account token provided by it to make authorized scrape requests useServiceAccountCredentials: false # If set to true, the client will disable SSL security checks insecureSkipVerify: false # Directory on host where necessary TLS cert and key to scrape metrics can be found certDir: "" # Filenames for files located in .Values.clients.https.certDir that correspond to TLS settings certFile: "" keyFile: "" caCertFile: "" # Resource limits resources: {} # Options to select all nodes to deploy client DaemonSet on nodeSelector: {} tolerations: [] image: repository: rancher/pushprox-client tag: v0.1.0-rancher1-client command: ["pushprox-client"] proxy: enabled: true # The port through which PushProx clients will communicate to the proxy port: 8080 # Resource limits resources: {} # Options to select a node to run a single proxy deployment on nodeSelector: {} tolerations: [] image: repository: rancher/pushprox-proxy tag: v0.1.0-rancher1-proxy command: ["pushprox-proxy"]