image: empty: rancher/pause:3.1 repository: "rancher/mirrored-elemental-operator" tag: "1.3.4" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent seedImage: repository: "rancher/mirrored-elemental-seedimage-builder" tag: "1.3.4" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent channel: repository: "" tag: "" # number of operator replicas to deploy replicas: 1 # http[s] proxy server # proxy: http://@:: # comma separated list of domains or ip addresses that will not use the proxy noProxy:,,,,.svc,.cluster.local global: cattle: systemDefaultRegistry: "" # used only if systemDefaultRegistry is empty registryUrl: "" # enable debug output for operator debug: false nodeSelector: linux tolerations: - key: operator: "Equal" value: "linux" effect: NoSchedule