+`controller.resources` | Add resources requests and limits to controller deployment | `{}` | see examples in [values.yaml](https://github.com/neuvector/neuvector-helm/tree/2.4.2/charts/core/values.yaml)
`controller.federation.mastersvc.ingress.ingressClassName` | To be used instead of the ingress.class annotation if an IngressClass is provisioned | `""` |
`controller.federation.mastersvc.ingress.secretName` | Name of the secret to be used for TLS-encryption | `nil` | Secret must be created separately (Let's encrypt, manually)
`controller.federation.mastersvc.ingress.path` | Set ingress path |`/` | If set, it might be necessary to set a rewrite rule in annotations.
-`controller.federation.mastersvc.ingress.annotations` | Add annotations to ingress to influence behavior | `nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol: "HTTPS"` | see examples in [values.yaml](values.yaml)
+`controller.federation.mastersvc.ingress.annotations` | Add annotations to ingress to influence behavior | `nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol: "HTTPS"` | see examples in [values.yaml](https://github.com/neuvector/neuvector-helm/tree/2.4.2/charts/core/values.yaml)
`controller.federation.managedsvc.type` | Multi-cluster managed cluster service type. If specified, the deployment will be managed by the managed clsuter. Possible values include NodePort, LoadBalancer and ClusterIP. | `nil` |
`controller.federation.managedsvc.ingress.ingressClassName` | To be used instead of the ingress.class annotation if an IngressClass is provisioned | `""` |
`controller.federation.managedsvc.ingress.secretName` | Name of the secret to be used for TLS-encryption | `nil` | Secret must be created separately (Let's encrypt, manually)
`controller.federation.managedsvc.ingress.path` | Set ingress path |`/` | If set, it might be necessary to set a rewrite rule in annotations.
-`controller.federation.managedsvc.ingress.annotations` | Add annotations to ingress to influence behavior | `nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol: "HTTPS"` | see examples in [values.yaml](values.yaml)
+`controller.federation.managedsvc.ingress.annotations` | Add annotations to ingress to influence behavior | `nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol: "HTTPS"` | see examples in [values.yaml](https://github.com/neuvector/neuvector-helm/tree/2.4.2/charts/core/values.yaml)
`controller.ingress.enabled` | If true, create ingress for rest api, must also set ingress host value | `false` | enable this if ingress controller is installed
`controller.ingress.tls` | If true, TLS is enabled for controller rest api ingress service |`false` | If set, the tls-host used is the one set with `controller.ingress.host`.
`controller.ingress.host` | Must set this host value if ingress is enabled | `nil` |
`controller.ingress.secretName` | Name of the secret to be used for TLS-encryption | `nil` | Secret must be created separately (Let's encrypt, manually)
`controller.ingress.path` | Set ingress path |`/` | If set, it might be necessary to set a rewrite rule in annotations.
-`controller.ingress.annotations` | Add annotations to ingress to influence behavior | `nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol: "HTTPS"` | see examples in [values.yaml](values.yaml)
+`controller.ingress.annotations` | Add annotations to ingress to influence behavior | `nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol: "HTTPS"` | see examples in [values.yaml](https://github.com/neuvector/neuvector-helm/tree/2.4.2/charts/core/values.yaml)
`enforcer.tolerations` | List of node taints to tolerate | `- effect: NoSchedule`<br>`key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master` | other taints can be added after the default
-`enforcer.resources` | Add resources requests and limits to enforcer deployment | `{}` | see examples in [values.yaml](values.yaml)
+`enforcer.resources` | Add resources requests and limits to enforcer deployment | `{}` | see examples in [values.yaml](https://github.com/neuvector/neuvector-helm/tree/2.4.2/charts/core/values.yaml)
`manager.env.ssl` | If false, manager will listen on HTTP access instead of HTTPS | `true` |
`manager.svc.type` | set manager service type for native Kubernetes | `NodePort`;<br>if it is OpenShift platform or ingress is enabled, then default is `ClusterIP` | set to LoadBalancer if using cloud providers, such as Azure, Amazon, Google
`manager.svc.loadBalancerIP` | if manager service type is LoadBalancer, this is used to specify the load balancer's IP | `nil` |
-`manager.svc.annotations` | Add annotations to manager service | `{}` | see examples in [values.yaml](values.yaml)
+`manager.svc.annotations` | Add annotations to manager service | `{}` | see examples in [values.yaml](https://github.com/neuvector/neuvector-helm/tree/2.4.2/charts/core/values.yaml)
-`manager.ingress.annotations` | Add annotations to ingress to influence behavior | `nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol: "HTTPS"` | see examples in [values.yaml](values.yaml)
+`manager.ingress.annotations` | Add annotations to ingress to influence behavior | `nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol: "HTTPS"` | see examples in [values.yaml](https://github.com/neuvector/neuvector-helm/tree/2.4.2/charts/core/values.yaml)
`manager.ingress.tls` | If true, TLS is enabled for manager ingress service |`false` | If set, the tls-host used is the one set with `manager.ingress.host`.
`manager.ingress.secretName` | Name of the secret to be used for TLS-encryption | `nil` | Secret must be created separately (Let's encrypt, manually)
-`manager.resources` | Add resources requests and limits to manager deployment | `{}` | see examples in [values.yaml](values.yaml)
+`manager.resources` | Add resources requests and limits to manager deployment | `{}` | see examples in [values.yaml](https://github.com/neuvector/neuvector-helm/tree/2.4.2/charts/core/values.yaml)
+`cve.scanner.resources` | Add resources requests and limits to scanner deployment | `{}` | see examples in [values.yaml](https://github.com/neuvector/neuvector-helm/tree/2.4.2/charts/core/values.yaml) |