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# Epinio Helm Chart
From app to URL in one command.
## Introduction
This chart deploys Epinio PaaS on a Kubernetes cluster. It also deploys some of
its dependencies as subcharts.
The documentation is centralized in the [doc website](https://docs.epinio.io).
## Prerequisites
Epinio needs a number of external components to be running on your cluster in order to
work. You may already have those deployed, otherwise follow the instructions here
to deploy them.
Important: Some of the namespaces of the components are hardcoded in the Epinio
code and thus are important to be the same as described here. In the future this
may be configurable on the Epinio Helm chart.
### Ingress Controller
Epinio creates Ingress resources for the API server, the applications and depending
on your setup, the internal container registry. Those resources won't work unless
an Ingress controller is running on your cluster.
If you don't have an Ingress controller already running, you can install Traefik with:
$ kubectl create namespace traefik
$ export LOAD_BALANCER_IP=$(LOAD_BALANCER_IP:-) # Set this to the IP of your load balancer if you know that
$ helm install traefik --namespace traefik "https://helm.traefik.io/traefik/traefik-10.3.4.tgz" \
--set globalArguments='' \
--set-string ports.web.redirectTo=websecure \
--set-string ingressClass.enabled=true \
--set-string ingressClass.isDefaultClass=true \
--set-string service.spec.loadBalancerIP=$LOAD_BALANCER_IP
### Cert Manager
Epinio needs [cert-manager](https://cert-manager.io/) in order to create TLS
certificates for the various Ingresses (see "Ingress controller" above).
If cert-manager is not already installed on the cluster, it can be installed like this:
$ kubectl create namespace cert-manager
$ helm repo add jetstack https://charts.jetstack.io
$ helm repo update
$ helm install cert-manager --namespace cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \
--set installCRDs=true \
--set extraArgs[0]=--enable-certificate-owner-ref=true
### Kubed
Kubed is installed as a subchart when `.Values.kubed.enabled` is true (default).
If you already have kubed running, you can skip the installation by setting
the helm value "kubed.enabled" to "false".
### S3 storage
Epinio is using an S3 compatible storage to store the application source code.
This chart will install [Minio](https://min.io/) when `.Values.minio.enabled` is
true (default).
This chart will install [s3gw](https://s3gw.io/) when `.Values.s3gw.enabled` is
Any S3 compatible solution can be used instead by setting the aforementioned values
to `false` and using [the values under `s3`](https://github.com/epinio/helm-charts/blob/main/chart/epinio/values.yaml#L44)
to point to the desired S3 server.
### Container Registry
When Epinio builds a container image for an application from source, it needs
to store that image to a container registry. Epinio installs a container registry
on the cluster when `.Values.containerregistry.enabled` is `true` (default).
Any container registry that supports basic auth authentication can be used (e.g. gcr, dockerhub etc)
instead by setting this value to `false` and using
[the values under `registry`](https://github.com/epinio/helm-charts/blob/main/chart/epinio/values.yaml#L104-L107)
to point to the desired container registry.
## Install Epinio
If the above dependencies are available or going to be installed by this chart,
Epinio can be installed with the following:
$ helm repo add epinio https://epinio.github.io/helm-charts/
$ helm install epinio -n epinio --create-namespace epinio/epinio --values epinio-values.yaml --set global.domain=myepiniodomain.org
The only value that is mandatory is the `.Values.global.domain` which
should be a wildcard domain, pointing to the IP address of your running
Ingress controller.