certificates: certManager: # Enable cert manager integration. Cert manager should be already installed at the k8s cluster enabled: true version: "" # If cert-manager integration is disabled, upload certs data (ca.crt, tls.crt and tls.key) as k8s secretName in the namespace secretName: gmsa-server-cert credential: enabled: true domainJoinConfig: dnsName: "" #DNS Domain Name dnsTreeName: "" #DNS Domain Name Root guid: "" #GUID machineAccountName: "" #Username of the GMSA account netBiosName: "" #NETBIOS Domain Name sid: "" #SID of GMSA image: repository: rancher/mirrored-sigwindowstools-k8s-gmsa-webhook tag: v0.3.0 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent global: cattle: systemDefaultRegistry: "" kubectl: repository: rancher/kubectl tag: v1.22.6 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent ## SecurityContext holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings. ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/ ## podSecurityContext: runAsNonRoot: false # Currently, required to run as root due to port binding within the container. runAsUser: 0 securityContext: {} tolerations: []