2021-05-17 22:30:18 +00:00
# Rancher
{{- define "system_default_registry" -}}
{{- if .Values.global.cattle.systemDefaultRegistry -}}
{{- printf "%s/" .Values.global.cattle.systemDefaultRegistry -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
# General
Create a default fully qualified app name.
We truncate at 63 chars because some Kubernetes name fields are limited to this (by the DNS naming spec).
If release name contains chart name it will be used as a full name.
The components in this chart create additional resources that expand the longest created name strings.
The longest name that gets created adds and extra 37 characters, so truncation should be 63-35=26.
{{- define "windowsExporter.name" -}}
{{ printf "%s-windows-exporter" .Release.Name }}
{{- end -}}
{{- define "windowsExporter.namespace" -}}
{{- default .Release.Namespace .Values.namespaceOverride -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- define "windowsExporter.labels" -}}
k8s-app: {{ template "windowsExporter.name" . }}
release: {{ .Release.Name }}
component: "windows-exporter"
provider: kubernetes
{{- end -}}
# Client
{{- define "windowsExporter.client.nodeSelector" -}}
{{- if semverCompare "<1.14-0" .Capabilities.KubeVersion.GitVersion -}}
beta.kubernetes.io/os: windows
{{- else -}}
kubernetes.io/os: windows
{{- end -}}
{{- if .Values.clients.nodeSelector }}
{{ toYaml .Values.clients.nodeSelector }}
{{- end }}
{{- end -}}
{{- define "windowsExporter.client.tolerations" -}}
{{- if .Values.clients.tolerations -}}
{{ toYaml .Values.clients.tolerations }}
{{- else -}}
- operator: Exists
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- define "windowsExporter.client.env" -}}
value: {{ required "Need .Values.clients.port to figure out where to get metrics from" .Values.clients.port | quote }}
{{- if .Values.clients.enabledCollectors }}
value: {{ .Values.clients.enabledCollectors | quote }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .Values.clients.env }}
{{ toYaml .Values.clients.env }}
{{- end }}
{{- end -}}
{{- define "windowsExporter.validatePathPrefix" -}}
{{- if .Values.global.cattle.rkeWindowsPathPrefix -}}
{{- $prefixPath := (.Values.global.cattle.rkeWindowsPathPrefix | replace "/" "\\") -}}
{{- if (not (hasSuffix "\\" $prefixPath)) -}}
{{- fail (printf ".Values.global.cattle.rkeWindowsPathPrefix must end in '/' or '\\', found %s" $prefixPath) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
2021-06-09 00:51:29 +00:00
{{- define "windowsExporter.renamedMetrics" -}}
{{- $renamed := dict -}}
{{/* v0.15.0 */}}
{{- $_ := set $renamed "windows_mssql_transactions_active_total" "windows_mssql_transactions_active" -}}
{{/* v0.16.0 */}}
{{- $_ := set $renamed "windows_adfs_ad_login_connection_failures" "windows_adfs_ad_login_connection_failures_total" -}}
{{- $_ := set $renamed "windows_adfs_certificate_authentications" "windows_adfs_certificate_authentications_total" -}}
{{- $_ := set $renamed "windows_adfs_device_authentications" "windows_adfs_device_authentications_total" -}}
{{- $_ := set $renamed "windows_adfs_extranet_account_lockouts" "windows_adfs_extranet_account_lockouts_total" -}}
{{- $_ := set $renamed "windows_adfs_federated_authentications" "windows_adfs_federated_authentications_total" -}}
{{- $_ := set $renamed "windows_adfs_passport_authentications" "windows_adfs_passport_authentications_total" -}}
{{- $_ := set $renamed "windows_adfs_password_change_failed" "windows_adfs_password_change_failed_total" -}}
{{- $_ := set $renamed "windows_adfs_password_change_succeeded" "windows_adfs_password_change_succeeded_total" -}}
{{- $_ := set $renamed "windows_adfs_token_requests" "windows_adfs_token_requests_total" -}}
{{- $_ := set $renamed "windows_adfs_windows_integrated_authentications" "windows_adfs_windows_integrated_authentications_total" -}}
{{- $_ := set $renamed "windows_net_packets_outbound_errors" "windows_net_packets_outbound_errors_total" -}}
{{- $_ := set $renamed "windows_net_packets_received_discarded" "windows_net_packets_received_discarded_total" -}}
{{- $_ := set $renamed "windows_net_packets_received_errors" "windows_net_packets_received_errors_total" -}}
{{- $_ := set $renamed "windows_net_packets_received_total" "windows_net_packets_received_total_total" -}}
{{- $_ := set $renamed "windows_net_packets_received_unknown" "windows_net_packets_received_unknown_total" -}}
{{- $_ := set $renamed "windows_dns_memory_used_bytes_total" "windows_dns_memory_used_bytes" -}}
{{- $renamed | toJson -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- define "windowsExporter.renamedMetricsRelabeling" -}}
{{- range $original, $new := (include "windowsExporter.renamedMetrics" . | fromJson) -}}
- sourceLabels: [__name__]
regex: {{ $original }}
replacement: '{{ $new }}'
targetLabel: __name__
{{ end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- define "windowsExporter.renamedMetricsRules" -}}
{{- range $original, $new := (include "windowsExporter.renamedMetrics" . | fromJson) -}}
- record: {{ $original }}
expr: {{ $new }}
{{ end -}}
{{- end -}}