Nick Gerace
(dev-v2.6-archive) Fix logging 3.10.0 and remove bad chart
(partially cherry picked from commit c320d24d50 )
2022-01-06 11:33:59 -08:00 |
Jiaqi Luo
(dev-v2.6-archive) Update rancher-pushprox to support overriding namespace and switching the workload type of the client between Deployment and DaemonSet by adding replicas and affinity in pod.spec
(partially cherry picked from commit 8bf9b82e91 )
2022-01-06 11:33:58 -08:00 |
Jacob Payne
(dev-v2.6-archive) Fix/issue 33092 (#1254)
* removed rke2 containers logging and added some extra settings to the fluentbit configmap
* charts
(partially cherry picked from commit ba4492b7d4 )
2022-01-06 11:33:55 -08:00 |
Arvind Iyengar
(dev-v2.6-archive) Checkout current packages from dev-v2.5-source
git fetch upstream
git checkout upstream/dev-v2.5-source -- packages; git reset HEAD; git checkout -- packages/
(partially cherry picked from commit 551327b14e )
2022-01-06 11:33:32 -08:00 |