overlayFile: "" tag: 1.18.2 ##Setting forceInstall: true will remove the check for istio version < 1.6.x and will not analyze your install cluster prior to install forceInstall: false installer: repository: rancher/istio-installer tag: 1.18.2-rancher1 ##releaseMirror are configurations for istio upgrades. ##Setting releaseMirror.enabled: true will cause istio to use bundled in images from rancher/istio-installer to perfom an upgrade - this is ideal ##for airgap setups. Setting releaseMirror.enabled to false means istio will call externally to github to fetch the required assets. releaseMirror: enabled: false ##Set the secondsSleep to run a sleep command `sleep <secondsSleep>s` to allow time to exec into istio-installer pod for debugging debug: secondsSleep: 0 ##Native support for dns added in 1.8 dns: enabled: false base: enabled: true cni: enabled: false repository: rancher/mirrored-istio-install-cni # If you wish to troubleshoot Istio, you can switch to regular images by uncommenting the following tag and deleting # the distroless tag: # tag: 1.18.2 tag: 1.18.2-distroless logLevel: info excludeNamespaces: - istio-system - kube-system egressGateways: enabled: false type: NodePort hpaSpec: {} podDisruptionBudget: {} ingressGateways: enabled: true type: NodePort hpaSpec: {} podDisruptionBudget: {} istiodRemote: enabled: false pilot: enabled: true repository: rancher/mirrored-istio-pilot # If you wish to troubleshoot Istio, you can switch to regular images by uncommenting the following tag and deleting # the distroless tag: # tag: 1.18.2 tag: 1.18.2-distroless hpaSpec: {} podDisruptionBudget: {} telemetry: enabled: true v2: enabled: true global: cattle: systemDefaultRegistry: "" psp: enabled: false proxy: repository: rancher/mirrored-istio-proxyv2 # If you wish to troubleshoot Istio, you can switch to regular images by uncommenting the following tag and deleting # the distroless tag: # tag: 1.18.2 tag: 1.18.2-distroless proxy_init: repository: rancher/mirrored-istio-proxyv2 # If you wish to troubleshoot Istio, you can switch to regular images by uncommenting the following tag and deleting # the distroless tag: # tag: 1.18.2 tag: 1.18.2-distroless defaultPodDisruptionBudget: enabled: true # Kiali subchart from rancher-kiali-server kiali: enabled: true # If you wish to change the authentication you can check the options in the Kiali documentation https://kiali.io/docs/configuration/authentication/ auth: strategy: anonymous server: web_root: / deployment: ingress_enabled: false external_services: prometheus: custom_metrics_url: "http://rancher-monitoring-prometheus.cattle-monitoring-system.svc:9090" url: "http://rancher-monitoring-prometheus.cattle-monitoring-system.svc:9090" tracing: in_cluster_url: "http://tracing.istio-system.svc:16686/jaeger" use_grpc: false grafana: in_cluster_url: "http://rancher-monitoring-grafana.cattle-monitoring-system.svc:80" url: "http://rancher-monitoring-grafana.cattle-monitoring-system.svc:80" tracing: enabled: false contextPath: "/jaeger" ## Node labels for pod assignment ## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/node-selection/ ## nodeSelector: {} ## List of node taints to tolerate (requires Kubernetes >= 1.6) tolerations: []