nameOverride: "kiali" fullnameOverride: "kiali" # This is required for "openshift" auth strategy. # You have to know ahead of time what your Route URL will be because # right now the helm chart can't figure this out at runtime (it would # need to wait for the Kiali Route to be deployed and for OpenShift # to start it up). If someone knows how to update this helm chart to # do this, a PR would be welcome. kiali_route_url: "" # rancher specific override that allows proxy access to kiali url web_root_override: true # # Settings that mimic the Kiali CR which are placed in the ConfigMap. # Note that only those values used by the Helm Chart will be here. # istio_namespace: "" # default is where Kiali is installed auth: openid: {} openshift: {} strategy: "" deployment: # This only limits what Kiali will attempt to see, but Kiali Service Account has permissions to see everything. # For more control over what the Kial Service Account can see, use the Kiali Operator accessible_namespaces: - "**" additional_service_yaml: {} affinity: node: {} pod: {} pod_anti: {} custom_dashboards: excludes: [''] includes: ['*'] repository: rancher/kiali-kiali image_pull_policy: "Always" image_pull_secrets: [] tag: v1.23.0 ingress_enabled: true node_selector: {} override_ingress_yaml: metadata: {} pod_annotations: {} priority_class_name: "" replicas: 1 resources: {} secret_name: "kiali" service_annotations: {} service_type: "" tolerations: [] verbose_mode: "3" version_label: v1.23.0 view_only_mode: false identity: {} #cert_file: #private_key_file: login_token: signing_key: "" server: port: 20001 metrics_enabled: true metrics_port: 9090 web_root: "" # Common settings used among istio subcharts. global: # Specify rancher clusterId of external tracing config # cattle: systemDefaultRegistry: "" clusterId: